HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/19/2004 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (2) MINUTES Workshop Meeting Y Planning and Zoning Commission a. yY' Thursday, August 19, 2004, at 6:00 p.m. College Station - Administrative Conference Room, City Hall Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Shafer, Hooton, Reynolds, White, Davis, Nichols, and Fedora. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Maloney and Happ. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Brown, Development Manager Ruiz, Assistant Development Manager George, Development Services Director Dunn, Senior Planner Fletcher, Transportation Planner Fogle, City Planner Kee, Economic Development Director Foutz, Public Works Director Smith, Planning Intern Perez, Staff Planners Hitchcock, Boyer, Prochazka, and Reeves, Graduate Civil Engineers Cotter and Thompson, Action Center Representative Wolf, Action Center Coordinator Voitier, Assistant City Attorney Nemcik, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. 1. Discussion of consent and regular agenda items. Clarification of items on the regular agenda were made. Explanations regarding the Comprehensive Plan and Thoroughfare Plan followed. Chairman Shafer will direct the Commission to treat each section of Agenda Item No. 7 with a separate motion. City Planner Kee commented on the priority 6 greenway. 2. Consideration and discussion regarding a future ordinance amending the Unified Development Ordinance regarding Non-Residential Architectural Standards and Site Requirements. (04-169) City Planner Kee made the presentation of this item. In her opening remarks, Ms. Kee introduced Elton Abbot, Arkitex Studio and recognized Economic Development Director Foutz who worked in concert on the project. Ms. Kee stated that the focus of the workshop was to present ideas for raising the requirements for Non- Residential Standards and Site Requirements for consideration in preparation for amendments to the UDO. She reported that this was born out of the City Council Strategic Plan Retreat. Ms. Kee pointed out the general standards. A discussion followed with questions and remarks regarding business logos, signage, and big box retailers. Ms. Foutz interjected that with the right demographics, the big box retailers will come. Commissioners expressed concern regarding pedestrian safety, setbacks, irrigation, fire and emergency vehicle access, and bicycle parking facilities. Commissioner Reynolds interjected that there is a lot to consider including the economics involved with it. The Commission commended Ms. Kee on her report. 3. Update and discussion regarding a recent amendment to the City's Subdivision Regulations regarding water supply requirements and fire protection. Public Works Director Mark Smith updated the Commission on a recent amendment to the City's Subdivision Regulations approved at the last City Council meeting. The ordinance amendment changed the regulations in several sections relating to water P&Z Workshop Minutes August 19, 2004 Page 1 of 2 supply requirements and fire protection. New subdivision plats in rural and ETJ areas will be affected by the change that will require them to meet the fire flow requirements in their water supply. 4. Discussion of minor and amending plats approved by Staff. • South Hampton Phase 1, Lots 12 and 13 (04-173) Development Manager Ruiz gave a brief explanation of the minor change in this plat. 5. Discussion of the Blue Ribbon Committee report. Commissioner White reported that the Committee continues to meet and projects a final report to be completed in early September. He stated that a second draft is currently being revised and that the Committee will meet again next Wednesday. 6. Update and discussion regarding a pending Comprehensive Plan amendment for the Appomattox thoroughfare extension between the Windwood Subdivision and Horse Haven Lane. Transportation Planner Fogle stated that the City Council approved the Commission's recommendation regarding the Thoroughfare Plan that was presented at the previous Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. He stated that staff will meet with the developer and the residents to seek alternative solutions to the issues and concerns. 7. Planning & Zoning Commission Calendars: Agenda Planning Calendar as of August 13, 2004 August 23 Strategic Planning Workshop August 25 Comprehensive Plan Public Meeting - Appomattox September 23 Joint meeting with City Council to discuss city-initiated rezonings and connectivity issues. October 13-16 American Planning Association State Conference - Austin Senior Planner Fletcher encouraged the Commission to attend the APA Conference. The September 23 meeting will be posted. 8. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A Planning and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Commissioner Nichols requested a Strategic Planning meeting. 9. Adjourn Commissioner White motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion which carried by a vote of 7-0. The meeting adjourned. FOR: Shafer, Davis, Fedora, Hooton, Nichols, Reynolds, and White. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: None. Attest: Approved: Susan Hazlett, Staff Assistant Scott Shafer, Chairman Development Services Planning and Zoning Commission P&Z Workshop Minutes August 19, 2004 Page 2 of 2