HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/2005 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commissionw1INUTE$ Regular Meeting ~~ Rlannng and Zoning~/Com ~miSSi/+~n/n ~~u~r'~i~a~j ~~i~~~a~ ~~~ i'V~~/ i!~- ~iLIV ~~~ns +Cauncll Chambers Coiiege Station City Malf 11l~1 texas Avenue Cotlege Stetson, 'Texas ,~.-. CrT~r o.~ ~att.~,G~ S~'~Tto Planning e.~ Development Sorviees CQMMISSI4NERS PRESENT: Chairman Shafer, Commissioners White, Nichols, Reynolds and Hoaton: CUMMI5SItJNERS ABSENT: Commissioners Davis and Fedora. CITY CQU~TC~L MEMBERS PRESENT: Nr~ne. PLANNING AND DE'VELQ~'MENT SERVICES. STAFF. PRESENT: Staff .Planners Hitchcock, Prachazka, Boyer, Senior Planner Fletcher, Graduate. Civil Engineer Norton,. Senior Assistant City Engineer Gibbs, Development Coordinator +~eorge and Staff Assistant Lindgren. - QTHER CITY STAFF PRESENT: ]First Assistant City Attorney Nemcik and Brian Cook, UTIS. i. Hear Visitors No visitor spoke. 2. Consent .Agenda 2.1 Consideration, discussion and possible aetiun do meeting minutes: Thuzsday, February 1'~; 2UOS -Workshop Minutes Thursday, February 17, 20f~5 -Regular Minutes Commissioner Reynolds motioned to approve all minutes as presented. Commissioner Hooton seconded the motion, motion passed (5-~~. ReguXar Ae~enda 3. Censideratia~n, discussion anti possible actiar~ on request(s) fox absence from meetings. M Jahn Fedora P&Z Minutes 62egular Agenda a2-17-45 Page 1 of 3 Commissioner Nichols motioned to accept the .absence request. Commissioner Hooton seconded the motion, motion passed F5-4}. i 4. Consideration, discussion, and posselale action can items rermoved from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. No items were discussed. 5. Public. hearing, presentation, discussion and possible action on a REZf~NIl'~G of an 8.54-acre tract located at the northeast corner oi• the prQp+osed ~egtensvn of Pebble Creek. Parkway and Alum Creek fl+aodplain from A-4 Agricultural-Upen ts~ R~1, Single-family T~esidential. Case # 05-04 {TF) Senior Planner Fletcher .presented the item. for consideration for a rezoning request by McClure & Brrtwne, agent for two property owners, Animate Habitat, and Paut Clarke, and Petable Creek Development... The. request was for $.542 acres located at the southern end of Pebble. Creek.: The property is zoned A C} and the proposed request is far It-i Single Family. itesidentiat. The land :use plan shows the area. as predominately for Single-Family Low Density Residential Development, a change of late in conjunction with Animate Habitat's request for a plan amendment last year.. It was ..previously Medium Density. A smelt portion of the tract is identf ed :for Medium Density according to a revised prelirninary plat. The staff report shows the property as being outside the. regulatory flood `plain, but the' E;FE in the .area. is 230 -feet and the contour meanders somewhat in this area. On the other side ofthe Alum Creek floodptain it meanders in and out as ..well. Staff supported the request, finding it to be in conformity with the comprehensive plan.. Chairman Shafer inquired: about the floodplain issue. He stated that the flaodplain is shown. in blue and that the contour varies ..there and moves into what seems to be backyards. He stated that he feelswe need. to be careful,about how it is built out in the end, if it .stays a backyard situation then. it may work out, .but is seems as if the 230 foot interval then the blue link is erroneous. Senior'Flanner Fletcher. stated that there is a certain level of imperfection on the FEMA ..map and staff has. to go with the: best available. data: Fletcher stated that if the map is accurate, homes built in that area. would be required to elevate to that prescribed elevation. Mike McClure, .McClure and Browne, stated that the blue line of the floodplain was .the digital definition. of the floodplain as provided to him by FEMA, 11iIr. McClure stated that his clients asked him to go out and pr©vide' cross sections throughout.. the area to see where the 230 foot line was located. He stated that it was based an oriel mapping, and that was not always precise. Ivtx. McClure stated. that. they found that the 230 foot tine was further out; it was closer to'the property tine. Mr. McClure stated that. they are comfortable with. extending the col-de-sacs back into that area. _.l Commissioner :White motioned far approval of the 1~.ezc~ning. cif Fobble Creek Parkway and Alum Creek floodplain. Commissioner Houton seconded motion,. motioned passed ~~•0}~ F~&Z Minutes R~egutar Agenda tI2-~17r(15 Page 2 of 3 . 6, Diiscussiion end possible action on future agegda stems - A P"iannng, and Zoning ` Member may: inquire aboat a subject for which notice has not. been given. A statement of specific factaal ~formatian or-the rec~tatiion of existing pe>"licy may be given.. :Any deliberation shad be liimited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent. meeting. No item discussed. 7, Adjourn. Commissioner Hooton motioned to ad,~ourn. Commissioner Nichols seconded the motion, moti©n passed (S-d). Aptir+~ved: tt Planning and`~axung C+~m fission .Attests Lisa Lindgren, Staff Assistant Planning and ~evetopment Services P&Z MinutBS Fteguiar Agenda 02-1705 Page. 3 of 3