HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Cooner Addition (Jan 1940) Pg 1'�'.L '. T. _,:i_. T • r �! , a. T .,.... .^..."^:,^ b ;T[••x •.Y.._ .7"'.' •Ii�.rt�tfl^. � ri''�T,C•��TN.. E ....t .• t � E A , � 7 152 •{:S x' ::,tr -r•mr+ '"�.�---.--.-„.•�-..r a.�«.� � a,..-c kf>,� -'Yr a.•.'.,,,..•�.,.�....,-,•...Ta—•.��—.-,•.r.�-=—•.-`�•....,,-�...,....•.t.-tar m,z,....t •..r;r-,r ...- tract of and in the Richard Carter Survey,•Brazoa County, Tetas, the same to be known. t ' as THE COONER�ADDITION to. the City of College Station, Texas, and being a portion of s �. 1691 acre•tract.of land conveyed to I. P. Oooner by W. S. Barron and wife, by deed "dated October'2, 1919, and recorded in Volume 49', page 619, of the Brazos County Deed• s Records, and•we hereby dedicate to the use'of the public for road, street and alley purposes, all interest we have in the streets and alleys shown •on said map.' E l There is speoially,reserved, however, a strip on each side of the street t shown on this plat, running back ten feet from the curb line of each street, if necessary, to be used for utilities and the various conveyances of said lots will be charged with this restriction. ' V�itness our hands, this the 6th day of January; 1940. I. P. Cooner Mrs. Martha Cooner �E THE STATE OF. TEXAS �• COUNTY ;OF• BRAZOci BEFORE LT, the undersigned authority, on.this day personally appeared I. P. ( Cooner and wife Mrs. Martha Cooner, both known to me to be the persons whose names are i' subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to that they each executed' -the same for the' purposes and oonsideration.therein.expressed, and'the said Mrs, Martha Cooner wife of the said I. P. Cooner having Veen'examined by me privily and apart from her, husband and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said Mrs. Martha . F Cooner•'.acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and she declared that she`d`. ` had willingly signed the same for the purposes and oonsidercttion therein expressed,,”' and that she did not wish to retract t\. Given under my hand and seal df office, this the 6th day of January, 1940.' rr. S. Barron, Notary Public, Brazos County,- '• (S�) T e x a a. .1 a The fore oine is a true oopy of the original instrument which was filed for record on'the '-13th'day' of Jany A.D. 1940 at 111:50 0Iolock a.m. and duly recorded on the 15th day of zany A.D, 1940 at 9 o'clock a.m, to which I certify � 4 4 r rr }t V,o •s}�, ,�y C. C.B.Cy+r � . • 'Deputy r THE NATE OF TEXAS] , -COUNTY OF `BRAZ,:6 -`0 IMMI ALL 1.1} BY THESE FR&, -,TTS: That I, }..J, Coulter .of. the County of Braazos,. State• of . Texaa for and in oonrideration of the sum of TV,1ELVL INNDTtED AND FIFTY AND N0/100 (01250.00) Dollars, tome paid, and secuted to be paid, by W 13, V+ilson!.' • ` � ae follows: • 1.•..V TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY AND N0/100 Dollars (0250.00) cash, in hand paid the receipt of , k .ailoh is hereby acknowledged, and ten Vendors Lien notes totaling 41000.00, each note - r f for the sum of 4100.00,each,•payable on or before the first day of January, Note No. l • for 0100.00 payablo on or before. January 11, 1941, note No. 2 for 4100.00 ,payable^on or r before January l; 1942, Note No. 3, for 0100.00 payable on or before January 1, •'1943, }` Note No. 4, for $100.00 payable on or before January 1, 1944, Note No: 5,-for 4100.00 t payable on or before'Januiry 1, 1945, Note No. b, for $$100.00 payable on or before January 1., 1946, .Note Ido. 7 for 4100.00 payable, on or before. January 1, 1947, Note. No'. • 8, for '.4100.00 payable on or before January•1,'1948, Note "o. 9, for X100.00 payable on or ' .before January 1, 1949, Note No. 10 for 4100.00 payable on or before January 1, 1950, all notes ,payable at ,Bryan, Texas said ten notes bearing interest .from date at' the, • rate of 7 per cent per annum, interest payable annually at Bryan, Texas past p