HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/07/2005 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission~. M~IOItJ'1'`E5 Reguia~ Me~tin P1ann~ng and Zoning Comnnssion Thur~d~y, Aprii ?f 20U5, at ?;UO p.m. CQUncil Ch~arnb+~rs, ~olieg+rr Station City Hall 1iQ1 Texas Avenue Co~iege Statia-n, Teas ,~. C:T'I°X't~F COLI:.EGE cJTA'TION PGznning ~ pevetopmcnt Servaces CC11VyM1<SSIUNERS PRESENTa Chairman Shafer,. Cammissisaners Davis, R~ynQlds, anti Nichals. CC1NiMISSICINERS ABSENT: Commissioners White, Hootan, and Fedora. C1rTY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Mal©ney Councilwoman Berry. 1PLANNIN~G AND IIEVELt:~PMENT SERVICES STAFF` PRESENT: "tall Planners Boyer, Reeves and Prt~cha~ka Senior Planner Fletcher, Director Dunn, Graduate-Civil Engineers Latter and Nartan, Transportation Planner Fogle, Assistant IDreetor Simms and Staff .Assistant Lindgren.. OTA~R CITY STAFF PRESENT: Cook, OTIS. 1. Hear Visitors First Assistant City .Alt©rney Nemcik and Bryan No visitor spoke. 2. Consent Agenda 2.1 Con$ideratia~i, discussion and .possible action an meeting minutes. far: March 27, ZOgS, Workshop Meeting 1Vlinutes March 17, ZO€?5, Regular. Meeting Minutes 2.2 Presentation, discussion, and .possible action an a Preliminary Plat for Febbie Creek: Subdivision, Phases 9D, 9E, 9F 9G & 9H consisting of I4$ fats on 76.11 acres generally located between Congressipnal Drive, Alum Creek and the future .extension of Pebble Creek Parkway. Ease ~#OS-US (T'F/CG} P&~ Minutes Regular Agenda, April 7, 2t~t35 Page 1 of 4 2.3 Presentation, discussion, and possible action an a final Plat far Pebble Creek Phase 9E consisting. of 1'1 lets on 7.925 acres generally located east of 'the intersection of Congressional Drive and Cascades Drive. Case #OS-06 (TFlCC)' 2.4 Presentation,..discussion,. and possible. action on a Final Plat for Pebble Creek Phase 9D consisting trf 49 lots on 22.427 acres generally located in the vicinity of Cascades Drive, `north of the Alum Creek floodplain and west of the future extension of Pebble Creek Parkway. Case ~#05~2~ (TFlCC) 2.5 Presentation, discussion and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for the P&B Road Addition consisting of 3 lots on approximately 14.6 acres generally located approximately 500 :feet southwest of the intersection of F&B Road and Harvey Mitchell Parkway (FD 281$). Case ~O5-3I '(LBlJN) Cvmmissianer Ni;chals motioned to adapt the consent agenda. Commissioner Davis seconded the d~otion, motion passed (4-0~. 12e~utar Agenda 3. Consideration, discussion and possible action on request{s~ far absence from meetings. Camtnissioner Shafer stated that there is an amendment to the absence requests. Commissioner Davis is in attendance. Absence reclu~sts far the following: Ben White M Marilyn Haatan ~ Sohn Pedara Commissioner Nic4als motioned to approve the absence ,requests} Commissioner Reynolds seconded :the motion, motion passed (4~0). 4. Consideration,. discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. None 5. Public hearing, presentation, discussion,'and possible action an a request far a variance to Section 8-G.6 of `the Subdivision' 'Regulations, and consideration, presentatont, discussion, Arid possible action an a Preliminary Plat. far the Cave of Nantucket Subdivision, .consisting of 69 lots and one reserve tract, on 27:7 acres, generally located along the west .side of State Highway 6,-south of the intersection of State Highway 6 and Nantucket Drive. Case #C}5-34 {.TP) Jennifer Frochazka, Staff Planner, presented the staff report,. and stated that with the exception of the variance the plat is in compliance with all other subrlivsiorx regualtions. 'Veronica Dorgan, Mitchell- and Morgan, S i l University Drive Fast, Ste. #20A~, College Station, Texas. Ms;, Morgan, applicant, spoke in regards to the variance of the :item and Save further clarification. She also addressed: questions from the Commissioners. P&Z Minutes Regular agenda, April. 7, 20CI5 Page. 2 of 4 r ~, 6 Cammissianer NichitIs mofioned to approve the variance. Cammissianer Davis seconded' the motion, matian passed {MOB, Commissioner Nichols n~atianed to appxove the preliminary plat, +Cammssianer Davis. seconded the motion, motion passed (4w0~. Public hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action on a rezoning for Callaway. Subdivision Phase I~, consisting. of approximatly 14 acres, located on .the .east side of Marion. Pugh Drive, approximately 500' south of the intersection of George Bush Drive, including, a portion of the Luther Street Right=of-Way, from C-1 General Commercial to R-fi High Density Multi-Family. +~ase ##I14-28 (~") Jennifer Prochazka, staff planner, presezrted staff report. and recommended approval +of the rezoning. R~ybon Metcalf, 1411 >/ltan, College Station, Texas. Mr. Metcalf, applicant, answered questions. from the Conunssianers. Cammissioner Reynolds made motion to approve :the rezo~ting. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion, motion pass,~d (4-O),: Public hearing, :presentation, discussion,. and passible action on a rezoning for the ~'ebble Creek `Development Company fbr a ..portion of a tract consisting of 22.692. acres and generally located at the southwest... corner of Greens Prairie Road and Pebble Creep I~arkway from R 4, Multi-family to R-1, aingle-family Residential; from R-4 and R-1 to A:P, Administrative-Professional, and R-4 to ~-3, Light !Commercial, Ease #0~-1:~5 ('~ Trey Fletcher, Senior Planner, presented staffreport on the rezoning. Rich DeSoui, 4602 Oakmont Circle, College Station, Texas.. Ron Kaiser, 46(31 Oakmont Circle, College.. Station, Texas, Ali Chowdhury, 4603 Colonial Circle, College Station, Texas. Wayne Arrington, 4603 Valleybre~ok, College Station, Texas. All spoke in opposition to the rezoning of the item. .Davis young, .5204 Whistling Straits, College Station, .'Texas, Mr. Young, .applicant, gave a presentation regarding the rezoning, answered questions and touched on comments made from Commissioners and resdentsregarding thc`rezoning. Ted Hr~pgood, 4600 C}akmont Circle, College Station, Texas. Mr. Hopgoo~l spoke in favor of the rezoning. Comntissianer riichals motioned to approve the rezoning with the following condition, Conditions: Maintain a 45-foot wide buffer in .its current, natural +eanditon adjacent to the R: 1, Single-family Residential xaning district between: .:Spearman Drive and Pebble Creek Parkway such that no lighting or other artificial structures are constructed or placed within this :.buffer. area. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion, motion passed (3-1} Commissioners in favor of the rno(ian, Davis, Nichols and Reynolds.:COmmssianer in opposition of the rn-otion, Shafer. P&Z Minuted Regular Agenda, Apr~ii ?, 2005 Page 3 of 4 7. 8. Public hearing, :presentation, discussion, and possible action on an ordinance rezoning a portion: of the Kolbe property proposed to be ncorpgrated into Horse Maven Estates,. 0.87 acres generally located to the southeast. of Home Haven.: Lane, from. A-O Agricultural - Qpen to 1t-1 Single family Residential.. Case #OS-;~7 {JP} Jennifer Frochazka, .staff planner, presented the staff report and recommended approval of the request. Greg Taggart, 2511A South Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. N1r. Taggart, applicant, answered questions from the Commissioners. Commissioner Davis motioned: to approve the .ordinance rezoning. Commissioner Reynolds seconded the nation, motion .passed (4-0). 9. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the Planning & Zoning Commission's Plan bf Work. Case #05-32 (JD} Mr. Dunn presented the Planning .and Zoning Commission Plan o£ Work for adoption. Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve and accept the Planning and Zoning Commi~sian Plan, of 'VVark. Cominissianer Reyn,olcis seconded motion, motion passed (4-0}, 10: Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire .about n. subject.-for which notice has not been given: A statement of specific `' _ factual nfornnation or the recitation of e~cisting policy mazy be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. None 11. Adjourn: Cotnmi~siEOner Davis motioned to adjourn, Commissioner: Nichols seconded the motion, motion :passed (4~Q). Approved: Scott afer, !Chairman Planning and Zoning Commi sign Attes ~~ Lisa Lindgren, Staff Assist~it Planning and Development Services P&Z Minutes Regular Agenda, April ~, 20U5 Page 4 of 4