HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/15/2011 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (11 4rff 44 CI i or Cou.l:(;I Si V1 I( )N MINUTES Home of l`\41 ': 4c -AL ',iv emir) JOINT WORKSHOP MEETING CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION September 15, 2011, 4:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Mike Ashfield, Jodi Warner, Bo Miles, Jerome Rektorik and Jim Ross COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: James Benham and Craig Hall CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Nancy Berry, Blanche Brick, Karl Mooney, Katy -Marie Lyles, and Dave Ruesink CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Jess Fields CITY STAFF PRESENT: Bob Cowell, Lance Simms, Molly Hitchcock, Joe Guerra, Alan Gibbs, Matthew Hilgemeier, Jennifer Prochazka, Morgan Hester, Lauren Hovde, Venessa Garza, Adam Falco, Brittany Caldwell, and April Howard 1. Call the Meeting to Order Mayor Nancy Berry called the Joint Meeting with the Planning & Zoning Commission to order at 4:20 p.m. Chairman Mike Ashfield called the Joint Meeting with the City Council to order at 4:20 p.m. 2. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an overview of comprehensive planning. Director Cowell presented an overview of Comprehensive Planning in College Station. (What it is, Why do it, What it is not) 3. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an overview of form -based codes. Director Cowell presented an overview of Zoning (What it is, Why do it, It's many forms) and of Form -Based Codes and its use /application to College Station. September 15, 2011 P &Z Joint Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 4. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. A p ve � Itt h tii 0 c ( Lt 41 1 Mike Ashfield, . hair Britta4 Ca we Admin Support Specialist Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & evelopment Services September 15, 2011 P &Z Joint Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 (kr Crr Y OI COW l.c I Sr VT i MINUTES H"'r "r'19 r T PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Workshop Meeting September 15, 2011, 6:30 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Mike Ashfield, Jodi Warner, Bo Miles, Jerome Rektorik and Jim Ross COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: James Benham and Craig Hall CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Karl Mooney CITY STAFF PRESENT: Bob Cowell, Lance Simms, Molly Hitchcock, Joe Guerra, Alan Gibbs, Matthew Hilgemeier, Jennifer Prochazka, Morgan Hester, Lauren Hovde, Venessa Garza, Adam Falco, Brittany Caldwell, and April Howard 1. Call the Meeting to Order Chairman Ashfield called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. Discussion of Consent and Regular Agenda Items There was general discussion regarding Regular Agenda Item 5 3. Discussion of Minor and Amending Plats Approved by Staff • Final Plat - Amending Plat - 100 Southwest Parkway, Woodlands of College Station Subdivision, Lot 3R-1R and Park Tract 1 R. • Final Plat - Minor Plat - 300 Holleman Dr. E., Pooh's Park Subdivision, Block 2, Lot 2RA. There was no discussion. 4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Planning & Zoning Commission appointments for upcoming neighborhood and district plans. (JP) Director Cowell stated that two P &Z Commissioners needed to be appointed to serve on the Southside Neighborhood Plan and the District Plan for the Wellborn area. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the Plans. Commissioner Warner volunteered to serve on the Southside Neighborhood Plan. September 15, 2011 P &Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 There was not an appointment made to the District Plan for the Wellborn area. 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P &Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings: • Tuesday, September 20 — Joint Meeting with Bryan P &Z — College Station Conference Center — 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. • Thursday, September 22 — City Council Meeting — Council Chambers — Workshop 3:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. • Tuesday, September 27 — Southside Area Neighborhood Plan Kick -Off Meeting Conference Center — 6:30 p.m. • Wednesday, September 28 — P &Z Plan of Work Retreat — Wolf Pen Creek Green Room — 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. • Wednesday — Friday, October 5 -7 — Annual TxAPA Conference — Austin • Thursday, October 13 — City Council Meeting - Council Chambers — Workshop 3:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. • Thursday, October 20 — P &Z Meeting — Council Chambers — Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. Chairman Ashfield reviewed the upcoming meeting dates for the Planning & Zoning Commission. 6. Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Council Transportation Committee, Joint Parks / Planning & Zoning Subcommittee, Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee, Bio- Corridor Committee, Medical Corridor Committee, and Mayor's Development Forum. Director Cowell stated that there would be a Joint Parks /Planning & Zoning meeting at the Workshop meeting on November 3. He said that the meeting would be with the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board and the topics for discussion would be the subcommittee relationship, implementation of the Parks & Recreation Master Plan, and the plat review and approval process. 7. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Commissioner Rektorik asked for a definition and overview of R -1 Single Family Residential zoning. September 15, 2011 P &Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 8. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. 'ov: • : ttQ �GUuC.� Mike Ashfiel Chair Britta y C ldwel , Admin Support Specialist Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services September 15, 2011 P &Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 \ ( Cota.l_ul.STU CON MINUTES Home of Lew' au,ir entry' PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting September 15, 2011, 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Mike Ashfield, Jodi Warner, Bo Miles, Jerome Rektorik, Jim Ross COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: James Benham and Craig Hall CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Karl Mooney CITY STAFF PRESENT: Bob Cowell, Lance Simms, Molly Hitchcock, Joe Guerra, Alan Gibbs, Jennifer Prochazka, Morgan Hester, Lauren Hovde, Venessa Garza, Adam Falco, Brittany Caldwell, and April Howard 1. Call meeting to order. Chairman Ashfield called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Hear Citizens No one spoke 3. Consent Agenda 3.1. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on Absence Requests from meetings. • James Benham — September 15 & 20 3.2. Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting Minutes. • August 18, 2011 Special Workshop Meeting Minutes • August 18, 2011 Workshop Meeting Minutes • August 18, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes 3.3. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plan for the Indian Lakes Subdivision - Phase 12 consisting of 11 lots on 18.48 acres generally located east of Arrington Road and west of State Highway 6 in the City's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. Case # 11- 00500110 (MTH) Commissioner Warner motioned to approve Consent Agenda Items 3.1 — 3.3. Commissioner Miles seconded the motion, motion passed (5 -0). September 15, 2011 P &Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 Regular Agenda 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. No items were removed from the Consent Agenda. 5. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a request to rezone 8.11 acres located at 2672 Horse Haven Lane, generally located behind Academy, from R -1 Single - Family Residential and A -O Agricultural -Open to PDD Planned Development District. Case # 11- 00500116 (LH) (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the October 13, 2011 City Council Meeting — subject to change) Staff Planner Hovde presented the rezoning and recommended approval. There was general discussion regarding the rezoning. Alton Ofczarzak, property owner, stated that he was available for questions. Chairman Ashfield opened the public hearing. No one spoke during the public hearing. Chairman Ashfield closed the public hearing. Commissioner Ross motioned to recommend approval of the rezoning. Commissioner Rektorik seconded the motion, motion passed (5 -0). 6. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items — A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 7. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. v til Mike Ashel , -fir an BrittaCell, 6 s.dmin Support Specialist Planning & Zoning Commission Planning & Development Services September 15, 201 1 P &Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 From: <ellison @txcyber.com> To: <Lhovde @cstx.gov> CC: <Bcowell @cstx.gov> Date: 9/14/2011 5:12 PM Subject: 2672 Horse Haven Lane Dear Ms. Hovde, I think offices would be a better step down from Academy at that point on Horse Haven Lane near homes. This is a very large piece of property. The pond /tank to the south was to be used for stormwater runoff from Academy, when the Academy development was approved. How is that drainage water to be handled now? What will happen to the pond? Given that rain water must drain away from the storage units, will the land be built higher so that the storage buildings are higher than the height of the homes in that area? The cell tower only uses a small part of the property. Today at a stormwater webinar, I asked Alan Gibbs and Venessa Garza about the site. Mr. Gibbs assured me that the well had been plugged with cement according to strict State regulations, so there would be no possibility of shutoff values corroding and allowing gasoline to leak out. It does not seem safe to me to build on top of an old oil well. The positive features of the proposal include 1)the floodplain on the property is to remain as open space, 2)double landscaping is to be on the eastern side of the development, 3)there will be a multi -use path and a 10 foot wide path to meet the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenways Master Plan, 4) there will be a sidewalk built on Horse Haven Lane, and 5)a public access to the open space area will be dedicated to the City. I am particularly glad that the storage of moving trucks and outdoor storage is not allowed. The site lighting should be directed, so that it does not shine through the trees /double landscaping toward the homes on the east or north. The residential noise restriction is another good requirement. Using materials in the building structure that makes it blend in with the neighborhood is another positive feature. Please do be sure that the entrance and exit of the facility has extra room for the movement of residential traffic, horse trailers for the stables, and the storage unit traffic. This is already a problem in that area due to the curve and narrowness of the streets. Thank you for considering my comments. Sherry Ellison Page 1 of 1 Lauren Hovde - Re: Horse Haven PDD From: Cameshia Cargle <cameshia68 @gmail.com> To: Lauren Hovde <Lhovde @cstx.gov> Date: 9/10/2011 3:20 PM Subject: Re: Horse Haven PDD Hi Lauren, I wanted to let you know that I am in favor of the storage facility. Thanks, Cameshia On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 9:41 AM, Lauren Hovde <Lhovde @cstx.gov> wrote: Good morning. Attached is the PDD Concept Plan that will be on the September 15th Planning and Zoning Commission agenda. Please let me know if you have any questions. Lauren Lauren Amelia Hovde '06 Staff Planner Planning & Development Services Department 979- 764 -3570 file: / /C: \Documents and Settings \lhovde \Local Settings \Temp \XPgrpwise \4E6B8044City o... 9/15/2011 PLANNING ct ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER MEETING DA 71 (-) Cd/ ' 5 / .Z I ' • NAME ADDRESS 1.. Ntt)fz-zw rrc-I-AA-r°'Ll'A , 1440( A-Act-kr cL. AA • 2. a4 /31r 1, , ,,, , ,, . .. •• c - L.( ? /),. 2 4 t 6-:"... /6 al:le_ ,t ..-C. • 3. '..-1,4.it)°/ C A114-h ° / 414t1r Y 4/ i 2-- '› T i '1-'13 L N 1 /\ S4 . p 5 vo . ......c..c., c...)c , 6 i Y eftFrecy ? • 7. ,C-IvciavArk$ 6- A ---___ 8. \+.‘7t-/I'•CA/1Z( (._?-- e --; , 7 7`X-? ) 2 Kil Li/ - ? • 9, I evy - 1 - 0 - & - 61 AcAQA"e5k _ 101 Z- L./4j ko, got O 10. C (c-i kv, Nkt„--,.)„,„ 6 11. (c=c (- '- -.-- 12. . R., A,(vks .40E, s--: 6,4 13. 0 Cd C. 4c.;(: 6 )c .A i c,.-1■ sk: 14. IkAaikhe.:.1.) Net ),(> GAi 00 mini Driv . 15. 04, ; Sili ,G)1,1,4W l_0(0 4aAr (--(1-1AR-- 16. P\10.- V- (\ • , (3cY3 L tuisii'l bt _ 17. 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