HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/06/2006 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, July 6, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. George Bush Conference Center 1300 George Bush Drive, Room 127 College Station, Texas CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PlanningtfDevelopment Services COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Scott Shafer, Marsha Sanford, Bill Davis, Dennis Christiansen, Harold Strong and John Nichols. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Ken Reynolds. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Ben White. CITY STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Glenn Brown, Staff Planners Jennifer Reeves and Crissy Hartl, Senior Planner Jennifer Prochazka, Planning Administrator Molly Hitchcock, Transportation Planner Ken Fogle, Assistant City Engineer Alan Gibbs, Graduate Civil Engineers Carol Cotter and Josh Norton, Acting Director Lance Simms, Staff Assistant Lisa Lindgren, Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson and Information Services Representative Bryan Cook. 1. Call meetio2 to order. Chairman Scott Shafer called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. 2. Hear Citizens. A citizen from the audience asked that Case #06-500028 be moved up on the agenda since in was in the same area as Case #05-500044, Case #05-500073 and Case #06-500116 that are being moved up on the agenda. Re2ular A2eoda. 3. Consideration, discussion and possible action on requests for absence from meetings. .:. Dennis Christiansen ~ June 15,2006, Workshop & Regular Meeting .:. John Nichols ~ June 22,2006, Special Meeting With City Council P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes 07-06-06 Page 1 of 8 .:. Ken Reynolds ~ July 6, 2006, Workshop & Regular Meeting Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the absence requests. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 4. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Replat for North Forest Business Park, which includes a Replat of Lot 1 Block 1 North Forest Subdivision consisting of 5 lots on 5.22 acres located at 2801 Earl Rudder Fwy. South, just south of North Forest Parkway. Case #06-500115 ( JR/JN) Jennifer Reeves, Staff Planner, presented the item and stated that four phone calls had been received regarding the item and one of the calls was in opposition. Kimberly Cole, 6217 Brooklynn, Fort Worth, Texas 76179, spoke In opposition of the Replat. Fred Baliss, College Station, Texas and Joe Schultz, 2900 Longmire, College Station, Texas, spoke in favor of the Replat. Commissioner Davis motioned to deny the Replat, and recommended that landowners work together to create shared access in an expedited fashion. Commissioner Strong seconded the motion, motion passed (6- 0). 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Comprehensive Plan Amendment request for the area generally located east of and adjacent to State Highway 6, north of W oodcreek Subdivision, south of Emerald Parkway, and west of Foxfire Subdivision, from Regional Retail, Industrial R&D, and Single-Family Medium Density, to Regional Retail, Industrial R&D, Institutional, Office, and Planned Development. Case #05':'500044 (JP) Commissioner Christiansen stated that he would recused himself from Items 5 and 6. Commissioner Strong motioned to remove item 5 from the table. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0-1). Chairman Shafer, Commissioners Sanford, Davis, Strong and Nichols were in favor of the motion; no one opposed the motion; Commissioner Christiansen recused himself from the vote. P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes 07-06-06 Page 2 of 8 Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, presented the item. She stated that staff recommended approval. Ken Fogle, Transportation Planner, gave a presentation regarding traffic in the area. Commissioner Davis motioned to recommend approval to the City Council regarding the Comprehensive Plan Amendment request as presented by staff. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion. After general discussion among the Commissioners, Commissioner Davis amended his motion. Commissioner Davis amended his previous motion recommending to City Council a Comprehensive Plan Amendment request from Regional Retail, Industrial R&D, and Single-Family Medium Density to Industrial R&D, Office and Planned Development. Commissioner Strong seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0-1). Chairman Shafer, Commissioners Sanford, Davis, Strong and Nichols were in favor of the motion; no one opposed the motion; Commissioner Christiansen recused himself from the vote. 6. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion of a rezoning for 18.9 acres, generally located to the east of and adjacent to State Highway 6, north of Woodcreek Drive, west of Woodcreek & Foxfire subdivisions, and south of Technology Drive, from A-O Agricultural-Open and R-l Single-Family Residential to A-P Administrative Professional. Case #05- 500073 (JP) Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, presented the Rezoning and recommended approval. Chuck Ellison, 302 Holleman Drive East, College Station, Texas, stated his disappointment of the Commission's decision of the previous item. He requested that the Commission approve the Rezoning in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. Kerry Cooper, 9201 Waterford Drive, College Station, Texas, thanked the Planning and Zoning Commission for their actions. Commissioner Nichols motioned to recommend to the City Council the rezoning as presented by staff. Commissioner Strong seconded the P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes 07-06-06 Page 3 of 8 motion, motion passed (5-0-1). Chairman Shafer, Commissioners Sanford, Davis, Strong and Nichols were in favor of the motion; no one opposed the motion; Commissioner Christiansen recused himself from the vote. 7. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a rezoning from A-O Agricultural Open, R-4 Multi-Family Residential, and C-2 Commercial-Industrial to C-l General Commercial for an area consisting of 49.39 acres and generally located at the southeast comer of State Highway 6 and Rock Prairie Road. Case #06-500116 (CH/CC) Crissy Hartl, Staff Planner, presented the rezoning and stated that it was in compliance with the comprehensive plan and recommended approval. Brent Mann, 2600 Citadell Plaza Drive, Houston, Texas; Jane Kee, 511 University Drive, College Station, Texas; Eric Strauss, 2600 Citadell Plaza, Houston, Texas; Mike McInturff, 504 Lavaca #1175, Austin, Texas; Kelly Templin, 511 University Drive, College Station; Derek Dictson, 2386 Green Circle, College Station, Texas; spoke in favor of the rezoning. Kelly Brumbelow, President, Stonebridge Court HOA, 1401 Stonebridge Court, College Station, Texas; Phillip Gibson, Wilshire Court HOA, 1315 Wilshire Court, College Station, Texas; Mike Caudle, 1321 Wilshire Court, College Station, Texas; Beth Leopold, 8103 Bunker Hill, College Station, Texas; Don Hellrugd, 8704 Appomattox Drive, College Station, Texas; 9100 Waterford Drive, College Station, Texas; Sandy Strickland, 1505 Concord Circle, College Station, Texas; Bill Ware, 1411 Stonebridge Court, College Station, Texas; David McWhirter, .1708 Amber Ridge Drive, College Station, Texas; David McWhirter, 1708 Amber Ridge Drive, College Station, Texas; Hugh Steams, 316 Suffolk, College Station, Texas; Terrance Dill, College Station, Texas; Alan Pepper, 10383 Nunn Jones Road, College Station, Texas; Stephen Searcy, 1521 Frost Drive, College Station, Texas; Jeanette Phariss, 9204 Stonebrook Drive, College Station, Texas; Kathleen Ireland, 9100 Timber Knoll, College Station, Texas; Thomas Roraff, 2110 Bent Oak Street, College Station, Texas; Dwight Allen, 1311 Essex Green, College Station, Texas; Mike Hoost, 1404 Essex Court, College Station, Texas; Henrik Schmiediche, 1502 Concord Circle, College Station, Texas; Kimberly Vannoy, 9316 Essex Green, College Station, Texas; David Ford, 1404 Stonebridge Court, College Station, Texas; Kay Youngblood, 2104 Farley, College Station, Texas; Jane Jensen, 9206 Stonebrook, College Station, Texas; Jonathon Coopersmith, 1811 Shadowood, College Station, P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes 07-06-06 Page 4 of 8 Texas; William Pena, Jr., 9314 Lake Forest Court South, College Station, Texas; Marian Beremand, 9208 Brookwater Circle, College Station, Texas; Michelle McMillan, 9305 Amberwood Court, College Station, Texas; Millie Burrell, 9100 Waterford, College Station, Texas;Fanis & Luda Strouboulis, 1306 Wilshire Court, College Station, Texas; spoke in opposition of the rezomng. Commissioner Nichols motioned to recommend to City Council denial of the rezoning. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (5-1); Chairman Shafer, Commissioner Sanford, Davis, Christiansen and Nichols were in favor of the motion; Commissioner Strong was in opposition of the motion. 8. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on an overlay rezoning for 311 acres located at the intersection of State Highway 40 and State Highway 6. Case #06-500028 (LB) Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, presented the overlay rezoning. Veronica Morgan, 511 University Drive, College Station, Texas, spoke regarding the overlay rezoning. Commissioner Davis motioned for approval. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 9. Presentation, possible action, and discussion of a Variance request to Section 8.J, Blocks, of the Subdivision Regulations, and presentation, possible action, and discussion of a Preliminary Plat for Castlegate Section 7, consisting of 70 lots on 30.734 acres, located off Castlegate Drive, southeast of its intersection with Victoria Avenue. Case #06-500106 (JP/CC) Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, presented the variance request and Preliminary Plat. Joe Schultz was called to answer general questions from the Commissioners. Wallace Phillips, Developer, College Station, Texas, spoke in favor of the variance request and Preliminary Plat. Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve the variance as presented by staff. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes 07-06-06 Page 5 of 8 Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve the Preliminary Plat as presented by staff. Commissioner Strong seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 10. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Variance Request to the Subdivision Regulations Section 8-J.2 - Block Length and presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for Greens Prairie Center consisting of 8 lots on 89.71 acres located at the south west corner of Greens Prairie Road and State Highway 6. Case #06-500094 (JR/CC) Jennifer Reeves, Staff Planner, presented the variance request and Preliminary Plat and recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat if the Variance was approved. Joe Schutz was called by the Commission to answer general questions. Commissioner Strong motioned to approve the variance request as submitted by staff. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion, motion passed (5-1). Chairman Sh~fer, Commissioner Sanford, Christiansen, Nichols and Strong were in favor of the motion; Commissioner Davis was in opposition of the motion. Commissioner Christiansen motioned to approve the Preliminary Plat. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0-1). Chairman Shafer, Commissioner Sanford, Christiansen, Nichols and Strong were in favor of the motion; no one opposed the motion; Commissioner Davis abstained from the vote. 11. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Conditional Use Permit for a Night Club for Fast Eddie's located at 700 University Drive East, Suite 101, generally located at the southeast corner of the University Drive and Tarrow Street intersection. Case #06-500113 (CH) Crissy Hartl, Staff Planner, presented the Conditional Use Permit and recommended approval. Mark Biar, Fast Eddies, College Station, Texas, was called to answer general questions by the Commission. P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes 07-06-06 Page 6 of 8 Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the Conditional Use Permit as presented by staff. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 12. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a rezoning from A-O, Agricultural Open to R-l, Single Family Residential consisting of 1 tract on 14.31 acres located at Wellborn Road in the general vicinity of the intersection of Barron Road and SH 40. Case #06-500114 (LB/JN) Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, presented the rezoning. Janette Dale, 3130 Norton Lane, College Station, Texas, spoke in opposition of the rezoning. Randy French, Stylecraft Builders, College Station, Texas, Dale Brown, McClure and Brown Surveying, College Station, Texas, spoke in favor of the rezoning. Commissioner Davis motioned to recommend to City Council approval of the Rezoning with the condition that a minimum 20-foot buffer of existing vegetation remain, and that where existing vegetation is not possible, for the landscaping to meet regulations between single-family and multi-family residential to remain between the subject tract and properties to the south. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 13. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Rezoning from C- 2 Commercial Industrial to C-l General Commercial for Greensworld Phase I Lots 1-3 consisting of 3.16 acres located at 1005 Earl Rudder Freeway South between Varsity Ford and Douglass Nissan. Case #06-500118 (JR/CC) Jennifer Reeves, Staff Planner, presented the rezoning and recommended approval. Rabon Metcalf, 1391 Sea Mist, College Station, Texas; spoke in favor of the rezomng. Commissioner Christiansen motioned to recommend approval of the rezoning as submitted to City Council. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes 07-06-06 Page 7 of 8 14. Adjourn. Commissioner Davis motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). Approv'ed: ~~ Scott Shafer, Chairman ' Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: duUt d' Lisa Lindgren, St~ Planning and Development Services P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes 07-06-06 Page 8 of 8 PLAl\fNING &- ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER MECJ1NGDATE ~ ~r. /},lJO(p NAME ADDRESS 5. 6. 11. 12. I/' oe (11 C.. 13. P&wvL .. ..~t', 14, Vv t}<'~> -; h; 15. ,'~t). a 16. ' 17. (lORAfel1.{)S -E'eGdsOA) 18. l{A7J-Jy . te-Jc6uStOAP 19. f\o/? 1E'1e7 t1cG;EAcll/N 20. P~1 Nf F/V1 ch 21. t'h;LV,J l~ 22. B::b '-tJrt.qh;' 25. C51,t ~ T' CJ;)"7l ~ CAr. Ct:; 7/ sq'i {~L[ F;~~b\-~c~'~- 11<l$ 6]./h Cl-t;/h~ ;(~e{, ~ ~.s,~ 77fo/s- lto . '8>'"'1'~ ~/l ) /lfl 7~f: cS q.':;{,T ~~ n q .l~~~k\Lhe(- I ~ <; J17~L~~_ 9~()L Wt,p'bt, , ar ?7r~j! ~~ ~~ G.t-".f S 77B<<> I J.. 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C$ T~ -S 2tJl{ 4~ ~rk7t (J)~yf- II/I/((:/, 77%rj dO(/' Cet.zh4- ~lL~+ .P7/W~5 93/6 ~p-~/t~~7t77ti5 {S2-,? UV1l-erY"J OJ". ~ Tx 7?N.r- r . .. , ft... }-~1sCS' TX!1~'~'., J. " S 1} -1W Y/JJh/1 b~~/V c.J', itr 17~Jf':f q LiP & ) ft;/)..eJlJr~/c- P(' ~~ r- r' r.?-iGtf5 8101- 5CVV\~{ c.s ";rt&,4 ~/ PLiWNING &- ZONING COMMISSION ,GUEST REGISTER MEETING DATE NAME ADDRESS ~~~~~k 15~1 ~ ('~I'_ C.5;; 13o~ ~b.)~,. Cs 3203 'lCMLtr \L\I\Otl' Dt ~5 CfaDt ~ '(L:C ~s ~ ) Sue; 13V'J7fO-~ Or (l5 77 ~y) 8qf;~ M~/}.'..e8 .12ilf~ i~{:Jkll:r 3fo€ "?u:Ff/UWI\-Y<1~ 7' ol{~ 4~ UJWY,*NV fJo~ D~c? 71$'1L 9'dO J Wf-Ford fl~\ Cs '7"7 ~ 'IS 9/0/ (fI~t1e (!;{ C~~. '1r-Y/fS- i'ill . ~~~~.(+i.L$ 17?4S 1~tfjl ~e!:"Lt . · 45''71Jff/5 , q.42- ~ 11 (t>d ~. hi 4Il~l'-7 y#'.l 1401 ~SS~ 77~45 6' Dc; k~ d1:F' Iff;f IrM,:o '"'t;''''' ~ 7~(~ :l:>~~~,'~) c'Tf7i>?ffJ- Z;S~~/~ ~ ~'~?;;C;- rdi 7- ~ ct, <K/~.r~j /;~~3~~~ %: .~~~~~ Ols?f) r.~/,('~ C5 7 7rf~~ 13. 14. 25. PLANNING &- ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER 910;;1~r~uL( l C S 9/{)~ 17 4..b~ l~L'-1 (..5 0<40~. :FAOLl(tUeLJ .;::- ~=t:; ... ! 03)3 jJJlI~ ~)-\~ 12c;/. C $1 ,.ry {10M /?x?~ pu56-er. -p(f" ~ C S/~X ? 7 t 1./5-- ~'5 (k Ros) ~~D ~ 7DIJCl ~ t!f, C.$ 778'1 ~ q7f ~~ ' (! ~71f'V:r' djtl8, '1Jn~dA br 7)~tf:.(;-- J'/)f;xf(~~ C~ 7'~g-{y~ fJiq ocr '.C!/MA I ~UE" ~ S 77g-f.j S- C(No 71Ju/J-rA }((,~eftl 77 ?c(s- 7':2[(J J(k1,~ J.(~/( , 71oc/S- (!J() 5 rcdd 7ra.." / 7/~t.fS- 110-7 8t.CO((W41"r!;. (fll~l.'; ~~ If II STtJIdLlJ.ellJt-C <!-r y H-c/;[ l () v fa f-hr ~~ Vl'. (5 7-T-S'~S _ 1~'67W'rLe.tL~~L01b C~ ,.778{~--- 20. {ciAerh 1;1-11 tCl\u~Sr"lI\eG-C~11i'4r 21. , . ,~.' IZ U H(/ZptrTr::L-. (if/).2t fie ~ 1~ GJ 77 8"lfJ~~ 22._f0M M,'\lru- 9'Z..L~ .\1~.f.er C~ 7l~ 23, ~ &~ /JJ'? ;;?#/lh/~ .z7j?ps 24. Pt'tJ.. {) & '1 (6 J f( f2-E OJ!} (~ 00 k ( L ~(.(tff (c C. (' ''?i-fJ 'ff.r' 25. ~y~ d,/03 Y:at-Iey/!o/!~:;t--rtx 7'7~> MEETING DATE L 2. 7. 8. 9. 6u~~ ~ 10. J?~... V~-;V 11. ~hhCrOM(~, 12.VOIJ/II1I P-VM -;:}> ' /)i'll!1: rain (. /J ~. Ir..~.:. ',' ~ 13. , d':,t.:t" , 'ffJ ~elif7)aUjJfl~V 15.' ~aVle 5; IO-er 16.)OfR. '(Nt Irk 1f,N n 'f~l/~' /J1 il ~ 18. &.AA ADDRESS PLANNING &- ZONING COMA1ISSION ,GUEST REGISTER MEETING DATE ~ NAME 4DDRESS ~:;::~ ~:tth::1~. {1;O$~&;lV:Z~fs+~ 3. JA-CK' J!t+-f-- ~~ ~~ .}i~ 4'~OI SJ:A(({6ok" tft~ (:j 4. tl 1!J6-IJ'fff ~ S" ~t..- ..--' :--.,,I' 5. f/~--3 ~~ff 0./ L?-S 6. f ~ J 6' C7' F""'~d i'JI('" r s: 7. /t!4/C-C, M~ 111'~8~~~ ~/Il7(./ ::~~-'~/ C~5~@;Cj, 10. ~ ,~ 'l'J..(() Q~J 191-, , 11. .. h. 1'2(1' ~~il}fJZ)k Dr , 12. Pp~r:--YL KcM; . '. IlJ 0 1 1<-, 'VI! rlt0-4-C (' ~ ~ 13.}Je~l4. ~~ lYo3 (~\~~\C~8-' ~:f;t!~ 1~~~<ft:1t::: j :~:Iifjr;;l ~~~ ~t:;-cl. y. 18. ' .....~ .(f;;,~~\_, 9203 !lIV(9~S lb!#\p ~,,? ' 19. [Ot}1 OISl~Y[!1 '3 q to T r~:lt~ (>ptftr, Dr :~: ex; v' ;~:C;~~~~1' .~~. 22. ? I to f $rn JVE ~~iC C ~ ;:; 23. f1l.-\d \) J\'"Cf~\)Y ~ ($ 24. I~~, cf~ 25, lid? ~~{:t (7 r S PLANNING &- ZOA^lING COMMISSIO]\! GUEST REGISTER MEETINGDATE :way ,<<If ~ L6u'ir: ~. 'l'f(~-5-f~lr:J~~ t5 7(t~') 2.~ rl . :' 3. .n nn:- . .. .n .. :zen" E (T"-G-E;#LD Ce. cS"..77,rYr-' 4. jf)~ t, ~ /30S ~~. c.$', 17l?<lS" S.l?oJ::tt1/-w) ~JJ '1507.. Gtad WI cJ;.. ~ ,(5. 77 FY j ~w.ui-C~1k-eL q~, ~~ ~..s-, 1'1t'!S 7. ~ ~ ~D~~ \~.'1>. y\~~ 8.#C/vV ' . ~k~_ 9. ~ )~;4 . NAME ADDRESS /3/~ 1Jd~~1A'f) ~()Dt5, 17(1 ~.G'J~4- c:; (~tl &~ G~/QLS, /--..tc 0 r-::-o r;::::",. Lee S 15.~,.VIS~A:Nr\ r++At-J CZ[Ob ~rON$P-tJoK j)1C,Nt) a 16.~J'~1 ~9fm!D~ S1ll\(UArJD f6l6, UJN({J(lO CHU~'t, e~. 17.FA1\J '$~ lLJ~f\- STRou&aUl)1 1 sob WI L~{-\\ttE c- r 18.~M~ ~~e{J~ qz;t~1)(oo!<-uJ0J4~\,0~ 19, A'i\.~~\~l~~\-.. ~\g'i:l-\1 lNi~ ~V\ ~d. ' c" 9' 20. k V1~ ' ." ' ,- 1~1 C[~L< ' 21. ~ ~ :1..... 12-.2'1 /!" ('yJPt.ftrL r/< 22. 23. 24. 25. 6\J '\--J '- E"" St!V\ rtt\- PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION ,GUEST REGISTER MEETINGDATE 3\J ~ ADDRESS ?'j()<! JO~ jJ~-' 7i1l \~~~ F 2 ,J C-~ CS 18. 19. 21. 9'fOb ~7/'-;Iv ~ I PLANNING &- ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER MEETING DATE NAME L otd~ ::~~~ 4. ~.. t.ch 5. ~',. vtl(5-r-6-0r 6.<<:::/~ r:(~!MqA 7. \I > ADDRESS \(7/06~ .tJy 7lf~ /1b~ ~A)A '1-1f15 16. 17. ~Ne{ 17aJM I tOt cttt l~l'cr.~~ l~J~~~ CUOV ~4'-l.rfO( ~ ~t. ~~tJ~IJ~~thrst Ct I )~~ ~b.~ ~ 100'( /6~~w~Jv'e-;;8 f 21 f r?l'/+{w /II at S () 1,,_ f '/1)1 })Jj;~~ <d~ qm6 J;1tJ~VNkD('- < ( '77 c,s~5- 77 f-.t{';)- 77e4~ 17~Lj6 e''i >' ~;~'f~ '7~ f'.~ ~ 77~'f( r 77 ~</\-- +~ I-(~ \ ~ t jLkJo~;.uwf4o~~ ILfoo ~~~..~ 7~&4 ~~~* t;o Z CON(?O ~ to C f Ie r t \:,~':\ ~ ~ ~d"",, ~~. 40'1 0 fu)u~ Of 2-u~ .su.~ Lo/Llt"Y' ~~fM~~~ ! 0 0 7 ?:L-t+ l).. /3r/ tZ4~LrAiAJ (!j-. ISO; ~~/r..u.? (j:~flb~ ?7t~ . 17(f/,s- 'If) r'fS- '17' t{S- "'11- ~1t \" -:/ '1 '1<l4~ ~ 11~i) / t~ 7/gLfS- 7 ., rrttCt 6'f7g90- ,PL.L4NNING &- ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER MEETING DATE \) NAME 24. V 25. /-er.trJ14e- (JPUf/h ADDRESS /31.3 C 4-..1.-9 ~ ~ 9:!JO~ ~,) 9~ .' & ',' '-tl '~ /r' 1~~ B~~v/;f1t t~ c,2n ~((rt \){\'VL Fb+ VVe,-tk /1l( tbf7~ ./ c: {3CSCf kdF JJ~ f?L~ U 5 ~ -Z5~~' \~o\o Svs~04 ~/s ~\~~s 9-qt-<r td~,C-S; 7 ?%t/S- ?j6b ~'~~~ 77~~ d ~ t;drtJ l< ~ ,~CS ?);~r US f +#-ter5'kr1. eS 11ftj5- I ?'o'8 Wjl~ll'~,t1I:- t1<s.. 7rS'>~-s- #1d4q &rf)n~t!0de (S ?1-Bk J&/~.../~ ~dfe~J1fjl",(J(!J 77dc/~ .f)v ~J~\h c....s. J 4CH; 5-1-6 .t~hr,'cP6Q Ct) Co S~ '7 7(}.tt~~ ~7o<(~tAc9~~~{)Y C) t7~v'~ "IlL Jtl 5: 7z S ,. t-3 ,QS''/'7~ q"ZtJC ~ 2908' I3l..)r!i;jn ISr-Ye:: ~ 7ft 77 ~'Oz, 'j 3fJOb ,JU~ ~ )(.,~ 77~ 17CA'~o~. C,S\X1l[(lfY I~f~ U./,/~hj'rf &;. CS'Tx 11JyS- 'il/~ )h/y~, r Cf 79 71$1fS- PLANNING &-ZO.:AfING COMAIISSIOJ\! GUEST REGISTER MEETING DATE I NAME 1 ADDRESS tJ'1(:j{) WQ-f.€rrrd (lS 71RCf5 31-31) }./orf7;{1 Lh.' CS 77 N ~-- 313 () Norl a ~ t.h ,t. 5 1'7 g fir 2/5'" R@cfl c I {~ffe r;:;: . \~o~ ~-ex (yt~-(." t\'r. ~17<j'K \ '3 0'7 G s.--e..x &r .L.~'C'. ~~.. 71 ~ ~ ~/o:3 knlZrl-llj{ (!j . · . Tnt/!,- t gf I? · ~-5~~ '1?8P 1\}\) ~ ~~~"t\ {)U,)\.~ t~ l'l'\ '\v ;::;ll/Z,1 ~~ '1(-('. ~ 77(fLf.6 ) L-Ja3 StCJne'tr.'Jp'~6 67 7aI6~ lJfX/~~ (j (!S71~ lie/if Nnnu1' . c..S 77 8"'1-3 (/. . ...... ..,.,.-- (~f it W\L~\..\\~8 cr cs 17Wc:.f~ 1501 GtlC~R/.) elf 7~fSC 1 ~ / J tu tJ s~;it~ ~7 "77 r9-~'-- '3>1 (( ~~. 7'7t.?f--- ~:6 ftitXjr~f.?7tJ/tfr- 1'~O(~~at ~$77%'~ /73:1 ~lUcs J77'L/) , J't/) 0 ~PA11M.e (! / J. .... 7 7r?',T - . . r t( t ( tf' L tR.l) f./. :J-~~~. (1./ S. . ..',/ 73{t:j , , z,( '-' r~ e( , <1, .'.' f Registration Form -, ,(For persons)vho Wish to address the Commission) , ' ~. -' ,- Dafe of Meeting". '/.. ','j)Jaj,-< Agenda ItemNO'-\~~'0 .. · " ,_.'." . ,.J Name . 0*'. ~ . Address~'1~t J~ ~.&) '~"riJ~~~, \ If speaking for art organizaHon, Na~e of organization: - , ' Speaker's official c~pacity:i .subject on_ which per tc' Please remembe.r to step to the podium as- soon_as'you are recognized by ,the chair, hand your 'completed registration form to thepresidirlgoffic~rand state yournanie ,and - ,resi9.el1ce bdore beginrting your presentatio~. If you have written notesyouw:ishto present tothe,Cotnmisslonr PLEA, SE FURNISH AN EXTRA, 'COpy FOR PLANN, ' ING . . ," . "c' I .,' . FILES. . ,> '- ' -' " , _ _ \ I ~, :-~ I I , , , , I , " , I , I I , I , I I ., , , I , I I I I I , , I I , , I I , \ , , I , , QJ '= .- - ."lj - .B OJ = o ~ '6 .B .s::: g - QJ o , I I , , -I .. I I , , , I , , , , , I I .I , , , , I I I , , , I , I , " , , I I , '1 , . , Registration Forqt- - - (For.persons who~ish to address the Commission) Date ofMee,tins., . '"'j0~\.p',i QCJ(1e . Agenda Item No. _,~ {}\ '.'. ' ' , . ,: Name ~~ .~~. . .', Address _', ... . " . .~,-" ...... >U_ . ~ , I , , , , I , I - -, " , , 1 , , " .1 , ,. , . , I , , " , , , , ., , , , , , , , , , , '.' , , I ,a) l:::: ..... - "l:) . - ,cE !)1 l:::: o "a e cE .c: 'C) .<:d ~ 0. , , , ., ., , 1 , , I 1 ,., , , 1 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I , , , , , , I , ,. , 1 1 If speaking for an organization,' -, Name- of 9tganizatio~:' -, ." - . ,. ,.;~d1 ~W \ ' Speaker'sofficial capacity: Subject on which p~rson Wishes to speak: , .12.. ,-?-OV\,UI'1,"'t.<;,'Ii (7 t \(: 1', ~ ~ ... Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you' are rec<?gnized by the chair, hand your completeq registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and - residence before beginning yourpreseritation'. If YOl,l hav;e - < written notes you wish to pre~ent to ,the <Co~ssion, .,' . PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA' COpy FOR PLANNING FILES. --- 1 Registration Form.. . ~ (Forpersot:ls whdWisI:,to'addressthe Commission) , pate of Meeting t; j-rlo t; . , '_ AgendaJtemNo. j J", 11 '), k. .. .....' , "C"" ,'" ",!, Name "';It'@r'ld ,/iJl/n'rJt:vft1f/ .. / ' " " ',-, '!l . dd"" If) FiJI, , b fi, :'7;" .l~;' ,A ress .v,- j ,'" "fLAN!f } ~g; , ,~fspeaking forart organi;z;ation, Name of organization: ''':::''''----- , spe,a}<k,-,r r's: officia,l cap", a".ci,ty:. ' '. " lvt!'/?1Jt.{9-t>u'1V/.:';- 'Please ,remember to step to the podillm as soon as y()uan~ recognized by the chair, h?-nd yo?r compl~ted registration ~fotmto the presiding officer and state your name and " , residence befo~e beginning your pr~sentation. If you llave _ written notes yo~ wish to present to the Commission, ,. PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA;COPY FOR PLANNING , FILES. I , I I , , ., , , , I , t , , , , , , , , , I , , I , t , t , t , , ~ ; , , , , I , I , , I llJ = - ..... - "0 - '..s bJ = o -a E ..s .c: u ~ .... llJ o I , , t , t , I t - , , , . , ,,' , t , I , , , , , , , , I I t . , , " , , , <'d , I , I " I' Regislration F()rm (For persons who wish to address the Commission) , Dale ofMeeling ~J'l f,.;4?O~ Agenda Item No. . /7 . " . Name ~YI e. '," 5':.. tb~; Address ,\:;)i- T~ 'Tr~'I' '1""1 R 4-5 ~ If speaking for an organization, Name of organi~ation: Spet;lker's official 'capacity: . . '~\ Q)(;~Qu~A;~ ,C - , - -,!, _ Subject on" L,{)"hic? person .w, iSh,,' 71 to s,pe*~,~, - y.\MbQ pYYo.~"j ,@ iSO~\( 1'L",\ \\~ ~ ..~'/_' ,. ~_.n jlJl' .< '. .. Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognizedby.the chair, hand yo~r completed registration, form to the presiding officer and stateyolfr nam~ anq , ,.residenc~ befor~ beginnil1g your presentation. If you have written notes you wish t() present tO'the Cotninission, , PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLt.\NNING FILES. , / ~- I . , , , , , , , , I , . I , , , , , , , , , , , ., , , I , " , , , , " , , , , , I , , , I .~ '!:; .". - '''0 - ~ 'bl '!:; o d E ~ ..c: ~ ... ~ '1 , , I - , , , , , , , , I I " I , , -, "'. ., , I I " I /\ :. Registration Form ,', I ' (For persons who wish to address the Commission) , ,(\ ~^C;' e.o- .-1111 ,-:t:.\-eyrr t3,) ~ ' '\.Jf\x; IJ.-I-CJ' o..:rrt' l~rn 1.It) ~J - ~ ll-~Ilii QateofMeeting,', _ " .20o.{, '.. Agenda Item ~o,. -L- ll\) Name . LCiw-r-fjl} (..e ,L, .'S; ~7 G?-t.J:An-7 ,Address Cc710' (yV-I<,itlecrf"t:>r, C( S' .' ," - , _If speaking for: an organi~ation, 'Name of-organization: ' , bli1-tlyu{ J Fthd<:"f J/OlU~ &0../14"-175. J~ S' $'J'V' , , Speaker's official capacity.: , ' ' ' , . 'r> i <$ id e /A.- f' '.:.:}-6 ~~o~ ~1 +'1:> t~ SS .Jc' "'vf-r e:- Subject on :which person wishes to speak,:. Please remember to .step to the podium as soon as Sou are ,recogniz~dby the chair, hand your completed registration forin tbthepresiding officer and state your n21I1J,e and residence beforebeginrting your presentatior:. If you nave , 'written notes you wish ~o present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA,CO;PYFOR PLANNING ,fILES. ~ 1 - ., ~ I ~. ,I I , '( c I ~ '.J, ( ( ... ~ C I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I lp Registration Forni / I .. . ' (~or persons who wish to addres~ the Commission) \ , I' Name Address Date of Meeting r ~{y '0 Le . j\g;enda!te~,No."'t~, (., '1 -->>.-. ;-. r(,!:f/~q- 'tdZ f$r - <<-~y. 0, ,TfrrWf". / ' ' ' I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I - ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ '!::: ..... - ~ - ..e bl !::: o -a E ..e ;.s:: g ... ,~ o I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I - I I I " I , I , I I , I I I .. I I , I I I I , If speaking for an organization, , N~r.ne' of organization: Speaker'soffida1 capacity: Subject onw9ich perso w~sh~sto speak~ tec/fA-. 6. E ~ "- c.>----~.e.--' (91 Please remeTI,lber to, step to the podium as soon as you are ,. recogni:ie-d by the chair, hand your completed registration' . form to the presiding officer and state your-name and residerice before beginning your presentation., If you have written notes you ,Wish to present to/the Commission, - PLEASE FURNISH AN ExtRA COpy FORPLANNING . . . .' . . . . FILES. , , R~gistrati6n Form (For persons who wish to address the Comtnission) ~ " . J .-" 7 ,.. fa .-~ () 'k, it, ~ (~, I Name ,~;~,.5 (;.~~t+l-. Address .'L-'1.6_6tt.V\)~~(" 1,5 v..~-tc.-j(. . E--o\t.es~ -:rfk2~", ,ik '1T~4-5 If speaking for; an' or-gapization, Name of organization:, ',' " ." 6:("\1: \ a~\)=-'iC\" ~ W\~) I L+ J-.. . Date of Meeting , . , Agenda Item.No. Speaker's of~cial cap?lc:p:y:. - ~V\.'\<V\(.v--' ~ P '~.s -7 r~- I I , I I I I I I I I I. I I / I I I I \ I ( I " ~ '"\ , ~i 4 t I ( '( r ( ,4- ,.l ( ( .. ( C Subject on which per~onwishes' to speak: ""... ' I\...,N<<- .1~nt;'~' o\ooJ1fl2'o~b f Please rememher to step to th~ podium as soon as you are . recognized byf!le chair, .hand your completedreg~stration' fprm to the presiding officer and state your name and resip.ence before'beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to the COInnv.ssion, . PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA 'COpy FOR PLANNING' " . .' ' . FILES. I@ ~ - ,Registration form . (For p'ersons who wish tb address the Comlnission} Date o(Meeti~gl/p /15(, AgendaJtem No. ~4: Name .. ~~'"r ..~~. . ...,.-. ... .... ... .. ... Address le~L 1~6t-ci&)~V\AI\~*,VJo4.-/\X; -ZbI7' If 'speaking for :a:t;l organization, . "Name of organization: " ' Speaker's official capacity: . ,?tU~_"Y-<r'-~'~_ SubjeCt on which person wishes to speak: " -f\'~h6", ,+O~~"plJZLb,~ ~. We{)+- ~-J.i~'5\\;>1'"\ - . I -, Please remember to l;ltep t6 thepodiuni as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your'compl~ted registration' form to the pre$ip.ingofficer and stafe your ~me a1).d: residence before begi~ing your presentation. If youchave ,written nqtes you wish to pres~ntto tl1€ Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING . , FILES; I I I I I I I I "I I I I , I , I " I I I I I I I I I I I, II I: II , Ii t I :1 " I , I I I , ,0 -= ..... - . , I "t:l - .E t)l = o d E .E ,,J:j g ..... o A I I I I I I I I I I I I I "I , I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I , I , I 'I , I I 1 ~egistration Form , . (For persons wh? wish to address the Commission) Date of Meeting ;;:Jt) L'V ~ C::. ~2 ~Qb , , Agend~ Item No. . ." ~ .~, (61 ~, "., Name~~,NA1tiAN;Y]:SW'~NAmW. Address q lOG -SffrNa>,~t:>K ., pgLVEo/lJUfAt-,rA(frw · '. 'Tx J::t~8~ .> ",' '/ ,,' If speakmg for an organization, '-- Name oforg~ni;z;ati~n: '. \r". , Speake~\s official ,capacity: Subjecton,which persoll wishes to speak: ._~~~~r.~~'.1-T~ '.', " - ' . - '. "'-, . '- - 'Pleas~ re:J;llemb~r to step to the podium as soon as: you,are , recognized by thech(~i'r,hand your completed registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and , 'residence 15efore beginni1).g your presentation. If youhaye . written notes you\.vishtopresent tq the CohUnission,_ " PLBASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING FILES. " I , ~ "1 ~ ( ... . I I , , \ I ... ,J , ( . ( , ~ i ! f' Registration Form, (For persons who wish to address the Commission) Date ,of Me~ti~g -Z -:'~ ~ O~ Ag~hda Item~o: -f2P~(<&e~ , N~me' ~,~ ^ddress ~ tiu-', Vo~~ tex.. '- -~fspeaking f<:)t art organizatiort,- _ Name of organization:- ' -, if::; ,~re-op l-. . - '\ I ,s,peake,r's official eap,aci,\Y;,", ",,',,' '~,' '0," - 4.' ~,r~:o~ _'(~~Q,c. . _ -~ - ) , / Subject on which pers~nwishes~o speak: , - · - ~~~~7~'1 . . ' PleaseremeJIlberto step to the podium as so'on a~ you are ,recognized by thechair, hand your ,completed-registration form to the presiding officer and state your name and residepce before beginn~ng ysmrpresentation. If-you hav~ written notes YOll; wish topresel1.t to the Conurrisslon,: ' PLEASE,fURNISJ~:~>AN EXTRA COpy FORPLANNING. '~' FILES. I I I , I I ,to I;: ,,~ ,.~ ",j ~.'-l ~~ '" ~8 '. ,.. (~ t , ! i ~ ,J . 'I , . / -~egis!ratioi1.F()tin . (For persons who wish to ad!1ress the .Commission) Date of Meeting _: l t' ~ t C5 ~. , "dG;6Nb4 .tJ;.7 ,Agenda Item No. ~e;vl~~O n . -'1M tKe:. ,~~c.,- Lr.(:TUR.-fF-' , , S D ~LAvPr'C-f:lr ~'l 'liS f'rU So r\.f'ol..T~ ?K:?D) , If speaking for afl organizati0n~ Name of organization: . 'w H M 'T~I;}Mst>oeTAT /DI'-( {E/'{6;(... Name Address Speaker's official capJa~ity: '(R f'q<:f:-tc' G-NG' N6F-".t \ !'i,4io C o~N .s--(,. TArtt Subject on which person wi~hesto speak:, . w tsl"-lr.;..Ae.-r~N R.E.:ZCf-.t \NG - - , Please r~member .to step to the podium as soon as you ate 'recognized by the chair, hand YOl.1rcompleted registration form to the pre~{ding officer and state,your name an<i- residence before beginni,ng your,pr'es~ntation:, If you have ~dtten notes YOll wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA Copy FOR PLANNING I - FILES; ( I " ~ "'( '( .. t I ( ~ c I I C '" ,.! '( c ~ ( , , " \I <\ ~egistration Form (Fo.rpe~sons who wish ~o ad~ress the Conuni~sion) , ' ~ , Date of Meeting (;z-cW4f11 ~ Age\lda Item No. ;ze:;v/~4 7 ' Nartle~~L-/A/.' .: Address....... ,'4 '.V~/r;--:~.$/I7R2Ii , .'. . . '., eS Jfspeaking for an organizati'on" - Ntnn,e of or"ganization,: . , . /~6KOqr ~ ~. / Speaker's official capacity: . !iP~gf~try~~/tla1 J2q~ktfj: Subject on whichpersonwishes to speak: .." .t/7/~:?1f;Laf. P3'~!Uj , " " f~ ' .- 'Please remember to step to the podium as~oon as you are . recognized by thechair, hand your completed registration fonnto the presiding officer and state YOtlr riameand residenc~ before -b~ginning your presen~ation. If you have written'notes you wish to preserit to theCommisston, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING FILES. . ',~egistra~ion Form (For persons whQ wis~to address th~Commission) , , . Date of Meeting .J II':!/., iG, ,'Uo~ ' . ' Agenda It,,~ Nck flU ~vth.J';':t) ~ -...c_ Name KtLLI/ .!JteUtr18FUJW, !. " .., .,., , , . Address l-]t'()f, "S';-t>tf/IZI!>/(tJ?G € ~tr:r ..~ If speaking for arrorganization, Name of organizfltion: ',S7rJ)(EIS<lD6C .~Ilr f/o/t / ., ,~Sp, e~er's offic~l 3Pacity: . ,r~er; U:.>k- All ' , .' ..- . -\ -. . Subject on which'person wishes to speak:' Oppos r17()!J -j=i, -icAllAit;jftru uf17ot.J , , ( ~E;7/VC;~ /if '- ~/?()ULjO~.+<et ~(#VJ,~) "' -,' Ple,ase remember'to step to tl;1.e podium ~s soon as youqre recognized by the cl;1.air, hand your completed registration .form to thepresitling <,?fficerand'stateyour name qnd. ' re~idence before beginning your presentation. If you have 'written notes you wish to present to the Commi~sion, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING FILES. ,. -' -, - , /. /, r t.i t.!i ,.:i . , .J 'I ~: I I I 1 I 1 Registr~tion Form (For .persons who wisp to address the Cornmissiqn) Dai~ of Meeting r]'~" 'G~ 0.'" A'g~nd~TtemNo:~,,/f, . - , Name '..(Jbr~)f_a~~>p",} Address) "3 l~ ,~/I-:;t;/~ ~ Q..-r- ! I "- ., If speaking for ~n organization, -~ame, ?Jf qrg~ni~atiOn,:' " '2-. W" ]' sit} Ie.. ..e; , ~ /. "JlbI/' /' Speaker'~ official capacity: _ ,_ ' C Subj~ct on whi~h person wishes to speak: . ,..; - -. . Please reinemberto"step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your c<;>mpleted ,registration -formto the presiding officer and state your name and' residence before beginningyo~r presentation: If you h~ve wri~ten notesYQu wish to present to theCoinmission, . , PLEASE- FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING FILES. :0 l..... 1_ " ., ~ I .. I I ( ~ t ..s ,.$: 'c:.. ~ ... " ~ c: , 1 , I , , " , , , I , , , , 1 ., 1 , I , , I , , I , , 1 , , , , -,' , , , , , I , , I fitJ " Re.gi~tration Form - .... '~ - , . (For persons who wish to address the'Cominission) . 7.-;~'" {f).(,:, " 'i ' D~te of M~etiI1,g Agend~Item No.- " Name Address - ,IA/1 I K' C:- ..('LV4).,[...[;:.... .... r v-, . ,_~~ _Ln' p I.sCrWI L-> l4/ffG 67', . Ifspeaking for ar: ,organization, " Name of organization:' - , . '. .... . '.. . . ','rvJ7S.tt;::' Speaker's official capacity: . " S~bject on which person wishes to speak:' , I fVI Pile: {iF >~r;~,<J( Or), ,- 1)/~S.ff/~t:/ '/ . :please remempetto step to the podium as soon as you are. recognized by the ~hair, hand your conipl~ted registration: form to the presiding officer ~aiid state yovr name and . tesidenGe before beginning YO\lr presentatipn. If you nave . w:rit~en notes, you wish to present to the Commission, PLEASE FllRNISH AN EXTRA 'COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. .' ~ ( I ~ .., ~ ( <+ ( I ( "( I ~ .1 c c .. c 'C ~j R~gistration.I<:orm '- . (For persons who wish to "address theC~rnriussion) " Date of Meeting ~ 1:L'Z$tJ1; , '# Agenda Item No. ,Jj.." ,."" Name . Acldr~ss ~ Lee,B ., fib . ~tlill , , l12~Yl~~' \.. " - . If speaking for an organization, Name of Qrga.nization: :Speaker's official Cp-pacity: , .' ,',,' '.' CLmetrnK1', -~I-r:3'en SU,bDJ'ect~onwl)ich, p,erson W,ishesto s,p~ak: ..".., ~;., A '~J#;;J 1 ~ r.L-t .,' , Sl12,-~-' , " - ',' , , ,. ' ~;1 Please 'remember to step to the podium as soon:as you -are recogl)ized by the chair, hand your completed-registration torm fo the presiding officer and state your name and residence before beginning .yourpresentation~ If you have written notes you wishto/presentto the Commission, PLEASE FURNISH A!;JEXTRA COpy FOR,PLANNINC FILES. ,I I , I , I , I , 1 -, , 1 ,I I 1 I I I - I ,I , I 1 'I I' " I I . I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I ,: ~ .E - "'Cl ;S OJ .~ o ~ ~ E c$2 ..c g '~ o 1 I I 1 I I I , I I I I I ., I 1 I 1 I I I , , I , I I . I I I 1 'I - I . I , I , I I I .:;1 I I 1PJ " , \ . , Registration Form - . (For persons who wish to address the Co1I)lTIission) . ..~ I' '" ode ~ Date ofMee~mg .' .... , .... v) r .'. '. " . .' Agenda Item No. . . . "',' Na~e/~.J~~. ..... Addres~ ~ ? 't74.;. ..... .. ..i N.. If speaking for an"orgCll1ization, Name of organi;,zation: . speake? o~~)' .. ,. \ ~u'~Pr~l~ . .c - - . . I. ..' . - .; Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your ,completed registration form to'the presiding officer arid state your nap:le'an4 . residence before beginning your presentation. If you have . . .', ;-.' written notes you wish to present to the Commission, , , PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING FILES. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 'I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I I , I ~ I I I <U I: ...... - "1:j '0 ~ b' g ~ g .$2 ..c: ~ ..... ll) 0 I I I , I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 ....1 I , I I .1'\ ~ Registration Form"'> (For persons who wish -to address the Commission) : Name Address C7 -: 6" O'~b - 114 " .'CtU) -?OA'-\ Y(;~f~C . 01) t) 0 t/lJ C>\.,..'V{o ('~ \\) r ~. 'Ii Date of Meeting " AgendaIt~m No. , ' 'If speaking for an organization, . Name of organization:' Speaker's offiCial, capacity: , ,,," , ' ( 'SUbjecto.n......Whic~Lre.rso.nwishe.s...tospeak:. ~ ..<"'" A^.. '. .. .. '..\2e'F'"';<"-~ - ~<>i~~(O"['Z ~~C>\. · "'. ... .. , . --. -- ' / Please remember t~ step to the podium as, soon as you are " recognized by the chair, hand your completed regis.tration ",form to the presiding: officer and state your name and , ; -residence before begiI~ping your presentation. 'If you have. written notes you wish to present to the Commissiop., . 'ULJjASE FURNISH 'AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLA.NNING FILES. j. '~ , , I , I , , I " I , I I , I , I - I ., I I I , I I , I I I I I I I , , I , , , I I , I G) I:: ..... ,- "d - '08 bl I:: o - Cd e ;.s -..c 'U Cd ..... G) '1 I I , I , I , " I I , , I I , I I I I I , I , I , I I , I I , I I , I , , I , I . /, '\ . 'Registration fortn , , (For persons who wish toaddres$ the Commission) - .. ~ Da;e 'of Meeting ,.~.~ r.o ~ 0 ~ 1}.genda Item,No. -J, 2. C~ . Name .ClGt6*H~M~... . Addr'ess (51) &Vl '( , . [, ',' AS, , . If speaking for an organization, N,aUlC of organization: . . ... "." . A ~ . ..' .. ~ ALWWxt t\1Jmf 0/J1lM'S (iSSDdofi 01'\ Speaker's ~fficial capacity: " '.lWayz[,YV1IA'V\.~ Please remember to step to thepod~v.m'as soon as you'ar~ recogniiedby the ch(;lir, hand your c'orhpleted registration.' f()rm to tl).epresiding. officer and state your name and residence before beginning your pre~erttati0n.,If you have- written notes you wish to present to the COmrIDSSiop, . PL~ASE FURNISHANEXTRACOPY FOR PLANNING FILES. I . I, , . I I i~ I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I - I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,Q) = .- - "l:l - ,oS bt = o ~ " e oS or: ~ - Q) ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I .. I I I I I I I. I I I / <\ Registration form , , . (For persons w~o wish to address the Commission) _ Date of Meeting 7 ~ t ~ .' Agenda Item No. f ;l' (t1.) ..: .":, " ,;,,' ' '. ... .' W1~ '. .... "~". .... '.. .r............. .' .... '.' """,." ;"..-."","'..L,-',.".,.'&:" .'" ' Name.' . .,..' . .......! . ...(c: '. .....'.,., Addres~'dtif}tk~-,- ". [}~V~ . '.. CD 7-Zr'!C Ifspeaking f9f an organization, Name of organization: Speaker's official capacity: \ , ' , . su::: on which pr::;::;r O~. . . r~~fl/J,w. SV\rA'- QVcr-... Plt~ase rerhembE;r to step to the 'podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration , form to the presiding. officer and state-your name and . ' .residencebetore beginning your presentatiot\. If YQU have writt~n notes you wish to present to the Co~ission, - - ,PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA~OPYFOR PLANNING F]LES. .. I- I Ii r I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I , I I I I I I , I .I , I I: I I I ., I I , I , I 'I-~ ....... :e,- ;e.. OJ ~: o '"'a , E ..8 .c g .... a;, o I' I I:: , Ii I'; I 1"-: ., ~t , I. " Li Ii H d II ,Ii II l'i - I I .1 I I I I I I I , I I I I , ~j- Registration,Fotm (For persons, who wish to address th~ Commission) - Date of Me~H,ng.. ':[11 b Agenda Item No. q ,~ !'lame S-O~t.7e- ~ 5Pfi r-C Y Address S ~ rmsT Dr' If speaking ,for an organization, Name of organizatior: ~, ~)(~/(~ Ir~h'Jt>.-bl';jJlJPri /:r~S"~c/~f;b}j Speaker'g official capacity: _ 'Pre~/tfpA1r'O~' Fpx{:;/re' H();;) \ _ Subj~ct on which person ~ishesto speak: . " , - .' .' , ';r ";"Wd . /Of, P c<"f"'~.d YeUf>f"fWlf> ~roY{ Fo X ~ ~ (p, ' ,. , " ,-" ',' . ,. . .:; ; Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you are, recognized by the chair, hanc} your ~ompleted registration - form to the presiding qfficer,and st~te Y9ur name and residence before ~eginning your pre~entaHon. If you have ,writte.n notes you wish to presep.fto the Commission, - PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COPYFORPLANNING FILES. . , a , ." ... "'l: .~ e !:: C ~ .~ . '+" or. <. e\ ... ll. c: I i I I I I I I I I I - I I I I I -' -: Registration F,orm (Fqr persons wl:U) w,ish to address the Commission)' Date of M~eting Set ir .0' Agenda Item No: lZ / Name 6 -refjJ f<~ .. f:if:i' Address 1521, PI';:),<;f' b r- = ,', , Hspeakil)f; fQr,ahorganization, Name of organization: . ..... ,. .~ , 'h,xfi re .H~J?1P/ 6l.));B~ -1,~s?JC."Cbf,~th1 " Speaker.'s official c:apacity: ,. , "Pre>.tJ~"t" o'f--fbxfJ'(e ~f1ol} Subject on whi~ p~rson wish~s to sp~ak: . .. ~(}o(' '('0 f '. ~J~! "D hl ~ 'T". o-n.,Fo X+-,'t er . r '. ,. .' 'f ..' . '. . . .' .' Please re:rrl~mbet to step to the podium as soon as Y0U are recognized by the chellr, handyailr compl,eted registrjltion form tothe presiding officer and. state your,name and) residence qefore beginning your presentation. If you have, written notes you wish to preient to the Commission, _ PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA copy F'OR PLANNING FILES. , .. .. .c , . . \ ( e E .s ,J: Co , " .. II C, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Regisfration/Form (For persons who "Yish to addr~s~ th.eCommission) Date of Meeting ..7/6#/ .. Ag€nda'Item.No.~~ ~'f1J.:5 j\ Name I' , \ Address . . .. w j ~e-cSf#/P'rJ, rfi. 7 7~ Lfc3~ If speaking for an organi~a~ion, , . Name, of organization: ", ."",. , , , ,: ' ,',,' - '" .5~~/['re8f /ftJlJ)ef)t4l.l?erlS ~/}\. Sp,eal<er's official capa ity: Please remerrl.ber to step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the' chair, hand your completed registration form to thepre.siding officer and state your name and- t~sidencebefore, beginning your presentation. If ypuhave written notes you-wish to'present to the Commission, " , PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING FILES. ; I , , I I I , I I , I I , I I I I , I I , , I I ~ . I "., Ii I I -I " I I , , I I , , I (I) = .... - "0 - ~ 0/; g ."a e ~, .c: u ro , ..... (I) o I I I , I I' , I I , ~ I , I I , I I , 'I, I , I Ii I --:J' \/ Registration Form (For pe,rsons who' wishto address the Commission) ~;::;:a~::;6,Tlt~{) b Name ' KfW7:f(j~ ..~. Address 9 L dO f) YKj)~&-12-- . j~a &:c.. , ' If sp~ak~ng for an organization, -, . . , Na~e of organization: , , I'.i" \ . , Speaker's official capacity:, , s~~~er~~a~~ , - Please remember to step to the podium as soon as yqu,qre -, recogriized by the chaiT, hand your completed regist!ation form to the presiding officer and state you,t name,and ,residence pefore beginning your presentation, If you have written notes YOll'wish to present to the Commission, , ,PLEASRFURNISH AN EXTRA,COPY FOR PLANNING - FILES. J , , I I I I I , 1 I I I I , \1 , , I I I I I , I I , " I I , , I I , Ii I , I I 1 , I Q) = .... - "lj - .s OJ = 0 "i E t8 ,J:: g ~ ~ I I 1 , I I , I I , I I , , I I , I I I I I 1 I I , I - I " I , I I I, I I I (' , I I I /.'~ .... / ~v Registration Forpl . ' (Forperson~ who wish to address the Commi~sion), , 'Dale of M~eting , ~h./t!6 " . . ' , (I' ,Ageuda,ItemNQ. ' . i. ' ...-r"'J . ' '.' ,'-., Name, .7.I7JWl< .11." ,g~ A~dff:ssjj/J() . g~JijI/Jt11( g jlC-ee;7: If speaking for. ap.'organization, Na~e of organization: .' " SPi1:~'s official, capacity: . I Jr a. i,- , . ,'/ J Subject onwhich,pefsrn; wishes to sPeak: .... . ' If ~~flJ.~;~;;/~~ ~, Please remember to step,to the podium as soon as YOl.(are recogmzed by the, chair, hand your completed registration form.: to the pr:esiding officer. and state your name and , residence before beginning yC?ur presentation. If you have J written notes you wish t<;)presentto the Co~ssion, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA Copy FOR PLANNING FILES. l.l I ~ ~' ~ ( 4, ,t' 0.\ " ~ . I, , \ \ ( 4 ~. <. . " C <\j' "< Registra~iortFonn, ' (For persons wl10wish to address the Commission) . . Dal~ofM~ting .. -r (~(Dft · . @ ,'.' , AgendaItem No, 4;) Co \. 'b l q, 't c.. 15 Name' =tv:., Cc~ ...Ctt~.'... Address ~\~ \, 1,.0-;Sf34- . ~~t::t.0' ,~ ~<; ,~ , .(~~~rid-J~) If speaking for $L organization, , . . . ., - / Name of organlzation: \ ' , ' Speaker's offi~ial capacity: , ' Subject C?n which person wishes to speak: ,. , Please rememher 10 step to thecpodiurn aS,soon as you are recogt}jzed by the chair, hand your compl~ted,registration form to the presiding officer and state your name anq residence ,before beginning your presentation. If you ,h~lVe writtelI notes ypu wish to present to the Commission, \ PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR-PLANNING FILES. , . , C Registratiop. Form , (For pe!sons who wishto addresstheCofumission), ,- ~ Date of Meeting . , ' ''5JL '1' ,~~ t006 , ' Agenda Item No. tv ~{.r ' . , N;n\e Jot tl'l ~ l k ~CJlIY1 I if f)rC-Ht Address {{;c!(/L, (J9I'/L()a..rO 'CAt2..! " If speaking for an organization, ,Name of organizatipn: , . , 6rt4q~ ldt~~T H(J A- Speaker's official'capaCity:, ' ., 'lJv(ec;?r VJcl'i7-- Subject on which person wishes to speak: -rvfljJrPr(C j k;1~A-ll\l 14 ,'E. -, ,', .ct1~4Lr7~/ (!)Pl( (FE Please rememberto step to the podium as soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration' form tp the presid.ing ~fficer and state your name and residence before beginning your presentation. ,If you have written notes YOlLwish to present to t1:e Commission, PLEA,SEFtJRNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING FILES. I , I . , I I I I I I I I I , I a; ~ .... - ~ ;E OJ 5 1~ I ~,... , f!'~ C " ~ .i. ,t c '. ~ , J ~ ,- ~. -Registration Form' _ , , (Forpersop.s wh9 wish to 'address the Commission) If speaking ,for an organization" , Name of organizaliori: \ ( I ., ... . , "t '1 4' l: ~ "; Speaker's official capacity! ) E .s .t: (J c:'l ... Subject on whicb. erson wishes to speak:, ' '0 '{nd' ' /..t6 ~ , o..r :I2-7!'F ~ II- )19 I . J?pc/= ~)J.:.V b ' . 0 fiPl4 ! ,_ .' ,J \, . '.'JI'~V~U>j,w.~ J'--cU4?,$;:>~ t..~ ! Pleasere$e~ber to step:to the podium as soot; 'as you areQ~,_ ! re<;ognized by the chair, hand your completed registration ' ! form.to the presiding officer and stafe your name and "T'Hmu..,! residence before beginnin'g your presentation. If you have r ~ ,I w~itten notesyouwish;topresent to theCoinmission, '11, - ! PLEA$EFURNISH AN EXTRA <:OPY. FOR PLANNING:l'd~ i FILES. ' ' ' ' ,--~~! ft1~~1 ! ~f." , 'Reg~stration form ,~ ~ I (Fpr _perso~s who wish to address the commission) Oate'ofMeeting' "fu1ej ~ / 2dt0(P , . Agenda Item No. 1:2.... ' " Name _Address 'm R-r2./A-;V ~..,,' ~EJi_!S7h li;Jo ,.. 'q;HJ8' ,7) ~o/l;t{)1J rG.R,C"S , / If speaking for an organization, 'Name. of .organization: Speaker's. offida~capad!y: , I J ,. Subject pn which person wishes tosp~a~: ' ". 'Rt"tf/)1/~ '1RA-J. ~U-~ {~ [L . = Please remember to step 1:9 the podium as soon as you are 'recQgnized by the chair, hand your completed registratiop form to thepresi4ing officer and state your name and residence qefore beginning 'your presentation. . If you have " written notes yo~ wish to present to theCornmission, 'PLEASE FljRNISHAN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING FILES. , , , ,- f\ ~ ,Registration Form (For persons who wish to address the CommiSsion) Of (0 G -6& ". , (r~ - -, . ' S\~~J:; Pate.of Meetil;lg 'Agenda Item No. '. ~ame ,.' t''n.eo*-~W:;' . - Address , If speaking for an qrganization, Name of organization: J " Spe~ker's o~ficial capacity: '~-- '. Pleas~ wme~ber to step to the podium assOOll as you are ' ~recognized by the ,chair; hand your completed registration _ form to the Rresiding officer and stpte yout-name and residence before beginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wi~h to present to the ComrrUssion, PLEASE FURNI$H AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING FILES. ~ ~, ~ , '"', ,i , , ; - , I '"' , "i , < I ~ @ Regis~ration,Form, (For person~ who ~ish to a'ddtess'the Cortmussion) , \ .~ """' ~ Date of'Meeting', '1/ Ct/ ()u Ager'-da Item No:'. To- ;,' ~ame ,Or~v\t;:\t~bCAo\~' . Address ~\7.:> 'D '~b{r60\tv\, . -' I . ces . -,1 ws-' ,~ If speak,ing for anorganizationl Name of organization: . . ' Speak~(s official capacity: , . ~" ' . i', . .I<tSl.dtwl' tooo~d \>>1fivdL~t,~~. .. Subjecf on wmchperson wishes to spe?-k ' '" ," ' ... .1U 7~AS o{-.{tV().' -to H -W~lAb"~. _ ,... . '''?;If 40 ".. Plea:~eremember to step to the podium as soon a$yqu are recognized by the chair, hanq your completed registration form'to the presid.ing offi<;er and state your name and residence before beginning yolir presentation. If you have written notes youwish to presen.t to theCommissio,n, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING FILES. . 1 , ., - 1 1 " , 1 1 1 I 1 , I , 1 1 , - , 1 I I, " , 1 , 1 1 , 1 , , I '~ ; , 1 1 I I 1 1 I , .~ .... - ~ '0 '""" OJ .= o .~ E ,.8 .c: u .~ d) C? 1 1 ., 1 , I , " , I , 1 1 , 1 , , 1 , I 1 , 1 I 1 1 , .1 1 I , .1 I , . 1 I , 1 I 1