HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/17/2005 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission~~ MiYUT~S Regutar M+~eti~g Piannii~g ar~d Zoning Corr9n~iission '1`~11111'Sl'la"y~ 1W~1'Ch ~~r ~v®Sr at 7.{~~ p.mi, Councit Chamlaers, College Station City Hall 13fJ Texas Avenue College Statiion, Texas CYO s~~ ~o~.~.~G~ S~r~.~r~a Planning ear L}evclopment Services +CC?MiSSiQNERS PRESENt: Commissioners whit, Fedora, Davis Hooton, and Reynolds. CONIMiS~SIaN~RS ABSI^iVT: Chairman Shafer and Commissioner Ni~o(s, ~iTlf COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None. [~EUELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF PRESENT. Staff Planners Prochazka, Beeves, Boyer, and Hitchcock,' Senior Staff Planner F4etcher, Development Coordinator George, Rlanning & Development Services Director Dunrt, Graduate Civil Engineer Cotter, and S#aff Assistant Lindgren.. ~ l OTHER CIYY ST'~#,FF PRIwSEIVT: First Assistant City Attorney Nemcik and Bryan Cook, 7. Hear ~Oisi#ors No visitors} spoke. 2. Consent ,~gent4a 2.9 Consideration, discussion. and possible action on meeting minutes for: March 3, ZC-Q5, workshop Meeting IVdnutes March 3, ~(~E~S, .R+~gular l~[eetsng Minutes ~ommiss+ar~er Davis :motioned to apprs~ve tine. minutes. Commissioner Hooton seoanded the merlon, motion passed. t5-©}. (~&2 Minutes Regu4ar Agenda, March 17, ZO{35 Page 1 of 6 Rer~utar Agenda 1 3. Consideration, discussion and possible action. an requests) for absence from .,, _ meetings. Chairman Shafer Commissioner Nichols Commissioner f~avis m©tionect to approve .the absence requester Commissioner Reynolds seconded the motion, motion passed ~~-Q~. 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed .from the Consent. Agenda by Commission action. None. 5. Public hearing;. presentation, discussion,. and possible action on ~ rezoning for Callaway Subdivision, Phase 11, consisting ,of 1 ~ acres, .located on the east side of Marion Pugh C?rirte approximately 5Q0' south o€ the intersection of George Bush [Drive, including a portion of the :Luther Street Right-ofyWay; from C-1 Generef Commercial to R-6 High Density Multi-Pamify. Case #~D4213 (JP} Commissioner White Mated that item #5 had been pulled from the .agenda and would not be considered at this. time. C~. Public hearing, presentation, discussion,.. and .possible actifln on a Conditional Use Permit -Use & Site #or a Stealth Telecommunications Tower consisting of approximatly 3,175 acres at 9~3 Krenek Tapp, generally located on the north side of Krenek Tap Road just east o€ Qartmouth Qrive: Cass #~4y'f#8 (JRj Commissioner C~avis recusea himself from the discussion. Jennifer Reeve, Staff .Planner, stated tha# the applicant was requesting a conditional use permit for a stealth communications towers. The tower will be designed as an 8a-foot flagpole approximately 15tJ feet from the front property line. This item was unanimously denied by tf~e Commission and the City Council in April ~t~04. At the time. their .concerns were. the proximity of the tower to Krenek Tap Read; the property in its current context, and the fact that the majority, of the existing property was undeveloped. There were also concerns that the applicant had not exhausted all alternotives in the search ring that was presented with the original application. Since that time the applicant contacted 11 ether potential sites- located within the search ring. The applicant provided certified letters to the property owners; none e~cpressed interest in the cell tower prop+~sal. Reeves stated that the subject property is currently zoned R-4 Multf- famfly and developed as a single-family residence. `fhe property to the West is zoned R-4 Multi-family and is undeveloped, and the property west of that is currently under construction ' as a retirement .project. To the South, across Krenek Tap Road is undeveloped single family: TQ the North. is R-3 Townhouse currently developed as Towt7house and Duplex. To the fast is R-4 Multi-family, P&~ Minutes Regular Agenda, M~reh f 7, 20~b5 Page ~ cif rz developed as condominiums:. Staff. feats that the applicant has exhausted alt c-ther alternatives :and recommends approval for the request. Brock Bailey, Attorney fear Sprint, 500 N. Ackard, Suite #4f?0, T~ailas, Texas. Mr. Bailey presented. a proposal on PowerPoint for the Commission. Commissioner Fedora asked if the flagpole would: be lit up at night to any way. Mr. Bailey stated that Federal Regulations require that an American Fiag have a light shining on it if it will be up at night, so yes the flag would have a tight shining up at it. Commissioner Fedora asked who would maintain the site. Mr. Bailey- stated that ..Sprint. would be responsible f©r maintaining the cvmpaund. Sprint vuitt also be irrigating .and maintaining the: vegetation. Commissioner. Fedora asked. if Sprint had considered using and possibly upgrading the existing driveway to avoid a new driveway cut. Mr. Brock stated that the problem with the existing driveway is that it would utilize more of Mr. Wright's land than he is wilting to lease.: Dr. Arthur Wright, 1 QCl8 Holt,. College Station, Texas. fir. Wright stated that the proposed driveway would only be used as a service entrance to maintain the site and for any emergencies. Commissioner Reynolds :asked if the ring was approximately '1500 feet in .diameter, Mr. Bailey .stated that the ring was approximately 2f10 of a mile. Commissioner Reynolds asked how much flexibility the search ring had.. Mr. Bailey stated that if towers are too closert .causes confusion with the radio frequency emissions. Commissioner Reynolds asked if it was typical tha# Sprint could only project out about 18 months for what their service coverage would be. f Pat T4wery, Sprint Senior Property Specialist, 1 B4 Ousters Court,. Conroe, Texas.. Ms. Towery stated that 18 months was about as far as .Sprint can go on projecting service coverage, She stated thaf the subscriber base was what could not be determined past ~ ~ months:. Commissioner Reynolds asked about the process of considering consolidation options.. tUls. Towery stated that Sprint has a friendly -site database; the database includes all carriers, T Mobile, AT&T Cingular; and Spectra Site Management. Sprint has master lease agreements .with- all the carriers, ahe stated that one reason Sprint co~locates before looking at raw land: is because. lease terms' are already set. in stone. Sprint. knows how much rent costs will be, construction costs are less, they do not have to worry about access easements, or about title or state historical preservation issues. The ..search rings .are put through.. the friendly site. database first. If thee. sites do not come up in the initial scrub on the friendly site database, individuals. are used to drive the field and if a site is located that is not in the friendly site database it is logged. Commissioner Wooten stated that oyes net clear to her why Sprint canno# project out more than two years. Ms. Towery :stated that it is not possible for Sprint to determine`the City's growth patterns as far as the city; the most difficult problem is the subscriber base. Ms. Towery stated that there was no way to determine how many Sprint customers would be Post or gained in the area. She stated that projections are done based on current- .use and what Sprint thinks will be out there fi the future. Nls. Towery also .stated that there .are too .many unknown P&Z Minutes Regular Agenda, March 17, 2oU5 page 3 of 6 factors and it makes it :difficult for any carrier to project' :out past two years. Commissioner 1-faatan asked why the confidentiality. nor. Bailey stated that it was a highly competitive market. Mr. Bailey also .stated that what was given to the commission :shows. where gaol coverage is and v~here there are problems. Commissioner Hoaton asked how this information meets with public information regulations. First City Attorney fVerrtcik stated: that anything that comes into our possession becomes .public and if err .open records request were made then Sprint would get a notice that a request had been made and they would have the opportunity to object. to its release. Commissioner White asked about. the negative response letters received. f1~r. Bailey stated. that he turned in all letters and that out of 98 people they sent letters to they received approximately 6 no interest letters.. Commissioner White asked who would' be the responsible party to maintain the flag in a proper condition, fwr, Bailey stated that Sprint would be responsible far the maintenance of th®; flag. f1Ns. Towery -stated that Sprint has a technician that lives in College Station and he is responsible far maintaining the 'flags at elf 'of their sites. ~QmtYtiiSSianef ~~dt~ra motioned ta- appro~re. Ccammissianer HoQton SeC8tldlRd ti°i~ t'~"10#i411, m®tit~-r1 p~SSet~ ~5-~~. 7, Public hearing, presentation, consideration,: discussion, and possible action on a ~Iariance from Section ~ S of `the Subdivisron Regulations and public hearing, consideration, discussion and possible action on a Replat for the F.S, Kapchinski Subdiuision, Lot 92, Black ~, consisting of two lots on Q.478 acres, located. at 96'12 Park Place. Case #ti5-21 ~J~PCG} Jennifer Prochazka, Staff f~lanner, stated that the item was for consideration of a Variance from Section 9 8 of the Subdivision Regulations and a Replat of Lot 9 2 of Kapchfnski Subdivision currently located tin Rork place just to the. rear cif the new H~13. Secti+an 98 regulates replotting in older residential subdivisions and requires that. specific criteria. be met if a repiat creates a new lat. The proposed replat does create a new lot. She stated that, the avearage width of the lots in this block is over 59 feet. and each of the proposed lots have a width of 52 feet. f~rochazka stated that a variance request was submitted by the applicant. The property is currently zoned R~9 and the lots do .exceed the required 5Q f©ot width for that zoning district. Prior to the adoption of Section 1 S of the Subdiviston f~egulatians many praparkies in this area. were re-subdivided, both legally and illegally. Since its adoption in 2Q4~2 there havo been two other variances to Section 9 8 granted in this area, These re-subdivisions -have allowed for redeveloprraent and infrlf development in this neighborhood. The Land Use Plan in this area designates this :property and the. surrounding area as Sirx,~te-family. Residential High Ciensity. Both the variance request and resulting plat are in compliance with the fend use designation. Staff reCarnmends apprc~vat of the replat provided that the .variance request is approved by the Commission. Prochazka stated that several phone calls were received,. all in support of the replat She reminded the Commission, that they must first rule on the variance request and then, if approved, the plat may be considered. P&~ Minutes Regular Ager-da, Larch f.7, 24t~`5 :Page 4 4f 6 Commissioner t3avis asked if traffic tamificatiQns -were considered in the proposal. Prochazka stated that it was currently well .under the allowed density for the R-1 zoning. district and well below the density that is shown on the Land Use Pian. Ali Jaffar, 2511 V1lestwood Main; Aryan, Texas.. Mr. Jaffar stated that they intended to redevelop the property once it has .been ..purchased. Mr. Jaffar passed dut a chart of the lets on the property and gave a short p~resentatian. :Raymond Thompson, 2107 Cary Circle, Bryan, Texas. Mr. Thompson stated that he awned prapety.on Park Place and that the City of College Station came in and took property that did trot beeong to them, and that he did not went this property. repeated. M, r.; Thampsan: stated that Me had hired a law~rer and. a surveyor to work. out the. problem.. Mr. Jaffar stated. he wanted'to cearify-far the Commission that there was not a title issue for this specific prapety and that they have a clear title to the property. Jennifer Prechazka stated that staff has documentation Pram the County Appraisal District which indicates the property is owned 1 f3~o~Q by Ricky 1lViibum. Mr. Thompson .again expressed his apposition to the repeat. and stated that rrtistakes have been made bythe surveyors. j Mr. Dunn stated that staff would be geed try get with fhe applicant's surveyors and verify the information prepared for the applicant and verify whether it was an issue of ownership or property tines. Mr. J:affar stated that they had two surveyorsthat surveyed the propety and both of there confirmed the properties actual boundary lines, Commissioner Davis motioned to table ~hhte variance. Commtsstc~ner Houton seconded the mofion, motion passed {~-Q}. s. Public hearing, presentation, consideration, discussion, and: possible action on a Variance frt~m Section 18 of the Subdivision. Regulations and public hearing, consideration,- discussion and. passible action. on a Kepler for Richards Subdivision Lats 61, 62:; and a portion of 63 consisting of five lots on Q.S45 acres generally located on the south side of Stereing Street near its intersection with Crest Street Case #05-26 (IfIIHICC) Molly Hitchcock, Staff Runner, stated that. to be eppraved the rapist required a 1/arianre of Section 18 4f the Subdivision Regulations and if the 1lariance `rs .eppraved, staff recommends approval of the reptat The Richards Subdivision is located aGrass Texas Avenue from Target. This area was annexed into the City in 1969 and was platted before :thee City had Subdivision Regulations. Section 1$ was adopted to ensure that development and redevelopment in the older .areas. of town did not exceed the capacity of the `existing. infrastructure or create an inoompatibie residential density.. The average widths bf the_eots on Stereing are ~'&? Minutes Regular Agenda, March 17, 2U4S Page 5 of 6 apprQximatety 58 feet. At 55 fast wide, the proposed !o#s C2 A and Band 63 A and ~ ~itl require a Variance td tat width. Ffitchcock stated that the plat was in compliance with the Land Use Plan and park#and dedication wi## be by fee. Cort~missioner Davis. mc~ti~ned tc~ approve the Variance. Commiasit~ner Fedora sece~nded the r~otian, mo#ion pasted ~5-0~. Commissioner Fedora mq-tia-ned to apprave the i2eplat. Commissioner bavis seconded the motion, motion passed {~-0~. 9. Public hearing, presentation, consideration, discussion, and possikale action: on a Final Plat and Replat bf the .University `Town Center Subdivision consisting of 4 lots on 2t7.a2 acres generally located south of the intersection of University Qrive and Tarrow Drive East. ease #0~2a9 ~Ji~JAG; Commissioner ~1Vhite stated that item #9 had been pu##ert from the agenda and would' not be considered at this time. 10. Discussion and possib#e action an future agenda items ~- }~ Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for .which notice.-:has not been given. A statement of spedfic factual information or the rec#tation of existing: policy ,maybe given.' Any deliberation shall be limited #o a propr~sai to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. ~ 1. Adjourn. Gommssroner Reynolds rrtatianed to adjourn. Gommissianer Hoo#+~n seconded the motion, mation passed (SM~~. Approved: Scott hafer, Chairman Planning and Zoning. Domm~ssic~n Attes#: ~~ ~. Lisa Lindgren,. Staff Assists Development Services... P&Z Minutes tieguiar Agenda, March 17, 2go5 Page 6 ~f 5