HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/16/2017 - Regular Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionNovember 16, 2017 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 7 MINUTES PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting November 16, 2017, 7:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Elianor Vessali, Keith Williamson, Casey Oldham, Johnny Burns, Bill Mather and Jeremy Osborne COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Jane Kee CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerome Rektorik CITY STAFF PRESENT: Lance Simms, Molly Hitchcock, Carol Cotter, Justin Golbabai, Jenifer Paz, Alaina Helton, Rachel Lazo, Jade Broadnax, Jason Schubert, Erika Bridges, Kevin Ferrer, Tim Horn, Anthony Armstrong, Venessa Garza, Carla Robinson, and Kristen Hejny 1. Call Meeting to Order Acting Chairperson Vessali called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Hear Citizens Anna Scott was available to present the Commission and Staff with information regarding the plat for the Ranch at Arrington. 4. Consent Agenda 4.1 Consideration, possible action, and discussion on Absence Requests from meetings. *Jane Kee ~ November 16, 2017 4.2 Consideration, possible action, and discussion to approve meeting minutes. *October 19, 2017 Workshop *October 19, 2016 Regular 4.3 Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Development Plat for Equity Real Estate Subdivision consisting of one commercial lot on approximately two acres, generally located at the northeast intersection of Wellborn Road and Navarro Drive. Case #DVPL2017-000007 4.4 Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Preliminary Plan for Brewster Pointe consisting of 114 lots on approximately 34.5 acres generally located at 3451 Barron Cut-Off Road. Case #PP2017-000020 4.5 Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for Summit Crossing Phase 3A consisting of 2.209 acres right-of-way dedication, and 0.227 acres of Parkland Dedication on November 16, 2017 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 7 approximately 2.5 acres generally located north of Harvey Road and west of FM 158. Case #FP2016-000042 4.6 Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for Summit Crossing Phase 3B consisting of 60 single-family lots, 1.715 acres of right-of-way dedication and, 0.026 acres Parkland Dedication on approximately 7.3 acres generally located north of Harvey Road and west of FM 158. Case #FP2016-000043 4.7 Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Preliminary Plan for Reese Cove Subdivisions consisting of seven residential lots on approximately 13 acres located at 11071 Favor Road, generally located at the north intersection of N. Dowling Road and Favor Road. Case #PP2017-000017 4.8 Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for University Heights Subdivision Phase 4 consisting of 18 multi-family lots on approximately nine acres, generally located at the southwest intersection of Holleman Drive South and Kenyon Drive. Case #FP2016- 000028 4.9 Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for Pershing Pointe Villas Phase 1 consisting of 100 townhouse lots and seven common areas on approximately 14.6 acres located at 4050 Holleman Drive South. Case #FP2017-000004 Acting Chairperson Vessali temporarily turned the meeting over to Commissioner Osborne to handle the consent agenda. Commissioner Osborne motioned to approve Consent Agenda Items 4.1-4.4 & 4.7-4.9. Commissioner Burns seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). Regular Agenda 5. Consideration, possible action, and discussion on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission Action. Commissioner Osborne motioned to approve Consent Agenda Items 4.5 & 4.6. Commissioner Mather seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0-1) with Commissioner Vessali abstaining from the vote. 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for Tarrow Townhomes consisting of 11 residential lots on approximately 1.67 acres and one discretionary item for payment into the Sidewalk Fund located at 200 Tarrow Street, generally located west of the intersection of Tarrow Street and Autumn Circle, north of Chimney Hill Subdivision, and immediately south of the City limit line. Case #FP2017-000014 Staff Planner Lazo presented the Final Plat and discretionary item to the Commission and recommended approval. November 16, 2017 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 7 Commissioner Oldham motioned to recommend approval of the discretionary item and Final Plat citing unique topographical conditions of the development. Commissioner Osborne seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Development Plat for The Ranch at Arrington consisting of one multi-family lot and 0.35 acres of right-of-way dedication on approximately 12 acres located at 1650 Arrington Road, generally located south of the intersection of South Oaks Drive and Arrington Road. Case #DVPL2017-000002 This item was removed from the agenda at the applicant’s request. 8. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan – Future Land Use & Character Map from Business Park to Urban for approximately 11 acres generally located at 8822 Burgess Lane and near the east intersection of State Highway 47 and Raymond Stotzer Parkway. Case #CPA2017-000015 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the December 14, 2017 City Council Meeting – subject to change) Principal Planner Paz presented the Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Commission and recommended denial. Commissioner Oldham asked about recent development activity within the Inter-local Agreement (ILA) area. Principal Planner Paz stated that on the City of College Station side, there have been developments such as ViaSat, Fujifilm, and Camwest. Commissioner Oldham asked for the approximate size of the ViaSat and Fujifilm buildings. Principal Planner Paz stated that the buildings are approximately 89,000 square feet and 50,000 square feet, respectively. Commissioner Osborne asked for the acreage of the BioCorridor area. Assistant Director of Planning & Development Services Hitchcock stated that the BioCorridor Planned Development District consists of about 200 acres. Applicant Jim Jett, was available to speak on the project. Joe Schultz, Schultz Engineering, was available to answer questions from the Commission and provide support for the item. Acting Chairperson Vessali asked for clarification on the land use amendment request for this item. Principal Planner Paz stated that this land use change speaks more to creating a Multi-Family development. Commissioner Osborne asked if any recommendations have been made for this area since the Rellis Campus announcement. November 16, 2017 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 7 Assistant Director of Planning & Development Services Hitchcock stated that no further discussions have occurred. Acting Chairperson Vessali opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Acting Chairperson Vessali closed the public hearing. Commissioner Oldham motioned to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Commissioner Osborne seconded the motion. There was general discussion The motion passed (6-0). 9. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Article 4 “Zoning Districts,” Section 4.2, “Official Zoning Map” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundaries from PDD Planned Development District and R Rural to PDD Planned Development District on approximately 11 acres at 8822 Burgess Lane and near the east intersection of State Highway 47 and Raymond Stotzer Parkway. Case #REZ2017-000024 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the December 14, 2017 City Council meeting- subject to change) Principal Planner Paz presented the Rezoning to the Commission and recommended denial. Commissioner Oldham asked for the current use of the site. Principal Planner Paz stated that this property is currently vacant property, with some storage, a single-family home site, and manufactured home sites. Applicant, Jim Jett, spoke on the current use of the property. Acting Chairperson Vessali asked how the adjacent airport height restrictions would impact development. Graduate Engineer I Armstrong stated that the flight path would limit development to a maximum elevation of 400-feet, and given existing contour elevations, the building height would be limited to approximately 70-feet. Acting Chairperson Vessali opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Acting Chairperson Vessali closed the public hearing. Commissioner Osborne motioned to recommend approval of the Rezoning. Commissioner Oldham seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). November 16, 2017 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 7 10. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Article 4 “Zoning Districts,” Section 4.2, “Official Zoning Map” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundaries from PDD Planned Development District to PDD Planned Development District on approximately 2.2 acres being a portion of Block 1, Lot 1, Jackson Estates, Phase One, and being generally located at 3747 Rock Prairie Road. Case #REZ2017-000026 (Note: Final action of this item will be considered at the December 14, 2017 City Council meeting- subject to change) Senior Planner Helton presented the Rezoning to the Commission and recommended approval. Applicant, Rabon Metcalf, RME Engineers, was available to answer questions from the Commission. Acting Chairperson Vessali opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Acting Chairperson Vessali closed the public hearing. Commissioner Osborne motioned to recommend approval of the Rezoning. Commissioner Williamson seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 11. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Section 2.2, “Planning & Zoning Commission,” Section 2.8 “Administrator”, Section 2.12 “Summary of Review Authority”, Section 3.2 “General Approval Procedures”, and Section 3.4 “Plat Review” related to the review authority and processing of preliminary plans. Case #ORDA2017-000012 (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the December 14, 2017 City Council meeting – subject to change) Director of Planning & Development Services Simms presented the Ordinance Amendment to the Commission and recommended approval. Acting Chairperson Vessali opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Acting Chairperson Vessali closed the public hearing. Commissioner Mather motioned to recommend approval of the Ordinance Amendment. Commissioner Oldham seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 12. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance amending Section 9.2 “Nonconforming Uses”, Section 9.3 “Nonconforming Structures”, and Section 7.10.C.4 “Building Materials” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas to permit increased flexibility for non-conforming uses and structures. Case #ORDA2017-000013 (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the December 14, 2017 City Council meeting – subject to change) November 16, 2017 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 7 Planning Administrator Golbabai presented the Ordinance Amendment to the Commission and recommended approval. Acting Chairperson Vessali opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Acting Chairperson Vessali closed the public hearing. Commissioner Mather motioned to recommend approval of the Ordinance Amendment. Commissioner Osborne seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 13. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance amending the College Station Comprehensive Plan by amending the Thoroughfare Plan and the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan to incorporate revisions related to the Bryan/College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization 2050 Thoroughfare Concept and other City-initiated changes and clean up items. Case #CPA2017-000019 (Note: Final Action of this item will be considered at the November 20, 2017 City Council meeting – subject to change.) Transportation Planning Coordinator Schubert presented the Comprehensive Plan Amendment amending the Thoroughfare Plan to the Commission and recommended approval. There was general discussion. Acting Chairperson Vessali opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Acting Chairperson Vessali closed the public hearing. Commissioner Osborne motioned to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Commissioner Burns seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 14. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance amending Appendix A, “Unified Development Ordinance,” Section 1.6, “Relationship to the Comprehensive Plan,” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas to recognize locational flexibility to ensure consistency among various City master plan components and clarify that plan depictions may be updated as development occurs. Case #ORDA2017-000015 (Note: Final Action of this item will be considered at the November 20, 2017 City Council meeting – subject to change.) Transportation Planning Coordinator Schubert presented the Ordinance Amendment to the Commission and recommended approval. Acting Chairperson Vessali opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Acting Chairperson Vessali closed the public hearing. November 16, 2017 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 7 of 7 Commissioner Williamson motioned to recommend approval of the Ordinance Amendment. Commissioner Burns seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 15. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items – A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 16. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m. Approved: Attest: ______________________________ ________________________________ Elianor Vessali, Acting Chairman Kristen Hejny, Admin Support Specialist Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services