HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/01/2006 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission ~ MINUTES Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, June 1, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. Holy Cross Lutheran Church 1200 Foxfire Drive College Station, Texas CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Plannihiet1!8#loprr11:ntSe@1(e$ COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Acting Chairman Bill Davis, Ken Reynolds, Harold Strong, Dennis Christiansen and Marsha Sanford. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Scott Shafer and John Nichols. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilmen Ben White and Ron Gay. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners Lindsay Boyer, Jennifer Reeves and Crissy Hartl, Senior Planners Jennifer Prochazka and Trey Fletcher, Planning Administrator Molly Hitchcock, Transportation Planner Ken Fogle, Assistant City Engineer Alan Gibbs, Graduate Civil Engineers Carol Cotter and Josh Norton, Acting Director Lance Simms, Staff Assistant Lisa Lindgren, Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson, Director of Parks and Recreation Steve Beachy, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Ric Ploeger, Acting Assistant City Manager Mark Smith, Director of City Communications Becky Nugent and Broadcast Media Specialist Mark Beal. 1. Call meeting to order. Acting Chairman Bill Davis called the meeting to order at 7 :05 p.m. 2. Hear Citizens. No one spoke during this item. Consent A2:enda. 3.1 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat - Residential for Edelweiss Gartens Phase 12 consisting of 24 lots on 8.19 acres located at Oldenburg Lane north east of Wellborn Road and State Highway 40. Case #06- 500092 (JR/JN) 3.2 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Final Plat for Las Palomas consisting of 27 lots on 8.79 acres located in the general vicinity of the intersection at Cain Road and Jones-Butler Road in the City's Extra-territorial Jurisdiction. Case #06-500037 (CH/JN) P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes June 1, 2006 Page 1 of 5 3.3 Consideration, discussion and possible action on meeting minutes. .:. November 3, 2005 ~ Regular Meeting Minutes .:. February 2, 2006 ~ Workshop Meeting Minutes .:. February 2, 2006 ~ Regular Meeting Minutes .:. February 16, 2006 ~ Workshop Meeting Minutes .:. February 16, 2006 ~ Regular Meeting Minutes .:. May 4, 2006 ~ Workshop Meeting Minutes .:. May 4, 2006 ~ Regular Meeting Minutes .:. May 18, 2006 ~ Workshop Meeting Minutes .:. May 18, 2006~ Regular Meeting Minutes Commissioner Strong motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Reynolds seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). Re2:ular A2:enda. 4. Consideration, discussion and possible action on a request for absence from a meeting. .:. Ken Reynolds ~ May 18, 2006 ~ Workshop & Regular Meeting Commissioner Sanford motioned to approve the absence request. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). 5. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. No items were removed from the Consent Agenda. 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on Variance Requests to the Subdivision Regulations, Sections 12-1.5 Half-Streets, 12-K.l General, 12-J.2 Utility Easements, 12- R.3 Sanitary Sewer Master Plan, and Section 15 Ownership, and presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for Williams Creek Phases 5, 6 and 7 consisting of 47 lots on 116.15 acres located at 9500 Rock Prairie Road at the south east comer of Greens Prairie and Rock Prairie Road. Case #06-500089 (JR/CC) Jennifer Reeves, Staff Planner, presented the Variance Requests and Preliminary Plat and stated that it is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and that no phone calls were received. Commissioner Christiansen motioned to approve the Variance Requests as submitted. Commissioner Strong seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes June 1, 2006 Page 2 of 5 Commissioner Sanford motioned to approve the Preliminary Plat as submitted. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). 7. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Rezoning from A-O Agricultural Open to A-P Administrative Professional for Harvey Hillsides, Block 1, Lot 31 consisting of 0.69 acres located at 3970 Harvey Road, generally located between Pamela Lane and Marcy Lane. Case #06-500093 (TF) Trey Fletcher, Senior Planner, presented the Rezoning and recommended denial. John Vilas, 15 Ranchero, College Station, Texas. Mr. Vilas spoke in favor of the Rezoning. Tony Hung, 30 Marcy Lane, College Station, Texas. Mr. Hung spoke in opposition of the Rezoning. Brady Brittain, 3001 Durango, College Station, Texas. Mr. Brittain spoke in favor of the rezonmg. Commissioner Christiansen motioned to recommend denial of the Rezoning. Commissioner Strong seconded the motion, motion failed (2-3). Commissioners Christiansen and Strong were in favor of the denial; Commissioner Reynolds, Davis and Sanford opposed the denial. Commissioner Reynolds motioned to approve the Rezoning. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion, motion passed (3-2). Commissioners Reynolds, Sanford and Davis were in favor of the motion. Commissioners Strong and Christiansen were in opposition of the motion. 8. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an amendment to the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 3.1 General Approval Procedures related to specific notice requirements. Case #05-500023 (TF) Trey Fletcher, Senior Planner, presented the amendment regarding General Approval Procedures. Commissioner Sanford motioned to approve the amendment as presented for Section 3.1 General Approval Procedures. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). 9. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Comprehensive Plan Amendment request for the area generally located east of and adjacent to State Highway 6, north of Woodcreek Subdivision, south of Emerald Parkway, and west of JFoxfire Subdivision, from Regional Retail, Industrial R&D, and Single-Family Medium Density, to Regional Retail, Industrial R&D, Institutional, Office, and Planned Development. Case #05-500044 (JP) P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes June 1, 2006 Page 3 of 5 Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, presented the Comprehensive Plan Amendment request from Regional Retail, Industrial R&D, and Single-Family Medium Density, to Regional Retail, Industrial R&D, Institutional, Office, and Planned Development. Ken Fogle, Transportation Planner, also gave a presentation regarding traffic issues for the item. Chuck Ellison, 302 Holleman Drive East, Suite 76, College Station, Texas. Mr. Ellison spoke in favor of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Lawrence Stewart, 8710 Greenleaf Drive, College Station, Texas; Wayne Rife, 9255 Brookwater Circle, College Station, Texas; Bill Stockton, 9220 Brookwater Circle, College Station, Texas; Alton Rogers, 9313 Stonebridge Drive, College Station, Texas; David George, 1505 Foxfire, College Station, Texas; Dirk Hays, 8800 Sandstone, College Station, Texas; Janet Kountakis, 9309 Lake Forest Court South, College Station, Texas; Don Hillriegel, 87045 Appomattox Drive, College Station, Texas; Ann Hazen, 1309 Wilshire, College Station, Texas; Patricia Startzman, 2009 Oakwood Trail, College Station, Texas; Kay Youngblood, 2184 Harley, College Station, Texas; Terry Raines, 1307 Essex Green Drive, College Station, Texas; Dick Startzman, 2009 Oakwood Trail, College Station, Texas; Susan Edmission, 1003 Falcon Circle, College Station, Texas; Kim Feldman, 8502 Amethyst Court, College Station, Texas; Douglas Slack, 2301 Ferguson Circle, College Station, Texas; Karen Rabroker, 8713 Sandstone, College Station, Texas; and Dennis Christiansen, 2513 Faulkner, College Station, Texas. These citizens spoke in reference to the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and few of them spoke in opposition. The majority of the concerns regarding the item were the issues dealing with traffic, access and connectivity. At this time Commissioners called upon a few of the citizens and Transportation Planner Ken Fogle to answer questions. Commissioner Reynolds motioned to table the matter and initiate a review of alternatives mentioned this evening to be brought in front of the Commission at the first P&Z meeting in August 2006. Commissioner Strong seconded the motion, motion passed (4-0). Commissioner Christiansen recused himself from the item; Commissioners Strong, Reynolds, Davis and Sanford were in favor of the motion. 10. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion of a rezoning for 18.9 acres, generally located to the east of and adjacent to State Highway 6, north of Woodcreek Drive, west of Woodcreek & Foxfire subdivisions, and south of Technology Drive, from A-O Agricultural-Open and R-l Single-Family Residential to A-P Administrative Professional. Case #05-500073 (JP) This item was not heard due to the Comprehensive Plan Amendment being tabled until the August 2006 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes June 1, 2006 Page 4 of 5 11. Adjourn. Commissioner Strong motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion, motion passed (4-0). Commissioner Sanford, Davis, Reynolds and Strong voted in favor of the motion; Commissioner Christiansen did not vote. Approved: sc~ Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: t~en,~ Planning and Development Services P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes June 1, 2006 Page 5 of 5 - I ~... ." Registration Form . .' .(For persons who wi~~Joaddress the Comm~ssion) , Name, Address '/ . u'/./-Jty~; 1 ' - ' ~~f! '~-)h L#.5. 1,I;f!twz//zp;~~,~ ";1, f , '":' .' . "~"'" ' Date,of Meeting Agenda I!em No. If speaking for an organization; Name of organization:' . . ' tf4i,iJ///~i:ft;~tk:j'pes . #AJ2~~ f!PiL/~{ '#JtttHt~' 'i'. '. . . Speaker's' official capacity: en' 1 LA ' . . I '. .' r;Hfli.{t lPatJtl .' . , " ~ubject em ':Y1ii<:h person wishes to spea,k: . ',71-r:~4JPlt;/# ,7 IZ'~ '~IfrI;t#3I ;R/tIf/), , , , ' Pl~ase remember to step to the podium as soon as you are re(:ognizedbythe chair, hand your.completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and . 'residence before begil111ing your presentatiort. If you have writt~n notes you wish to present ,to,theCommission, . PLEASE ,FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING ' . FILES. , I , .; , I I I , , , , , I I I I I I I , , , , I I .- , , , ., , , I I I I I , , I I , , ! "l:l ~ b, , ~ o - - ~ E ~ ..c: g +-' II) o , , " , I I l , , , I I I I , , , I , I I I I I , , I I , I , , , , , I I , , " 6J . RegistratioJ;1..Form (For p~rsons who wish to address the Commission) . . / I Dateof Meeting .l()lot!~ l~ Agenda ItemNd. '. _1-- .' '_ t~~Oi~ -i)()c'Jo13 . " " Name' 'JO 'nV} U~i,V1.et , u ':J Address 30 lJllal'~:j t~,. I ,qqg{tjC . I , I , I I , I , , I / I I I I , , I , I , I I I I , I , I I I I , I ., I I I ., I I I I , 'CI.l .1: ..... - "tj - ',B OJ I: o - ~ E ,B ~ ~ ~ o -Vii , I I I I , , I , J I I I I I , I I . I ., I I - I I I Ifspeakingfor ~n qrgani;zation, N'ame of organization: ...... . N (l\ . Speaker'soffldal capacity: ,Nll\ 'Subject on which person wishes to sp,eak: " I\"i{;t~ff-. l'eJtiMkl1:j-fhwt A :{) fv tis!> . . Please rememb~r t~'step- to the podium as soon as you ate ) , . recognized by the,chair,lland your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and - residence before beginning yourpresentation.If you have \vrittennotes'you ~ish to present totheCommissiQn, PLEASE. FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING, FILES. Did . 1\1,* )- Registration Form (For persons who wish toaddre~s the ,Commission} , ,'Date?f M~eting.ithl_ -.:1TA A. (j)l(; ,"AgendaItemNo.'~ ' Name neb~'D?)fr(tl-ta1> -... · Address2,n~C~';p-pt7,~\e~ ~. If speaking f?l7 an organization, Name of organization: , ~ Speaker's official capacity: J", , Subje<;t on which person wishes to 'speak: . - .'" . _ -hI~~d fu(af~R\ -h:-dffje f~n . Pleas~remem1?er to step to the podium as sbon as YOll are' recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration, form to the presiding officer andstateyou~ name and residenc~ before beginning-your presentation. If you hav~ written notes YOl.fwish topreseIltto theCommission,-, ' PEEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING' . ' . FILES~ I , 1 1 1 I . 1 I I , 1 1 1 1 1 1 I , 1 1 I 1 'I J ~ $:: "';;:::: '"tj 0:0 ~ bI '$:: o ~ -E .a ..c ~ . ..... -~ Q 1 I , :1 1 1 I I , 1 I I I 1 1 1 I -, t) i dNb-t Pi Registration. Form , (For persons who, wish to ad?re~s the Commission) I'l 6~/-t)h CJ /. " Date of Meeting Agenda Item No. Name '~;,,"':S- 7Pm5~ . '.. . AndYess 110' 8..,,7 'O~k ;;i~'L-r: ~WJ'lMll~& If speaking for an organization, Nam~ of organization: /.Ifit...e... Speaker'sofficial.caJ?a~ity: ". .' '. .... ..' " . . ' . .'.. #~/~;ltt~:I)U 'tIJFI~.!rt . Su15ject on which person wishes to speak:. ,,' , , ~lJl1f~j~/Uh1# p~ . ... .' :,' '..... . _~ JIAf>>tf"L '8/J.kll':k.s;~ IfN~/;-t'~}f"Jt/,..rJ Lw.eA. , ,\ Pleaseremembet to -st~p to the podium as soon as yt>u a.r~ . recognizedby the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer.and state:your name and r.esidence before,beginninKyour presentation. If you have written notes you.wishto present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING 'FILES. . , i.' ;. .., ~ I . " " .~( < I C Q . PLANNING &- ZONING COMMISSIOJ\! ,GUEST REGISTER MEETINGDATE ':JUlie. II J/C;ap NAME ADDRESS ~,/~~. /3/~6J~~ e:.S_ 2.~c.r~~~ f31~ &~~ C.,5, 130Y SlJSS~ 1)r, ( Cs t'll$L{S ~11 ~..:::al)dtfo~ Dy. C;s 7 7 8'1~ 6. 1001- ,~ (J1~~ Cs 7 '7f4:J 6. P.O. fwyJfOO ~Cw1r.Jp. 7& f{3Lj d4:9-2 ~~voz../ d/L-. C, S r 9. i i 01.\, ~n-k()n.O\l~ c/.s. 110.\e.;<'i' 'e...3 \ ~ 0 1 ~~e-)( G,(,~GY'- ~'r. r Cis 1 ~<lK ~ 1feLbll" ..--Jj 1~ ( X:nOO ~fJ}IJS$-/2-C~ C:1~ ~ 12. J.L-p:t: So5ffi~ l zoz- J~~ G~I'-C?-S, ~7'1 'i'fr- ,/ 13. WI1L-4~lfr;fCe- Lj20i gO'f-P'OtGic(,qJ f?,( ~ J'??f VJ' 14. ~v.e i :rCt~Bec~ 8?~cr J'~~ C..) (?~\c~ 15.RobQi1~'\<\'(l\V\ '1~ \y TSvoo ~ UJa\(Jv C\VC.~ C,<; 'Tl'345 16. A./(JJPd-~i:.:~:IO r&f>;r/\~ "2-/(j 4- p'eLiJs , ~.yS- l.{iiML CLA-K-E< t) ~~ - ~ J f'" ) PF~- 18.7J#eJ.J~. T?<!J7 :S~r:A~JJlr :> ~?~KJ'- 19. LqlN'v~U~S:fRt.v~~ C(1J I D G V~~I1/~~ I Dv q~ .} )rf-S- 20. r \I A.1 fC \ N 5 Jot '7~o 6+E~ ~tJ J...A- KE.S (3 e y 14 ,J 20'W ,~(, e.-.~0 . Q20::L B~t(,L k C.. S, :::~.W' :l\\ D:\~lr~ ~.~ ::: ~~.)a,c-t,t ~~:{p ~f:)~: (:5.; TX PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION GUESTKEGISTER ~. MEETING DATE :JUne.. 'J ~O~ NAME ADDRESS qtOO wa.+e.rf..,i C-S,)7K 17~ifS 3. 4. 5. S r' c5 7'7?1I~ /3/~ w~ if eJ "J?cf9:~ /3/3 t~ ~ e,..!. 77!~S" -'11&0, r!;~J~iJ'C- cs -77fYS /~l.Y:J1~e.?:f-_. t5 77 t!lO '3(Q Ss tJ Ul'\Pf(\ . t CS ''717 ~ J l &o~ ~.sE:blA..~ ~ ' 24. 25. ;:.. /, 1ft- Lt' " ,~ " ( - W; d ii.t.LICfl-tad >D r~o9 ~'l~S Cove ,c~ ~ ''WO I J:)o i% (I C & "7 7fVS: ~7t)8 ~t rr~ Dc_ C~ ,18f-() r3J';-~-/~ ,~}> //(~ crd-{~~\~J,k~i~ \ Cf:f:- i.lly) if 1- L ~ ~ tIe:\' 5 'i-0 !l e. Co ell[}. ~ L.~C 7- r fJ '15 Cf?o9 La/<f 9tfttst Of5- 71 & ~~ \~~ ~~\J~j?R\D~(-t 7'7g~s;-- PLANNING & ZOiVING COMMISSI01\! GUEST REGISTER MEETINGDATE . 6/1/010 ::~;7~ 3. 50 ~~ tA ~ :: i~;ju~(~~ML~ :: r%t:jtJ.:9{} 8. .)A~ S\~l/ 9. I/\.Jr( ~ II!\- r Ikv-L- ADDRESS q~-f ~('&dku/&o7er C/r. ..VJ; A" ~?Or ;.N'~4 . ///J< 70 M~{( j LV\. J=tTf~~ J 0 ~V'G~ [,~\. 1-=riL{ s J-!; (.2. y::: {'1~fi!e1l,4c...b () l (JCLt;. , ~<~, 'I ~ W5" I 11-():) kev~trV-gL ~. 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I ~ a -$-. /i)1\I1'A/^3R.~. ...., 8. 9. 10. Il. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 25. 24. 25. . .. Registration Form " (For persons' who wish to address the Coiiunission) Dat~ bf Meeting (;;'.j · O~ . .Agenda Item'No. q ~'IO' ~::ss~~ ~ 7? c. S', 775''10 If speaking for an orgahizatioh;.. , ' Name' of organization: J .'P '.' ' ',' ..~~~ . $~eahr'~ officialcap~~ . SubjeCt on which person wishes to ~pea~: Ple?-serememqerJo,step-to the popium as'~oori as you are - recognizeq'by the chair, hand your cpmpletedregis!ration . {orm-to the presiding officer and state your name and , ~esidence before beginning your presentation. If -you have , ' ivritten notes you wish to present to the con;rmission; , PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING )?ILE;S.' . '. , . . . I , , J I I " I . I I I I I ,I , , " I I I I , , I , I I I ;1 , I I I I 'I I I I I I I , , I I I II) = .- - "0 ';S OJ = o - c:l E r.S ..s:;:: ~ .... II) o I .. , , , I I I I , , , I I I- I , , I I I I ., , ~'_ I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I , Registration Form, (For pe~sons who wish to addr~ss the Commissio~) '. Daf~ of Meeting 'I'J'ulV~;l0&6' Agenda Item N? ,.41= ,1 ' . ,Name ,luUIY~hceg-fevdav~ : Addr-e~s ~ '21 (] bYfP.fM/p!,rOr,. cft . If spep.king for an organization, Narrie of organization: . CU'Btr../r/MLS-f ' Sp'eaker's official. capacity: . . Pre~ ril ~~-f' . .61:::'1+ ft- Subject on which person wishes to_sp~ak: . -rrll/f/~C "PIc,:'" .'. .' , " . ,I' .. - ., - " Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are. recognized by t!1e'chair, hand you~ cornphhed 'r~gistration " form to the presiding officer and state your nameancl residence before beginning your presentation. If you have I . - . . . . '. _ . . . written notes YO\1wish to presentto tneComrnissionl, .' ' , PLEASE FURNISH AN' EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING FILES. y , I . " 1 I , , , , , , , , , , I I I I I I I , , , , , , 1 , I I I I I I I , I I , I , , , I , I CIl .E - '"'d 'c ~ OJ " 5 "a . E .~ ..c g ~ .0 I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I , , I , I " ,. Regi~tr~tion.Form (For persons, who wish to address the Commission) .. DateofM~eting,~ ,Ca \.\~"\~ , . ' Agenda Item No. I. q- '. ' '. -.i~::ss .....~~V1~r~d;:\bi.LLC, . :320 S- ~\ 1<vJ~ ~e . ~_~ If speaking for an organizafion, - , \ ~ J . ' ( . . . Name. of organization: , .~ ~\~ J l~L~'., , ~ , ! i ... ( \ - I $p. ea.ker's'o. ffic.ial'capa..'.city:., \).' ,'. '.~.n.....~' \. " \'"1;cl,v-, ~~. / ~ 0-e ~\~ /. ..' , L , . Subje~ton'whichyerson wi'sh~:S to speak: , <.; ,.l , , . , 'C Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by ,the cha"ir, hand your completed registration I form to the presiding officer and state your n~me ai,.d . ' reside~ce before begir:ning your presentation. "If you have' written notes you wish to present to the Coinmission, .. ' PLEASE-FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING f FILES. ' . I \ ' , I . . , ., - Regist~atioh ,Form , (For persons who wish toaddr~ssthe. Commission) . ,~;:~~~:t:o.,#~f~Iop< \-"" .. ~~~~:~~. C2v- Name , 'Address > It $peaking f?r an organiziltio.r:r, >, ~aC,+~~~n4-'~~W>6 '.~~. UA(H~ .i , .. .... I.- 1. .. ' ....-t I ( '( Speaker's'of~i~i~lcapacity:' - ~. , - ...1: . ;, '.' , , Subject on w!Uch person wis?esto speak: , , ~ltt-h'-C ' Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by'the chair, hand your completed registratiQn form tolhe presiding officer and state your name and re~idence before beginning. your presentatipiC 'If you have' written notes youwish topr~sent1o the to;rhmissJon, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING 'FILES. . >, "'_._ r " , \ , Registration Fo!m . - I , (For persons who 'Yish toaddress~heCoJ1Ulli~sion)' '" '[;, 11106 -9 liO - Date of Meeting Agenda Item t'Jo. \ - Name Address /ftkt:.~~./f. . .. 1~/~)~Yi~JiJr./~5/ lJa' .' -. - . . .' .~ If speaking for an organizati<;'h" ~ Name of organizati()n: . ' .'. .' 'Sk.s/;n~ ~~IJ~n4vJ_iJsSo4)~" '. Speaker's official 'capacity: . /'U's.M- '. '. ..... .', ' , , Subject qn which person wishes to speak: -,{?tM$'''; ,10' '~/~-k~P1SI~t1~ ~. Ple~'se t~member to step to the podium, as~soQn a~ yo'~are rec~gnized by..the chair, hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and stat~Your name and residence ,before beginnfng your pre~entation. If you have writ~en notesyol1 wish to present to the Comn'lission, ~LEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING ' FILES. .' " , , , , , I , I , , , , ,. , I , ,. J , ., , (I) .5 ...- "0 ~ OJ I:: o - ~ E ~ ..c ~, ..... (I) o . , , , ., , , . , , , , ,. 'II , I , , , , , I , , , , -. /' . . Registration Form (For persons who wish to, addressihe ~ormiussion}' .'Bate of Meeting ,. Agenda Ite;m No. fo - \- ~}~ ". . , Name'" '--r)~~ .C:r~~E; Address. r6\JsF<J~\=-~_ , . . , , If speaking for an organizatiOl\ , Name of organization: . f~~~W'i- ~~CWN~ f\!:.'7:l0~. . Speaker's official capa,city: _ '~C)~~""\-'l\~~ " ~ . , Subject on which person wishes to speaJ<: . , . . , .' . ~. 1\ (J f-:CftN'~:!.~~~-6u'C~ c Pl~a"Se r~member to step to the podium as .soon as you' are recognized by the chair I hand your. comple.ted registrfltion . form to the presiding officer and state youfname and residence l?efote beginning your presentation. If you have -written notes you wish to present to the Cominission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING FILES.' . Regisf1:atio~ Form (For person9 wh9Wish to address the comlnission) " \ c ~ ~Date of Meeting ~,,~ 1. ." ~ " " ,,~ Ag~nda Item No. . c:r ~ f(/ . Name.f) ,rk- rP.l1ai1f ' Address ~(J .~+~ If speaking for an orgcl'nization1- , , -\, ',1... ' N~me _ o{ organizatiOIy .~ Speaker's officialcapacity~ "1 " ,~' , - Subj,.ecl on,Which persoilWishes to speak: Uff~ ~/ll~.-f(J'rt{)r~J - ' Pleas~ re~e~ber to step to the podium as soort as YOll are "" . recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form tothepresiding officer an:d state your name and' residence b.eforebeginnitig your presentation. If you have - written notes you wish t~ presentto.theCQrnrrUssion, :pLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING FILES. . .,...,':' 1 t ., , 1 1 " , , ., , 1 , , , .' , , L , , , , , , I , , , , 1 I , . I , I I , , , 1 t , G) = .... - "e ::E bI = o - ~ e ..s ..s::: u c~ ~ Q , , , , 1 I I J , , 1 I I , , , , 1 I I , , , ,I I I , , , 1 I I I , I ., I I , , , 1 '- Registration Form . ! 1 (For persons who wish to address the Commission) . I I , . Date of Meeting. 011 (D0 .! , Agenda It~~.No.;. q A;C-:' V.I Name vafJef/{Dw1f4c.{s- < '. ' I AddressC!5IJQ, lc4<~ 70 lC,5~G!-YJ ~J-x - I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 If speaking for an orga1)ization, I .. . ...\ .~~m~fJ~4,#o4 /vJ~~ -, ,-\ ~pe1Jl=caPr!I; c&i- ;2>>05", , S. Ub.jec. t oit w.hi. th....J.I? e. f...son. '-1~esrt.~ ~ spe. a.'k. .' . I~~pq , 0fH6..J~S~ , ' , " Please remember to step to the podtumas soon as you ar~ . recognize4 by the ch~ir, hand your completed registra.tion form to the,presiding officer and state YOul; name' and . . residence before beginning your presentatipn. If you have written notes you wish~ppresent to the CollUIlission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING. \ FILES. , c . <<) = ..... - ? "t:l . ';S OL = o - ~ ,8 ~ '..s:: o .~ ~ Q 1 .1 I 1 I I , , . I I I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ., 1 1 1 I t t 1 I I I , , .1 , , ' . , Registration Form . , (P.orpersoJ;ls who wish to address the Commissicm) Address If speaking for, an organization, Name of organization: ~ sp~aker'SqfICiaLC;!ty~ . ~. su~ectqn~w~ I . I ' . Please remember to 'S'tep to the podium as soon'as you are . recognized by the chair, hand yourcomplete~ registration 'form tothe presidingofficera~dstafe you~ name and . residen,ce before begiIming your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the Commission, _, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FORPLANNING . FILES. , ' ... - ,- , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - II I " Q) ~. "0 - '~ '01 ~ '0 ";l E ~ ..c u .e<j - Q) Q I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I' I I I I I , I I ! Registrati.pn'Fprm , , . '(For, persons "o/h@ wish tO,address the Commissi<?n) .' 'DateofMeeting?::I;Lf.kDb< ~::ssd;J~ ~. 0 . .' If.spe~kingfor an orga~zatiQn, · f".arp;:;.......' of. Orga~izat.ioh.:' I ,J.... '. .'.,' . , 1tw/JU1/ -- U/ ~, ~ i/.. ..' ........... ,.il . '.' t . - ' .~' . . '. I I , , " , , 't ,I 1 ,I , 1 I , "., I 1 '1 1 1 I , 1 1 1 'I I , 1 I 1 1 1 , 1 ., I I 1 1 1 .1 , 1 ..1 Q.) s:: ,.- ...... "l;j '0 ~ OJ s:: o ~ ...... ~ E ..s ,.c: g '0 "~ , , 1 1 , I , , I 1 1 I 1 , I , I ,I . , ,~. I .. . I I I 1 .$pea~:10;~:yP~j..tJ..~...~ ~ ~ud tnav~., ~ ~,J~Jr+,h~ ~ 0~ /~' . .. .---r--'o---. S. \lb.~.'.e..c.t..o. ...h.W.IU.....ChPe.'::"'.. son.]. i.".e.s t.o sp.e. ..a.. k..:' . ..... '., ". . .....c...: ..;v~~ pi:-aJ D ~Z1~~:ZaiJ.'" . , . '. / .... .' , '" ..... ,,' {/ '. ~1 ',. . Rlease remember to step' to the p()dium as s~on as yUU'are recognized by the chci\r, hand your completed registration form to the presiding ,.officer and state'yqur name and residence before beginning your presentation., If you have written notes you wish to present to the ~o,mmission! PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING.' . FILES. .' Registration Form (For persons who wish ,to 'address the <;::~n1mission) .. .' '.' /' " ,Date-of Meeting (0 '~l- {)(p -. ~ Agenda Item No.9 Name ,Address Pe~~'lUU ~... ,S ~ ~~~C: v1 ',.00 r r}m Uu()I") 0:1 ~IL c~ If spea~ing for .an organization, Name of organ~zqtion: Speaker's official, capacity: ' 1 . hn)vJ (1n'.~ oJ . "SC~IM,QJOYle/ , Subject on which person wishes to spe~k:- ,)' ,,"'k .JJu.I'? ri. ,( ('h,)1)Ch }OJedA' .' \ Pl,ease remember to step to t~e podium as soon as, you are 'recognized by the chair, hand your completed regi~tration; ,form to the presiding office~ and state your l)ame artd residence before beginning your presentation., If you have . written not~s you,wish topreseI).t tothe Commission,,, . '. PLEASE FURNISH AN EXrRA COpy FOR PLANNING' FILES. I. '. , , , , , , , ., , , .,' , , I I I , , , , , , , I I , r , , , , , , I , . I , I I , , ., <I.l .S ':'"" ':l:l ;:9 bJ 1=: o - ~ E ..s ..= u . ,~ - ..... Q) Cl , , , ., " I I I ., , , : , , , , , , , , , , . , , , , I , , , , , , , , , , , , , . I . Regi!?,tration FOJ?ll (For persons who yvish to address the Corrimi~sion) Date of Meeting' c,. -/- 0 ~ . ,'- Agenda Item Nq: ~::.~~~ If speaking for-an organization, . . Name of organization: ,sp~aker'sof..ficial. c~pacio/.: ?km." .' '.' '.-.. . ..: .... , ..... 0 .... flLJuh1.i!/t...J .. . . - . . . - -Subject on vyhichperson wishes to, speak: . . ... ~-~ "0 ",/1 '.'/J./V .J -rrc.~~ (\\ cl'3 . ;01\- ,",'1 .. .. Please remember to step tb the podium as sOQn as you ar-e recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration . form'to the presiding officer and state your name arid _ residence before beginning your presentation. If you Haye written not~s you wish topresent to t~e Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING' FILES. - . . \ , I ,.. 'i ,.. ." r I ( - , , 1 ,~ - ..I ( I . I ~ Registration Form _ . (For 'persons who' wis? to'address the-Co~ssion) . ~ate of Meem:gtJ~!d~CJ()t " Agenda)tem No. q ~ .~ ... ~ 3 e ~ C ~. "Speaker's official capCJ.city:'1' i~ I . / '. 16,{%(l'd '/lJr/l1/)"~c:-f Jfc)/'l~!? r( q!y f' J !lO/4/lep?CJ1tc/"$ 119 jo v' 'q/f< 0 /"'v Sl.l~'ect onwhi~h persqn wishe~}o speak,..., , . <p nr .J.r I j n" .-- - 1) . C;' . , " ?/tC.... '/C~ /'h :70 f: V;t;c;>e:lc;r-e--:e-A~);::ox//;'G &~~-q /s forie Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are rEjcognized by the chair, hand_your comple~ed,t'egistration f9rm to the presiding officer_ and state your name and, - . r~sldence before beginning your presentation~ If you written notes you wish to present to,the Commission; PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING ,. '..' ./' _ FILES. , . ./ /. (,(. c rb(z~cf5 qPld n (~rl fA cD r 0 .Uc) ,L' '/~/~ :!L, C{)J ~~. ~;de u--:)t'. (//{j' //1 Be C , E '..E -'= c.; Cl: ... ,Q.) o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,. /'" V" t ." I t , I - 1 \' "- Registr~tion Form / ,,(For persons who wish to add.ress the ~ommission) . Date6f Meeting' AgendaIte1l1. No. q . ". Name ;~i)lclt('"' -S;+;vt-6~cyj' ^' Address"6Uc11' O~tG '\.ZJ.~ll~r I .,\ If speaking for an organiza.tion, Nam;.oforga~zat~~: 'L\...? S:::~~\,I ^.. ' . .' ";:~?~Cct} cj .~~ .\~) De: ~ ~ Spe.ake.f.~. '.,~. ff.ic.iai. ,c.'. a.p. acit.y .:: .' '._'.'. .' ... . kq~..Je~~c<C'~~ S. ..11bjec~ on Wl?c~. .. '.~ ~rrSSOOI1n ,wi~4es, to speak: . , c "I.,>~~_A . 'i '.. ' .'- Pleaseremember to step to the podium,as soon 'as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed :t:egistration form t9 the presiding officer and state you~ name and, ' residence ,before beginni1:\g'your presentation. If you have writ~en notes you wish topresenfto the Commission, PLEASE FlJRNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING FILES. ~ ~ " I .1 I ..I I , , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ., , , " , . , . I I I , , . , , , , , oj = ..... - 'e ;:s QJ = o - ~ ~ ~ ;,.Q ~ d) ., Cl I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I ., " I I I " " , I . , . , ,I I I' I I I I I I I I I I / . ~ Registration Form . . (For perso.ns who wish to ad~ress tfl~ Commission)- Date of Meeting . (pli lOb? Agenda Item No. q f 10 , , d-C- , Name" Zdll.u) DClrnb:J-4/'Il) . 1 cf>/ " ._, -' ',-,/j' -', -'.. ~ Address "/003. . /,/}ji{I}]t.. &-"u"ljJ). If speaking for:an organization; Name of organization: ~ Speakeh'sofficial~~paci~: ' .' ~mjJjJtfflrLhv Subj.ecfon which person wishes to speak: .~. .fAml:~ inil.lddA:'Yt/:,/ .. - fifj" f,", .' / , ' . Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized DY the chair, han.d your completed registration 'form to the.presidi1)g officer and state your name and ~. residence before. beginning your presentation. If you have . . written notes you wish to present to the Commission, , , PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING / FILES. , ( I.I 'i ~i '" / I t "7~ (' - !3 '" \ C'" 4' ,..l ( , ( ~ ,. e / ~ . , Registration Form '~ ' '- I _ . (For persons whg wish to,addresErthe,COlpmission) ?~. ~(;O ~. v, , Name,.J&.n f-~ Iv ;j &:1~) FrvldM IV Address f?s;.O;0. Ilk ~rl~<.~Cc- C57 781/S ..... '" -; Date of , Meeting " Agend~ .Itenl No. , , If speaking for an organization; Name of organization: , _: Spea~er's official capacity: _ /;;d/vl'duct;' r}o/?~ ~f-j -CJ .~tu:vr -. 'Subject 011. which perso~ wishes to speak: . . . .)Joy' i-iI-- 6'cJtc;rij c-ceres ~. ;:(;1 CL/rt;/0S ". .. / .." ..... .. .. ..' -. '-.. ' ~4e;t-oi- 1,1-/ e ~t(.~ J7dS5 . - Pleaserememb,er to step to the podiumassoQn-as you are ~~cogTIized by the chair, hand your completedregistraljon ~orm to the presiding officer and state your name and. ~esidencebefore beginning your presentation: If you have , written notes'youwish to present to thecQrnrriission, > PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING . FILES. , , I I I I r I I '. , . I I - I I I ., ., , , , I I OJ :5 - ~ :E , 01. c:: o ~ . 'E .~ ..s::: - (,) <:<:l ..... ail o , , , , , , I I . I I I , I I . I Registration Fotm (For personsw:ho wish to addres$tFte Co~ssion)' Date, of Meeting ./ Su p, e ~genda Item No. .q '. Name R.bfP<jL~J, sl4 Address ."~ 30 I .F-6?r: ~,V~<VV Ci~ . ... . . .. , If speak!ng for an organization, Name Qf organization:. I ~ - ./ I , . , ., , I , , , ., I I , I , r , I , , , ., I , , , ; 1 , , , I , I I r , , , I I I , a.l s:: :.= .'"d ;B OJ s:: o ~ E - ...;:: ...c: ~ - a.l o , , I , I , I , , , , , , , , , I , I I , , I , , , I, I , , , , , '. , ., I I , ,. , I , J Spea.ker' s,officiaLcapadty: f(e5l1e~ . Subject on which person wishes 'to speak: Please~rememper to step to the popium as soonas'you are ~ecognizedby the chair, hand your co:mpletedregistration form to the presiding officer and ,state, your name and. . residence before beginningyeur presentation: If you have- 'Wr~tten n()tes ~ou wish to .presentto the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING , , . FILES. .. Registration Form (For ~ersons who wish to address the Commission)." . '\ Date.of Meeti~-g ;ju..,K.{ Agenda Item No. - .7 , _Jzkjlf ~'77g<-f6' " ,._ I Ifsp'eakin~for all organization, Name of organization: ---- ,Speaker's ofBcial ~apacity: . Subject on which person,wishes to speqk:. . C'Lf ~e- :/L aG - 5 (50W~ -err:) >tJjez~n'~ . N/ftf>/Je-s "pjDc~.L LM- 3/". .- #6/ \;p! / /. Please re'm~rriber to step to' the podium as sooI\ as you are 'recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration .- forIT) to the presiding officer ancl;state your-name and. '- residence before beginning your presentation. If you have -written notes, you wish to present to the CommissIon; PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING ,. . . . " , i FILES. , , I I , , , J I I I I I .1 I , I " , , , I I , , , I , f I , , , , I I , , , , I , , QJ .E - ,~ .~ OJ I: o "a E ..E: .~ g ..- QJ ~Q I ,. ., , , - f , I , ..I , ,