HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/05/2005 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (2)~r~uTE Narksh~op iMee~ing Planning andw~~oning Ca~rrr~missit~r~ ~ \~ Tttlli"stlajfp ~/~+r~ ~p ,Z~~~p ~~D~p a~J:a~ pem• Gc~un+c~l Chamb~:~`s CO~Its~E' $-'~a1~1An ~i'tjt' Hall 1IO1 Te~cas Avenue Golhege Sta~i~an, Texas ... ~t~ o~ Co~.z.~G~ STATION Pla~zmng e4'.I3evelapmentSrrnEces ICQMMTSSI4)NE~t.S ~'RESE~I''T. Chairman Shafer, Cornm~ssioners Nichols, Hoaton, Davist White and R:eprzolds. CC-MMISSTC)l~T3E~2S ABSEN']C: Commissioner Fedora. G~'TY Cf)UNCIL'MI~MBERS P~tES~N'~': None. DEV~Lt7PM~NT SE~tVICES STAFF FRESI/NT Staff Planners Boyex, Hitchcock, Prochazka, and Reeves, Senior I'larzner Fletchex, Director Dunn, Gxaduate Ciuil Engineers Cotter and Norton, Assistant City. ErXgineer Gibbs, Transportation T'lanner Foyle, Development Coordinator George and Staff Assistant Lindgren. QTHlE12 CITY STAFF` PRESENT: Seniox Assistant City Attorney Robinson, Public Works Director Mark Smith. ~. Presentation, discussion, arzd possible action regarding `the status. of the draft Subdivision Regulations. Mark Smith, L7ixector of Public Warks `gave a presentation. to the Commissioners xegaxding the Subdivision `Regulations and the pxoposed changes, There was seine discussion regarding the. regulations. It was decided that a special two hour workshop would be scheduled to continue discussion of the regulations. 2. Discussion of consent and xegular agenda items. Commissioner Davis asked fox clarification regarding the infrastructure and sidewalks fox the Century ~-IiII Pxelminax5r plat. Mr. Fletcher stated he did not recall if sidewalks exist ©~. Sebesta Road or not. If they do not. exist, then the sidewalks will be constxucted on a Iot-by-l~at basis as the lets. develop, ~&~ Workshop Mintat~S May 5, ~OQS Page 1 of ~ Comrnissianer Nichols asked for clarification oia: how the streets get named.. He asked if it was beneficial to have streets with names that cannot be pronounced. Commissioner .Nichols' concern was that if someone needed to call 911 and could not pronounce the name of the street, would the 911 operator understand where .they-were located. Mr. Dunn stated that there was an adopted set of standards` for naming streets. Commissioner White asked why the plat expired.. Mr. Fletcher stated that it was because of inactivity ofthe applicant in. developing the property, but that it was essentially the same plat as previously approved. Commissioner Hooton asked how the plat was ..illegally subdivided. Mr. Fletcher stated that he presumes it was. done by meets and bounds and that it was then recorded. He stated that it vas after the creation. of .Lot 2 of the Agency Records Subdivision. Commissioner Reynolds. asked. if there was additional information on the Callaway rezoningregarding what. the applicant was proposing to do as far as traffic improvement. Ms. Prochazka stated that the applicant would. be able. to provide a traffic impact analysis, if needed. f' ~, Comrrzissioner Nichols stated that the increased occupancy rate was .correlated with the generation of additional traffic:. Mr. Nichols also stated that the other concern was the intersection of Marion Pugh with George Bush Drive and the pending construction with the overpass. Robinson, Senior Assistant City Attorney .reminded the Commissioners that their duty was to listen to :what the applicant had to .say and determine if there was additional. new information that might teasonably impact the council's decision whether or not to rezone the property. 1VZs. Robinson. stated that the Cpmmission would be approving or denying their request to move forward based on the new information they received. 3. Discussion of minor and amending plats approved by Staff.. None 4. Presentation, discussion, and possible action .regarding status of P&Z Plan of Work. Mr. Dunn stated that staff was working on refining a timeline for the Wellborn Road study. He also stated that ..staff had been working. on .the Annexation '~ Plan, Subdivision Regulations,: Comprehensive Plan Update, UDC) Quarterly Update, Greenways Plan, and Zoning Designations. PScZ Workshgp Minutes May 5, 20Q5 Page 2 of 4 5. Presentation, discussion, and passible action regarding P&Z meetuxg schedule. Mr. Dunn reminded the Coxrmissian about the Department Forum qn May 1 ~, 2005, at 11:30 a.m. at the College. Station conference Center. He also stated that iV1ay 2G, was tentatively scheduled for a joint workshop between P&~ and City Council in order to provide a response to the ducker report. ~:~ June 15, there will be a P&~ Seminar put orf by the 'I"exas A.PA through the BVCC~G. E>. Presentatign, .discussion, and possible action regarding discussion of Agenda for joint meeting with $ryan P&Z. NIr. 1~unn. stated that the date for the Bryan and College Station joint. P&Z meeting was scheduled for June 30, 2005. He distributed an agenda from the last joint P&~ meeting and asked the Commissioners to review the agenda and .make any suggestions regarding the items they would like to discuss. 7. Presentation, discussion, and ..possible action of UDC>/Comprehensive Plan Annual Review. Ms, Hitchcock, Staff Planner, gave a presentation to the Commission regarding \, the ~C,~D4/Comprehensive Plan Annual Review. Ms. Hitchcock stated that all of the planning staff had been working diligently to get it updated this -pear. Shea .stated .that general. housekeeping items that have .been noticed include incorrect page numbers, incorrect fonts, .and ms-spelled. words. When the City Council adopted the Non-Residential A.rehitectural Standards last year, other sections of the UDO that were affected by Section 7.9 were not updated and staff will be snaking changes to reflect that. Ms. Hitchcock also. reviewed several other sectiarfs with the. Commissioners and stated what changes .were planned. Chairman. Shafer asked Ms. Hitchcock to review and .try to come up with a fex~v ideas to clarify the definition of a Stealth Tower. Ms. I~itchcock stated that staff would: review it and suggest ideas to the Commission. Commissioner Davis asked for clarification regarding the requirement for a traffic in~.pact assessment. Ken 1-~og1e, Transportation Planner, stated that the number of 5,000 trips is .used far commercial projects. He inf©rmed there. that he plans: to do some research on what other cities are using for traffic impact assessments. !Commaissicirier Reynolds asked for the approximate cast for a traffic assessment. Mr. Fogle stated sarnewhere between $5,000 and. ~10,OD0. ~, P&~ Workshop Minutes May 5, 2UOS .Page 3 of ~ ~, Ms. Hitchcock asked the Commissioners to call 'her if they thought of any others items that they would like to see changed in the UDC- She reminded them that staff will be taking the U1~0 to the City Council for recommended change. She stated that at this time, it will corn:e hack to the Commission for review and then to the City Council. S. Adjourn. Commissioner Davis motivnee~ to_ adjourn. Coyrnms~oner Nichc-ls seconded the rnt~tion, motion passed: ~6-Q}. Approved: Scott Shafer, Chairman Planning and zoning Commission Attest: fit, Lisa I.i~adgren, Staff Assista planning and Development Services. j ~&~ We~rkshap Minutes M~g+ ~, 20p5 Page4of4