HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/20/2005 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Regular Meeting. `~, Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, 7anuary 20,:2005, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, College S#aton City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas Ctxy o~ Cot.z.~~~ STATION Plrcn~zing ear De~ielopment Seruices COMMISSIONERS PRESENTS Chairman Shafer, Commissioners Fedora, Davis, Reynolds, Nichols,. Hooton and White. COMMISSIONERS ABSENTS None. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT; Councilman Happ. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF PRESENT. Staff Planners. Prochazka, :Hitchcock, Boyer, :Reeves, ;Narton, Planning..& Development Services Director 'Dunn;' Graduate Civil Engineer Cotter,. Senior Assistant City Engineer Gibbs, Senior Planner Fletcher and Staff _ Assistants ~irace and Lindgren. OTHER CITY STAFF pItESEN')f. First Assistant City Attorney Nerncik. 1. Hear Visitcirs David Krenek, -2'718 Brockway in the Windwood Subdivision. Mr. Krenek stated that approximately two months..ago Commissioners received a report from: the Windwood Subdivision Homeowners Association regarding Switchstation Road .being a 'one way road instead of a two way road 'plus. making the .:road go completely through.. In September 2004'there vas a special meeting called by the Homeowners Association to vote on some items. Mr. Krenek stated that the'report did not include a whole lot of the items that went' on during ..that meeting.. Mr. Krenek states 'that he remembers:. the members of the ..Homeowners Association voting FOR a two way street for ..Substation Road. Mr. Krenek asked than when the Commissioners hear from Windwood Homeowners Association to please listen to what they are saying,. but try. and :understand that. they have a very specific: agenda that is not backed by .:too many more people than those of us that would like to see it as a two way. street. They are offering an ultimatum that. if they cannot have a one way street, then they want the street blocked off completely. Mr. Krenek states that this offer was not even in the vote. Mr. Krenek stated again that. he is FOR Switchstation Road becoming a two way street. P&Z Minutes 3anuary 20, 2005 Page i of 6 2. Consent Agenda ,, 2.1 Consideration, discussion and possible action on meeting minutes: Thursday, December 16 2004 -Workshop- Meeting Minutes Thursday, December 16 2004 -Regular Meeting Minutes Thursday, January b, 2005 -Workshop 1Vleeting Minutes. Commissioner Davis made the matic~n to agprave all ether minutes as presented_ Commissioner Fedora seconded the motion, motion passes. (7-0). FOR: Commissioners Fedora, .Davis, Reynolds; Nichols, Houton, White and Chairman Shafer. AGAINST:. None ABSENT: None. 2.2 consideration and possible action on a Final Plat -Residential for Spring Creek Gardens Phase 1 consisting o#` 32 lots on fi.24i acres generally :located between SHG and Decatur Drive, Werth of Arrington Road. Case #04-271 Cammissianer Davis made the motion to approve the final plat for Spring Creek Gardens Phase 1. Commissioner Fedora seconded the motion; motion passes (7- ~ 0) .FOR:. Commissioners Fedora, Davis, Reynolds, Nichols, Houton, White and Chairman Shafer. AGAINST` None ABSENT: None. _R~e ular Agenda 3. Consideration,. discussion and possible action on request(s) for absence. from meetings. No absence requests were discussed. 4. Consideration, 'discussion, ..anti possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commiisson action.. No items were discussed. 5. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for the Shenandoah Subdivision, Phase 14 consisting of 31 lots on 7.213 acres generally :located south of Southern Plantation D~'ive and west of A)<ezandria Avenue. Case #04-2$0 (MH/CC) P&Z Minutes January 20, 2005 Page 2 flf 6 ~, Crraduate Civil Engineer Cotter presented this item fore consideration of a final plat for ~; Phase 14 of the Shenandoah Subdivision. .The final plat is in compliance with the land use plan which designates this -area as single family residential medium density. Phase 14 will. take access from .Alexandria Avenue which is designated a minor collector on the City's thoroughfare plan. The subdivision is :located in the Spring Creek sanitary. sewer impact fee area. Impact fees are due at the time of the filing of the final plat. Parkland dedication was previously approved by the Parks Board and the preliminary plat shows Greenway area at the end of Harrisburg Lane to be dedicated to the City in the future. The final plat. is in compliance with the approved preliminary plat and all lots meet minimum requirements. Staff recommends approval of the final plate with the condition that staff review comments number one be addressed, and they are attached. Commissioner Nichols asked about staff review comment number seven, this comment refers ,to a type four curbing. Commissioner Nichols asked for a one sentence explanation of what type four curbing is and why it is not allowed. Graduate Civil Engineer Cotter stated that type four curbing is a two piece curbing where the. pavement is laid and the curb is on top of the pavement. The City of College 'Station requires a monolithic curbing where the curb is one piece. Chairman, Shafer asked if the floodplain had been taken care. Graduate Civil Engineer Cotter stated that they are working on changing the grading of that street so that all.. the supporting grading for that street would be within the right of way outside the floodplain of the creek. Commissioner White moved for .approval fore a final plat for :Shenandoah .Subdivision Phase 14. Cornrnissioner 1Vichols seconded the motion, motion passes (7-0). FOR: Commissioners Fedora, Davis, Reynolds, Nichols, Hootan, White and Chairman Shafer. .AGAINST: None ABSENT: None b. Presentation, .discussion, and :possible action on- a Fibal Plat for Dove Crossing Phase One, consisting of 121 lots of 25.694 acres generally located along the south side of .Graham Road, across from -the intersection of Graham Road and Shaffer Road. Case #04-284 (JP) Staff Planner Prochazka presented.. this item for consideration for a final.. plat for the first phase of Dpve Crossing. ..This phase has 121 lots on 25.694 acres which includes a portion Alexandria Avenue which is a minor collector on the .City's thoroughfare plan.. A pedestrian access way to the school property to the west is also proposed with this phase. There were four variances granted to the required block length for this plat. Three of those blocks are included in the. first phase; they are blocks one, two and. four. The portion of this phase closest to Graham is_in the 9201 sewer impact fee and the applicant has also requested oversize participation for the twelve inch water line. The final plat is in .compliance :with comprehensive plan and the preliminary plat that was approved towards the end.. of 2004 and with .the variances granted with that.. preliminary plat it is ~I also- in compliance with the subdivision regulations. The Parks Board did accept a fee in -~ lieu of land dedication for this particular project at the time of the preliminary plat. Staff is recommending approval of the final plat with the staff review comments that. are P&Z Minutes January 20, 2005 Page 3 of 6 attached. The majority of those comments have already :been met with the new .submittal. '~ All changes are reflected with the plat on the wall,. the construction documents are still ~, . ~ ~ under review. Commissioner Davis. asked Staff Planner Prochazka for a clarification on the subdivision regulations regarding the walkway going through to the school, are sidewalks are present. :Staff Planner Prochazka stated that it would beaten foot wide access way with a four foot sidewalk through the middle of it and the lots adjacent do have a side street set back offof it at fifteen feet instead ofthe seven and a half feet of a regular side Iot line. Commissioner Davis made motion to .move for approval on a Final Plan for. Dove Crossing Phase fine. Commissioner Reynolds seconded the motion, motion passes (7-0). FOR: Commissioners Fedora,.:. Davis, Reynolds, Nichols, Haoton, White and 'Chairman Shafer. .AGAINST: None ABSENT: None 7. Presentation, discussion, -;and possible action .concerning. Planning and .Zoning C'ammssion Rules and Procedares. (TF) Senior Planner Fletcher gave presentation on Planning and Zoning Commission Rules and Procedures. In assembling the Rules and Procedures, a number of examples .from around the state were solicited and.: reviewed, mainly of cities of similar. population, along ~' with some internal examples .from some boards' and commissions that serve our department as well as the City Council. Unless there are questions or comments it is up for the approval: of the Commissioners this evening. Commissioner Nichols stated that he appreciates staffs :work on pulling all of 'this together, .that is has been discussed in workshop a couple of times and that what is being presented well represents what we had in mind a month or two' ago. Chairman Shafer also expressed his appreciation on the work that ail staff did in completing this project. Commissioner :Davis stated that he feels that'the long range benefit that we will have from this for :other Commissioners down the road is significant and that the Commissioners appreciate what staff has done. Commissioner Nichols made the motion to approve the Planning and Zoning Commission Rules and Procedures with the editing changes. Commissioner Fedora seconded the motion,. motion passes (7-4). FflR: Commissioners Fedora, Davis, Reynolds,. Nichols, Hooton, White and ..Chairman Shafer. AGAINST:. None ABSENT. None 8. Discussion of Planning anc! Zoniing Plan of Wark. (JD), P&Z Minutes January 20, 2045 Page 4 of 6 '~ 9. Planning and Development Services Director Dunn stated that since the R 1 Procedure. have been adopted, Article: 2.2A Plan of Work, in accordance of that he Commission may adopt a plan of Work, planning: and bevelopment Services Director Dunn stated that he would like to mention that the Commissioners. were iven tlu ' what staff understands of your consensus at the January 6, 2005, worksho liwass Planning and Development Services Direct°r Dunn presented the couple of items that were modifications o the .Plan of Work that were. discussed at the worksho torsi ht. Planning.. and Development Services Director Dunn stated that what. we are askin tonight is nat an adoption of .this .plan, but far: a motion or a consensus. from Commissioners that this is the list you wish to present o City Council. Commissioners Nichols asked hadv this. fits with staff's .plan of work. PI n ' Development Services Director replied that staff s plan of work is driven by the Strate yid Plata adopted by Council. Commissioner Nichols stated that the main thin hew g c make sure of was that when he Planning and Zoning Commissioners talk to Council d to we know how this fits into their Strategic plan. hat Commissioner Davis made the motion to forward this list to City Council as th Work far the Planning and Zoning Commission. `Commissioner Fedora sec e plan of motion, motion passes (7~0). onded the FOIE: Commissioners Fedora, Davis, Reynolds, Nichols, Hoatan .Chairman Shafer. , .White and AGAINST: .None ABSENT: 1Vane Discussion and passible action on future agenda .items - A Flannn an Member may inquire `about a subject for which notice has not been d Z°ning statement of specific factual :information or the recitation of egistin lac ~: m ~ A given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a_proposal to place the: subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Na items were discussed. J 10. Adjournm Commissioner Davis made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Nichols seco motion, motion passes (7-0). nded the FOR: Commissioners Fedora, Davis, Reynolds, Nichols, Hooton VVhi Chairman Shafer. to and C AGAINST: None. ABSENT: None. P&Z Minutes 7anuary 20, 2pp, Page 5 of 6 Approved: _~ ~~ Scott Shafer, Chairman Planning and Zaning Cammissian Attest• Lisa Lindgren, Staff Assist t Development Services P&Z Minutes" ]anu~ry 2a, 2005. Page 6 of 6