HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/20/2005 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (2),; Mawu-rE~ W orksh+~p Meeting. Planning. and Zoning Commission Thursday, January 20„ 2005,: at 6x30 p.m: Adml~nistrative'Conference Room College station City Hall.. 110'1 Texas Avenue College Station,. Texas CITY OF COLLlEG]E STATION Planning e~rDeveloynaentServzees CpM11~IISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Shafer, Commissioners Fedora, Davis,: Reynolds, Nichols, Hooton and White. CUMMISSIQNERS ABSENT:- None. CITY CQUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Happ. DEVELOPMENT SERV]CCES STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners Prochazka Hitchcock, Boyer, .Reeves,. Norton, Planning.; & Development Services Director `Dunn, Graduate -Civil Engineer Cotter, Senior Assistant City Engineer Gibbs, .Senior Planner .Fletcher and Staff Assistants Crraee and Lindgren. QTIIER CITY STAFF PRESENT: First Assistant City: Attorney Nemck. L Discussion of consent and. regular agenda. items. Commissioners mentioned that the staffreview comments seemed long.. Cotter. explained that in order to keep some of the projects on their projected P&Z timeline most of the comments were construct€in document related. Cotter explained that staff wanted those comments out; there for them to realize that ali the staff. comments needs to be addressed before the platwill actually be filed. Commissioner White asked haw the staff review comments are shared with the developers. Cotter explained that eueryane involved, and those listed vn the application receive. a copy of the staff review comments. Commissioner White also asked for clarification on the procedure for the follow up in order to make sure that each: item on the staff review comments: are adhered. to. Cotter explained that: they resubmit. and staff reviews everything to make sure all items have been taken care of. ..There was discussion regarding. an 11X17 copy of the plat to be included in the packets. Commissioners agreed that including an l IX19 copy ofthe plat in their packets would be helpful, Chairman Shafer asked that Commissioners receive 11X17 copies on .preliminary and final plats. k P&Z Workshop Minutes January 20, 2005 Rage i of 3 2. Discussion of minor and amending plats approved by Staff. Case #04-Zbl; .Edelweiss Business Center Lots. 4-R & 5-R Block 2 Graduate Civil Engineer ..Cotter explained. that basically they reconfigured a lot, shifted a lot line. Case. #04-238; Duck haven Estates Phasel Amending. Plat .Lots 1-R thru 13- R & 18-R Graduate Civil Engineer Cotter explained that the number of lots was reduced. Case #04-2Gb; McCulloch's Subdivision Lots 9-11 Block 4 Graduate Civil Engineer Cotter explained that the number of lots was reduced. ..Case #04-107; McCulloch's Subdivision Lots 12 & 13 Block 7 Graduate Civil Engineer Cotter. explained that a lot line was moved. Cas~tlegate .Section 10 Amending Plat Graduate Civil Engineer Cotter explained that a lot line .was moved to correct a home that was' built into the set back. 5. Discussion and possible action. on future agenda items - .A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject fore which notice has not been given. A statement of specific. factual information or he recitation of existing policy .may be given. _Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meetingo Planning & Zoning Director Dunn asked that the Commissioners give comments on what topic(s) of training they would like to receive next in order for staff to be able to prepare. Commissioner White asked if it was ever decided or just mentioned hat College Station P&Z Commissioners meet with Bryan P&Z Commissioners. Commissioners discussed that this was a good 'idea, but to date no action has been'taken on this. Commissioner White asked Planning & Zoning Director Dunn if he could get such meeting scheduled. Planning: & .Zoning Director Dunn explained that in addition to a meeting with Bryan P&Z Commissioners, a joint meeting with Council needs to be scheduled. Commissioner Fedora mentioned that he sits on the Board for the Education Foundation for College Station ISD. On a xeport that they receive` monthly, it states hat College Station ISD grew 4.1%, which is a hard number. Anywhere from 375-504 kids. The growth is expected to be even higher than that. I P&Z Workshop Minutes January 20,2005 Page- 2 of 3 Planning & Zoning Director Dunn suggested that since this matter is not the agenda, that we add an agenda item. in order for someone from the school district to,attend' one of our future workshop meetings in order to give us an update. on the growth. Commissioner Fedora suggested contacting Eddie Coalson or Mike Ball. Chairman Shafer asked if the Commission would be willing to initiate a new set of zones for the Cxreenway Land Use. Planning & Zoning Director Dunn asked for clarification as to whether this needed to be incorporated into the Plan of Work or as a topic for an agenda. item to be discussed.:. Chairman Shafer stated he would like to consider this part of the Plan of Work. It was suggested to add it to number six on the flan of Wark. 6. Adjourn. Commissioner Nich©ls motioned to adjourn the meeting.. His motion was seconded by Commissioner White, motion passes (7~0). FOR:. Camrnissianers Fedora, Davis, Reynolds, Nichols, Hooton, White and Chairman Shafer. AGAINST; None.. ABSENT: None, Approved: Scott Shafer, Chairman Planning. and Zoning Ca fission Attest: Lisa Lindgren,. Staff A istant Development Services P&Z Workshop Minutes January 20, 2005. Page 3 of 3