HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/20/2008 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission,a 1"~~rrerrrr~ 1?rvrCtr,~r~re^r~a ~r ra ~art~~r~ MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting Thursday, November 20, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman John Nichols, Noel Bauman, Paul Greer, Doug Slack, Thomas Woodfin and Hugh Stearns COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Bill Davis CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None CITY STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planner Jennifer Prochazka, Staff Planners Jason Schubert, Lauren Hovde and Matt Robinson, Graduate Civil Engineer Erika Bridges, Assistant City Engineer Josh Norton, Senior Assistant City Engineer Carol Cotter, Planning Administrator Molly Hitchcock, Director Bob Cowell, Assistant Directors Lance Simms and Gabriel Elliott, First Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson, Action Center Representative Carrie McHugh and Staff Assistant Brittany Caldwell 1. Call Meeting to Order. Chairman Nichols called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. 2. Hear Citizens. None 3. Consent Agenda. 3.1 Consideration, discussion and possible action on Absence Requests from meetings. 3.2 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting Minutes. • October 16, 2008 ~ Workshop • October 16, 2008... Regular November 20, 2008 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 10 3.3 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Great Oaks Phase 2, consisting of 32 lots on 24.251 acres located at 3998 Rock Prairie Road West, generally located at Rock Prairie Road West and Great Oaks Drive. Case #08- 00500276(MR) 3.4 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a revised Preliminary Plat for the Meadow Creek Subdivision Phases 4 & 5 consisting of 147 lots on 33.408 acres generally located on the south side of Koppe Bridge Road less than one mile west of the community of Wellborn in the City of College Station Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. Case #08-00500279 (JS) 3.5 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat of Castle Rock Phase 2B, consisting 24 PDD lots on 8.61 acres located at 531 William D. Fitch Parkway, located near the Castlegate Subdivision. Case #08-00500244(LH) Chairman Nichols stated that he would like Consent Agenda item 3.4 moved to the Regular Agenda. Commissioner Bauman motioned to approve Consent Agenda items 3.1-3.3 and 3.5. Commissioner Woodfin seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). Regular Agenda 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. Item 3.4 the Preliminary Plat for Meadow Creek Phases 4 and 5 was removed from the Consent Agenda at Chairman Nichols's request. Jason Schubert, Staff Planner, presented the Preliminary Plat for Meadow Creek Phases 4 and 5 and recommended approval. There was general discussion regarding the Preliminary Plat. Commissioner Stearns expressed concern about drainage. Commissioner Slack motioned to approve the Preliminary Plat. Commissioner Bauman seconded the motion, motion failed (3-3). Commissioners Greer, Woodfin and Stearns were in opposition. Commissioner Bauman motioned to approve the Preliminary Plat with the condition that Staff work with Brazos County to examine how run-off and flooding issues are managed and to consider the possibility of renegotiating the Inter-local Agreement which would result in the City having more information and more say to make sure that needs are met. Commissioner Slack seconded the motion, motion passed (5-1). Commissioner Stearns was in opposition. November 20, 2008 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 10 5. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat of the Aggieland Business Park, being a replat of Aggieland Business Park Phase 1, Lot 1, Block 1, consisting of 2 lots on 6.842 acres, generally located near the intersection of Jones Butler Road and Raymond Stotzer, in the City's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. Case #08-00500278(LH) Lauren Hovde, Staff Planner, presented the replat and recommended approval. There was general discussion regarding the replat. Chairman Nichols opened the public hearing. No one spoke during the public hearing. Chairman Nichols closed the public hearing. Commissioner Bauman motioned to approve the replat. Commissioner Stearns seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 6. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a rezoning from R- 1, Single Family Residential to PDD, Planned Development District for 3.31 acres at 510 Chimney Hill Drive generally located west of the intersection of Chimney Hill Drive and Arguello Drive. Case #08-00500253 (JP) Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, presented the rezoning and recommended approval. There was general discussion regarding the rezoning. Commissioner Bauman expressed concern about parking on private streets. Commissioner Woodfin stated that parking is usually not provided when a park is developed. Chairman Nichols opened the public hearing. Eric Mach, developer, stated that there would be two gates to enter the property. He said that he had met the minimum parking requirements and that parking for the park would be on Arguello. Commissioner Stearns asked how trees would be retained in the detention area. Dale Browne, McClure & Browne, stated that the area is a low spot and the detention area and trees are already present. November 20, 2008 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 10 Jerome Rektorik, 437 Chimney Hill Drive, College Station, Texas; William Cunningham, 402 Chimney Hill Drive, College Station, Texas; William Hyman, 201 Lampwick Circle, College Station, Texas; Mickey Posey, 444 Chimney Hill Drive, College Station, Texas; John Hurn, 201 Fireside, College Station, Texas; Manuel Gonzalez, 205 Chimney Hill Circle, College Station, Texas; Donald Shelby, 755 Sunny Lane, Bryan, Texas; Richard Hammerness, 433 Chimney Hill Drive, College Station, Texas; Daniel Romo, 202 Fireside Circle, College Station, Texas; Donald Feltz, 204 Fireside Circle, College Station, Texas; Nancy Berry, 202 Lampwick Circle, College Station, Texas; Patrick Gendron, 205 Lampwick Circle, College Station, Texas; Michael Brown, 203 Lampwick Circle, College Station, Texas. The citizens were in opposition and expressed concern about being uninformed, traffic, and the development possibly being student housing. Ms. Prochazka stated that the applicant had twice as many parking spaces as required. Commissioner Stearns expressed concern about the development being student housing. Commissioner Woodfin stated that sidewalks need to be located on Cooner and Arguello that provide connectivity to the park. Commissioner Stearns motioned to recommend denial. Commissioner Greer seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). Chairman Nichols recessed the meeting at 9:50 p.m. Chairman Nichols reconvened the meeting at 10:00 p.m. 7. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a rezoning from A-O Agricultural Open to C-1 General Commercial Industrial for 2.056 acres located at 1780 Greens Prairie Road West, and more generally located near the northwest corner of the intersection of Greens Prairie Road and Arrington Road. Case #08-00500235 (JS) Jason Schubert, Staff Planner, presented the rezoning and recommended approval. There was general discussion regarding the rezoning. Chairman Nichols opened the public hearing and asked if the frontage would be on Greens Prairie Road. Joe Schultz, Civil Development Ltd., confirmed that the frontage would be on Greens Prairie Road. Chairman Nichols closed the public hearing. Commissioner Slack motioned to recommend approval of the rezoning. Commissioner Greer seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). November 20, 2008 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 10 8. Public hearing, presentation, possible action and discussion on annexation planning in general as well as a recommendation to City Council regarding the proposed annexation of three areas in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction under the exempt status. (LS) Assistant Director Lance Simms presented the proposed annexation of three areas in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction under the exempt status. The exempt annexation areas recommended by staff include land between FM 2154 and Creek Meadows Subdivision (Area 1), land southeast of the Creek Meadows Subdivision (Area 2), and land on the east side of State Highway 6 South (Area 3). He also presented staff's thoughts on areas that could be included in the three-year annexation plan. Commissioner Woodfin stated that the property on the west side of FM 2154 needs to be included in annexation area one. There was general discussion regarding the annexation areas. Chairman Nichols opened the public hearing. William Mather, president and managing partner for Texas World Speedway, stated that none of the proposed annexation areas fit into the definition of exempt properties because there has to be one or more residences on the tract. Chairman Nichols closed the public hearing. In response to Mr. Mather's comment, Mr. Simms stated that the City can and has annexed vacant properties without single-family housing on it. Chairman Nichols stated that Areas one and two make sense, but Area three is a significant piece of property that may need to be considered during the three-year plan. He also stated that including the property on the west side of FM 2154 to the exempt package complicates the plan. Commissioner Woodfin motioned to recommend approval of the exempt annexation package of the three areas with the condition that the package be expanded to include land across FM 2154 from Area 1 so that both sides of the road would be considered. He recommended that the three-year annexation plan should wait until after the City adopts its new Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Greer seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 9. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an ordinance to delete Chapter 9 of the City of College Station Code of Ordinances, Subdivisions, and amend Chapter 12 of the City of College Station Code of Ordinances, Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), to incorporate Chapter 9 into Chapter 12 and make procedural changes and other revisions. Case #08-00500248 (JS) Jason Schubert, Staff Planner, presented the ordinance to incorporate the Subdivision Regulations into the Unified Development Ordinance. November 20, 2008 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of ]0 There was general discussion regarding the ordinance. Chairman Nichols opened the public hearing. Rick Young, 5250 Hidden Acres Drive, gave a presentation regarding the flooding of his property that was caused by the Meadow Creek development. Chairman Nichols closed the public hearing. Director Cowell stated that there would be minor and stylistic changes made and those changes would be brought before the Commission at the next meeting. Commissioner Bauman motioned to recommend approval of the incorporation of the Subdivision Regulations into the Unified Development Ordinance. Commissioner Slack seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 10. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Article 7, General Development Standards as it relates to detention ponds and storm water management. Case #08-0050001 (LH) The item was pulled and will be heard at a future meeting. 11. Public hearing, presentation, possible action and discussion regarding a Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment from Floodplains & Streams and Single-Family Residential Medium Density to Office for 2.70 acres located at 2875 Earl Rudder Freeway, and more generally located next to the North Forest Professional Park. Case #08-00500201 (MR) Matt Robinson, Staff Planner, presented the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment and recommended approval to change the portion of the property designated as Single- Family Residential Medium Density to Office, but recommended denial of the request to change the portion of Floodplains and Stream to Office. There was general discussion regarding the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment. Chairman Nichols opened the public hearing. Joe Schultz, Civil Development, Ltd., stated that it is easier to build an office in a rectangular shape, but that it is not possible with the portion of the property that is designated Floodplains and Streams. Fred Bayliss, Muco Verde, LLC., stated that it is difficult to follow the Floodplains and Streams line. He also stated that he would be happy to donate the rest of the property to the City of College Station. Mr. Salzar stated that the Floodplains and Streams line stops the development from doing certain things. Chairman Nichols closed the public hearing. November 20, 2008 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 10 Director Cowell stated that the City would be willing to buy a portion of the property in addition to the dedication, but that nothing has happened at this point. Commissioner Woodfin stated that the developer may be able to use alternate methods of drainage and the Floodplains and Streams would get preserved as greenways. Chairman Nichols stated that it was a logical development and that the Floodplains and Streams line would be hard to develop. Commissioner Stearns motioned to recommend approval of the portion designated as Single-Family Residential Medium Density to Office, but recommended denial of the request to change the portion of Floodplains and Streams to Office. Commissioner Slack seconded the motion, motion failed (3-3). Chairman Nichols and Commissioners Bauman and Woodfin were in opposition. 12. Public hearing, presentation, possible action and discussion regarding a Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment from Single-Family Residential Medium Density to Retail Regional and Single-Family Residential Medium Density for 34.6 acres located at 1775 Greens Prairie Road West, and more generally located near the southwest corner of the intersection of Greens Prairie Road and Arrington Road. Case #08-00500237 (JS) Jason Schubert, Staff Planner, presented the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment and recommended denial. Chairman Nichols opened the public hearing. Joe Schultz, Civil Development, Ltd., stated that there are drawbacks to develop a residential subdivision on a major thoroughfare. He said that a commercial development on this property would be more attractive because of the non-residential architectural standards and landscaping that is required in a commercial development. Parviz Vessali, 110 Pershing, stated that he built out Arrington Road because he felt that it would be a good commercial area. Chairman Nichols commented that it is too early to make this change. Commissioner Stearns motioned to recommend denial of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment. Commissioner Bauman seconded the motion, motion failed (3-3). Commissioners Bauman, Woodfin and Slack were in opposition 13. Public hearing, presentation, possible action and discussion regarding a Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment from Single Family-Medium Density to Neighborhood Retail for 8.4 acres generally located at the northwest corner of William D. Fitch Parkway and Barron Road. Case #08-00500255 (MH) Molly Hitchcock, Planning Administrator, presented the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment and recommended denial. November 20, 2008 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 7 of 10 There was general discussion regarding the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment. Chairman Nichols opened the public hearing. Jane Kee, IPS Group, stated that retail is planned on the opposite side of State Highway 40 and that the owners are consolidating the two properties. Norvell Breedlove, 3040 Barron Road, stated that he owns the three-acre tract that adjoins the two tracts and he is against rural neighborhood. He also said that the area is not ready for retail development. Chairman Nichols closed the public hearing. Commissioner Bauman motioned to recommend denial of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment. Commissioner Greer seconded the motion, motion passed (6- 0). 14. Public hearing, presentation, possible action and discussion regarding a Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment from Industrial R&D to Residential Attached for 1.32 acres located at 300 Holleman Drive East, next to the Verizon building near Lassie Lane. Case #08-00500260 (MH) Molly Hitchcock, Planning Administrator, presented the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment and recommended denial. Chairman Nichols opened the public hearing. Jane Kee, IPS Group, stated that residential attached is more appropriate for this area than Industrial R&D. Bo Miles stated that this development would be similar to Wolf Pen Creek Condos. Scott Ball, 4711 Johnson Creek Loop, stated that Wolf Pen Creek Condos worked and that is why they want to do the same type of development. Chairman Nichols closed the public hearing. Commissioner Woodfin expressed concern about the lack of sidewalks on that side of Holleman. Ms. Hitchcock stated that sidewalks would be required. Commissioner Greer stated that he was concerned with traffic currently in the area. Commissioner Stearns stated that another type of development should be encouraged. Commissioner Bauman motioned to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment. Commissioner Slack seconded the motion, motion failed (2-4). November 20, 2008 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 8 of 10 15. Public hearing, presentation, possible action and discussion regarding a Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment from Industrial R&D to Residential Attached for 5.591 acres located at the northern corner of the intersection of State Highway 47 and State Highway 60. Case #08-00500254 (MH) Molly Hitchcock, Planning Administrator, presented the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment and recommended denial. Chairman Nichols opened the public hearing. Switzer Deason, 1017 Lyceum Court, stated that the development would be a retirement community which would work better at this location rather than an industrial development. Chairman Nichols closed the public hearing. Commissioner Stearns stated that he likes this type of development and said that it is a good location. Chairman Nichols commented that he likes the idea, but not the location. Commissioner Woodfin agreed that it is not a good area for a retirement community. Commissioner Slack motioned to recommend denial of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment. Commissioner Bauman seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 16. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Director Cowell stated that there would be a future agenda item regarding the processing of comprehensive plan amendments. 17. Adjourn. Commissioner Bauman motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Woodfin seconded the motion, motioned passed (6-0). Meeting adjourned at 2:47 a.m. November 20, 2008 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 9 of 10 Approv t Jo ols, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission ttest: r Brittan Cald ell, Staff Assistant Planning and Development Services November 20, 2008 P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes Page 10 of 10 C1 (~ L PLANNING d~c BONING CO1I~MISSION .G~I~ST 'GIS.1~ MEETING DA7~J (aO, 1. ~. X771 ~1 ~. ~" / 2. ~ ti~ ~ 4. 2l(~~L ~~~~1 ~- 5. _ ~ ~ [~ ~rTf~r s. 7.</ ~ ~, S. _ p,-~J ~ 2 9 ~-- ~ L t f ~~' . _ ,c ~ . . 10. ~ n ~- I" ~-~ h.,, I1. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 22. d ~ ~ ~, ~~. f 24. . 25. ~ /~i D ~'SS ~a oS i~ ~ ~ -~-~; -- ~~~ < - ~ ` `Jj .~ r ~ r ~ '~ `'« `' ~ ~-r~~ ~, , ~~ Z C~ ~ ' l /tb~t rte- C~ rum -- rF ~:~ (~~'m hrv, 7~'~~ ~ 2ts o ~ . G S ~ a_ ~a ~3~ ~ Gr ~~ -T- (--_.__..._._.~ PLANNING d~c ZONING G011~1V~ISSI~N C1 ~1 1. 2. 3. 4. ~. a~ .... 7. s. 9. Zoe ~~,,,,,1,.•,,, C~ 1 ow C.. S lx ---~--~ 11. ~dn, ~9'~ Ot, ~ ~ 12. ~'~~ ~i[1 W1~1 13. 14. 15. I6. ~/ ~-O~ ~~ ~ Gc cS ~~ ~ ~ Za z I~ Qm awe ~k C,r G~ ~ l 18. ' 3~ ' CST f o R l(, _.__,__.~ 20. ~~ 21. ~w~~~ ~~Yt~ ~ S 22. ~ 28. GUESTKEG~STZ~X MEE'TlNG DATE /`~ aJl.k ~ ZA 2Uq ~ 1 24. 2g._ - ~~ss Chimney Hill Area Petition November 18, 2008 On Thursday, November 20t", at 7:00 pm, the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a hearing to discuss the possibility of changing the zoning of the vacant lot in our neighborhood and to make their recommendation to City Council. The hearing will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue at Francis, across from the University. On Thursday, December 11t", at 7:00 pm, the College Station City Council will meet to decide on the P&Z Commission's recommendations. This meeting will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue (same place). You are urged to attend both meetings. The vacant property being considered for re-zoning is the property on Chimney Hill behind Albertsons. This is approximately 3.3 acres. It is currently and has always been zoned "R- 1", single family residence, which requires a minimum LOT size of 5,000 square feet. The developer wants this changed to "R-3", townhomes with a lot size about 1750 square feet and reduced setbacks. We the undersigned residents of Chimney Hill are OPPOSED to this zoning change. We believe that this property should remain zoned as "R-1", single family residence. Name 1. Address 4. s. ~,~W~- ~ c~2 SUS 8. H ~~ ~ 9. T 1J A L 10. ~~ 11. ~'~ 12. ~-~`~ 13. V1' 14. 15. ~I , Gt vv~ ~ Gi r ~ b G~^ w i' ~ °:~ ~~n~~~ G ~~ ,~ 'Lc'~ ~i LG rnfa ~.~ ~ Chimney Hill Area Petition November 18, 2008 On Thursdav, November 20t", at 7:00 pm, the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a hearing to discuss the possibility of changing the zoning of the vacant lot in our neighborhood and to make their recommendation to City Council. The hearing will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue at Francis, across from the University. On Thursdav, December 11t", at 7:00 pm, the College Station City Council will meet to decide on the P&Z Commission's recommendations. This meeting will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue (same place). You are urged to attend both meetings. The vacant property being considered for re-zoning is the property on Chimney Hill behind Albertsons. This is approximately 3.3 acres. It is currently and has always been zoned "R- 1", single family residence, which requires a minimum LOT size of 5,000 square feet. The developer wants this changed to "R-3", townhomes with a lot size about 1750 square-feet and reduced setbacks.. We the undersigned residents of Chimney Hill are OPPOSED to this zoning change. We believe that this property should remain zoned as "R-1", single family residence. Name Address 8 9 12. 13. 14. 15. Chimney Hill Area Petition November 18, 2008 On Thursday, November 20th, at 7:00 pm, the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a hearing to discuss the possibility of changing the zoning of the vacant lot in our neighborhood and to make their recommendation to City Council. The hearing will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue at Francis, across from the University. On Thursday, December 11th, at 7:00 pm, the College Station City Council will meet to decide on the P&Z Commission's recommendations. This meeting will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue (same place). You are urged to attend both meetings. The vacant property being considered for re-zoning is the property on Chimney Hill behind Albertsons. This is approximately 3.3 acres. It is currently and has always been zoned "R- 1", single family residence, which requires a minimum LOT size of 5,000 square feet. The developer wants this changed to "R-3", townhomes with a lot size about 1750 square feet and reduced setbacks. We the undersigned residents of Chimney Hill are OPPOSED to this zoning change. We believe that this property should remain zoned as "R-1 ", single family residence.. Name Address 1. 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 4. Chimney Hill Area Petition November 18, 2008 On Thursday, November 20th, at 7:00 pm, the College Station Plannin4 and Zoning Commission will hold a hearing to discuss the possibility of changing the zoning of the vacant lot in our neighborhood and to make their recommendation to City Council. The hearing will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue at Francis, across from the University. On Thursday. December 11th, at 7:00 pm, the College Station City Council will meet to decide on the P&Z Commission's recommendations. This meeting will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue (same place). You are urged to attend both meetings. The vacant property being considered for re-zoning is the property on Chimney Hill behind Albertsons. This is approximately 3.3 acres. It is currently and has always been zoned "R- 1 ", single family residence, which requires a minimum LOT size of 5,000 sauare feet. The developer wants this changed to "R-3", townhomes with a lot size about 1750 square feet and reduced setbacks. ,(~We the undersigned residents of Chimney Hill are OPPOSED to this zoning chance. We ,believe that this property should remain zoned as "R-1", single family residence. Name 1. ~~ ~ ~'` ,~ awe ~, Address .Z.C~C~ ll ~ R £- S / ~ ~ ~ r / 4. ~O J -~ / ~~~' ~ i 5. n ,(~ ~` ~ 2 U ~ ~ ~r ~.~3 %~~ C I r 6. 0. C ~ ~ ~ Z O y' - cafes ~n. 7. ~~ I ~ ~'~ ~,~~s~~~C~~ s. ~~ 2 ~ ~ ~ i- s. ~ - R 21~ ~ ~~~ ~~ C.r-,--, 10. nn ~~a~- , ~ ~ ~ r' . 11. t 12. ~~ ~ , C~ (~ - 13. t' X11 ~ ~ ~ S Z ~ ~ ~i c-Q S ~ C i ~ 14. ~.'1 r1~~ QI,~SIG.~ ~ ~iP~SI~Pi L~`• Chimney Hill Area Petition November 18, 2008 On Thursday, November 20t", at 7:00 pm, the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a hearing to discuss the possibility of changing the zoning of the vacant lot in our neighborhood and to make their recommendation to City Council. The hearing will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue at Francis, across from the University. On Thursday, December 11t", at 7:00 pm, the College Station City Council will meet to decide on the P&Z Commission's recommendations. This meeting will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue (same place). You are urged to attend both meetings. The vacant property being considered for re-zoning is the property on Chimney Hill behind Albertsons. This is approximately 3.3 acres. It is currently and has always been zoned "R- 1", single family residence, which requires a minimum LOT size of 5,000 square feet The developer wants this changed to "R-3", townhomes with a lot size about 1750 square feet and reduced setbacks. We the undersigned residents of Chimney Hill are OPPOSED to this zoning change. We believe that this property should remain zoned as "R-1", single family residence. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Name Address Chimney Hill Area Petition November 18, 2008 On Thursday, November 20th, at 7:00 pm, the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a hearing to discuss the possibility of changing the zoning of the vacant lot in our neighborhood and to make their recommendation to City Council. The hearing will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue at Francis, across from the University. On Thursday, December 11th, at 7:00 pm, the College Station City Council will meet to decide on the P&Z Commission's recommendations. This meeting will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue (same place). You are urged to attend both meetings. The vacant property being considered for re-zoning is the property on Chimney Hill behind Albertsons. This is approximately 3.3 acres. It is currently and has always been zoned "R- 1", single family residence, which requires a minimum LOT size of 5,000 square feet. The developer wants this changed to "R-3", townhomes with a lot size about 1750 square feet and reduced setbacks. We the undersigned residents of Chimney Hill are OPPOSED to this zoning change. We believe that this property should remain zoned as "R-1", single family residence. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Name Address Chimney Hill Area Petition November 18, 2008 On Thursday, November 20t", at 7:00 pm, the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a hearing to discuss the possibility of changing the zoning of the vacant lot in our neighborhood and to make their recommendation to City Council. The hearing will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue at Francis, across from the University. On Thursday, December 11t", at 7:00 pm, the College Station City Council will meet to decide on the P&Z Commission's recommendations. This meeting will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue (same place). You are urged to attend both meetings. The vacant property being considered for re-zoning is the property on Chimney Hill behind Albertsons. This is approximately 3.3 acres. It is currently and has always been zoned "R- 1 ", single family residence, which requires a minimum LOT size of 5,000 square feet. The developer wants this changed to "R-3", townhomes with a lot size about 1750 square feet and reduced setbacks. We the undersigned residents of Chimney Hill are OPPOSED to this zoning change. We believe that this property should remain zoned as "R-1", single family residence. 1. 2. ~ e 3. ..n ` ~ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 Address ~~~ ~~~ ~3 3 .~. , ~ r Chimney Hill Area Petition November 18, 2008 On Thursdav, November 20t", at 7:00 pm, the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a hearing to discuss the possibility of changing the zoning of the vacant lot in our neighborhood and to make their recommendation to City Council. The hearing will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue at Francis, across from the University. On Thursdav, December 11t", at 7:00 pm, the College Station City Council will meet to decide on the P&Z Commission's recommendations. This meeting will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue (same place). You are urged to attend both meetings. The vacant property being considered for re-zoning is the property on Chimney Hill behind Albertsons. This is approximately 3.3 acres. It is currently and has always been zoned "R- 1 ", single family residence, which requires a minimum LOT size of 5,000 square feet. The developer wants this changed to "R-3", townhomes with a lot size about 1750 square feet and reduced setbacks. We the undersigned residents of Chimney Hill are OPPOSED to this zonincr chancre. We believe that this property should remain zoned as "R-1", single family residence. Name Address 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.' 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Chimney Hill Area Petition November 18, 2008 On Thursday, November 20th, at 7:00 pm, the College Station Plannin4 and Zoning Commission will hold a hearing to discuss the possibility of changing the zoning of the vacant lot in our neighborhood and to make their recommendation to City Council. The hearing will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue at Francis, across from the University. On Thursday, December 11th, at 7:00 pm, the College Station City Council will meet to decide on the P&Z Commission's recommendations. This meeting will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue (same place). You are urged to attend both meetings. The vacant property being considered for re-zoning is the property on Chimney Hill behind Albertsons. This is approximately 3.3 acres. It is currently and has always been zoned "R- 1", single family residence, which requires a minimum LOT size of 5,000 square feet. The developer wants this changed to "R-3", townhomes with a lot size about 1750 square feet and reduced setbacks. We the undersigned residents of Chimney Hill are OPPOSED to this zoning chance. We believe that this property should remain zoned as "R-1", single family residence. N e Address 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 10. Page 1 of 1 Lindsay Kramer -Chimney Hill From: Sondra White <sondra@tamu.edu> To: <llffamer@cstx.goV> Date: 11/14/2008 5:19 PM Subject: Chimney Hill Mrs. Kramer: I'd like to voice my opinion that the vacant lot on Chimney Hill drive should be developed as an R-1 zoning district -single family residence, as originally and currently zoned. I am a resident of Chimney Hill who would very much appreciate that our safe, quiet neighborhood stay that way. Our 10-year-old son was born with Down syndrome and we chose the Chimney Hill neighborhood specifically for its safety and solitude. Thank you so much for all that you do for our city. Sondra White Sondra White'S~ Marketing Communications Manager Texas A&M Foundation S P I R I T AN D MIN D 401 GEORGE BUSH DRIVE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840-2811 TEL (800) 392-3310 (979) 845-8161 EXT191 FAX (979) 458-3101 b~ Please consider the environment before printing my email. file://C:\Documents and Settings\lboyer.CSTX\Local Settings\Temp\Xl'GrpWise\491DB... 11/17/2008 Page 1 of 1 Lindsay Kramer - Randall's land for townhomes From: cazol whiting <scazolwhiting@yahoo.com> To: <lkramer@cstx.gov> Date: 11/16/2008 5:16 PM Subject: Randall's land for townhomes Hello, Ms. Kromer- I nm n long time resident of College Station and of the Chimney Hill Subdivision, and I would like to voice my concern over the continuing situation in which tiny townhomes would be built in our subdivision without garages and having parking which would nccomodnte multiple people living together in less than 1500 square foot townhomes. I purchased this home because of the likelihood that this neighborhood would be able to retain its property value, ns well as be close enough to Ad~M to be convenient to local services. I am very concerned that this neighborhood group is having to repeatedly defend our right to retain the quality of the neighborhood, ns we have hod to do multiple times in the Inst several years. Thank you for considering my concerns. Feel free to contact me, if necessary. Sincerely, 5. Carol Whiting 207 Fireside Circle College Station, TX 77840 979-219-2590 "Leap and the net will appear." Julie Cameron file://C:\Documents and Settings\lboyer.CSTX\Local Settings\Temp\XPGrpWise\492055... 11/17/2008 To All Chimney Hiil Area Residents November 14, 2008 On Thursday. November 20~', at 7:00 am, the College Station Planning and Zonins~ Commission will hold a hearing to discuss the possibility of changing the zoning of the vacant lot in our neighborhood and to make their recommendation to City Council. The hearing will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue at Francis, across from the University. on Thursday, December 91~'. at 7:00 pm. the College Station Citv Council will meet to decide on the P8Z Commission's recommendations. This meeting will take place at the College Station City Hall on Texas Avenue {same place). You are strongly encouraged to attend BOTH meetings to make your voices heard. 1. The vacant property being considered for re-zoning is the property on Chimney Hill behind Albertsons. This is approximately 3.3 acres. It is currently zoned "R-1", single family residence, which requires a minimum LOT size of 5 000 square feet. 2. A concept plan was submitted by the developer is to have this re-zoned as a "Planned Development District", known as a "PDD", but using "R-3" as the zoning base standard, not "R-1". Additionally, the developer wants a variance from "R-3" to REDUCE the size of the iota as well as a variance to REDUCE the standard set back requirements for R-3. {R-3 is the same standard the developer was asking for last spring.) R-3 is "townhouses" which have a minimum LOT size of 2,000 square feet. They wish to build 17 "town houses", ail with a common wall, similar to the original Chimney Hill villas -but at least 27% smaller. Additionally, the current plan does not call for any garages, only parking spaces. 3. The "R-3" standard has a minimum lot size of 2,000 square feet, before set backs. The developer is asking for a variance from R-3 to REDUCE the lot size to an average of about 1.750 square feet -the proposed lots are 20 feet wide x about 87 feet deep. 4. The minimum set back requirements for R-3 are 15 feet in front and 20 feet in back. The developer is asking for a variance from R-3 to REDUCE the set back to 5 feet in front and 10 feet in back. 5. Based on THEIR concept plan, after the revised MINIMUM set backs, and the revised MINIMUM lot sizes they are asking for, the MAXIMUM footprint fora "town house" would be 1,450 sq. ft. 6. From the city's Unified Development Ordinance, Article 5.5 C. "Planned Development District (PDD): The purpose of the Planned Development District is to promote and encourage innovative development that is sensitive to surrounding land uses and to the natural environment. If this necessi#ates varying from certain standards the proposed development should demonstrate community benefits . .................A PDD should not be used to: 1. Guarantee specific building characteristics; 2. Apply additional standards to a single site; or 3. Vary from certain development standards unless community benefits outweigh the requested modifications." 7. The concept plan as presented does NOT meet the standards of any of the homes in the Chimney Hill area and is not conducive to the neighborhood integrity. (Proposed "town houses" that are at least 27°~ smaller than anything in Chimney Hill and probably 30°k smaller, "town houses" that have no garages, only parking spaces in front and back; "town houses" that are conducive to being rented.) 8. The concept plan as presented shows 68 parking spaces for 17 "town houses". This is an average of 4 parking spaces per "town house". Again, this appears to be conducive to being rented property. 9. When the current residents of Chimney Hill build or bought their homes, we did it with the understanding that this lot was zoned for R-1, single famity residence. ff the city changes this, it is at best a breach of faith with the current residents and at worst a breach of implied contract. This has a negative impact on the Chimney Hill community. 10. if this Is changed, there is a great potential for a significant increase in traffic on Chimney Hill. This is a small residential area not intended or designed for high density traff[c. This additional trafnc will cause an increase in congestion in the neighborhood. 11. If this is changed, there is a potential for an increase in problems and danger from the increased traffic for children and ! or senior citizens playing or walking in the neighborhood as well as far any pets. 12. If this is changed, there is a strong possibility that this could lead to an increase in crime. (Note what has happened on Spring Loop.) 13. If this is changed, there would be a great potential for increased in noise in the neighborhood from students as well as great potential for student parties that would go on late into the night. 14. If this is cfianged, there would be great potential for aesthetic change and deterioration in the neighborhood, breaking down the existing neighborhood integrity. 15. If this is changed, there is great potential for the properly values in the Chimney Hill area to decrease. 16, it appears from the"sr concept plan that they have used every square foot of the acreage possible, in order to get to use the PDD zoning standard. This is no different than what was proposed last spring, other than they now have a concept plan, as required for a PDD. Regardless of what the developer may call this, i.e. "town houses", it still looks like very small apartments. 17. Based on the concept plan, it would appear that the developer is only interested in making a quick profit and is not interested about any of the neighborhood issues or neighborhood integrity. Additionally, it does NOT appear to provide ANY community benefits to the Chimney Hill area. 18.The Chimney Hill neighbors are not against developing the vacant [ot, but it should be developed as an R-1 zoning district -single family residence, as originally and currently zoned. Please share this information with your neighbors and come to both meetings to make your opinion known. Again, the P8~Z meeting is Thursday. November 20th_at 7:00 pm, at City Hall. The City Council meeting is Thursday, December 11~' at 7:00 pm, also at City Hall. Thank you. Jerome Rektorik - 979-846-2727; Bill Armstrong - 979-260-9023; Glenda Coltrin - 979-691-0909. The Planning and Zoning Commission Members for the City of College Station are: John Nichols Bill Davis Noel Bauman Hugh Steams Thomas Woodfin Doug Slack Paul Greer You have a right to contact any member of the P8Z commission on any planning and zoning Issue. You also have a right to contact any member of the City Council on any issue that is City business. 2 r. ~._. 2.,~ _.~.. , . _ Pa a 1_' c11/19%2008) Lindsay Kramer. Chimney Hill rezoning staff report ~ ____~,,._,_,_~~___^,____„__ _,,. , _ _„___.________ ~_.._~,_.~9, From: Anne Nichols <anichols@tamu.edu> To: <Ikramer@cstx.gov> Date: 11/19/2008 1:50 PM Subject: Chimney Hill rezoning staff report CC: "nichols, john" <jm-nichols@tamu.edu> I received a copy of the staff report from the Chimney Hill Villas Homeowner Society. I would like to respond with concerns. I live on the third lot from the corner of Arguello and Chimney Hill Dr at 445 which faces the property under consideration. I attended the Council Meeting with my husband and 3 year old daughter last spring when the developer requested a change in the zoning of this parcel from R-1 to R-3. What the council chair pointed out was that the developer had not been in discussion with the homeowners, and recommended doing so. This has not happened to my knowledge. The other thing that was mentioned at the council meeting was that the traffic study appeared to be out of date. tt is not clear from your report that the information has been verified or updated from the recent construction of the bank on the corner with Tarrow, or the alteration to the median which used to prohibit left turn traffic onto Arguello from the Albertson's parking lot. I routinely take my daughter with me after we get home from work and school between 5 and 6 pm to walk to the mailbox in front of 443 and 441. The cars come very fast around the curve without considering there may be pedestrians. There is no sidewalk on our side of the street. With the way the gated entrance is proposed, and the fact that Tarrow is one way, the cars would be turning left to get to the lighted intersection with Hearthstone Circle and Spring Loop. Because the left turn lane at East Tarrow is usually backed up to the other end of Tarrow during rush hour, the cars cut through the Albertson's parking lot to get to the intersection with Tarrow at Spring Loop, which is why they rush past us when we walk to the mail box. The residents are familiar with the street and do not behave this way. Another concern with the additional traffic the report says the current infrastructure could support is the acquisition by the city of the Chimney Hill shopping center bounded by Tarrow and University for a convention center. I am presuming there has not been a traffic study done for that facility yet. And a final observation; our section of Chimney Hill Dr. with the villas and town homes seems to consist of more and more retired residents. These residents prefer garages for 1 or 2 cars because most homes have one or two residents. The proposed high density, small footprint, "upscale" townhouses have no garages, but provide ample parking for 4 cars per unit. If this was to be marketed to the stable resident type of the neighborhood, rather than university students with one vehicle each occupant, I would expect to see covered parking or enclosed parking, and then a common area for visitor parking, which I did not see on the plan included with the notice for the council meeting next week. - .~_ 11/19/2008 Lindsa Kramer - Chim ~ ~ ~ Pa e 2 ~(__~._~,~.~__)__ T_ ._YT,.._____~, ney Hill rezoning staff report __.___.____9 ___.. It appears the developer is relying on the strong wishes of the city (Comprehensive Plan) to develop undeveloped areas within the city. You have indicated that the impact to the community in general would be positive. The impact on my family and neighbors, however, would not be. Anne Nichols 445 Chimney Hill Dr. College Station, TX 77840 (979) 846-1108 ~~is%1~~ SwrtZER L. DEwsoN 1017 Lyceum Court College Station, Teaas 77840 Home: 974.764.7640 / Fai: 979.764.7642 /Cell: 979.575.6248 TO: Members of the Planning & Zoning Commission DATE: November 19, 2008 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT /CORNER OF STATE HIGHWAY 60 & STATE HIGHWAY 47 (0&00500254) Apylicant's Response to the Denial of the Amendment Recommended by the Staff Let me first apologize for having to give you an advance copy of the enclosed abbreviated summary of my response to the Staff s recommendation that the Commission deny the subject application. I expect to be at the November 20'~ meeting in time to speak personally when my application comes up on the agenda; but I must unavoidably be in Dallas for most of the day ...and something could delay my drive back. I serve on the boazd of a Dallas bank that has a boazd meeting on the third Thursday of each month. I am the bank's only "outside director", chairman of its audit committee, and the FDIC has a mandatory requirement that I attend each boazd meeting - or resign. It's 210 miles each way from College Station to north Dallas, where the meeting is held, and I plan to leave the meeting early to get back in time to present my application {normally I spend the night in Dallas, and return the next day). The subject application was submitted on October 6'~ for presentation at the November 4~` meetin~; but because this meeting was overloaded for the Commission, the application was moved to the November 20 meeting. When this happened, I knew there was a major schedule conflict for me; and I asked Lauren Hovde to try to schedule my application towards the end of the agenda, which she has done (initially my application was "second" on the agenda). Lauren Hovde is the Staff Planner who handled my application, and she has given me invaluable assistance and direction throughout the Staff s review of the application - in addition to getting the application re-scheduled to the end of tomorrow night's agenda. I won't bother you with further details ...but if traffic or car trouble unexpectedly delays my return from Dallas, and I am not present when my application comes up on the agenda, you (hopefully) will have had time to read the enclosed abbreviated summary of what I planned to say. You are welcome to read the enclosed summary at any time, if your time permits -- regardless of whether I am back in time to present orally. If I am back in time, your advance knowledge of what I plan to say will enable you to cut to the heart of the matter with any questions you have, so that the Commission can more quickly conclude what appears to be another lengthy meeting for its members. Thank you for extending this courtesy (if it is needed). I plan to do everything I can to be on time; and I look forward to appearing personally before the Commission. CC: Molly Hitchcock Bob Cowell i COMPREHENSNE PLAN AMENDMENT / CORNER OF STATE HIGHWAY 60 ~ STATE HIGHWAY 47 08-00500254 /Applicant's Response to the Denial of the Amendment Recommended b1l the Staff The Applicant Supports the Staffs Commitment to Preserve Industrial R&D Designations in Comprehensive Plans Planning & Development Services (Staff recommends denial of the application to fulfill its unequivocal responsibility for protecting and preserving "Industrial R&D" designations in the current Comprehensive Plan (adopted in 1997), and to preserve the current Plan's designations in the event they remain the same in the new Comprehensive Plan expected to be adopted within the next 12 months. The applicant does not disagree with the Staff s preservation of Industrial R&D designations in Comprehensive Plans; but the requested amendment is minor and has major favorable impact potential. Tredltions and die Health Sdence Center (HSC) impact the Use of Tracts With Frontage. On the East Side of SH47 Since the current Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 1997, there have been two major developments immediately adjacent to the sma115.591-acre tract the applicant is requesting to be re-designated "Residential Attached", instead of the current designation of "Industrial R&D". These two developments are: (1j The "Traditions" residential development that started in 2000 indudes a worid-doss goff course used by Texas A&M's golf team, and the development currently has roughly 200 homes completed ~ under construction; and (2) The new `Texas A&M Health Science Center" (HSC) is located on a 200 acre tract in the center of the portion of the Traditions project that faces SH47. The 245 Acres Designated Industrial R8eD h1l the Staff Are impacted bV Tradidons and the Health Science Center A majority of the 245 acres in College Station designated industrial R&D, that the Staff identifies as "indudes dre subject tract and its immediate", is approximately 170 acres owned by Traditions and its developer. Traditions is not expected to want to expand its residential development and goff course on a significant portion (if arty) of this College Station land; and only a small portion of the land has frontage on SH47 (1,200 feet of frontage), and this is next to the Applicant's 5.591-acre tract that has 1,000 feet of frontage on SH47. Designating the Applicant's Tract as "Residential Attached" Should Enhance Industrial R&D Use of Traditions' Acreage The 5.591-acre tract in the application fronts onto SH47 at the south end of the Traditions development and is the last tract with frontage on the East side of SH47, before SH47 turns to or from SH60. The applicant's tract is adjacent to the Traditions development, and is only 400 yards south of the Traditions tract on which a "Continuing Care Retirement Center" (CCRC-nursing home) is to be built, and only 700 yards south of the Health Science Center (HSC) being constructed. Both Traditions and the HSC oppose the use of tracts with frontage on SH47 (between Villa Maria and SH60) that distort the image targeted for their projects.. As a result, use of the applicant's tract, for a much needed development for College Station residents overage 55, should be favorably received by both Traditions and the HSC. The Appikation Addresses College Station's Need for Additional Developments for Its Senor Citizens Under the housing program administered by the "Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs", which is the "Departrnent" that approves the development of tax-credit residential units restricted to people over 55 years of age, College Station has a "per capita index" for these developments (established by the "Department") that is only hall the index targeted for all metro areas in the State. College Station currently has only two of these developments, and there is a lengthy "occupancy wait list" at both developments -"Terrace Pines" has 100 units at Krenek Tap Rd and Dartmouth, and the "Villas of Rode Prairie" has 128 units on Monier Drive at Welibom Rd. An additional development for residents over age 55 will improve the City's index deficiency by 50% for this senior citizen service -increasing its "per capita index" targeted for all metro areas in the State from 5056 to 75% of the index. The proposed "over-age-55" development on SH47 has been discussed in detail with College Station's "Economic & Community Development" staff; and their support is expected when the subject SH47 trod is approved for development by the Gty. Page 1 of 3 In 2006, I diligently worked with a proven developer of these projects to locate and contract for the purchase of a desirable location in College Station. The developer contracted for the purchase of a 7-acre tract on Earl Rudder Freeway (SH6), adjacent to the Raintree Subdivision. The developer submitted an approval application within the required first week of the next year (2007); but because of subsequent rejections by the residents of Raintree Subdivision, approval of the development could not be pursed and the application was withdrawn. During the next year (2007), I again worked diligently with this developer, and he entered into a contract for the purchase of a costly six-acre tract near the intersection of Wellborn Rd and Southwest Pkwy. The developer applied for program approval within the deadline of the first week of 2008; but the application was withdrawn because of the costly purchase price of the land tract, the high costs required by the seller to carry the contract until the "Department" approved the proposed development, and a lack of support from area property owners. As a result of these two successive failures, l personally purchased the subject trail on SH47 for an "over age 55" development. This site is dose to both the Health Silence Center (HSC) being built and to the major "Continuing Care Retirement Center (CCRC--nursing home) to be constructed. The development's frontage on the East side of SH47 will complement the Traditions/HSC/CCRC projects that also front on SH47. The subject tract has easy access to B-CS shopping areas by both personal vehicle and the public bus transportation service expected for the area. Within two-to-three years, the HSC expects to complete the construction of more than its Phase I, and similar construction timing is anticipated for an extensive CCRC ("Continuing Care Retirement Center). Construction of the proposed "over age 55" development could be completed within the same timing. This timing is based on submission of an application to the "Department" by the first week of 2009, approval for proposed developments occurs in October 2009, and once approved, construction of the development should be completed within 18 to 24 months. Easterwood Air 7raffk and FAA Requirements Are Not a Problem Compliance with FAA requirements was not discussed in the Staff s denial recommendation, but the subject was discussed in detail with the Staff by the Applicant. One of the two 5,000 ft. runways that diagonally intersect the airport's 7,000 ft. runway points in the general direction of the subject tract; but the tract is 600 ft. to the side of Easterwood's easement / "Runway Protection Zone" {RPA) that extends across SH60 and 1,700 ft beyond the end of the runway. in personally discussing the proposed development and tract location with the FAA's regional office in Fort Worth TX, it was indicated that the development evidently does not have any problems satisfying FAA requin~nents. Summary of "Bottom-Line" Justifications For Approval of the Requested Amendment (1) Approval of the requested amendment to the Comprehensive Plan will not compromise (and should help facilitate) College Station Industrial R&D on a significant portion of the 170 acres owned by Traditions inside the City. The subject 5.591-acre tract has 1,000 ft of frontage on SH47, and an over-age-55 developmenrt there will sigroficar~y complement the image that Traditions, HSC and CCRC evidently desire. The requested approval also will avoid an unfavorable impact that Industrial R&D on the tract could have; and as a resuR, Traditions could well consider using a major portion of its land located within the College Station City Limits to support College Station's industrial R&D objectives. (2) The SH47 service road fronting the 5.591-acre tract provides only one-way access going north, "away from" College Station and the airport (a circumstance that may not be conducive for Industrial R&D). Industrial R&D vehicles having to drive one way on a daily basis in front of Traditions, the HSC, and the CCRC could negatively impact these developments. (3) The addition of a third "over age 55" development is a much needed service for College Station's senior atizens. Two attempts in College Station during the past three years'~ailed at this endeavor; and the proposed location has definite advantages for overcoming the problems encountered at the other two College Station locations attempted for this project. Page 2 of 3 ~_ H w V w ~~ U <z ua u, -'~ ~ u ~~ H .~ w x i ,'+,• I' Fl) i ~0~ ~ ~ ~ m ~~ ! ~ .!z ~i ~ f~ IY1 ~- r ~i ,~_ .~ . < , n Cp :~-I ~J R ( , ~ ~ ~ ~: n ~~, T'1:> _ 1 .0 tig ~ ~ ~ -~ r • ~ ~ ,a t _ .~y ,, ~ ~ ~ a ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ '~ _ _ ,~ ~ ,, ~~~ ~ ~ ,, ~ , ~ ~~ ~/ - 3. .~ _ ~` ~h L- 4 ~,k t~ ~~; w >~~,:. 5. ..'., "~~. ~' c~; +' i,,~ L~ C~' t, R.~:, ~~, ,' ~~ ~ _ t ;(~ `\ ~~,,, 0 W F O. 1 1 O 1 V 1 ~ ~1 \r~ .~ ~ ~ ^~~ I~ W U ~ ~ ~~ ~ -'~ Registration Form . (For persons who wish to address the Commission) " Date of Meeting ~ ~ t'`~ D - - Agenda Item No. Name i G ~• ~ ~-' Address ~~~~6 ,~~dr/~~r2t~ S ~. If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: SpeatCer's official capacity: j , ~ - Subject on which person wishes to . _ ~ `Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are '~ recogniz$d~by the chair, hand your completed registration. form. to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish#o present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. - ~--~. v ''"',e CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VISITOR'S FOR~VI Date of Meeting: ,,~~ - 7 ~,~j Agenda Item No.: - I want to speak on this item. ^ I do not want to speak. (Comments only) Name ~ C Address: S ~p ~~ ~.~ ~'/~...s Street -7 City State/ Phone Number: ~ / g- S 7 ~ ~ ~ ( ~ E-Mail Address (optional): Citizen Comments: Registration for City Council Meetings 7/05 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VISITOR' S Date of Meeting: ~ ~- ` ~,,, c~ - ~' Agenda Item No.: L Ly' I want t o speak on this item. U I do of want to speak. (Comments only) Name C~ ~' Ut, ~ 1 ~~ ~ '~ •~'J e Address: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1~/'~1U ~~ _ ~- ~` Street City State Phone Number: _(p ~~ '-` ~ ~ E-Mail Address (optional): Citizen Comments: Registration for City Council Meetings Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting Agenda Item No. /S Name ~~~c~~ ~ Z ~~ l~~g~ awl Address 10 l ~ Gy cow u ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~f L'o <lc~g ~~g LL.'arr, ~, . If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: ~- ~e~~~ \ Speaker's official .capacity: ~ - Subject on which person wishes to speak: ~' bf ~ oySoy ~.5~ `/rl N~ Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration, form to the presiding officer and state your name and - residence before beginning your presentation. If you have . written notes you. wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. ~.. r Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) . _ Date of Meeting ~ ~ ~ Z ©-- D Agenda Item No. ~_ - Name ~ ~~ ~ ~~y~ ~~ Address ~1~~~ [z~ 4~1 nl ~~ . ~ . ~~` If speaking for an organization, Name of organization:. Speaker's official capacity: n7 ~ u) n)~2~ ~ Subject on which. person wishes to speak: . , a Please remember to step to the podium as ,soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form -to the presiding officer and state your name and ,residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish tb present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH ~N EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. _ ' ~~ Registration Form (For persons who: wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting t ~ ' 2° ,6 `b _ - Agenda Item 1Vo. ~ 2.- - Name ~ cJ tom. 5 ~~.~.~ kZ __ Address' ~ ~ d ~ ~•~s ~~' ~ ~~ _ If speaking for an organization, Name of organizati ffon: (~ - Speaker's o vial capacity: TC .mac c.r ;a-' ~ ~c~ - _ V! Subject on which person wishes to speak: - " Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration dorm ~to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE ~ FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. sl (0 Registratio~~ Form - - (Far persons who wash to address the_ Commission) - - 'Date of Meeting ~ ~~~~~~ Agenda Item No. +~,, _ r Name Y V ~~ ~,P .~rw-.. Address ~~ 3 ~''~il~~ CSC (.cn_ iv~~. CS `~C ~- ~-8 ~ d If speaking for an organization, e Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: ~ . Subject on-which person wishes to speak: Please remember to step to the~podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish tb present to the Commission P FURNISH AN EXTRA C S.. - ,- ~? ~~ ~~~~ 41 ~~ .~ Registration Form ~ 6~ (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~ (` ~~ ~ U Agenda Item No. ~ ~ - , ~" ~ -, Name ~/` < ; '~ , F P ~ ~, ~ ,~ Address ~ a/ L-~~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~- If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: ~j', i,~ ,~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~;~ , Speaker's official rapacity: ~~, Subject o which person wishes to speak: , f_f ~~ - ~ ~ Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you-are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding :officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING. LES. j ~.~ , \~ ~ V ~/ w a a, o~ ~~~ ~~ U A' 'I ~~ / , ~ ~ . ~~ ~ Registration Form D~ V~~ (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting 1 1- 20 -O $ Agenda Item No. Name / _ t v ~l, V~ ~j~2.~- " Address ~b'~2. ~-.a~ Eck- ~ ~ 11$~'~, If speaking for an organization, ~. Name of orga••In~wization: , ~ y ~i~'~ (YY~ h stn ~ T l ~ ~ ~ m (~v'D v'e'~V-~-1 ~ s a c . Speaker's official capacity: Pre.s~~t Subject on which person wishes to speak: Please remember to step to the podium as. soon as you are recognized by the chair,, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EX'T'RA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. ~_ 1 Registration Form - (For persons who wish to address the Commission) - Date of Meeting ~ ~ iZ(r-.~(s~ Agenda Item No. Name J ~~y~~2 Address ~ Z o o ~rSb~~ ~ s- ,2 ~-- '7 7 g~~ If speaking for an organization, , Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity 1 Subject on which person wishes to speak: Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation.. If you have _ written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. - I i _ ~ ~/ _ 1Zegistration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commissi - Date of Meeting ~ ~ " ~'-~ , O~ Agenda Item No. L ~ - ' /.~ ~ JJ . Name C Address - ~ . ~ 1r-Qi~ ~, ~ ~ C , S ,r! 7~~~ If speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: _ ~~/~ ~~ - Subject on wluch person fishes to speak: Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the ,presiding- officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission; PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. - Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Date of Meeting 1 ~ 2 ~ Agenda Item No. ~ 1 / _ ' Name ~ fM ~ ~d ~ ~ /~ Address ~ l 0 5 ~ ~ ~ U '~ If speaking €or an organization, ' .Name of organization: M. i~ ~v l~~/~s Speaker's official capacity: , Subject on which pe son wishes to_ speak: Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are .recognized by the Chair, hand your completed registration , forrri to the presiding officer and state your name and residence.before beginning your presentation. If'you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. . ' Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ ®~ - Agenda Item No. Name ~~~~~.~.-~{2 Address ~ ? n~, ~L S ~~ . ~ S ~ 7 ~~ If speaking for an organization, s -Name of organiznation: ~ ~~\ c C c ~ ~ 4'1~ 4 - z Speaker's official capaci -/ ` ~f ~ h c v' ~j~,/~l ~~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ Subject on which person wishes to speak: ' ' \ - Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by-the chair, hand your completed registration -form to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your px'esentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .~ I ! ~ 1 ~(,~~~ ~ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 'O ~~ ~ VISITOR'S FORM ~ Date of Meeting: /,J/~v Agenda Item No.: ~. I want to speak on this item. ^ I do not want to speak. (Comments only) Name _ i ~,~ Q ~ ~~~ S~" Address: C;i~ Street Ci State Phone Number:~1 7 `7 - ~~~~ ~C~~ E-Mail Address (optional): Citizen Comments: Registration for City Council Meetings 7/05 l~ ~ A~,~ ~ ~~~ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VISITOR'S FORM Date of Meeting: Agenda Item No.: r Q ~~~ I want to speak on this item. ^ I do not want to speak. (Comments only) Name v~` U~ ~ 2 ~ ~J V'~ r. n Address: 3 ~ ~ ~ IG(~ ~ ~ (.,6 Street CityState ? ~ ~~ Phone Number: 9 ~~ ~Y G - Z ~Z^~- E-Mail Address (optional): ~I 2 K-~-~ ~,~ ~~ Citizen Comments: ~ Q,y-, B ~~ p~ Registration for City Council Meetings 7/05 '"~~e ~, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VISITOR'S FC Date of Meeting: ~~ - Z,~ -- Agenda Item No.: I want to speak on this item. ^ I do not want to speak. (Comments only) Name V Address: Street City ~ State Phone Number: ~ /~ 9~ ~~~-- (' ~~ E-Mail Address (optional): Citizen Comments: Registration for City Council Meetings 7/05 ,err t . '"*r , /~A a~ C,~oF R' S ^FORM VISITO Date of Meeting: agenda Item No.: I want to speak on this item. ~ Commence only) I do not want to spe~• ( ~ ~. 2 r ~_ Name W • ~ a .\ c S ~ Address: ~ Z- C. State Street City Phone Number: „ v $_Mail Address (optional): ~ ,. \r s , , Citizen Comments: Registration for City Council Meetings .,r,® ~r ~~~~~ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VISITOR' S FOR~VI Date of Meeting: t t Z~ I 0 ~ Agenda Item No.: `~ I want to speak on this item. ^ I do not want to speak. (Comments only) Name V V ~ ~ ` 1 ~ ~ ~ IM mac: -~ Address: Z~ < <--~ °~- "^,P w ~ c.~ ~-~, r Street `~, City ~ s State -r~ Phone Number: ~ `1 ~O ~ 6 0 4' E-Mail Address (optional): Citizen Comments: Registration for City Council Meetings ~"~t ~'~ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VISITOR'S FOR~VI Date of Meeting: /Vey 2Q `~ Agenda Item No.: ~ b I want to s eak on this item. p ^ I do not want to speak. (Comments only) Name ~nn M /'~~rs ~i.. Address: ~ 48 ~ain~Avir~ (~i~ G S Street City State Phone Number: _ ~~6 - ~Q/~ E-Mail Address (optional): Citizen Comments: f fj~l~p/~p~ Registration for City Council Meetings 7/05 ,~. ~ ,.~~' CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VISITOR' S FOR~VI Date of Meeting: ~ ~ -~, o .~ D~ Agenda Item No.: 6~ I want to speak on this item. ^ I do not want to speak. (Comments only) Name Address: Cuff GF Glta ~n BEY ,~/ G/' 1S,~P ` ` Street Ci State Phone Number: $'1~,~.- '~, ('~~ E-Mail Address (optional):_ Citizen Comments: Registration for~ity Counc' tings~' ' l~" Co ?/OS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VISITOR' S FORM Date of Meeting: j j ~ 20 ~ 0~6 Agenda Item No.: ltd' I want to speak on this item. ^ I do not want to speak. (Comments only) Name. J o --~ r.a 1~ ~ i21y Address: 20 ( I ~ ~2 ~5 t D c~ ~ Lc,~s4 .rte ~'~ 7 c u~ Street City State Phone Number: ` C(~ ~ 1 ,Z ~~ ~ ~ ~S Z ~ (~ ,~ E-Mail Address (optional): ~~is~~ ~ ~ ~(~ ~~,~~.~ Citizen Comments: Registration for City Council Meetings 7/05 O~~ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VISITOR' S FORM Date of Meeting: ~ ~/~ ~ /.0_ ~ Agenda Item No.: I want to speak on this item. ^ I do not want to speak. (Comments only) Address: x,05 ~~ /~~t/~ y ¢--11 LC. C/lQ c ~ - T~ Street City State Phone Number: 9 ~~ ° Z ~ ~ ' g / 1 E-Mail Address (optional):_ ~fANV~~ ~/o~~z, d~l~ Citizen Comments: dl ~A ~ n ~ y 2~- ~~t//,t,c<, ~'~~1/~~l ,~//LL_ Registration for City Council Meetings 7/05 . ~ _ `~/ ~~ - ~ ~ ~~ , Re istration Form g (For persons who wish to address the Commission) l - Date of Meeting ~ f~ ~ Agenda Item No. Name D U ~. ~ ~ - ' Address !/N~ m~l~~~ter~C !S ~~' ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~, ~~~ / .~ speaking for an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: /~-~e ~e~ Subject on w 'ch person wishes to "speak: ~ ~ - ~~ Please remember, to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form - to the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning .your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present.to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA,COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. /~ ~' PosG~ _ ~ ~~ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VISITOR' S FOR~VI Date of Meeting:. ~ ~ ~Z G /~7~ Agenda Item No.: L~' I want to speak on this item. ^ I do not want to speak. (Comments only) Name ~ t C t~ ~ ~ '~-- ~`1C'19i ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ S ~ Address: _ `-t ~/ ~ L ~G'.rr'^T,~„- l~ ~7 ~~ S ~?< Street City State Phone Number: ~ `~ ~ g~ Z~ ~ 1 `-E 0 ~ ~-- E-Mail Address (optional):~~,~~~,L~ (a; ~?i~d-~,sc-c.~ - Cav, Citizen Comments: ~ rJ~(~-(~~ 1~~~,,~~ T .L,~ ~ ~ t Registration for City Council Meetings 7/05 ` `_ - ` ~ Registration Fo~n , (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~l ~ Z~_1~p Agenda-Item No. _~~ Name ~ - - Address ~ If speaking for an organization, Name of organizatiop: Speaker's official capacity: Subject on which person wishes to speak: Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the. presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. ' ~ ,. . 1~f - Re istration Form ~`~ g O,pP'h (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ~~ ~2 ~ ~ ~ Agenda Item No. ~' Name ~ ~DYI a ~~ ~ : ~ ~/ ~~ ,Address, 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ Y eS ~~ ~ ~ I wG ~ . 1. I-~ri~vr~ D,,~v~u' ~~~a c . ) Speaker's official c(a' pacify: e S ~ P~ .e v~$ ~ ~-~ o ,n.9 !~ w ~' Subject on which person wishes to speak: If speaking for an organization, Name ~ of organization: ' Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you, are recognized by the chair, hand. your completed registration form to the. presiding officer and state- your name and residence before beginning .your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE -FURNISH AN EXTRA COP'Y' FOR PLANNING -FILES.