HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/17/2005 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (2)M~#~~~G 1Narksh+~p 4~Ie~ting 1 Planning an-d Zan~ng Comnts~ipn T'hursd~+y March_1?, 2QA15, at fi.3C} p.m. Ai-dministrateve Canfer~nce Raom Ctf~~t.'~@ 'Si'~a'~1®n ~~y Hl~~r i itl Texas Avenue Gol~+ege Statl~n, Texas Ctx~ 4~ C©~.~,~~~. S~A~rzoN Plansaing ear' 1?~vedapment Services CURAMISS~oN~RS I~RES~NT Carr~missioners White, Fedora, aavisgHooton, and Reynolds. C~MIIIIIS~iC-NIERS AE~SIEI~'~': chairman Shafer and Commis~ioner Nichols. CITY Ct3UNGiL MEMBERS PRESENT. None. 13E11ELC?PMLNT SERVICES STAFF PRESENT': Staff Planners Prochazka, Reeves; Bayer, and= Hitchcock, .Senior. Staff Planner Fletcher, Development Coordinator George,` Planning & Qevelopment Services Director -Gunn, Graduate Civil Engineer ~ ~ Cutter, grad Staff Assistant Lindgren. ptHER CIT`if STAI=F PRESEN3. First Assistant City Attorney Nemcik. '~ . Dlscussiort of cnnsent and regular agenda 6tervts. Commissioner Davis stated that he would like to discuss agenda items 6, 7, and ~. Commissioner CJavis asked for background on what happened previously with agenda item #6, Case #04-188, llUright .Cell 7Qwer.: Jennifer Reeves, Staff Planner, stated that in Aprii 2004 the'case was presented beforethe Commission and City C©uncil and was denied by both groups... It was denied because of concerns of the location of the tower and with;the property in its current context. Staff also had concems that the applicant-had riot exhausted aU of the resources within the search ring. To date the applicant has :contacted the other reso+~rces within the search ring and have met ail requirements. Reeves stated that the last time the case went befdre tha Commissiran there was opposition and this .time. #here has not been any opposition. The applicant will be moving the tower further knack g5 feet and there is development around it. She stated the applicants would be here .this evening to provide the C©mmission with a presentation and answer any technicat questions.. Roxanne Nemcik, First Assistant City Attorney, stated that if after the presentstion, the Commission stilt' has :questions, those questions need to be addressed to the `applicant at that timie; P&~ Wtirksiiop Minutes Msr~h 17, BOOS Wage 1 of ~ _' There was discussion among Commissioners and staff as to whether the applicant had rnet all the -requirements, It was stated that'the applicant had met all requirements, with the exception ofi the 5-year plan.. The applicant provided a projected ~ 8-month plan and this was `accepted by the. Legal Qepartment. Reeves stated that. there were. reasons the applicant was not able to provide irrFarmation far a 5-year plan and thvs~e would b~ discussed during fhe applicant's presentation at the meeting. Cgmmissivner Reynolds asked ifi the applicant had considered moving the tower further back on the property. F2eeves stated that the applicant was asked about moving the tower further back,.. but the land owner did not want the tower moved any further back onto his property. Commissioner Fedora inquired abvwt the current driveway,, and why It could not be used instead of creating mother driveway, Carol Cotter, Graduate Civil Engineer, stated that it would require the.. applicant to build an additional drive across another lot: ,they Dunn, Planning and Development Services Director, stated thet It met the standards as far as the City's driveway ordinance. Commissioner Davis asked for clarification on agenda item #8, Case #05-26, Richards Suk~division. Cvmmissi+~ner pavis asked for clarification on the lot: width ofi lot S1, Meally Hitchcock, Staff Planner, gave clarification on the tot sizes. ~» l~iscussio~'1 ~~ rriinar and .amending plats approved by Staff. None. 3. Discussion and p-ossibte action on future agenda items - A Planning and honing Member may inquire about a subject f©r which notioe has not been given. A statem+~rnt of specific factual information or the recta#ion of existing policy may be giuen. ;Any deliberation shall 'be limited to a proposal t4 .place the: subject. on an agenda for a subsequent m~aeting. 4. Adjourn. Commissioner Reynolds motioned to adjourn, Commissia-ner Davis seconded the motion, +motia-n p$ssed ~5-fl}. Approved. Scutt Shafer; Chairman Punning and ~vnng Commission Attest: ram Lisa .Lindgren, Staff Assi n#, Development Services P&~ Workshop Minutes March 17', 20tl5 Page 2 of 2