HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/28/2013 - Regular Minutes - Senior Advisory Committee (3)College Station Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, January 28, 2013 10:00am Southwood Community Center 1520 Rock Prairie Rd MINUTES Members Present: Jon Denton, Frank Duchmasclo, Ann Hays, Jerry Markowich, Robert Meyer, Pearl Robertson, Mabelene Robinson, Ron Silvia and Pat Vanderboom Members Absent: Margaret Carmichael and Susan McGrail Staff Present: Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator I. Call to order The meeting was called to order at 10:02 am by Frank Duchmasclo, Chairman II. Welcome and hear visitors No visitors present III. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on November 26, 2012 Jerry Markowich made a motion to approve the November 26, 2012 minutes. Robert Meyer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The committee did not meet in December, 2012. IV. Discussion, consideration and possible action concerning program sub- committee report regarding upcoming programs and events Pat Vanderboom, Joanna Yeager, Pearl Robertson and Robert Meyer met on January 8th to discuss the February calendar. The calendar was distributed to all Senior Advisory Committee members. New classes in bridge, photography, computer, Zumba and more will be offered in February. Special events include a Valentine’s Day Tea, AARP Driver Safety Course and Annual Soul Food Luncheon at Lincoln Center. The Exploring History Lunch/Lecture series will present Wayne Sadberry discussing Black Heritage Month. The Spring Activity Guide listing all programs and events sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Department was distributed and members were encouraged to take extras to distribute to organizations and other locations they frequent. V. Discussion, consideration and possible action concerning appointments for program sub-committee Mr. Duchmasclo asked for volunteers to serve on the Program sub-committee for the next year. Pat Vanderboom, Pearl Robertson, Bob Meyer and Mabelene Robinson agreed to serve. Joanna Yeager has also agreed to serve as a member from the community. The next meeting for the sub-committee is scheduled for Tuesday, February 12th at 9:30 am at the Southwood Community Center. VI. Discussion and possible action concerning the Senior Advisory Committee Goals FY 2012 and 2013. (see attached) A draft of the proposed 2013 goals was distributed for committee review. The goal sub-committee consisting of Robert Meyer, Jon Denton and Frank Duchmasclo met on December 17th to discuss future committee goals. Under goal #1: Expand Physical Facilities for Senior Usage in College Station , the committee is interested in changing the name of the Southwood Community Center to the Brian Bachman Community Center to align with the new name of the park. Robert Meyer made the motion for the committee to consider sending a letter to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board asking for new signage to include identifying the building as the Brian Bachman Center and adding wording to include Senior Center and Youth Center. Ann Hays seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The committee agreed to add another action step under goal #3: Promote Healthy Lifestyle Programs for Seniors, to read “g) Participate in the Senior Expo” The 2013 goals will be updated and presented to the committee at the next regular meeting for approval. Mabelene Robinson suggested that better lighting was needed at Lincoln Center especially at Christmas time. VII. Presentation, possible action and discussion on Senior Services Coordinator Report regarding current and upcoming programs and events (report attached) Marci Rodgers highlighted upcoming events for senior adults. VIII. Presentation, discussion and possible action on future agenda items: A Committee member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. The following items will be listed on the next agenda • 2013 Goals • College Station Senior Games and volunteer opportunities IX. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 11:00am