HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Park (Edelweiss Gartens)u— / 0' P. f U+d^' CE An I OF CANERSNIP AND DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS CWNTY OF BRAZOS 1, EML W Ise � VENTIME, draw a" MVWper 0 he k�M tlwwn an tlY pad aM aWpn MrNn m 1M yyj/,Y�e ZWe EN WE ip,�al^�P1� WIC SItlNLlwao�bam T4d, WMr+leea flsreb. Nene& m r a 11n pMk Mer, ON day; seevrawats. antl pude place p Uxrnn sM1awn Iw IM1a Wmaes and CaWderallen tMrtln m cmdw uMsaE. �a1/-' IY.W'1 Gnaml a�.r54Phen .Man Been me. IM amenlanea mmorty. an upea n day personally apred nowSbe4.. O-dan hewn to nto M portion the peon apw dune h cope -- to tad reagaing I emurra t, and aekrroMaged Ed has that he n W 0w some tar Bae m, ON aeee� y47 o 1MMn dettl. T Rel 10 ^rJ Iw" and est w NO soy m /� r �„ Poxpv lbmn Ma, Bmxoe Cealfy. Te vwn of Beginning S affnif W — _ I PAa9d OfferOffer«�.� s foww I; 01( B%W Y Bbax 1 h I� 9 ae 1 17 9�i \I J IL4—P_"` J Hortfora' O/!LT W - ROW , 39xv,,ml o -1131Y1' T 16628' and -N I7PT01" E 29306' 7.534 Acres EM l � I Iµ41 Po' ra3 pb[6All 79 z = wan M AR L _ —L d�lBTl'12" R«23 Ltl' r.". jr ad Vies 87;7616" ir 71.39' HarNord De" 501 filaiv I db h I1 S2 ry W 4m� F h aM MlMtwn 'Area Guernsey� JUL; Eva Ess 6C5 y - Hov all'1a' *a'nPOn+ 09� Location Mop FIELD NOTES 6.my all that curt tract o,amel of lam m antl Min situated In ase ROBERT SIEKNSON LEAGOe Helmet No54 in Coll station, Brazos County, Texas and being part W the 66Aze ...a tract assont IT the dead tram Odom E. Cartdl to Eeelwme Dan venture rxeral In Volume 4167, Page 212 W the Wool Records of III Counlr. Texas (OR a e) and 6.Ine mane mrim,xi aeeenned by melee and bound, os m9owe. BEGINNING. at a found 1/2 -incl. Iron rod moving the meet southerly came, of EDELWEISS G NS PHASE ONE ae rbc«ded in Volume 4498. Page 33. THENCE: along the eeuth V line of sold EDELWEISS GZATEN9 PHASE ONE for the bllowing lou' (4` calls. I) N 41' T' 27' E for a distance o1 450.36 feet to a fou" 3/4 -inch am, paps for the Paint of Curvature of a curve to the right. 2) 29555 feel atony he ac of said curve having l n m origin of I1' 31' If. INcodas of 1(10.00 feet, a tangent of 146]8 fast a" a lore snore Mating 47 27' 02- E of a amends of 29505 reel to a found 3/4-in,E Iran prize for the Paint of Tangency,i 3) N ST 12 .M' E for a distance of 111 90 test to a found 3/4 -inch bon pIPo far the Point of Curvature of a curve to the night; 4) 34.19 feet along the arc of emit curve having a central area Of 76' 21' 12', a radius of 25 GO fad, a tangent of 20.37 fast and a long chord MaMg S AT 36' 46' E at o distance of 3159 feel to o found 3/4 -inch Iron pipe f« lad Point of Tangenry, cob icon pipe also Mine In Ills football nghl- ol-eay Ione of Victoria Avenue (baud on a 70 foot width as dmnbd by We n Volume NH, Page 203). THENCE'. S 48' 26' 1Y E oaang sold Ydorla Avenue line at 29639 Mt pan Me sourth comer of Hid acmry Avenue yM co -ol-s continue for a total Extent of31)72 lea to aNet 1/2 -inch iron rad for the most seders, comer of this tree: THENCE'. S 47 GO W W for a distance of 30.10 Mt to a 1/2 -inch iron rod W for comer THENCE'. S Or 34' 30' W for a distance of 27107 fast to 0 1/2 -Inch iron her W for comer THENCE 8 2V 49' Al' E to, a distance of 174.03 IM to a 1/2 -Inch iron and tit for comer said Iran rod olw Ming in the noNhwesl line of Lot 6, BPM Purine SuMrlFen M eroMM in Volume 321, Page 571 of the Brazos County And Records (B.C.D.RJ, wad n me aeon Ming in the southeast line of the Mfarmm 96.028 Hre tract: raTHENCE. S 42T w' 04' W for a distance of 91.53 feet to a fauna 1/2 -Inch Iran r" marking the rant memny corer of the HIa Baa Proms SaMlMeion and tadorth cat« of the 11O57 more W. Baton Mi Traded treat as contended In Volume 2726, Page 165 (OAR: THENCE. S 41 32' 26' W Dong toe of Ha 68028 core under am ria 110.57 does tract f« a distance of 39.05 led m a 1/2 -mm ironcrod W for ao THENCE'. Nmugh 1M aterar of said 86.026 Am tract for the fi fad. (4) alue 1) INOS 22' 33' W for a distance of 148.16 fed to 0 1/2 -Inch Iran ,M Net or 2) N W 18 comer. 33' W for a ehmnce of 49492 Ml t0 0 1/2-I1 Iran red an for caneri 3) S 41 41 27" W to, a ddonce of 190.00 fad to a 1/1 -Inch inch me est for comer, 4) N M IB 33' W tar m distance of 10500 fast to the POINT OF BEGINNING and contalnng 7.534 acne of land. more or len. Pjlr' LER161 OF SUWAEYOR 5 Fadwiaa C dr 5 p tun STALE OF TEKAS Mmm'noN- Of lal Ams LgIMry OF giAZ05 Vd 416Z Pq PIT CEFIIFlGTE OF THE COURI C ERM I. Nein R. McClure, FORTANrad Professional Lane Sun r No. 5650. in the 1, Kw McGowan, Count Clerk, In and m, Hee Co do herd State of Texas, eenM ceRNy, that the plot ie true and t and cos prepared County thm, soilseIsom an ocWol funny of the property d that that moral and Towheaded atm e«Rry r h th dam Nice with n. tlmoa<n al tn.nikpBan ora . lee m, rKor, in ver axin lad �]— ear of A 111 cora dae.a and, ver .aPomi.Iw w ground. 2oaLv In the OXicial Reawde of Bmxw Launty, Teaef in Wrtme r— WCIO C Ip mR.(� VeluM C1A Page 665/0 S Sat my office in Bryan hexadSQyNfWh PC Yn. R.P.1-5.W. my hand and afford STEFPA LVT e.....�......}...Q 15hom County, Texas ^W 56th• ••p•2'•� C't9 2:'4 b SUPN S s13226" W mi W Aorto, Numo, modlw 77057 =mm Vu/. 2726, P9 165 Mae PmttnJ �h S saWN 0 W 91.37' 4016 dNd Pnine Subcolsgn pad J21, V9. 571 1. Trios, hardly, � Owl this Sundial Vat mnfarin"r of m, totythe requirementsof ofge of the Su WiNsion Regail of the City off f ]ip ,Stat/ioon. / city gl1us11 cEiGnEIUTE OF Cm PLANNER I. yl ii/E City Planner of Ire City of College SHtion, Tmoe. hereby certify that trek SuMMeion Plat conform; to Ne re ran nun of the Subdrini Regulations of ma City of College Station.y 71 QAY PI FIN, Grill NOTE: 1. OMN Of BEARING SYSTEM. Bearings shown an We plat an Meed on Texas Stand Plane. Central Zane. NAD -63 datum In amardance elm Chy of College Station 1994 CPS Control Monument No. 132. Nor llq: 10191 Carl 3565354.173 Elevation: 31819 2. According to the fraud Insuranu Rate Maps for Braxae Cou111y, Tuas and Incorporated Mne, Map NumMn 4041CO2M C t 48741:0205 C, of ective July 2. 1992, this pmpvty Ie not located In a 1001 flood haxare area. 3. Unless mMnlu indicated, all Ira cwnen an manM dth 1/2-imin Iran mise. O - Indicates 1/2' Iron R" Set 0 - IMicalu 3/4' Iran Pipe Set 0 - IMiHIn 1/2" Iran Roe Fou" AbbwmlloN P.U.E. Public Why Easement R.DA - Homwwnei Audi Eanment.