HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/16/2010 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionC ICY c)1' C O a t.U. S-EIVI-ION MINUTES Home Y-Iexa`Ac,-Al tlniver'iq' PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Workshop Meeting December 16, 2010, 6:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Scott Shafer, Craig Hall, Jodi Warner, Bo Miles, Hugh Stearns and Doug Slack COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Mike Ashfield CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis Maloney and Jess Fields CITY STAFF PRESENT: Lindsay Kramer, Jason Schubert, Matt Robinson, Matthew Hilgemeier, Joe Guerra, Josh Norton, Erika Bridges, Alan Gibbs, Molly Hitchcock, Lance Simms, Bob Cowell, Mary Ann Powell, Kerry Mullins, and Brittany Caldwell 1. Call the meeting to order. Chairman Shafer called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding Regular Agenda Items 5, 7, and 8. 3. Discussion of Minor and Amending Plats approved by Staff. • Final Plat - Minor Replat - Memorial Cemetery of College Station, Section PL 1 There was no discussion. 4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the development of and status of items within the draft 2011 P&Z Plan of Work (see attached). (JS) Senior Planner Schubert gave an update regarding the 2010 and 2011 P&Z Plan of Work. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding both documents. 5. Presentation and discussion on an update regarding the Eastgate Neighborhood Plan. (LK) Senior Planner Kramer gave an update regarding the Eastgate Neighborhood Plan and reviewed the Existing Conditions and the Public Input Summary. December 16, 2010 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the Eastgate Neighborhood Plan. 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. • January 6, 2010 - P&Z Meeting - Council Chambers - Workshop 6:00 p.m. and Regular 7:00 p.m. • January 13, 2010 - Joint City Council Meeting with Planning & Zoning Commission - Council Chambers - Workshop 3:00 p.m. Director Bob Cowell reviewed the upcoming meeting dates for the Planning & Zoning Commission. 7. Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Council Transportation Committee, Joint Parks/Planning and Zoning Subcommittee, Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee, Platting Requirements and Standards Subcommittee, Neighborhood Plan Stakeholder Resource Team, Code Coordination Subcommittee, and Mayor's Development Forum. Director Cowell stated that the existence of the Code Coordination Subcommittee may cease and the Subcommittee members would be included in the Mayor's Development Forum. 8. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Director Cowell stated that Matt Robinson had been promoted to Senior Planner. Commissioner Stearns motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Warner seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). Meeting adjourned at 6:48 p.m. December 16, 2010 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 Approv Scott irman Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: Britta y Ca well, dmin. Support Specialist Planning an Development Services December 16, 2010 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 0.1 N- <n C()u.1;(;r' Sl-A'rloy MINUTES Home ofr.,& Ac;tif r:'>rlversitv' PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting December 16, 2010, 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Scott Shafer, Mike Ashfield, Craig Hall, Jodi Warner, Bo Miles, Hugh Stearns and Doug Slack COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis Maloney, Jess Fields, and Katy- Marie Lyles CITY STAFF PRESENT: Jason Schubert, Joe Guerra, Erika Bridges, Josh Norton, Carol Cotter, Alan Gibbs, Molly Hitchcock, Lance Simms, Bob Cowell, Dave Coleman, Robert Alley, Jeffrey Capps, Mary Ann Powell, Kerry Mullins, and Brittany Caldwell 1. Call meeting to order. Chairman Shafer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Hear Citizens. None 3. Consent Agenda. 3.1 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting Minutes. • December 2, 2010 - Workshop • December 2, 2010 -Regular • November 18, 2010 - Workshop • November 18, 2010 -Regular 3.2 Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the Final Plat of Tower Point Phase 11 A consisting of two lots on 2.96 acres located at 4440 and 4450 State Highway 6, generally located at the intersection of State Highway 6 and William D. Fitch Parkway. Case #10-00500242 (LH) 3.3 Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for the Knightsgate Subdivision, consisting of 1 lot on 3.364 acres, located at 1270 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South, and more generally located south of the December 16, 2010 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 6 intersection of Harvey Mitchell Parkway and Luther Street. Case # 10-00500257 (MR) Commissioner Stearns motioned to approve Consent Agenda Items 3.1 - 3.3. Commissioner Slack seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). Regular Agenda Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. No items were removed from the Consent Agenda. 2. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the approval of the Technical Memo regarding citywide water and wastewater impact fees. (DC) Water Services Director Coleman stated that a Technical Memo has been prepared that contains all of the assumptions that go into the calculation of the water and wastewater impact fees. He asked that the Commission review the assumptions, verify their reasonableness, and then forward the memo to City Council. He then reviewed the background of impact fees. Tony Bagwell, HDR Engineering, presented the Technical Memo regarding citywide water and wastewater impact fees and stated the Commission needed to focus on the technical assumptions that would underlie the calculation of the maximum fee. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the Technical Memo. Buck Prewitt, 2302 Scotney Court, College Station, Texas; and Dickson Clements, Executive Officer of the BCS Home Builders Association. The citizens expressed concern about the amount of fees being added to developers and how that could potentially cause growth to move beyond the City's ETJ. Commissioner Slack and Stearns asked that data from other cities that have enacted this type of impact fee be presented to the Commission. Commissioner Warner motioned to forward the Technical Memo to City Council. Commissioner Slack seconded the motion, motion passed (5-2). Commissioner Miles and Ashfield were in opposition. 3. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Article 2 Development Review Bodies, Section 3.1 General Approval Procedures, Section 3.3 Plat Review, and Section 11.2 Defined Terms, related to subdivision regulation and other general processes. Case # 10-00500219 (JS) (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the January 13, 2011 City Council Meeting - subject to change) December 16, 2010 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 6 Senior Planner Schubert presented the amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance regarding the process amendments, related to the subdivision regulations. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the amendments. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Sherry Ellison, 2708 Brookway Drive, College Station, Texas, suggested that public hearing signs "shall" be required, not "may" be required. She expressed concern about adding a two-year expiration to applications that have been approved and offering relief on exaction requirements. She also suggested adding owner contact information to the application requirements when pipelines exist on the property. Steve Arden, 311 Cecelia Loop, College Station, Texas, stated that off-site easements do not need to be filed before coming to the Commission because of possible changes or not receiving approval from the Commission. He said that they should be ready for filing, but not filed. Dickson Clements, Executive Officer of the BCS Home Builders Association, stated that the Subdivision Regulations was a functional document. Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the amendments. Commissioner Stearns expressed concern about the public not being sufficiently notified by signs and notifications. Commissioner Stearns motioned to recommend approval of the ordinance with the condition that off-site easements not be required to be filed prior to coming before the Commission, but are in recordable form with the City. Commissioner Miles seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). 4. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding developer- identified amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance. (BC) (Note: Final action on this item is scheduled for the January 13, 2011 City Council Meeting - subject to change) Director Cowell presented the developer-identified amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Kevin O'Neill, 1816-3 Brothers Boulevard, College Station, Texas, stated that the color palette has worked well and needs to stay as it is currently. December 16, 2010 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 6 Steven Schloss, 402 West Dexter Drive, College Station, Texas, stated that the color palette is too restrictive and the design element requirements overly restrict flexibility and creativity. Sherry Ellison, 2708 Brookway Drive, College Station, Texas, stated that plants are needed that can survive in our climate, but we need to make sure the best plants are being used. She also said that there needs to be a lot of public information meetings regarding the color palette and design elements. Veronica Morgan, 511 University Drive East Suite 204, College Station, Texas, said that she would rather have a restrictive color palette that gives you colors that you cannot use, rather than colors that you can use. She also said that providing architectural features on smaller buildings does not make sense. Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner Stearns commented that there should not be a color palette because there needs to more color within the City. Commissioner Miles said that there should be a color palette, but the current color palette does have bland and flat colors which allows for no expression. He also said that it is hard to include architectural elements on smaller buildings. Commissioner Hall expressed concern about how a change to the color palette would affect signage in the overlay districts. He said that overlay districts were created to create a consistent appearance. Chairman Shafer said that he was concerned about signage, but liked the idea of providing more latitude when it comes to color. There was no action taken on this item. 5. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a recommendation to the City Council on the annexation of approximately 681 acres located on the southwest side of the existing city limits under the exempt status. (LS) Assistant Director Simms presented the annexation of approximately 681 acres located on the southwest side of the existing city limits under the exempt status. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the annexation. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Alan Smith, 15032 Tumberry Circle, College Station, Texas; Greg Taylor, 15796 I&GN Road, College Station, Texas; Karen Severn, 6401 Johnny Bars, College Station, Texas; David White, 5005 Polo Road, College Station, Texas; Jane Cohen, 3655 McCullough Road, College Station, Texas; Joseph Nagyvary, 3968 Cody Drive, College Station, December 16, 2010 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 6 Texas; Dale Holecek, 13922 I&GN Road, College Station, Texas; Robert and Carol Fountain, 14380 Cheyenne Drive, College Station, Texas. Some of the concerns were the timing and how the process was being rushed, health and safety welfare, and the need for an environmental study. There was general discussion amongst the Commission regarding the annexation. Commissioner Slack suggested creating an overlay to preserve the rural lifestyle. Commissioner Slack motioned to recommend approval of proceeding with the preparation of the service plan and the scheduling of public hearings for the annexation of approximately 681 acres located on the southwest side of the existing city limits. Commissioner Stearns seconded the motion. Commissioner Hall stated that it doesn't seem logical to be annexing to the south and he is concerned about the additional pressure on fire and police. Fire Chief Alley said that the response time to the proposed annexation area from Station 3 located off of Barron Road is approximately six to eight minutes. Police Chief Capps stated that there would be a minimal impact on the Police Department if the area stays developed the way it is currently. He said that if a beat needed to be created because of more development, it could take an additional six officers. Commissioner Hall said that the quality of life in the area does not need to change. Commissioner Ashfield noted that persons at the meeting understood that annexation was a possibility and they were not against it; Fred Brown's bill unfortunately is an additional hurdle. He stated that it seemed to him that the City could work with the Wellborn Community and ultimately annex a larger territory. Commissioner Miles commented that Wellborn needs regulations that the City can offer and annexation of the area is inevitable. Commissioner Hall said that he is concerned about the service issues that relate to police and fire that need to be corrected, but he is not against annexation. The motion passed (5-2). Commissioner Hall and Ashfield were in opposition. 6. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion 7. Adjourn. December 16, 2010 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 6 Commissioner Warner motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Stearns seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 a.m. Approv Scott trman Planning and Zoning Commission 'test: , i L4 Brittan Cal ell, Admin. S pport Specialist Planning and Development Services December 16, 2010 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 6 ANNING N.NG C'4.1V M SSION PL GUEST GISTER MEMNG DATE L~ l NAME r 4.~ti' S rh T/-1 5. PA 1 u~, 2 6. K 7. 8. R cU ti 1 z 9. 0. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. ADDRESS t(-4 c2Lwye -7 7 lS S I vra✓ ~~<<~y S '43 S a s s ~ c .S i of T e- 7- 16. '~6l ` ShoAl Cr~e~ 1~c , 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. ~3 - 24. 25. Page 1 of 1 Dickson Clements From: Tedi Ellison [Tedi@ellisonlaw.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:01 AM To: hunter@oidhamgoodwin.com; blakecathey@yahoo.com; keith@elliscustomhomes.com Cc: Steve Arden; Bo Miles; Randy French; Wallace Phillips; royce@bcschamber.org; Dickson Clements Subject: Rise in fees for development over the past months During the last Mayor's Development Forum the rise in fees for development was discussed. The information below was supplied by Steve Arden, Wallace Phillips, and Bo Miles. Let me know if you would like to add more examples or additional information. If there are no changes, I will send this to Bob Cowell, Glenn Brown, Mayor White and Councilman Crompton. Thanks. (This is the same information I sent to Steve, Bo, Wallace and Randy after the last meeting.) Below please find a conservative listing of the rise in fees over the past 13 months for a single family development based on Phase 13 of Edelweiss: Additional Cost Inspection fee: $600.00 Soil compaction testing: 1040.00 Prelim and Final Plats: 76.00 Video of Sanitary Sewer: 275.00 Video of Storm Sewer 250.00 Sidewalk Costs: 200.00 (no arterial streets) Street Signs: 200.00 (no arterial streets) Traffic Impact Analysis: 80.00 (no mitigation required) Parkland Dedication fee: 6500.00 Additional cost of: $9221.00/acre This does not take into account fees that would be charged to the developer if the development required changes to the comprehensive plan, zoning changes, increased costs due to uncertain process, additional costs if the development included an arterial street, traffic mitigation costs, etc. Additional costs to commercial and multi-family projects would be higher due to the traffic impact analysis requirements and increases in the parkland dedication fee. Because commercial and multi-family are more highly regulated, there are more fees in general. When fees go up, it has a larger impact because there are more fees to pay. Wolf Creek Condos at George Bush Drive has 44 units-additional cost due to increased fees was estimated to be $950 per unit. That represents an increase on the project of $41,800 or $18,060 per acre. Development fees are scheduled to go up again on October 1, 2010. 12/10/2010 Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of meeting. Agenda Item No.: bec. t(,2ot0 5 DREW i T Name: Address: 3 U 2 SGo net Ct Co Sege Sidta-. T . "77 f If speaking for an organization, name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: T 1 2etr eJ c,fl-Lei of ol4le ,Sta loN Subject on which erson wishes to speak: it' pr c-1, ~eia5 W4Tf2 J WASTr Wr4T fL Please remember to step up to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chairperson, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer. State your name and your residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of meeting: 12, - 1 tc - Agenda Item No.: 5 . Co Name: Address: x.30 S..*L wsSt r c.- k.c~a►„ ~L~t If speaking for an organization, name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: qEXIC.v-k"-A C))C~ C.ir Subject on which person wishes to speak: lJc,,11=i, a o1 p2~t1~~ O..~t ~Atc R Please remember to step up to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chairperson, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer. State your name and your residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of meeting: Agenda Item No.: Address: rf cor'" ze If speaking for an organization, name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: 6 Please remember to step up to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chairperson, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer. State your name and your residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of meeting: 2- Agenda Item No.: 42 Name: Address: 7b ' , G If speaking for an organization, name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: (-Q -Z) Please remember to step up to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chairperson, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer. State your name and your residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of meeting: Vfc- Agenda Item No.: 7 ~r Name: Address: q c~?- Qei4-~ 17l• If speaking for an organization, name of organization: l Speaker's official capacity: Subjeq on which person wishes to speak: v. 7. G. Please remember to step up to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chairperson, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer. State your name and your residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of meeting: 1'It_ I it Agenda Item No.: -'I Name: R' V et t Address: VS (b' 3 3►rAUS 961 ~ CS 77 9% If speaking for an organization, name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: Please remember to step up to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chairperson, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer. State your name and your residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting Agenda Item No. Name 77 / Address IS-623-2 USIV),~n~~ , C;/iCr , 5-- '7X 7 7S- If speaking for an organization, Name- of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: t-V eI11~carA., A1112 exNTl "V Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons w ho wish to address the Commission) Date of meeting: l L f t U Agenda Item No.: 2) Name: Address: S G1 k G If speaking for an organization, name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes //toy~ speak: ~dv dJL° I&TC 0 aV Please remember to step up to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chairperson, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer. State your name and your residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. i Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of meeting. Agenda Item No. 10 Ird Name: Address: 10 0 J Jt) t, o o 'Bc -f5 C I C If speaking for an organization, name of=ganization: l 1 U U ~tiS Lti 0-1 1 r Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: Please remember to step up to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chairperson, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer. State your name and your residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of meeting: Agenda Item No.: Name: )Q o4 v d W~l Address: 546 0 S d o If speaking for an organization, wE s-.4 Of of organization: Speaker's official capacity: _ ~ oo*pyt on which 7rs on w ish o speak:d'p ~iVe I 0/1 - Please remember to step up to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chairperson, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer. State your name and your residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of meeting: Agenda Item No.: J Name: Address: C,6-~ '&~-Z-) -7 -V t3- If speaking for an organization, name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: 1. Please remember to step up to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chairperson, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer. State your name and your residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of meeting: Agenda Item No.: Name: T o 5 C P~k N I t 6/ UP" F\/ Address: 3 9 (S c3A c~ C,~ < 5 y TV 4 If speaking for an organization, name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: RQ IM Subject on which person wishes to s eak: v iL*N~ Please remember to step up to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chairperson, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer. State your name and your residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of meeting: Agenda Item No.: Name. I in /C c.e Q Address: I Z Z N 2d AID) If speaking for an organization, name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: EI Please remember to step up to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chairperson, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer. State your name and your residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Subject on which person wishes to speak: Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of meeting: Agenda Item No.: Name: D k✓ 115-0- A0 J A/ Address: Please remember to step up to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chairperson, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer. State your name and your residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. If speaking for an organization, name of organization: Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of meeting. Agenda Item No.. Name: L~~i£~ L~~. ~ cLe ) r 71 Address: 1 If speaking for an organization, name of organization: - zt:%MKG:C-2 ,C rte/' Speaker's official capacity: X r' Subject on which person wishes to speak: Please remember to step up to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chairperson, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer. State your name and your residence before beginning your presentation. If you. have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES.