HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/07/2005 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (2)M~N~1T`~S WQri~shop Meeting Planning artd Zdnin~ Commission Thwrsday, April T, 2005, at 6Q0 p.m _ Admirri~trati~e C©nferenc~ Roam Cailege Station City HatC i l01 Toxas Avon~e Cotiege Sta#iot"t, Texts >_ .. Cray a~ Cc~tt.~~~`STAT~or~ Plttrening er Deuednpment Servaces CQMMISSIC,?N'E]~;5 PRESENT: Ch~.iirman Shafer, Commissioners Davis, Reynolds, and Nichols. CUIVINIISI4NERS'AB~ENT, Commissioners White, Fl~ton, and Fedora. CITY CUYJN~IL MEMBERS PRESENT:. Councilman baloney. PLANNA~TG AND DEVELOPMENT' SERVICES STt~-FF PRESENT. Staff Planners Boyer, Reeves and Prochazka, Senior Planner Fletcher, Director Dunn, Graduate Civil Engineers Cotter and Norton, Transportation Planner Fogle, Assistant Director Simms and Staff Assistant f,indgren. OTHER CITY STAIE~ PRESENT; First Assistant City Attorney Nemck. 1. Coil to order. Commissioner Shafer called the vvorkshap meeting to order at 6:47 p.m. ~. Aiscussion of consent and regular agendas items. Catnmissioner l~tichols inquired about Item S, The Cove. of Nantucket Divisions. Commissioner Nichols :asked for .clarification regarding Wayfare :.Street, Jennifer Proehazka, Staff Planner, and Jaey Dunn, Flanning and Developmeirt Services Director, gave clarification on the matter. Commissioner Shafer asked: for clarification on Items 2.2 and ~.4. Trey Fletcher, Senior Planner, gave clarification on the .items; Commissioner 'chafer inquired about. the possibilities of zoning classifications for Item 7. Trey Fletcher, 'Senior Planner, gave clarification on the item... Commissioner Reynolds inquired: aboutthe letter received in stern 6. 7ennifer Proehazka, Staff' Planner, gave clarification on the item. Commissioner Nichols -asked if there were any issues or concerns with having dense housing .:next to a railroad. Prochazka stated that there was a cancern for any use located next to a railroad and if Commissioners were P&Z Warkshap Minutes Aprt6 7, 20f}5 Wage i of 3 concerned about safety issues, .the.. zoning would be the time. to .address the issues for discretionary review. 3. Discussion of minor and amending plats approved by Staff. None 4. Presentation, discussion, and possible aeon regarding P&Z Flan of Work. iUTr. Dunn reminded Commissioners that the :Plan of Work was on both the workshop and regular. agenda, He stated. that the plan of work was an-the workshop agenda for review and Qn the regular agenda far adoption:.. 5. presentation, discussion, and possible actioh .regarding Parkland Dedication, Mr. Dunn stated that Mark Smith, Director of Public Works, would like input from the Comtnssianers an Parkland I?edication. A handout was distributed to Commissioners and Commissioners were. asked to review the handout and give input to Mr. Smith as soon as possible: b. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the .internal process currently used for mailed notices of public fiearngs. Mr. Dunn gave clarii=tcation to Commissioners regarding- the problems with the notification process that have occurred the past few months. Mr. Dunn also informed Commissioners- of the new procedures curremly being used for the notification process and the new double check system that is currently in place. ?. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding :the Bikeway Plan .update. Ken Fogle, Transportation planner, .gave an overview of the Bikeway Plan. 8. Discussion and possible action 4n future agenda items -~ A Planning ':and ~'.oning .Member nYay ' ingr~re about a sub,~ect for which notice bas not been given. statement of specific factual information orthe-recitation ofexisting policy may be given. ~1.ny deliberation shall be limited to a ,proposal to place the subject an an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Commissioner Davis stated that he would like: to -see some type of program developed so that Commercial Property. owners would also. be required. to .dedicate ~. fee' or property such as the Parkland Dedaeation program and the Greenways Program. Mr. Dunn stated that staff would coordinate with the Greenways Coordinator on the matter. P&~ Workshop Minutes April 7, 2005 Page2oi'3 9. Adjourn Commissioner, Nichols .motioned to ad}aurn tl7e workshop meting. Commissiat~er ~' ..Reynolds seconded the motion, motion. approved (4-Q). Approved: Scott.' afer, Ghairm~.n Planning and Zoning Commi sign Attest: ~~ Lisa Lindgren, Staff Assi t Planning and Development Service P&Z workshop Minutes April 7, 2405 Page 3 of ~