HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/20/2005 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionCITY OF COLLEGE S"NATION Plrznnr ~~ ~~ Dei~~hprrae~~r ~f rt-ice.+ MINUTES Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, October 20, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue. College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Acting Chairman Bill Davis, Marsha Sanford, Dennis Christiansen, HaYOld Strong and I~en Reynolds. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Scott Shafer and John Nichols. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planner Molly Hitchcock,. Crissy Hartl, and Jennifer Reeves, Senior Planner Trey Fletcher, Senior Assistant City Engineer Alan Gibbs, Graduate Civil Engineer Carol Cotter, Transportation Planner Ken Fogle, Director Joey Dunn, Assistant Director Lance Simms, and Staff Assistant Lisa Lindgren. ~, OTHER CITY STAFF PRESENT:.. Assistant City Attorney Carla Robinson and Action Center Representative Brian Cook. 1. Call meeting to order. Acting Chairman Bill Davis called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. :Hear visitors. None. 3. Consent Agenda. 3.1 Discussion and possible action on: Minutes. -August 18, 2005 -Joint Meeting with Parks and Recreation Board Minutes -.October 6, 2005 -Regular Meeting Acting Chairman Bill Davis motioned to pull the October 6, 2005, minutes from the consent agenda and discuss them. under item 7 of the meeting. Commissioner Harold Strong seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). P&Z Minutes Regular Agenda October 20, 2005 Page 1 of 3 Commissioner Dennis Christiansen motioned to approve the August 18, 2005, 1 minutes. Commissioner Ken Reynolds seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). Regular Agenda. 4. Discussion and possible action on requests for absence from meetings. Ken Reynolds -October 6,2005, Workshop and Regular Meeting Scott Shafer -October 20, 2005, Workshop and Regular Meeting John Nichols -October 20, 2005, Workshop and Regular Meeting Commissioner Dennis Christiansen motioned to approve the requests for absence. Commissioner Marsha Sanford seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). 5. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. No items were removed. (See motion under item 3). 6. Public hearing, presentation, discussion and possible action on a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to amend the Land Use Plan from Single-family Residential :Medium Density to Residential Attached for 2755 Barron. Road, generally located at the southeast corner of Barron Road and State Highway 40. Case #05-500165 (TF) Trey Fletcher; .Senior Planner, presented .the item and staff recommended denial of the request. He stated that according to the Comprehensive Plan, Residential Medium Density. refers to areas containing exclusively single-family detached residential development, ranging ~ ' in densities from three to six dwelling units per acre. Mr. Fletcher stated that Residential Attached contains. exclusively. multi-family developments within densities running between 10 and 20 dwelling units per acre. 'He stated that the .reason staff recommended .denial of the request is consistent with the general plan, lack of proximity to the university and the central core of the community, and the variety of uses that axe encouraged under the residential land use designation. Janet Meyers, 2668 Barron Road, College Station, Texas and Steve Brock, 2716 Barron Road,. College Station, Texas.: Both Ms. Meyers and Mr. Brock spoke in opposition of the project. Randy French, Developer, 4301 Clipstone, College Station, Texas. Mr. French spoke in favor. of the project. Mr. French stated that the project would not completely be duplex units. The outside perimeter would be Single-Family Residential and the internal area would be duplex units. He also .stated. that the duplex units would. have rear alleys for parking. He stated that he is trying to find a place. that will be buffered and that is not next to anyone. Mr. French also stated .that he felt that: the .project would not be negative and that it will be well maintained, well landscaped and have a home owners association. Bill Davis asked what ratio was being proposed between. Single-Family and Duplex. Mr. French stated that it was planned as 29 Duplex lots and 76 Single-Family lots. Commissioner Marsha Sanford asked what square. footage was being proposed for the ' project. Mr. French stated that the duplex units would be approximately 2400 to 2500 '~~:~:~-~' square foot range and that the single-family units would be approximately 1400 to 1600 square foot range. Commissioner Harold Strong asked about the parking for the project. P&Z Minutes Regular Agenda October 20, 2005 Page 2 of 3 Mr. French stated that the parking ratio would be one car per bedroom. He stated that the duplex units would. have rear parking in the alley. Commissioner voiced their concerns regarding the density of the project, traffic, the number of units, and the .duplex aspect of the project. Commissioner Harold Strong: motioned to support staff in the recommendation to the City Council and decline the proposed land. use plan to R-6 for. the project. Commissioner Dennis Christiansen seconded the motion, motion. passed (5-0). 7. Clarification of the. Commissioa's minutes regarding regular agenda item 9 during the October 6,2005, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. .Trey Fletcher informed the Commissioners that this item was to clarify the action taken at the .previous meeting held on October 6, 2005, that is reflected in the minutes. Mr. Fletcher stated. that the Commission motioned to support a component of the overall request, the portion that was already zoned C-1 and already substantially developed or anticipating development and did not take specific action regarding .the subject of .the request, being the area that was in the flood plain and being. prepared fot development. He mentioned that the .purpose of this item was to get clarification on the context of that motion. Acting Chairman. Bill Davis motioned to clarify the .minutes as follows, that the applicant's area considered R-1 (the section that was removed from the request of the land use plan), the request to change it to Regional Retail for that portion. is being ,. ;i denied, and that the minutes of the October G, 2005, meeting be accepted with the change. Commissioner Harold Strong seconded the motion, motion passed (5-0). 8. Adjourn. Commissioner Dennis Christiansen motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Ken Reynolds seconded the emotion, motion passed (5-0). Approved: Scott Shafer, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: Ci~COiDI. Lisa Lindgren, Staff Assi ant Planning and Development Services i P&Z Minutes Regular Agenda October 20, 2005 Page 3 of 3