HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/07/2005 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (2)i CITY OF COI,LE~;F', S I:~T I(~N Planiri>z~ ~i%'Dez-tlop;;rr;rt Scvt-i~°c<c MINUTES Workshop Meeting .Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, July 7, 2005, at 6:00 p.m. Administrative Conference Room College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Scott Shafer, Commissioners Harold Strong, John Nichols, Dennis Christiansen, Bill Davis and Ken Reynolds. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Marilyn Hooton. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners Lindsay Boyer, .Jennifer Prochazka, and Molly Hitchcock, Senior Planner Trey Fletcher, Assistant City Engineer Alan Gibbs, Graduate Civil Engineers Carol Cotter and Josh.. Norton, Assistant Director ~~~ Lance Simms and Staff Assistant Lisa Lindgren. OTHER CITY STAFF PRESENT: First Assistant City Attorney Roxanne Nemcik. 1. Call to Order. Commissioner Shafer called the workshop meeting to .order at 6:03 p.m. 2. .Oath of office for new Planning and Zoning Commissioners Dennis Christiansen Harold Strong Chairman Shafer gave the oath of office for the two new Planning and Zoning Commissioners, Dennis Christiansen and Harold Strong. Commissioners Christiansen and Strong accepted the oath and the new appointment to the Planning & Zoning Commission. 3. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. Commissioner Davis asked for clarification regarding the variances for Williams Creek Subdivision, Phase 4. Graduate Civil Engineer Carol Cotter stated that the applicant had. turned in a preliminary ~_.. % plat for phases one through four. There were issues with dedication of half of the right of way, acceptance of public infrastructure by the City and a few other issues. P&Z Workshop Minutes July 7, 2005. Page 1 of 4 Commissioner Davis asked if the Commission would. see these same things again for all phases. Cotten stated .that the project consists of phases one through four, the applicant has final platted phases one, two and four and then three will come before the Commission again. The rezoning that came for additional acreage will be brought before the Commission for a preliminary plat; it was not included in the initial prelinnary plat. Commissioner Davis also had questions regarding the Callaway Subdivision, Phase 2, on the consent and regular agenda. Commissioner Davis asked it if was unusual for the Commission to see both the preliminary and final at the same meeting. Jennifer Prochazka, Staff Planner, stated that it happens periodically. Prochazka stated that this was a one lot subdivision and that. there is an option in the Unified Development Ordinance that states. that the applicant has the option to take both to the Commission, if they submit all information for a preliminary plat to the City. The applicant's choice was to take both to the Commission. Commissioner Davis asked for clarification regarding the width of alley ways. Davis asked if :.that. is why variances were being requested for items 4 and 6 on the regular agenda. Senior Planner, Trey Fletcher stated that was correct Commissioner Nichols asked for .clarification regarding the arguments for Mark .Smith making this change. in the new subdivision ordinance. Nichols stated that it seems to be an issue of the alleys being only 12 .feet wide. Alan Gibbs, Assistant City Engineer, stated that he thinks the issue is that there will be more green space and for utilities it is a little easier as ~~~ far as maintenance. It is also a little cheaper for the developer and that this is an incentive to ~ ~„~ encourage developers to do this. Regarding Autumn Chase Subdivision, item 8 on the regular agenda. Commissioner Davis asked if Cornell was already paved all the way through from Brentwood to Manuel Drive. Jennifer Prochazka stated that the street was already paved all. the way through. Commissioner Davis asked for clarification. regarding the Comprehensive Plan Amendment by amending the Land Use Plan for 1000 Spring Loop. He asked whyit is being removed from Regional Retail.. Trey Fletcher, Senior Planner,. stated that the City Council did bring up a number of issues. - The. first one being the compliance of the comprehensive plan. Other issues were traffic and congestion in this area. Commissioner Nichols asked for clarification regarding all the variances on Indian Lakes. Molly Hitchcock, Staff Planner, informed the Commission that only the requested variances for streets, lot width and utility layout apply to the City.. The other variances requested are to Brazos County Subdivision Regulations and would have to be considered by the Commissioners Court. ~~ There was discussion regarding the requirements the applicant must meet even though they are building in .the county in the ETJ. Roxanne Nemcik, Assistant City Attorney, read P&Z Workshop Minutes July 7, 2005 Page 2 of 4 section 5 out of the .Subdivision Regulations.. Copies of that section were given to Commissioners so they could use it as a review whenmaking their decision on this item. 4. Discussion of minor and amending plats approved by Staff. 05-91 Bald Prairie Subdivision QP) 05-98 Graham Corner Plaza (TF) Due to time constraints, this item was passed and will be reviewed at the next workshop. 5. Presentation, discussion, and possible. action regarding the P&Z Plan of Work. Lance Simms, Assistant Director, and Scott Shafer, Chairman, explained to the new Commissioners what the plan of work .was and that it is a standing. item on .the agenda each time. They encouraged them to make any comments or suggestions regarding the plan of work. 6. Presentation, discussion, and possible. action regarding the status of ahe draft Subdivision Regulations.. Mark Smith was not present at the workshop;. this item. will be .moved to the next Planning and Zoning Workshop. meeting. 7. Presentation, Discussion and possible action regarding the P&Z Calendar of Upcoming Meetings TBA Joint Meeting of Bryan. and College Station Planning & Zoning Commissions, at Bryan City Hall Lance Simms, Assistant Director, stated that they are still working on a date for the joint meeting with Bryan Planning & Zoning Commission, but at this. time it looks as if the best date is Friday, July 22, 2005. Commissioners will be notified on a set date as soon as possible. 8. Discussion and possible. action on future agenda items- A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the Yecitation of existing policy maybe given.. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Commissioner Davis stated that there were several places around the City that had visibility problems, from brush encroachment, when pulling out of a parking lot onto the street. Alan Gibbs, Assistant City Engineer, stated to send the information. to Mark Smith and that he would determine what. area these problems were in and pass along the information to the appropriate party. Commissioner .Reynolds suggested. that it .may beneficial for the Planning & Zoning Commission to divide up the responsibilities in order to interface with staff regarding certain areas/topics, i.e., transportation, neighborhood, etc.. Commissioner Reynolds stated that P&Z Workshop Minutes. July 7, 2005 Page 3 of 4 this may save time in the long run.. He stated that this may not be an actual agenda item, but ">~ that the Commission may want. to discuss this at some point and time. Commissioner Davis asked for an approximate time period of when the Emerald Forest Comprehensive Plan Amendment maybe coming before the Commission. Jennifer Prochazka, Staff Planner, stated that there is a traffic study being done at the end of the month and that a meeting between the HOA, Developers, and staff is scheduled for July 19, 2005, in order to .get things started. 9. .Adjourn Commissioner Davis. motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (6=0). Approved: .. Scott Shafer, Chairman. Planning and Zoning Commission. ~,\ i Attest: Lisa Lindgren, Staff Assi nt Planning and Development Services J P&Z Workshop Minutes July 7, 2005 Page 4 of 4