HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/17/2004 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionCollege Station Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future MINUTES Regular Meeting Planning and Zoning Commission Thursday, ]une 17, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers, College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Hall, Trapani, Davis, and Reynolds. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Shafer, White, and Williams. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Lancaster. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Brown, Economic Development Director Foutz, Development Manager Ruiz, Staff Planners Griffin, Reeves, and Prochazka, Senior Planner Fletcher, Graduate Civil Engineers Cotter and Thompson, Transportation Planner Fogle, Assistant City Attorney Nemcik, Action Center Representative Kelley, Public Works Director Smith, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. Commissioner Hall called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. AGENDA ITEM NO, 1: Hear Citizens. No one spoke. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Consent Agenda. The Commission approved the consent agenda items by a unanimous vote of 4 -0. FOR: Hall, Trapani, Davis, and Reynolds. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Shafer, Williams, and White. 2.1 Approved by consent the minutes: • June 17, 2004 Workshop Meeting ■ June 17, 2004 Regular Meeting 2.2 Approved by consent a Final Plat for Shenandoah Phase 12 consisting of 27 lots on 6.4 acres generally located at the intersection of Alexandria Avenue and Southern Plantation Drive. (04 -130) 2.3 Approved by consent a Final Plat Indian for Lakes Subdivision Phase IV consisting of 15 lots on aproximately 44 acres located along Chaco Canyon and Calusa Springs Drives in the City's ETJ Area. (04 -132) 2.4 Approved by consent a Final Plat for Indian Lakes Subdivision Phase VI consisting of • 4 lots on aproximately 20 acres located at the southern end of Chaco Canyon Drive in the City's ETJ Area. (04 -133) P &Z Agenda June 17, 2004 Page 1 of 6 2.5 Approved by consent a Preliminary Plat for the Wiilams Gate Subdivision consisting of 82 single- family residential lots on 15.81 acres generally located on the north side • of Rock Prairie Road West at the City Limits line. (04 -135) 2.6 Approved by consent a Final Plat for Southern Trace Subdivision, consisting of 44 lots on 15.01 acres, generally located 2,000 feet south of Graham Road east of Wellborn Road.(03 -322) Regular Ag9nda AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Consideration, discussion and possible action on request(s) for absence from meetings. Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve the absence requests. Commissioner Reynolds seconded the motion. The motion carried 4 -0. FOR: Hall, Trapani, Davis, and Reynolds. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Shafer, Williams, and White. AGENDA ITEM NO, 4: Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. No items were removed from the consent agenda. AGENDA ITEM NO 5: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat of South Hampton Subdivision, Phases 2, 3 & 4, and Nantucket Subdivision Phase 7, and includes a Replat of a portion of Nantucket Phase 2, Block 14, Lots 1 and 2; together consisting of 51 lots on 56.95 acres and generally located at the intersection of Nantucket Drive and State Highway 6 West Frontage Road. (04 -55) Graduate Civil Engineer Thompson, Engineering Services, presented the Staff Report. He explained that this item involves a subdivision of two previously platted lots. He added that the easements are proposed to be abandoned in that area and the plat also shows the connection of the street system to Nantucket Drive. The area is part of the City's annexation area and will be served by Wellborn Water and City sewer. Commissioner Davis expressed concern regarding the lake drainage and the integrity and erosion of the dam. Mr. Thompson stated that he has not seen any design documents on that issue. He added that a drainage report is required when the final plat is filed. The Staff Review Comments were discussed. Mr. Thompson pointed out that the waterline must meet the City's requirements and will also be reflected on the final plat . Commissioner Hail opened the public hearing. Joe Schultz, 3208 Innsbrook, stated that water from the development is not being deverted to the lake and therefore would not be contributing to any increase in capacity, Mr. Schultz added that all the recent and new development in the area has had almost no impact on the peak of the lake. However, he assured the Commission that their concerns were warranted. He stated that a drainage report will be submitted along with the final plat. Phyllis Hobson, the developer of Nantuck and South Hampton reported that the lake is approved for a 500 year flood. She added that the overflow spillway has been extended and that the Homeowners Association is planning to address the minor erosion. P &Z Agenda June 17, 2004 Page 2 of 6 Commissioner Hail closed the public hearing. Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve the Preliminary Plat with Staff Comments. Commissioner Reynolds seconded the motion, which carried 4 -0. FOR: Hall, Trapani, Davis, and Reynolds. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Shafer, Williams, and White. AGENDA STEM NO, 6: Public hearing, discussion and possible action on an ordinance Rezoning Lot 8, Block One, of the Edelweiss Business Center from C -3 Light Commercial to C -1 General Commercial. The property consists of approximatiy 1.9 -acres generally located on the east side of Wellborn Road between Rods Prairie Road and Graham Road. (04 -119) Staff Planner Reeves presented the Staff Report. Ms. Reeves gave the Commission a letter from the Homeowners Association in favor of the request. In her opening remarks, she stated that Staff recommends approval of the rezoning. She explained that the subject property was purchased prior to the adoption of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) with the intent to build a drive -thru bank facility. However, with the adoption of the UDO, drive -in /drive -thru uses are no longer allowed in C -3 zoning districts, which would prevent the property owner from having the drive -thru banking system. This use would be allowed in a C -1 General Commercial zoning district. The subject property is shown as retain regional on the Land Use Plan. Currently, all the properties between Rock Prairie and Mortier Drive are shown on the Comprehensive Plan as retail regional. The applicant stated that they have met with the homeowners association about the rezoning and their proposal. Ms. Reeves added that the property has been platted. Discussion regarding driveway cuts onto Wellborn Road was discussed. Transportation Planner Fogie confirmed that TXDOT is looking into this situation. Commissioner Hall opened the public hearing. Sheryl Welford, 3200 Salzburg Court, President of the Edelweiss Homeowner's Association, confirmed that the board met, and are in favor of the zoning change. Sam Urso, President of State Bank and residing at 1005 Laredo Court, stated that he met with the Homeowners Association as reported and discussed plans regarding buffers, lighting issues and concerns. He added that the members were satisfied with the plans and that the architect is working at addressing their concerns. Commissioner Hall closed the public hearing. Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve the rezoning. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis. The motion carried 4 -0. FOR: Hall, Trapani, Davis, and Reynolds. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Shafer, White, and Williams. AGENDA ITEM NO, 7: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for Edelweiss Gartens Phases 6 -11 consisting of 322 lots on 87 acres generally located at Victoria Avenue and Night Rain Drive. This item Includes a Replat of Lots 1, 6, 7, and 8 of the Said Prairie Subdivision. (04 -120) Graduate Civil Engineer Thompson, Engineering Services, presented the Staff Report. Mr. Thompson stated that this item includes the replatting of 4 lots in the Bald Prairie Subdivision. The zoning areas were discussed and he pointed out that the development is P &2 Agenda June 17, 2004 Page 3 of 6 providing several alleys. Mr. Thompson added that the plat must meet current standards and be amended to comply with Staff Review Comments No. 2. In closing, Mr. Thompson • stated that a bond would be posted for the remaining street section. Commissioner Hall opened the public hearing. Mike McClure 9262 Brookwater Circle stated that all the comments have been addressed on the recently submitted plat. There are no issues. Commissioner Hall closed the public hearing. Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve the preliminary plat with Staff Comments No. 2, which was seconded by Commissioner Reynolds. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 4 -0. FOR: Hall, Trapani, Davis, and Reynolds. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Shafer, White, and Williams. AGENDA ITEM NO, 8: Consideration, discussion, and possible action on Variance Requests to the Subdivision Regulations Sections; 12 -1.5 Half- Streets, 12 -1.11 Geometric Pavement Standards, 12 -K.1 General, 12 -3.2 Utility Easements, 12 -R.3 Sanitary Sewer Master Plan, and Section 15 Ownership, and on a Preliminary Plat for Williams Creek Subdivision consisting of 111 lots on 213.9 acres located at the southeast corner of Greens Prairie Road East and Rock Prairie Road. (4 -126) Graduate Civil Engineer Thompson, Engineering Services, presented the Staff Report. He explained each request individually. He stated that Staff recommends approval of the plat conditioned on approval of the variance requests and amending of plat to comply with Staff Comments No. 2. There was a brief discussion about the expense of a Sanitary Sewer Master Plan. Mr. Thompson added that a water report is expected and that the construction must conform to the City's standards. The slope area %'s for the rural roadways were discussed. Mr. Thompson pointed out that there are two access points into the cul -de -sac. Additionally, the erosion issues would be addressed at the final plat stage and each home will have a culvert. Commissioner Hall opened the item to receive comments from the citizenry. Joe Schultz, 3208 Innsbrook, further explained the requests regarding the %'s of the slopes. He stated that the plan can be reworked based on the Commission's decision. Mr. Schultz added that improvements to the ditches are planned. Commissioner Trapani suggested an 8% slope with a retaining wall. Commissioner Davis asked if a schematic for the sewer could be provided. Mr. Schultz interjected that the developers desire a private sewer system rather than a public sewer system. Commissioner Hall closed the public hearing. The Commissioner voted on each variance request individually as follows: Section 12 -1. Half Streets: Commissioner Reynolds motioned to approve the variance request. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. The motion carried 4 -0. FOR: Hall, Trapani, Davis, and Reynolds. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Shafer, White, and Williams. P &Z Agenda June 17, 2004 Page 4 of 6 Section 12 -1.11 - Geometric Pavement Standards Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the variance request for a maximum of 8 0 !0. Commissioner Trapani seconded the motion. The motion carried 4 -0. FOR: Hall, Trapani, Davis, and Reynolds. AGAINST. None. ABSENT: Shafer, White, and Williams. 12 -K.1 General Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve the variance request to the maximum block length of 2300 feet for one block only as shown on the preliminary plat. Commissioner Reynolds seconded the motion. The motion carried 3 -1. FOR: Trapani, Davis, and Reynolds. AGAINST: Hall. ABSENT: Shafer, White, and Williams. Section 12 -3.2 - Utility Easements Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve the variance request. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. The motion carried 4 -0. FOR: Hall, Trapani, Davis, and Reynolds. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Shafer, White, and Williams. Section 12 -11.3 - Sanitaa Sewer Master Plan Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve the variance request. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. He asked that the schematic be included. The motion carried 4 -0. FOR: Hall, Trapani, Davis, and Reynolds. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Shafer, White, and Williams. • Section 15 - Ownership Commissioner Reynolds motioned to approve the variance request with Staff Comments regarding BTU attached. Commissioner Trapani seconded the motion. The motion carried 4 -0. FOR: Hall, Trapani, Davis, and Reynolds. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Shafer, White, and Williams. Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve the Preliminary Plat with all the variances and comments. Commissioner Reynolds seconded the motion. The motion carried 4 -0. FOR: Hall, Trapani, Davis, and Reynolds. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Shafer, White, and Williams. AGENDA ITEM NO, 9% Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on an Ordinance Rezoning the Aggieland Ready Mix property, consisting of 2.45 acres, generally located along the east side of Arrington Road, approximately 500 feet south of the intersection of Arrington Road and Greens Prairie Road, from A-0 Agricultural Open to C -2 Commercial Industrial. (04 -128) Staff Planner Prochazka presented the Staff Report. Ms. Prochazka pointed out that this rezoning was initiated by the City. She reported that the Land Use Plan was amended to designate the subject property as retail regional in January 2004. At that time, it was acknowledged that both C -1 and C -2 uses would be appropriate in this location. Staff received direction to initiate rezoning on the area surrounding and including the subject property shortly after the Land Use Plan was amended. She added that the surrounding property was rezoned as C -1 General Commercial just last month. This property was included in that request and was pulled out of that rezoning request when a letter from the property owner requested C -2 instead. Staff is recommending approval. P &Z Agenda June 17, 2004 Page 5 of 6 Commissioner Hall opened the public hearing. Since no one spoke, he closed the public hearing. Commissioner Davis motioned for the approval of the rezoning request, which was seconded by Commissioner Reynolds. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 4-0. FOR: Hall, Trapani, Davis, and Reynolds. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Shafer, White, and Williams. AGENDA rTEM NO, 10: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Replat of Southwest Crossing 3, Block 7, Lot 1R, and a Final Plat for Liberty Subdivision, Block 1, Lots 1 and 2 consisting of 12.26 acres, located at the southwest corner of the intersection of State Highway 6 and Southwest Parkway. (04 -123) Graduate Civil Engineer Thompson, Engineering Services, presented the Staff Report. Mr. Thompson explained that the lots have been reconfigured and all meet the minimum requirements. A driveway access permit for the motel is being worked out with TXDOT and the site plan is being reviewed. Commissioner Hall opened the public hearing. Because no one spoke, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve the Replat, which was seconded by Commissioner Davis. The motion carried 4 -0. FOR: Hall, Trapani, Davis, and Reynolds. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Shafer, White, and Williams. • AGENDA KEEM NO, 11: Discussion and possible action on future agenda items — A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. No items were mentioned. AGENDA ITEM NO. 13: Adjourn. Commissioner Trapani motioned to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Davis. The motion carried 4 -0. The meeting adjourned. APPROVED: Chairman, Scott Shal1hr ATTEST: Sus n H Assistant P &Z A nda une 17, 2004 Page 6 of 6 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION GUEST REGISTER MEETING DATE 7 U r k 1 1 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. is. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 024. 25. NAME ADDRESS