HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/07/2006 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, December 7, 2006 at 7:00 P.M. Council Chambers College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman John Nichols, Harold Strong, Derek Dictson, Marsha Sanford, Bill Davis, Glenn Schroeder and Dennis Christiansen. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: John Happ. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners Lindsay Boyer, Jason Schubert, Grant Wencel and Crissy Hartl, Senior Planner Jennifer Prochazka, Acting Director Lance Simms, Planning Administrator Molly Hitchcock, Graduate Civil Engineers Carol Cotter and Josh Norton, Transportation Planner Ken Fogle, Staff Assistant Lisa Lindgren, Senior Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson, Economic Development Director David Gwin, Deputy City Manager Terry Childers and Information Services Representative Justine Wolfe. 1. Call meeting to order. Chairman Nichols called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Hear Citizens. Don Jones, 804 Berry Creek, College Station, Texas. Mr. Jones spoke in reference to annexation and the process of notification for the annexation hearing. 3. Consent Agenda. 3.1 Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for Creek Meadow Subdivision consisting of 1006 lots on 277 acres located at Greens Prairie Road West in the general vicinity of Greens Prairie Trail between the Wellborn Oaks and Royder Ridge subdivisions in the City's Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). Case #06-500220 (LB) 3.2 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. * November 16, 2006, Workshop Minutes * November 16, 2006, Regular Minutes Commissioner Sanford stated that she would like Item 3.1 removed on the Consent Agenda and place it under Item 4 of the Regular Agenda. P &Z Regular Meeting Minutes December 7, 2006 Page 1 of5 Commissioner Davis motioned to approve Item 3.2 of the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Dictson seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). Regular Agenda 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for Creek Meadow Subdivision consisting of 1006 lots on 277 acres located at Greens Prairie Road West in the general vicinity of Greens Prairie Trail between the Wellborn Oaks and Royder Ridge subdivisions in the City's Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). Case #06-500220 (LB) Lindsay Boyer, Staff Planner, presented the Preliminary Plat and answered questions from the Commission. Although this item was not scheduled for a public hearing, Chairman Nichols opened the floor for citizens to address the Commission on the item. Tim Herrman, 3588 Preakness Circle, College Station, Texas; Gary Hines, 15412 Post Oak Bend, College Station, Texas; Benny Gallaway, 3560 Preakness Circle, College Station, Texas; John Bergeron, 16741 Woodlake, College Station, Texas; Randy Lee, Royder Ridge, College Station, Texas; Will Heyman, 3693 Preakness, College Station, Texas; Andy Starks, 4440 Greens Prairie Trail, College Station, Texas; Peggy Heyman, Peakness Circle, College Station, Texas. These citizens spoke in opposition to theqevelopment for the Creek Meadow Subdivision. Citizens concerns included traffic, drainage, runoff, water quality, sewage, endangered species and the type of high density development that was proposed. Ms. Boyer, Ken Fogle, Transportation Planner and Carol Cotter, Graduate Civil Engineer were also called upon to address questions from citizens and the Commission. Raymond Metcalf, Civil Engineer, 1391 Seamist, College Station, Texas and Todd Carnes, Developer, 3751 Arapaho, College Station, Texas; were called upon by the Commission to address concerns from the Citizens. Chairman Nichols closed the public discussion. Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the Preliminary Plat as presented by staff. Commissioner Dictson seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). 5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a variance request to Section 12- K.2 (Block Length) of the Subdivision Regulations for Indian Lakes Phase X; and presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Preliminary Plat for Indian Lakes Phase X, consisting of 40 lots on 79.715 acres, located southeast of the intersection of Indian Lakes Drive and Chaco Canyon, in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Case #06-500235 (JP) P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes December 7,2006 Page 2 of 5 Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, presented the Variance Request and Preliminary Plat. Commissioner Christiansen motioned to approve the Variance Request as submitted by staff. Commissioner Strong seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). Travis Martinek, Developer, 3608 E. 29th Street, Bryan, Texas. Mr. M.artinek was called upon by the Commission to address questions regarding the Preliminary Plat. Commissioner Sanford motioned to approve the Preliminary Plat as presented by staff. Commissioner Schroeder seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a Final Plat for Indian Lakes Phase X, consisting of 40 lots on 79.715 acres, located southeast of the intersection of Indian Lakes Drive and Chaco Canyon, in the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Case #06-500236 (JP) Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, presented the Final Plat and recommended approval. Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the Final Plat. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). 7. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Floodplain & Streams to Residential Attached for 3.27 acres, Lot 9, Block 1 of Gateway Phase 1, located behind Home Depot. Case #06- 500207 (JR) Crissy Hartl, Staff Planner, presented the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and recommended denial. Ms. Cotter, Graduate Civil Engineer, was called upon to address questions regarding flooding and the floodplain. Robert Todd, 2902 Burning Tree, Bryan, Texas. Mr. Todd represented the owner of the property. Commissioner Davis motioned to deny the request to recommend to City Council a change to the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). 8. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a rezoning for 1.998 acres at 951 William D. Fitch Pkwy generally located near the northwest corner of Highway 6 and William D. Fitch Pkwy. from A-O, Agricultural Open, to C-l, General Commercial. Case #06-500227 (JS) Jason Schubert, Staff Planner, presented the rezoning and recommended approval. P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes December 7, 2006 Page 3 of5 Joe Schultz, 3208 Ensbrook, College Station, Texas. Mr. Schultz came forward to address any questions or concerns by the Commission. No one spoke during the public hearing. Commissioner Davis motioned to recommend approval of the Rezoning to City Council. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion, motion passed (7- 0). 9. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on the expansion of an existing Conditional Use Permit for the Roasted Bean Coffee Shop located at 2551 Texas Avenue South, Suite D, in the Homestead Place Shopping Center. Case #06- 500228 (GW) Grant Wencel, Staff Planner, presented the Conditional Use Permit and recommended approval. Noone spoke during the public hearing. Commissioner Christiansen motioned to recommend approval to City Council as submitted by staff. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). Chairman Nichols recessed the meeting in order for the Commission to take a five minute break. Chairman Nichols reconvened the meeting. 10. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion on a rezoning from A- 0, Agricultural Open to C-l, General Commercial for the western portion of Lot 2 of Horse Haven Estates Subdivision consisting of 13.57 acres located at 2301 Earl Rudder Freeway South in the general vicinity of the northwest corner of the intersection of Horse Haven Lane and Earl Rudder Freeway South. Case #06- 500252 (LB) Lindsay Boyer, Staff Planner, presented the Rezoning and stated that the City did approve the item for fast tracking for an economic development incentive. Ms. Boyer recommended approval of the Rezoning. Jane Kee, IPS Group, College Station, Texas; Claudia Ryan, Oppidan Investment Company; spoke in favor of the rezoning. Sherry Ellison, 2705 Brookway Drive, College Station, Texas; Wilford Gardner, 6403 Winwood, College Station; spoke in favor of the development but expressed concerns regarding lighting, noise and traffic. Mr. Gardner also asked that the item not go forward to City Council on December 14, 2006, in order to allow time for the traffic issues to be addressed. Commissioner Christiansen motioned to approve the Rezoning request as submitted by staff. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes December 7,2006 Page 4 of 5 11. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Vacating and Final Plat for Horse Haven Estates, Lot 2 Subdivision consisting of 3 lots on 25 acres located at 2301 Earl Rudder Freeway South in the general vicinity of the northwest corner of the intersection of Horse Haven Lane and Earl Rudder Freeway South. Case #06- 500257 (LB) Lindsay Boyer, Staff Planner, presented the Vacating and Final Plat and recommended approval with the condition that the Rezoning and development agreement are approved by the City Council on the December 14, 2006, hearing. Commissioner Dictson motioned to approve the Vacating and Final Plat with the condition that the Rezoning and development agreement be approved by the City Council at the December 14, 2006, hearing. Commissioner Strong seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). 12. Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding a recommendation to City Council on areas identified for annexation. (LS) Chairman Nichols stated that this item was addressed and heard at the December 5, 2006, posted meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. 13. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Commissioner Dictson would like additional workshop items regarding the notification for annexation and zoning categories for green space. 14. Adjourn. Commissioner Davis motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Sanford seconded the motion, motion passed (7-0). Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. r?~ chols, Chairman ing and Zoning Commission Attest: Lisa Lindgren, Staff Assistan Planning and Development Services ~ P&Z Regular Meeting Minutes December 7, 2006 Page 5 of5 L 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION .GUESTREGISTER MEETING DATE D ete,1I1 her 7. Qoolt ADDRESS ~~~~::7::3::d ~~ ~ 2l /~~m___~ . r;~ C:;2:.c- J~'3 ~ ~C~nt'f:.~~r~~ ~lt~fl2t~~, 4.:1~O r;/leetv$, t7J?fill2/e /N. t. 5, ,,\\.ht,\ G,t~~ ~~w'~e."Tv'- (- <;. 1>.s [,b(J~I<w..,~ Cf~t-e c5. J ;.0t\Z fo.d- (j~lL (j~ . ,=5 1'S4-1 1-vo<J-C&lci3-et'"\d . cS I'\hc(~ .Grea,\: 0 q~ 5 ~~ 1 t{ l~trol ~ ~1fiy . ;Cllf~~ w- ~o~MO\, or Pi i~7:Ld\IAr- , w . \ ' ~l..tQ3 t.JI(~uJcOL,j Pr. 3fo~'3 ~(t~~gS Ct, ~7'61~~~ C5. -:~/!oct~ .. ....J, f5 l ~ (Sf ~d..h)'\~..~" J-J<;: S " Registrat~~n:Form' (For p~rsorls who wish to,address the Coffi!Jlission) - ... ,. ,\ . .. Dale of Meeling. ~-ot,_ . . Agenda Item ~ r () tr;~!e. ~ Noone ~~ . . A~dr~ss. 0 Jy,e:z; Cr:;: - nq~ If speaklng lor an organization, Name' oforgahization: Speaker's official,capacity: '1 . Subject on :vhichperson wis~esto speak:, Please remember to step to ,the podiU?1 as soon a~ you. a.re '. recognizee! bylhe chair, hand your complete,d registration' ' ~ form to thE[ presiding officer and' stat~ your name, andi' resiqence before.b~ginning your presentation. If you have written notes you wish to present to theCommissio!l,pLEASEi , FURNISH AN EXtRA COPYfOR PLANNING FILES. ( , ~ Registration Form (Fo~ persons wh9 wish to address the 'Commission) ,Name Address _ Date of Meeting' - i2-~? ::-- fJb , . Agenda: Item N6.:# 3 rJ'ttrt/tt1( , ,~tJe.eR~<-, , '35"%t)fi?-~jJ1k~~g3 Ct r . "'" / ~'"- 1 U sp~aking fo:r an organization,' Name of organization: .... ". . DI.'~ ~' ,.1 . ~~~ ' " n.' '. 1.~..(iU~~1-. " .. ' -.-f Speaker's offIcial cilpac,ity: ~fL(?fl1h~ ~ / Subject on which person wishesfo speak: ! e'rfC?~ '~1A{4~J~~~A.~\.\Jl9Jl~ Please remember to step to the podium as soon as you 9-~e' recognized by the chair, hand yoilr completed registration form ,to the presid!ng officer' and state your. ngme,: and ,residence before begif!ning your presentation. Uyou - have . writh;n notes you wish to pr:esent to the CoInmissiort,PLEi\SE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FORPLANNING FILES. - , , ( I ~, "'t .....1 (I 41 !' I I ~ <: '4; Ii (' 4: ,.r. (. ,I .-1i c: " Registration, Form, (For persons who wish to address the Commission) , Date of Meeti~g , 1 '. D~ ,vDD ~'- ' Agenda Item N~. 3 - ,,) , Name . . Address B6V\;4S\a~~1\~, ' '3 -?'~O~a:eJ6'~S5 (!".1~' If speaking for, an organization; Name of organization:, ,. Speaker's ~gicial, capa<:ity: c . ' Subject on which person Wishes to speak: , : ' . tf'~h d~'IMHrye~~\KfOrWl~ktt O'Vl " C;"~5 - ,iV'i.:V /leG ' ~ - , Please remember to step to the poditlI\l as soon as you are r~cognized by th,e chair; hand, your completed registrationi form to the presiding officer. and state yovrname and! r~sidence before 'beginning your presentation. If you have:, \Vrittennotes you wish to pres~nt to the Commission,PLEASEi FURNISH AN EXTRA COPY FOR PLANNING FILES. ',! ( I ~ n ~ ( 4 / , ( ~ ( I ( 4 ,..I ( ( ~ ~ ( ". l: I. ' ~' f- .' Registration Form - , (For persons' who wish to, address the Commission) Date of Meeting Agenda Iterp.No. "1 'b.eL 1--obG, 3.\ -";> tf '. ' \0 t\\ t-\E '( M.A ~ ,~Co~.~ '~n.eA~~ .c.,,~le I Name iAdciress ' If -speaking fora~ organization, ' Name of Qrga~zation: .,' "-.. 'Speaker's o.fficial capacitY: - "., '. I;' .. 11'\ \-.I'c--y 0 la)tJE:"~ Subject on which person wishes to speak: ' , Cjut2k ~~...o ,Su~&~vt.sio'~,S,S-cMS 1/"-1 <:'0 aI S \-t-.~ . w( " €y:.\~~ ~ G-1>Etvg.bR~ Please remember to st~p to the podium as soon as yo,u are ...'recognized by the .chair, hand your~completed registration, .... ,form to the. presiding 'officer and state Y01Jr name 'and , ,,"',' I.. 'residence before begtnning,yourpresentation. If you have" - ,! written notes you wish to present to the Commission,PLEASEI iFURNISH AN ,EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING FILES. I, .- " '- ' , ~ RegisfrationForm (For persons who wish toaddr~ss the Commission), Name .' Address D~te of Meeti~g' I~~ ~ t!) 1-(:t')t2> Agenda !tem N"o., 7 . ' , - ~b~rr~l b PO , , :;.. q to ~ . ~tu"n fn 1 -r;.,ff!:..~ t7rf'~/1! rd-..k/4::> , I Ifspeaking {or an organi;z;ation, Na~e of 'organization: ' Speaker's official capacity:. , .C)U/~e~ -;eq. 1', Subject6nwhich person wishes tospe'lk;,. . ~':~:~i:J~i~i::::~yt;;zj.. Please remember to step to the podium ~s soon as you are recognized by the chair, hand your completed registration form to the 'presiding officer and state your name and Jres~dence b~fore beginning you~,-presentatiori. If you hav-e wdttenI]-ot~s you wish to presert to theCommission,.PLEASE EURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING FILES. .. " I , ( ~ "/ '1 <i ( ; e ( ! t <i ,.\ ( -j a Registration FO,rn1 (Far persa~s wha kish ~o,address,the Cammissian)'- . Dat.e ?f Meeting- AgendaIterp. Na. /2l1A~ f . ~ . ~- . + Name' '/ ei(' ", E-SM, '_ Address ~.,OS-~~tfr.. , , ' If speaking far an arganizatian, Name .of arga~izatian: I r . Speaker's,' .official CClpacity:', , ,_ SU~,ject an~w~,ich,perso~ wishes ta" SBeak:,,' -, / L, ' . / ..,.~~?;;//~7L-.~ . '. '.\ -, "- 'Please r~mem~er ta step ta the padium as saon as yau ate recognized by the chair, ha~q your, campleted registratian , form fa the presiding officer and stateyaur name' -and residence before beginning yourpresentatian. If you have' - written nates you wish ta presentta the Cantmissian, PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA Cory FOR PLANNING FILES, '-- " Registra~ion Form . (For persons wh()wish to address the CormriisBioIl) , Date of Meet,ing Agenda Item No., , Name. ,VJ;1-FO/~ 1),'c;f-J7?-~ N:G;L Address. . ~€tb?, i/\.fi t1Jc.Jc'.o-j . 1) v'< frl/71CJ6 I . . Ifspeaking forarl.{)rganization, .- Nam~of orgaIi.ization:~ " , ~' Speaker's official capacity: , ., -Subj~ct ~~ whichpers~f\ wishes fo'speak: -t - T;f~~ IfJ, . ~J2-e~A/~:+~V'IYf~ f?qj FI- ~-+o 6,':~K(.~( Please remember"fo stepto the podium as soon as. you are .r,e<;ogni:z;ed by the chair, hand your completed, registrattof\ form to'the presiding officer and state your ~ameand / resiClencebefore beginning your. presentation. If you have , · written notes y<?u wish to presenfto the Commission/PLEASE FURNISH AN EXTRA COpy FOR PLANNING FILES.