HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/20/2009 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission(*400r~ C' I'l-YOT"C' 01 .1 ]"GiP" STXTI ON Home of Texas A&M University MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Workshop Meeting Thursday, August 20, 2009, 6:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Acting Chairman Scott Shafer, Doug Slack, Paul Greer, Mike Ashfield, and Hugh Stearns COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Chairman John Nichols and Tom Woodfin CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis Maloney and Larry Stewart CITY STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planners Jennifer Prochazka and Jason Schubert, Staff Planner Matthew Hilgemeier, Planning Intern Felix Landry, Assistant City Engineer Josh Norton, City Engineer Alan Gibbs, Transportation Planning Coordinator Joe Guerra, Greenways Program Manager Venessa Garza, Assistant Director of Capital Projects Donald Harmon, Budget/Management Analyst Courtney Kennedy, Assistant IT Director Erin Provazek, Senior Parks Planner Pete Vanecek, Assistant Director Lance Simms, Director Bob Cowell, First Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson, Action Center Representative Kerry Mullins, and Staff Assistant Brittany Caldwell 1. Call the meeting to order. Acting Chairman Scott Shafer called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. There was no discussion. 3. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update to the Commission on the status of items within the 2009 P&Z Plan of Work (see attached). (JS) Jason Schubert, Senior Planner, gave an update regarding the 2009 P&Z Plan of Work. August 20, 2009 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Pagel of 3 4. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the Comprehensive Plan Poster Plan. (FL) Felix Landry, Planning & Development Service Intern, gave a presentation regarding the Comprehensive Plan Poster Plan. 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an update on the Capital Improvement Program. (BC) Donald Harmon, Assistant Director of Capital Projects, gave an update on the Capital Improvement Program for FYI 0. 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings. ❖ August 27, 2009 - City Council Meeting - Council Chambers - 7:00 p.m. ❖ September 3, 2009 - Planning & Zoning Meeting - Council Chambers - Workshop 6:00 p.m. & Regular 7:00 p.m. Director Cowell reviewed the upcoming meeting dates for the Planning & Zoning Commission. 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Plan. There was no discussion. 8. Discussion, review and possible action regarding the following meetings: Design Review Board, Council Transportation Committee, Joint Parks/Planning and Zoning Subcommittee, Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee, Platting Requirements and Standards Subcommittee, Neighborhood Plan Stakeholder Resource Team. There was no discussion. 9. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 10. Adjourn. Commissioner Stearns motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Greer seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). Meeting adjourned at 6:54 p.m. August 20, 2009 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 Appr e Jo tchols, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: ~i+6w a Brittany Cal ell, Staff Assistant Planning and Development Services August 20, 2009 P&Z Workshop Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 (*Or"" OF' C01: ]?(31" s1A'I1ON TI&me of Texas A&M University' MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting Thursday, August 20, 2009, 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Acting Chairman Scott Shafer, Doug Slack, Paul Greer, Mike Ashfield, Tom Woodfin, and Hugh Stearns COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Chairman John Nichols and Tom Woodfin CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Dennis Maloney and Larry Stewart CITY STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planners Jennifer Prochazka and Jason Schubert, Staff Planner Matthew Hilgemeier, Assistant City Engineer Josh Norton, City Engineer Alan Gibbs, Transportation Planning Coordinator Joe Guerra, Greenways Program Manager Venessa Garza, Planning Administrator Molly Hitchcock, Assistant Director Lance Simms, Director Bob Cowell, Assistant to the City Manager Hayden Migl, First Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson, Action Center Representative Kerry Mullins, and Staff Assistant Brittany Caldwell 1. Call meeting to order. Acting Chairman Scott Shafer called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. Hear Citizens. None 3. Consent Agenda 3.1 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting Minutes. • July 16, 2009 - Workshop 3.2 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for Aggieland Business Park Subdivision consisting of 51 lots on 117.48 acres located at 5942 Raymond Stotzer Parkway in the general vicinity of the northwest corner of the intersection of Raymond Stotzer Parkway and Jones Road in the City's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. Case #09-00500137 (JS) August 20, 2009 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5 Commissioner Stearns expressed concern regarding the spacing of Dynasty Drive and Jones Road. Jason Schubert, Senior Planner, stated that the driveway spacing would meet TxDOT's spacing requirements. Commissioner Greer motioned to approve Consent Agenda items 3.1 and 3.2. Commissioner Stearns seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). Regular Agenda 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. No items were removed from the Consent Agenda. 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on variance requests to Section 8.2.A.11.b.2(b) of the Unified Development Ordinance regarding the average lot width and the minimum lot size requirements for replatting in older subdivisions, and public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat of Block 3, Lot 3R and 4R, of the College Park Subdivision, being a replat of a Block 3, Lot 3 and 4 of the College Park Subdivision, consisting of two lots on 0.28 acres, located at 304 Fairview Avenue. Case #09-00500136 (MKH) Matthew Hilgemeier, Staff Planner, presented the variance requests to Section 8.2.A.11.b.2(b) of the Unified Development Ordinance regarding the average lot width and the minimum lot size requirements for replatting in older subdivisions and recommended denial. He stated that the two lots being created would require a variance of 2,500 square feet to the minimum lot size, as well as a variance of 20 feet to the average lot width requirement. He recommended approval of the final plat if the variances were approved, with the condition that the structures on Lot 3A be removed before the plat is recorded at the office of the County Clerk. Acting Chairman Scott Shafer opened the public hearing. Billy Bingham, 404 Fairview, College Station, Texas; Jerry Cooper, 602 Bell, College Station, Texas; Shirley Dupriest, 400 Fairview, College Station, Texas. Some of the concerns of the citizens were neighborhood integrity, parking, and the possibility that the property would develop as rental property. Nancy Adams, Property Owner, said that she wanted the highest and best use of the property. She also said that the property was originally two lots. Phil Caliham, Realtor, stated that Jim Woods is the buyer and builder and that he wanted to build two very nice homes that could potentially be rental property. Acting Chairman Scott Shafer closed the public hearing. August 20, 2009 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 Commissioner Slack motioned to deny the variance requests. Commissioner Ashfield seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). Commissioner Stearns motioned to deny the replat. Commissioner Ashfield seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). 6. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Rezoning from R-1 Single-Family Residential to R-4 Multi-Family and A-O Agricultural Open for 3.364 acres located at 1270 Harvey Mitchell Parkway. Case #09-00500140 (JS) Jason Schubert, Senior Planner, presented the Rezoning and recommended approval with the condition that the subject tract provide a shared driveway to Harvey Mitchell Parkway with the adjacent lift station and 6.2-acre tract. The driveway and access is to meet the requirements of TxDOT driveways and Unified Development Ordinance Section 7.3 Access Management and Circulation. There was general discussion regarding the shared driveway. Acting Chairman Scott Shafer opened the public hearing. Fred Bayliss, 7610 River Ridge, stated that the Rezoning was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the 6.2-acre tract would provide a buffer to Texas A&M's property. Acting Chairman Scott Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner Stearns stated that he would like to encourage a connection with Parkway Place Apartments to create a better connected community. Commissioner Ashfield motioned to recommend approval of the Rezoning with the condition that the subject tract provide a shared driveway to Harvey Mitchell Parkway with the adjacent lift station and 6.2-acre tract that meets the requirements of TxDOT requirements and the Unified Development Ordinance Section 7.3 Access Management and Circulation. Commissioner Stearns seconded the motion, motion passed (4-1). Commissioner Greer was in opposition. 7. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Rezoning from R-1 Single-Family Residential and A-O Agricultural Open to PDD Planned Development District for 14.27 acres located at 2429 Earl Rudder Freeway South, generally located 300 feet northwest of the intersection of Raintree Drive and Earl Rudder Freeway. Case #09-00500139 (JP) Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, presented the Rezoning and recommended approval of the PDD Planned Development District with the exception of the requested modification to Section 8.2.A.7.e of the Unified Development Ordinance that would allow Appomattox Drive to remain a dead-end street. She stated that the City has current sanitation service issues in the location and anticipates fire service issues, should the need arise. She said that staff recommends a turn-around at the end of Appomattox Drive. August 20, 2009 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 There was general discussion regarding the Rezoning. Acting Chairman Scott Shafer opened the public hearing. Jane Kee, IPS Group, stated that she thought that an agreement had been reached with Raintree at the neighborhood meeting that was held. She said that the Rezoning is appropriate for the Suburban Commercial designation. Commissioner Stearns said that he did not feel like the development was neighborhood appropriate. Susan Irza, 605 Summerglen Drive, College Station, Texas; John and Sherry Ellison, 2705 Brookway Drive, College Station, Texas; Adrian Vogel, 2218 Raintree Drive, College Station, Texas; Myra Bright, 7701 Sherman Court, College Station, Texas; Charles Hamilton, 7714 Appomattox, College Station, Texas; Robert Striker, 2501 Antietam Drive, College Station, Texas; Mr. & Mrs. Alton Sorell, 7704 Sherman Court, College Station, Texas; Ronald Ross, 7717 Appomattox, College Station, Texas; Mark Buxkemper, 7708 Sherman Court, College Station, Texas; Simaan Shini, 7715 Appomattox, College Station, Texas; Paul Pausky, 2510 Sumter, College Station, Texas. Some of the concerns of the citizens were the smells that come from restaurants, traffic generated by restaurants, crime, noise, neighborhood integrity and the turn-around at Appomattox. Acting Chairman Scott Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner Ashfield asked if coffee shops and ice cream shops would be considered sit-down restaurants. Ms. Prochazka stated that coffee shops and ice cream shops would be considered sit- down restaurants. Commissioner Greer stated the he was concerned that the traffic generated by students was not included in the Traffic Impact Analysis since it was completed in July. Joe Guerra, Transportation Planning Coordinator, stated that the Traffic Impact Analysis that was completed for the subject tract also added a 15% increase to account for the traffic generated by students. He said that the numbers given in the Traffic Impact Analysis were comparable to the East College Station Transportation Study, that was completed in 2007 before the 15% increase. He said that there was an increase of 881 vehicles per day from when the East College Station Transportation Study was completed until now. Commissioner Stearns motioned to recommend approval of the Rezoning as presented with the condition that drive-thrus not be allowed and restaurants (sit- down and drive-thru) not be allowed. Commissioner Slack seconded the motion, motion passed (4-1). Commissioner Ashfield was in opposition. August 20, 2009 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 8. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 9. Adjourn. Commissioner Greer motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Ashfield seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). Meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Appro Jo hols, Chairman Pl tng and Zoning Commission Attest: J~Ilku-cv Brittanal ell, taff Assistant Planning and Development Services August 20, 2009 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION GU ST REGISTER MEETING DATE ADDRESS rtc Fa, r- o 3. 4, 5. 7. k>--7> 8. 10.~}~ b(LaD~~~ -y-Ax 12. j/ 2- -z i~. , % 7 vin -e- 1002- ~Z%- c 7 C S -7 -7 C- 17 24 &Lc &L 17. ,7~fe7 fi~i cis ~T YS 19. 1.J7S6t'✓ 20. 21. 22. 23. 25. 7?K 5h e. fm au Coy fj C S 7-70 - ) [(Att/;cj 4 tq 4 r- 7 it kf THE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY SYSTEM Office of General Counsel August 12, 2009 Mr. Jason Schubert Project Manager Planning & Development Services City of College Station 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 RE: Consideration of a Rezoning Request of 3.364 acres for the Property Located at 1270 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South It has come to our attention that SF Business Investments, L.L.C. has submitted a rezoning request to the City of College Station for 3.364 acres of land located at 1270 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South (the "Subject Property") from R-1 Single Family Residential to R-4 Multi-Family and A-O Agricultural Open. The developer presumably intends to use the property for apartments. The Texas A&M University System owns the land west of the Subject Property (Office for Solid Waste Operations). Several problems have been identified from my contacts with Texas A&M University, Texas AgriLife Research, Texas A&M University Physical Plant and Texas Engineering Extension Service ("TEEX" A summary of those problems is presented as follows: TEEX operates the Brayton Fire Training Field and Disaster City in order to fulfill the Texas Legislature's mandate to provide fire and emergency response training to the firefighters of the State of Texas. Typical hours of operation are 7:00 AM - 11:00 PM Monday through Friday, as well as many weekends throughout the year. TEEX's mission has been expanded to include emergency response training for responders from across the United States and around the world. While TEEX has taken all feasible measures to minimize the smoke and noise associated with this type of training, locating multi-family housing in close proximity to the field could lead residents to call for a reduction in training activities at the field. Should this occur, TEEX's ability to provide training vital to the safety and security of communities around the world would be negatively impacted. The property is located near the end of Easterwood Airport's secondary runway, which is used when the main runway is closed for maintenance (repairs, light bulb changing, mowing, etc.). An important source of airport income is derived from military "touch and go" landing operations (a significant source of noise). A plane crashed on the old landfill site a few years ago which demonstrates the real danger to living in the flight line of the airport. Possible extension of the safety area in the future would involve closer proximity of air traffic to the proposed multi-family location. 200 Technology Way, Suite 2079 • College Station, Texas 77845-3424 979.458.6120 . 979.458.6150 fax • www.tamus.edu Page 2 of 2 Jason Schubert August 12, 2009 The flight path would propose a problem to residents of a multi-family housing unit due to the amount of noise generated by the planes flyovers. The proposed apartments would also be near the main Office for Solid Waste Operations, which is used for staging of solid waste disposal, transfer stations and vehicle storage. Solid waste operations are six (6) days a week normally and seven (7) days a week during football weekends and other special events. Operations begin by 5:30 AM and significant noise is generated as trucks are started and metal containers are loaded, emptied and moved for waste collection. Operations and activities of the A&M Poultry Center, approximately 1,000 feet north of the subject property, are not conducive to the proposed change to multi-family use. The center houses a minimum of 3,000 poultry, and, at times, may house as many as 20,000 poultry. It is the position of Texas A&M University, Texas AgriLife Research, Texas A&M University Physical Plant and Texas Engineering Extension Service that the rezoning request be denied. S neral Counsel Texas A&M University System TVC/mjh cc: William Dugas Director Texas A&M AgriLife Research A. Scott Williams Executive Director, Real Estate Development Texas A&M University John Skrabanek Associate Agency Director/Chief Financial Officer Texas Engineering Extension Service John H. Happ, Jr. Director of Aviation Easterwood Airport Page 1 of 1 Jason Schubert -1270 Harvey Mitchell Parkway Case #09-00500140 From: "Coffey, Tim" <TCoffey@tamu.edu> To: <jschubert@cstx.gov> Date: 8/19/2009 8:33 AM Subject: 1270 Harvey Mitchell Parkway Case #09-00500140 CC: "Dugas, William" <w-dugas@tamu.edu> Good morning, Jason. Upon review of the staff recommendation, I have some additional questions/concerns about the rezoning request. I would appreciate it if you would share these questions/concerns with the Commission. Is the "buffer" of .765 acres (ranging in width from 85 to 115 feet) between the subject tract and the A&M property owned, or will it be owned, by someone other than the applicant? Will it be part of a proposed subdivision plat that includes the subject tract? What will be the access to this buffer property? Since it is "heavily encumbered by floodplain and easements", what is the plan for its use? If the applicant doesn't want it because of these encumbrances, what will happen to it? The A&M System is not interested in acquiring it by gift or otherwise. Will the city ultimately own this parcel if the owner stops paying taxes? When the owner of the adjacent 6.2 acre parcel sought an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, the staff was concerned about the number of apartments being built in College Station (over 1000 at the time). Is the staff no longer concerned about that? The A&M System and Texas A&M continue to be opposed to this zoning request for the reasons set forth in my correspondence of August 12, 2009. Thanks, Tim Timothy V. Coffey Assistant General Counsel The Texas A&M University System Office of General Counsel A&M System Bldg., Ste. 2079 200 Technology Way College Station, Texas 77845 (979) 458-6121 (979) 458-6150 - facsimile Planning and Zoning Commission College Station, Texas Dear P&Z members, August 20, 2009 My name is Henry Wittner and I live at 2508 Raintree in College Station. I am also the President of the Raintree Neighborhood Association but here to speak only for myself. I will ask others to stand up in support of what I say. As President, I have worked hard with the city to develop the "Strong and Sustainable" Neighborhoods concept, approached the City (Mark Smith) to purchase the flood plains a few years back and for which they began negotiations, negotiated an agreement with Champion Creek and Raintree residents which most likely allowed the complex to be complete and not abandoned. I also was on the previous Bond Committee. I am here to request the denial of the rezoning of the McGill Tract for several reasons. 1. I believe 3 restaurants are no more suitable next to a neighborhood than a hotel/motel complex the commission denied earlier. That would be 4 restaurants of the 6 businesses north of Raintree making it a "restaurant row." 2. It goes against a majority of the PDD fact sheet - specifically: a. A maximum choice in the type of environment for working and living available to the public. The only choice here is food! b. A creative approach to the use of land and related physical development. c. An environment of stable character in harmony with surrounding development; and d. A more desirable environment than would be possible through strict application of other sections or districts in this UDO. 3. This development would go against the new comp-plan concerning neighborhood preservation. 4. In a telephone conversation with former Councilman Chris Scotti, I mentioned I was for no restaurants and he would voice my opinion at the meeting with the City and Developer. For some reason he did not do that and I have no doubt the majority of the people there would have sided with me. 5. After the hotel/restaurant was denied, I contacted Jane Kee to ask for a meeting to see if we could discuss a way to get this property developed as it was in everyone's interest to make this happen. They DENIED the request. 6. There was no opportunity for residents to meet later with either the city or developer to express concerns after a high pressure sells pitch. The City scheduled 2 meetings for Raintree and Emerald Forest residents to assure maximum opportunity to make sure they understood all the facts. Weingarten and Rock Prairie had numerous meetings and feel this is justified for this project. I bet everyone here has been sold on something only to realize the decision was not in their best interest. 7. What do I want for Raintree and the property? I am a strong believer in a development that would have the least impact on a neighborhood and not a "worst case scenario" that would not enhance the neighborhood. The LynnTech and Champion Creek Properties enhance Raintree. Additionally, Lynntech will provide access to their property that will benefit our residents. 8. Regardless of the TIA report, all one has to do is to see how traffic builds up on the bridge at SW Parkway/Raintree and into the intersection throughout the day. Three restaurants at peak hours would have a significant impact on this intersection. I also am concerned about the assumptions the engineer made about how traffic would be divided between the North and South bound traffic. Sincerely yours, Henry Witter John Ellison 2705 Brookway Drive College Station, Texas 77845 August 20, 2009 Planning and Zoning Commission College Station, Texas Dear Sirs: I am John Ellison and I live at 2705 Brookway Drive in College Station I oppose the proposed rezoning of the McGill Tract for several reasons. 1. I believe that the development of this tract of land MUST contribute to the livability of the neighborhood it borders. The land is currently serving as a buffer between heavy business (Academy, Gander Mountain, and a restaurant) and a residential neighborhood. Using this land for commercial purposes would destroy the excellent buffering that the Wolf Pen Creek floodway offers. The proposed development is South of this floodway. There is no such buffering potential between the development and Raintree. 2. More than half the land is in the flood plain or the floodway and must not be filled. Flooding is VERY serious along the Wolf Pen Creek corridor and even now occasionally impacts Raintree. Any development of this parcel of land must include runoff mitigation and must not encroach on the flood plain or the floodway of Wolf Pen Creek. Covering almost the entire 7.2 acres of non flood plain land with impervious cover consisting of parking lots and buildings would surely cause worse flooding in Raintree, and possibly also in HorseHaven, in Windwood, and possibly in Emerald Forrest, unless adequate mitigation in the form of holding ponds etc. are instituted. 3. Having four restaurants on the East side of the freeway between Southwest Parkway and Harvey has to have a very significant impact on traffic flow especially at Southwest Parkway and the North bound frontage road and at Harvey Road and the North frontage. Any backup at Harvey Road would also encourage traffic through Windwood on Appomattox. In short, I don't agree with the conclusions of the TIA report done at the request of the developers. 4. Under no circumstances should ANY of the flood plain or floodway land be allowed to be developed, filled, or modified. I strongly recommend denial of the current proposal and that the site be zoned as residential as it (at least in part) is already zoned. Commercial development will negatively impact Raintree, it will exacerbate flooding in the area, it will destroy the use of Wolf Pen Creek as a buffer, and it is likely to cause traffic problems. yours, M~~- John R. Ellison Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting Agenda Item No. Name, ~l GCa Address y r e~ If speaking for an organization, Name of. organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wish to s eak. c~1 ~ nc'z 7~ n~~ec~ C` l Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to,the Commission, FILES. ASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING C Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting Agenda Item No. j Name Address Q If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: soon as you are Please remember to step to the your podium d registration recognized by the chair, hand y form to the presiding officer and state your r If name have residence before beginning your presentation. you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) ZD_ Date of Meeting Agenda Item No. = Name Address if speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Subjec 1 on which pers ti's es to speak: Please remember to step to the ou lcompleted registration recognized by the chair, hand y haand form to the presiding officer and state yo rI f you name ve residence before beginning your presentation- the written notes you wish to present tR PLANNING FILES. ASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR P 1 1 1 , ; 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 , , , 1 , , ; 1 1 0 A 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 , 1 , 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 , , 1 1 1 Registration Form 1 (For persons who wish to address the Commission) O ' Date of Meeting a Agenda Item No. Name ' eye" Address G If speaking for an organization, Name of or Amzation: 0 Speaker's official capacity: s v c~ Subject on which person wishes to speak: Please remember to step to the podium gistration recognized by the chair, ha your completed re , form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting yy ► Agenda Item No. Named h r~/i S a yt Address ~b clan KC-OA pl c1 ?'c 72; If speaking-for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: Sub'ect on which person wishes to speak: 7 _ Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting - C' Agenda Item No. Name Address 7 70 ! .S/-t C-,'/h A Al (f If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: 4 Speaker's- official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting C Agenda Item No. Name- Address (;;~-7C)S: ° If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: - Speaker's official capacity: 4 Subject on which person wishes to speak: C Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. if you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting 2 Agenda Item No. Name Sties v~ ^c' Address ~4D If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's-official capacity: Subject on which erson wishes to speak a Please remember {o~ stp o the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. b 0 w a 0 0 s U ^^N Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting 7 "2 o Z s t. Agenda Item No. -7 Name VDgc I Address ZZ ( 12~ n1 D" If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: ~N~c1U,;, 4~c1 <\St ~I~R t 4 Speaker's official capacity: t e s ~re t Subject on which person wishes to speak: ace's ks d-- Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to. the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES.