HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/03/2005 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (2)MI1~I UTES ~AYorkshop [Neetietg Planning antl T+on++i~~ng//++~~~a~rnssion Tlt~li'stla~// Nlal'CI'1 .?/ ~GQVS/ at ~i~Vprn>^ ~,d~nnrinstr~~iv+~ Conference Room College Sfiation City Mail lit3~. Texas Avenue College Station, Texts .., CT'rY 4F COl.L~G~ STATIU~T Plitrcvziny ear L2evelop»settt Services CIDMMISSIQN~RS PRFSEIVTs Commissioners Fedora, Davis, Nichols, Hooton, Reynolds and Chairman :Shafer. CQMMISSII~NERS ABSENT: Commissioner White. CITY Ct3X1NCiL MIEMBEI2S 1'RICSEl~T: Councilman Maloney. I3EVELUPi9+ff~NT SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners Prachazka, Reeves, Boyer, 7Cransp~rtation Planner Fogie, senior Planner Fletcher, Graduate. Civil Engineer Norton, Senior Assistant City Engineer Gibbs, Staff Assistant Lindgren. C3THER-CITY STAFF I'RESEI~TT: First Assistant City Attorney Nemcik and Director of Public Works Smith. 1. Uiscussipn of co~isent and regiular agenda itern.s. ~mmissioner Davis. stated he would lzke to discuss T'he Glade, item S, and asked for clarification on how many times it had been to the Commission..: Prochazka, Staff Planner, stated that it was the .second time the project had been to the Commission. Commissioner Davis aist~ asked for clarification an the lot size. Prochaska, explained. that. the lots are comparable in size to the adjacent lots on Laura Lane. The .issue of the removal of the wall existing on the property was discussed,. along with traffic issues. Fogle, Traffic Planner,. presented statistics on traffic and the impact it may or map not have if the project is approved. Chairman Shafer also 'asked for. clarification regarding the obligation Commissioners have to approve. the preliminary plat. Nemcik gave instruction on the matter and it was discussed further. Chairman. Shafer asked .for ciariftcatiori regarding-.the buffer on the Pebble Creep project, item. ~. Fletcher, Senior Planner, gave clarification on the matter and referred to the zoning survey map submitted by the. applicant where a 45 foot buffer was shown. Commissioner Fedora asked for clarification regarding the rezoning of Spring Loop, item 6. Pletcher gave clarification on the matter. P~xZ Workshop Minutes March 3, 20125 Page i of 2 2. I~-iscussion of minor and amending plats .approved by Staff _'~ No .items were discussed. 3. Presentation,: discussion and passible action regarding the status of the draft Subdivision Regulations. Mark Smith, lv?irectar of Public works gave a presentation regarding the status of the draft Subdivision Regulations.. Mr. Smith also suggested that he be added as a standing item oh future wprkshop .agendas in artier to .give more detailed information on specific issues Pf interest by the Commission. 4. Discussion ante possible action regarding.. `the numbe .ring of positions on the Planning and ~ouing Commission for purposes of recordkeepng in accordance with floe ~'&~ Rules of Procedure There was discussion on a roster of Commissioners. Commissioners agreed for staff to number them 1 through 7, using the roster and going down the line. 5. Discussion and possible action on .future agenda items -~ A Planning and Zoning Member may. inquire about a subject for which taotice has not 'been given. A ...statement of specific factual information or the recitation of ez~isting policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to. place the subject on an .agenda for a subsequent mteeting. Commissioner Nichols commented that his interest is in Public Financing. He stated that he would be interested in this topic from aplanning point of view. 6. Adjourn Gvrnmissi©ner Davis motioned to adjourn. C©mmissioner Fedora seconded the motion, motion passed (~-0). Approvetid Scott :Shafer, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: • ~~~~ f,isa Lindgren, Staff A.ss~ t Planning and Development Services. R&Z Workshop Minut@s March ~, 2U05 Page ~ "of 2