HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/2005 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (2)~~~V~~ V~torkshop 1~eetiing a-~,.., Planning ~ir~d Zoning Ctammissi~-n Thursday, Fefilruary 17-, 2t~05r a# 6:0U p.m. ,Administrative Canference ~toam Caiiege Station. pity H~!! it~~. Texas Ave+~ue cai~e~e station, Texas ,.~. Ctrs o~ +~att.~G~ S~-~~tv~ Plnnnang e3^,Z)euelopmentServices Ct31V.~MIS~It?NE:C~S PRES~N'~": chairman chafer, +GornTnissc~ners White, Nichols, Reynolds and Houton. CQMMISSIt~NE1tS ABSENT; Commissioners Davis and Fedora. C)[T3~ C(3UNCIL 1VI~M13EIIS PRES~I~Ts Niayar Silvia, Councilman Rapp. PLA.NNIN~G ANI) DEVEL(JPN.i~NT SE)EtYICES STAFF PRESENTr Staff' Planners Hitchcock, Frachazka, Boyer, Senior Planner Fletcher, Crraduate Civil Engineer Norton, .Senior Assistant City Engineer Crribbs, lle~elaptnent Coordinator +George and Staff Assistant Lindgren.. 4THEIt CTTY STAFF P~ESENTs First Assistant. City Attorney Nerncik, Assistant City Attorney ~.obinson, City Attorney Cargill. ~.. 1~iscussicrn eirf consent and regular agenda items. Commissioner Nichols. asked about a map. fbr regular agenda item 5. Senior.Planner Fletcher stated thattl~e property was one that one couldnot really drive in-.and. look at it, so .the... map was not included. Chairman Shafer asked what. the ccintaur lines were. Fletcher stated that a slide would be shown at the.. presentation, basically showing where the contour was for the BFE that ii could be cansttued as floadplain, but it was. not within the regulatory floadplain. Commissioner Reynolds asked ifthe property was between the gone where Pebble Creek Parkway was going to be extended through the area. Fletcher stated that it was in that urea.. Commissioner White asked if it was south of Lick Creek. Fletcher stated that it was to the north of Alum Creek, just to the south of that turn.. Commissioner Shafer .stated that he noticed that Davis, 'Young and Paul Clarke were going together an the project and asked for clarifcatian. Fletcher stated that it is :Paul Clarke's land in the Habitat ownership .and. Davis Young: is purchasing. it .from him to include: in Pebble +Creek. Fletcher stated that the Cammissanees had already seen a preliminary plat for the area that has the cut-de-sacs extending to the property line. He stated that the Commissioners will see a revised prelminai~y plat pending approval of the request by Commissioners and Council. After approval that will extend the cut-de-sacs into this Prap~S'• P&~ Warks~hap Minutes ~ebruaryr 1'~, 2005 Page 1 of 3 2. Discussion of mipar and umendang plats approved by Staff. Edelv~eiss Gaxtens Phase 5 (lots 1-R., 2 R, 21-It and 22-R Black loj Case #OS-O"i (JR & JN) Senior Assistant City Engineer Cribbs stated that this was an amending plat where a lot line was relocated. 3. Presentation and discussion a# Open Meetings .Act.,and Conflict of Interest Statutes. (HC} City Attorney.. Cargill gave a presentation regarding ethics. After the presentation, City Attorney Cargill answered questions from Cammissi©ners and staff. 4. Discussion and possible action un future.. agenda. items -- A Planning and .Zoning .Member may.. inquire about n subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the: recitation of existing policy. maybe given., Any dcliberatian shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Commissioner 't~VVht€ asked far an update regarding the joint meeting with Bryan P&Z Commissioners. Fletcher stated that there was not an update at that time. Fletcher reminded Commissioners of the joint meeting v~ith City Council on February 24, 2QOS, at 3:00 p.m. to talk abc~nt the plan of work. Commissioner Nichols asked what was an the list of learning items that may. need: to be scheduled at the next workshop meeting. Fletcher suggested waiting for the plan of work to come back from the City Council, and then begin to setup workshops for those items.. Commissioner Nichols suggested that staff .begin to schedule the next items an the Planning and Zoning Development 1Ql list. Chairman Shafer :asked that. staff begin to ...look at the :Planning and Zoning Development l41 and help to schedule training far Commissioners. Commissioner .White stated that.. at some point in the future he would like to see a presentation on the transportation plan. as well as the. HUA City interface and Financing.. Commissioner Nichols also -asked for additional information. and{or a presentation .regarding road construction and transportation and haw they decide an which streetsEroads get dune and the priority, as well as the financing that. goes along with it. Commissioner NiChol~ stated that he would like information on the long term-financial planning. for the City. P$~Z,Workshop Minutes Pubruary l?, ~L}fl5 page 2 of 3 5. Adjourn ~ A\ Commissioner White motia~ed to adjourn. Carnmissianer Nichols seconded the motion, motzon passed {5-q). A~pprbved; ~_/ Scott Shaer, Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission Attest: Lisa Lindgren, Staff Assistan Planning and Developrrient Services _, ~~ i' P&Z 'WorksMOp Minutes Februery 17, 2Q~5 Page 3 of 3