HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/07/2005 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission~~ MINUTES Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, July 7, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, College .Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas CITY OF CC)I,L H~GL S"I ilTIO N Plannr;t v De~~~~lopneeat Jarr~ices COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Scott Shafer, Commissioners Harold Strong, John Nichols, Dennis Christiansen, Bill Davis and Ken Reynolds. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Marilyn Hooton. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman John Happ. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners Lindsay Boyer, Jennifer Prochazka, and Molly Hitchcock, Senior Planner Trey Fletcher, Assistant City Engineer Alan Gibbs, Graduate Civil Engineers Carol Cotter and Josh Norton, Assistant Director Lance Simms and Staff Assistant Lisa Lindgren. OTHER CITY STAFF PRESENT: OTIS, Brian Cooke. First Assistant City Attorney Roxanne Nemcik and 1. Hear Visitors No visitor spoke. 2. Consent Agenda. 2.1 Discussion and possible action on: Minutes -June 22, 2005, Special Meeting 2.2 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for Williams Creek .Subdivision, Phase 4, consisting of 25 lots on 35.96 acres, generally located on the south side of Rock Prairie Road, .southeast of the intersection of Greens Prairie Road and Rock Prairie Road. Case #05-97 (JR/CC) 2.3 Presentation, discussion,. and possible action on a Prelimitlary Plat of the Callaway Subdivision,. Phase 2, consisting of 1 lot on 13..799 acres, generallylocated on the east side of Marion Pugh Drive, .approximately 500' south of the intersection of ;, George Bush Drive. Case #05-94 (JP/AG) P&Z Minutes Regular Agenda 07-07-05 Page 1 of 8 2.4 Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for Westfield Village Ph. 5 consisting of 35 -lots on 11.259 acres generally .located south of .the future intersection of Newport Lane and Eagle. Avenue. Case #05-93 (MH/CC) Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the consent agenda. .Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). Regular Agenda. 3. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. None 4. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Variance from Section 8.G,10 Geometric Standards, ..Street Design Criteria of the Subdivision Regulations; and presentation, discussion, and possible action on a.Final Plat for Westfield Village Ph. 4 consisting of 69 lots on 19.644-acres generally located east of the intersection of Victoria Avenue and Eagle Avenue. Case #05-92 (MH/CC). Molly Hitchcock,. Staff Planner, gave. a presentation regarding the Westfield Village single- family development. The. plat is in compliance. with the modified standaYds and conditions approved with the rezoning. It is also in compliance with the residential density shown on the land use plan and with the preliminary plat approved in April 2005. Hitchcock stated --~~ that. currently there are several lots with frontage on Victoria or Eagle Streets, which will take access from an alleyway. The applicant is requesting a variance from the 20-foot pavement width of the alley to only pYOVide 12-feet. The pavement request does meet the standards ..that are proposed in the design guidelines, which will be considered by City Council in afew .weeks. Hitchcock stated that if the Variance is approved, staff recommended that the plat be approved. Should the Variance be denied, Commissioners may continue to act on the plat since the Variance is to a construction standard and will not affect the lay out of the plat. Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the Variance as requested. Commissioner Reynolds seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). Commissioner Reynolds to approve the final plat. Cornmissioner Davis seconded ' the motion, motion passed (6-0). 5. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat of the Callaway Subdivision, Phase 2, consisting of 1 lot on 13.799 acres, generally located on the east side of Marion Pugh. Drive, approximatelyS00' south of the intersection of George Bush Drive. Case #05- 95 (JP/AG) Jennifer Prochazka, Staff Planner, gave. a .presentation on the Final Plat for Callaway Subdivision, Phase 2. Prochazka stated that the land use plan designated this property as residential attached,. and Marion Pugh is shown as a major collector on the thoroughfare plan in this area. The plat is in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and staff recommended approval of the Final Plat P&Z Minutes. Regular Agenda 07-07-05 Page 2 of 8 Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve the Final Plat. Commissioner Davis ~~ seconded. the motion, motion passed (6-0). 6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on: (1) a Variance from Section 8.G.10 Geometric Standards, Street Design. Criteria of the Subdivision Regulations; and (2) Public Hearing, presentation, .discussion, and possible action on a Replat of Bald Prairie Lot 1A; and (3) a Final Plat for Edelweiss Gartens Phase 8, .consisting of 46 lots on 23.87 acres, generally located on the west side of Renee Lane, southeast of the extension of Brandenburg Lane, and south of the extension of Eagle Avenue. Case #05-81(JR/JN) Allen Gibbs, Assistant City Engineer, gave a presentation on a Variance from Section 8.G.10 Geometric Standards, Street Design Criteria of the Subdivision Regulations, a Replat of Bald Prairie and a Final Plat for Edelweiss Gartens Phase 8. Gibbs stated that the Replat consisted of Lot 1 of Bald Prairie Subdivision and the Final Plat is for Edelweiss Gartens. The Variance request is in reference to the pavement width of the alley. Commissioner Nichols asked if the Fire Marshall had concerns regarding the access to these properties, that if they had access to the front that they would not need access to the. back part of the properties. Gibbs stated that was correct. Commissioner Davin motioned to approve the Variance. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). Steve Brock, 2716 Barron Road, College Station, Texas. Mr. Brock states that he received the notice of .the public hearing and did not know what it was for so he just wanted _ ~ clarification. Gibbs stated that the City had Master Plan on a Preliminary Plat. that was previously approved and the section that was addressed is Phase 8 of that Master Plan. Gibbs reviewed other parts of the Master Plan that had already been constructed so that Mr. Brock would have a better understanding. Gibbs stated that Phase 8 is actually a .partial Replat of the Bald Prairie Subdivision that is the reason Phase 8 is both a Replat and a Final Plat .Clarification regarding the notification area was also given. Steve Arden, Developer for this project. Mr. Arden stated that he would be happy to answer any questions. Noone had questions for Mr. Arden. Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve the Replat of Bald Prairie and the Final Plat of Edelweiss Gartens Phase 8. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 7. Public hearing,. presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning for. 76.662 acres out of the Robert Stevenson Survey, A-54, generally located on the proposed State Highway 40, across from Castlegate from R-1 Single Family Residential and A-O Agricultural Open to PDD Planned Development District. Case #05-68 (MH/CC) Molly Hitchcock, Staff Planner, gave a presentation regarding a Rezoning of Robert Stevenson Survey. Hitchcock stated that staff recommended approval of the rezoning. The ,,,~ subject property is located in the Crowley tract across from Castlegate near future State \`~ Highway 40 and currently is undeveloped. The land use plan shows the property to be i single-family residential medium density.. The applicant has requested PDD to create a P&Z Minutes Regular Agenda 07-07-05 Page 3 of 8 residential development similar to Castlegate. The requested land uses are single family, public park, and common areas consisting of open space, landscaped areas and buffers. ~' Commissioner Davis asked if the flood plain area was identified and if it would be dedicated to the City. Hitchcock stated that the applicant is present and could speak more about the conversations with the greenways manager. Hitchcock did state that in conversations she did have with her, the greenways manager stated that the area outside of the requested area was what was discussed, the area outside of the PDD request. Commissioner Nichols asked if the PDD is what was used in other. parts of Castlegate on the other. side. Hitchcock stated that was correct and that it had the same purpose and intense statement. Joe Schultz, 3208 Ensbrook, College Station, Texas. Mr. Schultz .stated that he was the applicant's engineer for this project. Mr. Schultz stated that the: core of engineers atea to the left and the Navasota's Lazy Trece's area to the East basically include 99% of the floodplain. 1VIr. Schultz stated that what the Commission is being .asked. to rezone only have minor sliver's. of floodplain that back up into it. Mr. Crowley still owns that property and he is the individual dealing with the Cityo Mr. Phillips has purchased this property that is to be rezoned, so the greenways discussion is between Mr: Crowley and the City. Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the rezoning request to PDD. Commissioner Reynolds seconded the motion,. motion passed (6-0). 8. Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Replat of Lot 6, Block 2 of the Autumn Chase Subdivision, consisting of 19 lots and 2 common areas on 5.64 acres, generally located west of Cornell Drive between Brentwood Drive and Manuel Drive. Case Jennifer Prochazka, Staff Planner, gave. a presentation regarding a' Replat of Autumn Chase Subdivision. Prochazka stated that approval of the replat will relocate multiple public utility easements within the plat that were dedicated with the original plat. Currently there are no utilities in those easements and all of the: franchise and City departments have approved the relocation. The land use plan in this area designates the property as residential high density and Cornell Drive is shown as a major collector on the .thoroughfare plan. The replat is in compliance with all subdivision regulations and staff recommended approval.. Commissioner Nichols. asked for clarification regarding the number of entrances into the loop. Nichols. asked if the number of lots on that loop.were within the guidelines. Nichols also asked if there was adequate parking off the streets for the number of cars to be expected in that area. Prochazka stated that the numbers of lots on the loop were within the guidelines and that r ~ each duplex will have to provide a site plan to show where their parking spaces are and each triplex and foutplex will have to meet all multi-family commercial site plan requirements ~ - including parking spaces. P&Z Minutes Regular Agenda 07-07-OS Page 4 of 8 Joel Mitchell,. Mitchell & Morgan, 511 University Drive, College Station, Texas. Mr. Mitchell stated that all duplex have parking off street in the rear and all the fourplexes have garages. ~~ David & Sylvia Robinson, 2317A Texas Avenue. South, College Station; .Texas. Mrs. Robinson stated. that they had concerns about part of their property being accessed into the project. Mrs. Robinson stated that they have had so many problems with the ongoing. development aYound them and that the hotel is right in front of them and that they have had problems with access; which is guaranteed by the City. Other problems they have had are that the utilities have been cut .off numerous. times. during development and their utilities have been moved several times. Basically the concerns they have are access; traffic, parking and fencing. Mrs..Robinson stated that they just want to know what is going. to be built here in front of their property. Mr. Mitchell stated that lot 7 & 8-are fourplex lots, so there will not be parking in the rear of those lots. Mr. Mitchell states that there will be fencing and the requirements. of the City will be met. Mr. Mitchell stated. that the sewer and water are coming in off of different locations so that the Robinson's should not be affected. Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the replat of lot 6.block 2 of the Autumn Chase Subdivision as presented. CommissioneY Christiansen seconded the. motion, motion passed (6-0). 9. Public hearing,. presentation, discussion and possible action on a Comprehensive Plan Amendment by amending. the Land Use Plan for 1000 Spring Loop and vicinity.. The ~ proposed area is bound by Spring Loop, University Drive East and Tarrow Street. The proposed land use.. plan classifications include a combination of Residential Attached, Office and Regional Retail from a combination: of Single-family Residential .High Density, Office and Regional Retail. Case #05-77 (TF) Trey Fletcher, Senior .Planner, gave a presentation regarding .the Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 1000 Spring Loop and vicinity. The Comprehensive Plan Amendment application has been filed in response to a denied rezoning request from A-P to R-4 earlier this year. Fletcher stated that existing land uses in the area consist primarily of commercial and office uses. '.Commercial uses are almost evenly split between retail and office uses. Fletcher stated that multi-family uses occur on both' sides of Spring Loop, and the predominant zoning category in the area is C-1 as well as A-P and some R-4. Proposed changes on the land use plan are the Texas A&M System property goes from a combination of single-family high density as well as regional retail into office. The greenway is unchanged. On the subject property of the request that generated this application it goes from single- family high density and regional retail to residential attached and then on either of that subject property is some fourplexes and .that goes from single family high density to residential attached. Spring Loop is classified as a major collector on a thoroughfare plan of the City as a volume range of 5,000 to 10,000 vehicle trips per day. Based on recent traffic counts Spring Loop currently carries about 8,000 trips. According to proposed land use plan the residential attached nand use area could accommodate up to 175 units, 76 of which exist. Using common trip generation Yates the `amended. plan .would potentially result in ~-~-, approximately 650. additional trips per day based on .the .new dwelling units. .When ~ considering that some of these hips would be accommodated by Texas A&M transit service the total. traffic on Spring Loop would be about 8,600 vehicles per day. Fletcher stated that staff recommended approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment as presented. P&Z Minutes Regular Agenda 07-07-05 Page 5 of 8 Commissioner Christiansen asked if there were any proposed improvements to Spring Loop. Fletcher stated that there are no improvements scheduled. Commissioner. Davis asked for claYificati.on .regarding the logic of changing from regional retail to residential attached. ..Fletcher. stated that the tract, as it is platted now, does have access to University Drive through a series of access easements through private property to that. location. When the originalzoning request was proposed and. recommended for by the Commission,. there was a condition placed that the access easements be abandoned through the replatting of that property into one lot. Fletcher stated that as the uses currently stand and the way the platted lots are access easements are required. It is staff's prospective that because the front portions of all the properties on University Drive are developed and building out at the present time, the visibility of this area. from University Drive is hindered as well as the access is hindered unless someone is familiar with that area. The uses are at the font between the. property and University Drive are primarily office uses as opposed to high. traffic generating retail uses. This tract also has access to Spring Loop,. unlike any of the other non-residential properties in the area and it was more appropriate for a residential component. Greg Taggart, Municipal IDevelopment Group, College Station, Texas. Mr. Taggart stated that this Commission previously approved this. site as an R-4. Mr. Taggart also stated that they will be building. a bus .stop/passenger shelter for this area. He also commented on the ~~ same items as Mr. Fletcher reviewed in the staff report. Commissioner Nichols motion to approve the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Cornmissioner Reynolds seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 10. Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Replat for the Willow Branch & Oakwood Schools Plat consisting of 2 oflots on approximately 19 acres generally located at the intersection of Anderson and George Bush Drive. Case #05-99 (LB/JN) Lindsay. Boyer, Staff Planner, gave a presention on a Replat for Willow Branch & Oakwood Schools. Boyer stated that the Replat would create a new lof of 1.46 acres at the corner of Anderson and George Bush Drive. The Replat is in compliance with the subdivision regulations. BoyeY stated that the Comprehensive Land Use .Plan indicates the axea is institutional and the Thoroughfare Plan indicates that George Bush Drive is a major arterial and Anderson is a major collector. The property is zoned R-1 and has been since 1954. Boyer stated that staff recommended approval of this. request and that several phone calls had been received. One call was in opposition of the Replat because the individual believed that this property would best be served to be Regional Retail. Margaret Log, 1512 Wolf Run, College Station, Texas. Ms. Log stated that she was present as a representative of the Homeowners Association. Ms. Log stated asked what the actual result on the ground would be for: the Replatting. Ms. Log asked if any access would be changed on Anderson. ~ Boyer stated that a property line will be created in order to create a lot for the Justice of the Peace property. :Boyer also statated that currently access will not be changed. P&Z Minutes Regular Agenda 07-07-05 Page 6 of 8 Commissioner Davis motioned. for approval of the Replat. Commissioner Strong i seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 11. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on variances from Section 13-B Streets, Section 13-C Lot Width, and Section 12-J.2.1 Utility Layout of the Subdivision Regulations for Indian Lakes Phase IX, and presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for Indian Lakes Phase IX ...consisting of 42 lots on 14.65 acres generally located southeast of he intersection of Indian Lakes. Drive and Arapaho. Ridge Drive. Case #05-83 (MH/AG) Molly Hitchcock, Staff Planner, gave a presentation regarding Variances for the Indian Lakes. Subdivision. Hitchcock stated that the proposal is for asingle-family gated development in Indian Lakes which would be considerably denser than what has already been developed. Hitchcock stated that the Developers are. requesting variances so that they can build to the rural standard but still provide the smaller lots. Specifically the variances are needed to the urban rural street section, which includes right of way width,: shoulder. width and crown design for .drainage, lot width and utility. easement location. Hitchcock stated that if the variances are approved. that staff recommended. the plat be approved. Commissioner Davis asked £or clarifications regarding sewer. Alan Gibbs, Assistant City Engineer, stated that a sewer treatment. plant .will be proposed. The sewer plant will have to meet all state. permitting requirements and a state approved t;~ ~ operator.. These permits would need to be required before the Final Plat comes before the Commission for consideration. Commissioner Nichols asked for specifics on the variances regarding the current requirements as if the property would be within the city limits. Gibbs stated that there would. be a proposed street .section. The first section is the width of the right of .way, the applicant is proposing a 28-foot right of way section and the Subdivision Regulation requirement would be 70-foot for rural. The second item is that there. are not shoulders' and in the rural section of the. Subdivision Regulations there is a ribbon curbed section and also an open ditch. Gibbs. stated. that the 10-foot shoulders are what are typically used for the roadside ditches. Paul Hart, 3608 E. 29t'' Street, Bryan, Texas. Mr. Hart stated that the development is designed to be a gated and private community, the streets are private and it will be privately maintained. Mr. Hart stated that there will be trails and walkways within the development. Mr. Hart stated that the community is intended for retirees but anyone could live there. Mr. Hart states that the water drains towards,Lake Arapaho and there will be strategic points in place to take the water to the lake. Mr. Hart stated that there will be two strategic places for guest parking and that al the home are designed to have two cars in the drive way and two on the street. ,~--,~ Commissioner Davis asked for clarification regarding the sewer. and water lines being under j the pavement. Commission Davis asked if the cost for maintenance. will all belong to the homeowners. P&Z Minutes Regular. Agenda 07-07-05 Page 7 of 8 Mr. Hart stated thaf all the expense for maintenance of the. development will belong to the homeowners, that the development is a home owners association. within a home owners J association. Mike .McClure 9262 Brookwater Circle, College Station, Texas. Mr. McClure stated that there will be a storm drain underground that will take the surface water off when it becomes excessive. Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve all .three variances, Section 13-B Streets, .Section 13-C Lot Width, and "Section 12-J.2.1 Utility .Layout of the Subdivision Regulations. Commissioner Christiansen seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). Commissioner Reynolds motioned to approve the plat as submitted. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion, motion passed (6-0). 12. Adjourn.' Commissioner Davis. motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Nichols seconded the' motion, motion passed. (6-0). Approved: _~_ ' Scott Shafer, Chairman. Planning and Zoning. Commission Attest: ~~ V) ' Lisat Lindgren, Staff As tart Planning and Development Services t -- 1 P&Z Minutes. Regular Agenda 07-07-05 Page 8 of 8