HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/05/2005 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission_MIN~~"E'~" Regular M~et~ng F_~ Planning and Zoning Cammi~sion J 'i'hur~day~ May S, ZQ0~5, 2t3KI5, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers Ct-llege Station Ct~t Hall i1Q~ Texas Avenge College 5tatitln, texas ... Czr~ t~.~ Cn.~.~~~ ST~~© Planning ex l)euedoymen~ Seruiees C()MMISS~~3NERS 1'RESEI~I'T: Chairman Shafer, Commissioners Nichols, Hooton, Davis, Whig .and Reynolds: Ct~MMISSIC3NERS A.~SENT: Commissioners Fedora. CITE CC?UNCIL IMEMB~RS PRESENT: None. 13EVELC>PMENT 5ERVTCES STAFF 1'RESENT~ Staff Planners Boyer, Hitchcock, Prochazka, and Reeves, :Senior. Planner Fletcher, Director Duna, Graduate Civil Engineers Cotter, and Norton, .Assistant ..Cite Engineer Gilabs, Transportation Planner Fogle, Staff Assistant Lindgren... fJTHER C~'I"Y S'T`AFF FRESEIVT: Senior Assistant City Attorney Robinson, and. Justine Wolf, ~3'I"IS. 1. dear Citizens: None 2. Ctsrisent 11-gend~,. 2.1 Dzscussian anal passible action on: Minutes ~- April 19, 2005, Workshop Meeting Minutes- Apri119, 2005, Regular Meeting Commissioner Davis motioned to accept #l~e minutes. Commissioner Reynolds seconded the motion} motion passed (~6-0). i F&Z Workshop Minutes. May 5, 20p5 Page 7. of 4 Regular. Agenda. 3. Consideration, discussion and possible action on request(s) for absence from meetings. Scott Shafer -May 19, 2005, Meeting Jahn Fedora -May 5, 2005; Meeting Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve .the absence. requests. Commissioner Hooton seconded the motion, motion p~.ssed {5-4). Chairman Shafer abstained from the vote.. 4. Consideration, discussion,. and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. ^~ None 5. Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Replat and Preliminary Plat for the Century Hill Development consisting of 15 of lots on 36.92 acres, generally located at 1595 Sebesta Road, east of the Earl Rudder Freeway (SH 6). Case #,04-263 (TF) Trey l~letcher, senior Planner, gave. a presentation stating that lots 1 through $, 13 and 14 are currently zoned. C-1, General Commercial, the remainder.of the lots are zoned M-1, and the property owner is in the process of rezoning the entire tract to M-1. He stated that in 2003, the area was designated on the land use plan as regional retail with a limited amount of office and prior to that it was shown as mixed use, as well as office. He informed the Commission that this area.: is presently being considered for a Comprehensive flan Amendment focused an the south side of Sebesta. Mr. Fletcher stated that staff was recommending approval of -the replan and preliminary plat. Commissioner White asked for clarification on the connection between Emerald Parkway and Sebesta Road. Mr..Fletcher revieayed the area. on a map with the Commissioners stating that there was a minor collector shown on m~ thoroughfare-plan for better connectivity and access to the grade separation and to minimize cut-through traffic. Commissioner LDavis asked for clarification regarding the thoroughfare outside .the proposed platted area and whether or not it will be built at this tirize. Mr: Fletcher stated that .this section will not be built at this time and that the developer will construct a cul-de-sac. The developer will build a portion of the street with. sidewalks. an bath sides: With future. development of the adjacent property, the street will continue on to Emerald Parkway. Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve the. preliminary plat, Commissioner Davis seconded the motion, motioh passed (~=0). 6. Presentation, discussion and possible action. on a request. to re-consider a rezoning within 180 days of.denial for Callaway Subdivision Phase II, a~proximatly 14 acres, located on the east side. of Marion Pugh Drive; approximately 500' south of the intersection of George Bush Drive, including a portion of the Luther Street Right-of--Way. Case #04-28 (JP} Jennifer Prochazka, Staff planner; gage a small presentation reviewing'the applicant's letter requesting the reconsideration of the rezoning that was included in Commissioners' packets. ~ the informed them that the LIDO states'that if a rezoning is denied by the City Council, the same rezoning cannot be applied for within 180 days. However, .the. UD(J does allow a P&Z Wprkshap Minutes May 5, 20{}5 Page 2 of 4 rehear within 180 days, if one of .four criteria is met. The criteria include a change in circumstances relevant. to the issue, .new. or additional information, a new application that is ~'`>> materially different, or something based on a material mistake that was made in the decision. Ms. Prochazka stated that if the Commissioners .find that. one of those four criteria applies, based on the letter from the applicant, then the CommiSSion may approve a rehear. Chuck Ellison, 29Q2 Camille Drive, College Station, Texas,. Attorney for. Applicant. Mr, 1Jllison stated 'that the applicant is in the ..process of working on a development agreement to .extend Marion Pugh from its terminus. to Holloman Drive. This is the new information that was not avail~;ble to the City Council at the time they considered the rezoning. Con-rmissioner Hooton motioned to approve the- rehear based on sufficient new information submitted by the applicant. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion, motion passed (6- 0). This motion enables the applicant to resubmit an application for rezoning before the 180 day turnaround time. 7. Public. hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on ai Finale Plat for Shenandoah Phase 19, which includes a Replat bf Lot 1 flock 1l and I;ot 17 Block. 8 from Shenandoah Phase. 1. This final plat consists of 56 residential lots and an HOA common area on 19.486 acres generally located at 4fl00 Alexandria Ave. Case #45-46 (MH) Molly Hitchcock, Staff Planner, presented the case stating that there had been many calls regarding the case and that the calls were of an inquiry nature. Staff recommended approval of the final pl~.t. ,~ Dennis Ethridge, 4106 Windfree, College Station, Texas. Mr. Ethridge asked about the ' drainage in the area for future development, specifically whether the zero-rise rules would be used in the development of the. plat, anal, if it was not, what recourse. would the citizens have? He also asked if the fences on Lots 1'7R through 20R, would be put up right against Xhe same rear fences of the addresses. Mr. l~.thridge expressed concern regarding the severe flooding in that specific area and, the drainage issues; in .particular tb his home. Mr. Ethridge stated that in the past ten years he has had problems with extreme flooding and drainage problems in the area. and that his home was flooded at one time. He also expressed concern regarding the new fences .being. put. up, and whether they will interfere with .the improvements previously done to alleviate some of the flooding in the area. Carol Cotter, Graduate Civil Engineer, stated that a detailed drainage and flood study were submitted with'the project; Ms. Cotter stated that there will be twp detention ponds for the new development in order to handle the additional drainage. Commissioner White. asked: for clarification regarding the run off from Southern Plantation. Ms. Cotter stated. that there was currently a 25-foot public drainage easement in the area. 1~Iike McClure, 9262 Brookwater Circle, College Station, Texas, Project Engineer. Mr. McClure stated that they have been working on the issues to resolve the concerns that Mr. Ethridge mentioned: Mr, IVIcClure briefly explained all. the items that his company has been working on in order to elevate drainage and flooding issues in the area.. \? Ben Kirby, 3$16 Stoney Creek Lane, College Station; Texas, Vice-President of the Southern Plantation Home Chvners Association... Mr. Kirby stated that recently there have been P&Z Workshop :Minutes May 5, 2005 Page 3 of 4 .questions regarding the detention ponds. NIr. Kirby stated .that he was advised by T'ublic Works that the Southern Plantation Horne C.~wners Association would be -responsible far ~~, cleaning the detention ponds. Mr. Kirby stated that they-were unaware of that responsibility ~' before. There was discussion between Commissioners, Mr. Kirby, Mr. lrthridge and Mr. McClure regarding the flooding and drainage issues in the area. The main concern for Mr. Ethridge is that items not be constructed in the area that would interfere with the flow of the water so that addtian~l flooding would not .occur. Mr. McClure offered answers .and Suggestions to his concerns. Cammisssaner Nichols asked if staff was satisfied that any additional runoff or flooding would be handled within the normal guidelines. Ms, Cotter stated that the drainage policy requires that there not be any additional flow< post development. than currently exist pre- development. Ms. Cotter stated ,that Mr. McClure's ..drainage reports have shown the additional runoffwill be handled. Commissioner White motioned for. approval of the. final plat.. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion., maroon passed (6-0>. $, Discussion and possible .action an future agenda .items -- A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has tint been ,given: A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy maybe given, Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting: ~~ 9. Adjourn. Commissioner Davis motioned to adjourn. commissioner Reynolds seconded the motion,. motion passed (6-4). Appro~v~ed: Scott Shafer, Chairman. Punning and Zoning Commission Attest: Lisa Lindgren., Staff Assista Punning and Development Services 1 P&Z Workshop Minutes May 5, 2005 Paged of 4