HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/20/2003 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1101 Texas Avenue November 20, 2003 U0112001 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: CITY STAFF PRESENT: AGENDA ITEM N. 1: Hear Citizens. None. AGENDA ITEM N. 2: None. AGENDA ITEM N. 3: Shafer, Hall, Williams, Reynolds, Davis, and White. Trapani. Hazen. Development Services Director Tplin, Development Manager Ruiz, City Planner Kee, Assistant City Attorney Robinson, Senior Planner Battle, Plann Pr chazl a and Fletcher, Planning Intern Harrell, Transportation Planner Fgl, Graduate Civil Engineers Thompson and Cotter, Action Center Representative Kelly and Staff Assistant Hazlett. Public Comment on the Unified Development Ordinance (U DO). Consent Agenda. Commissioner Davis motioned to approve all consent agenda items. The motion was seconded b Commissioner Reynolds and carried by a vote of -. FOR: Shafer., White., Davis, Reynolds, Hall and Williams. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Trapani 3.1 Approved by consent the minutes: • November 6. 2003 Workshop M ting • November 6. 2003 Regular M ting 3.2 Approved by consent the Final Plat for Kentwood Estates Phase 2 in the City's ETd consisting of 48 lots on 127 acres generally located 3. 5 miles south of Wellborn on FM 2154. 03 -276) P&Z Minutes November 20, 2003 Page I of 4 3 .3 Approved by consent the Final Plat for Lots 1 through 20 of the Tuscany Trace Subdivision comprising 135.491 acres in the City's ETJ. The rural subdivision is located aproximately 3. miles south of Wellborn on FBI 2154 north of Bentwood Subdivision. 0 -277) 3.4 Approved by consent the Preliminary Plat for the USDA Subdivision consisting of 14.62 acres of the Morgan Rector Survey Abstract No. 46 generally located on the north side of Holleman approximately o' northeast of the Dartmouth/Holleman intersection. 0 -279) 3.5 Approved by consent the Vacating and Final Plat for Lot 1, Bloch 1 Ci nemarl and a Final Plat for Lot 2, Bloch 1 (Rear Parking) of the Gateway Park Subdivision consisting of 2 lots on 11.5 acres generally located at 1401 Earl Rudder Freeway South and Associates Drive. 0 -285) Regular Agenda 4.a. Consideration, discussion and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda b Commission action. None. 4.b. Consideration, discussion and possible action on request for absence from meetings. Commissioner White motioned to approve the absence of Commissioner Trapani. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. The motion carried -. FOR: Shafer., White., Davis, Reynolds, Hall and Williams. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Trapani 5. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Replat of Dots 5R, 8, 9, 11 & 12 R, Bloch B of the Eastmark Subdivision Phase 2, and Dots 6R & 7R, Bloch B of the Allen Honda Subdivision, into Lot 1 R, Bloch 1 of Allen Honda Subdivision, consisting of 12.157 acres, located at the northwest corner of State Highway 6 and Southwest Parkwa 0 -275) Staff Planner Prchazla presented the Staff Report, stating that Staff recommends approval of the replat w ith Staff Review Comments #2 and the approval of the Thoroughfare Plan Amendment, also being presented to the Commission later this evening. She explained that the applicant is requesting to combine the lots into one 12.157-acre lot, adding that the replat meets zoning and subdivision requirements. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Mike McClure, representing the owner and as the record surveyor for the project, spore in favor of the replat. Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner White clarified that this replat would be approved contingent upon the City Council's approval of the Thoroughfare Plan Amendment. He motioned to approve the replat and was seconded by Commissioner Davis. The motion carried 6 -0. FAR: Shafer., White., Davis, Reynolds, Hall and Williams. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Trapani P&Z Minutes November 20, 2003 Page 2 of 4 6 . Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Replat of lots 4R-A 4R-A and 5R, Block 14C of Southwood Valley Section 19 located off Longrnire Drive bewteen FBI 2818 and Airline Drive. ( 03-278 ) Engineering Services Graduate Civil Engineer Cotter presented the Staff Report. She explained that the owner is requesting to reconfigure the lots into a larger Lot SR and a smaller Lot 4R -A. She pointed out that the Land Use Plan shows the property as Retail Regional. Ms. Cotter pointed out the access points and stated that Staff recommends approval of the replat with Staff Review Comments No. 2. Commissioner White asked Ms. Cotter to clarify the size of the lots after the replat. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Because no one spore, Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner Williams motioned to approve the replat. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion, which carried by a vote of -. FOIE: Shafer, White, Davis, Reynolds, Hall and Williams. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Trapani 7. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning from A-0 Agricultural Open to R-1 Single Family Residential for the Bald Prairie Subdivision consisting of Dots 6, 7 & 8. The 11.70 acre tract is located at 13813 Renee Dane. 3 -272) Staff Planner Prhazla presented the Staff Report stating that the applicant's intent is to continue the growth of Edelweiss Gartens in College Station and to convert the large A-0 Agricultural Open rural tracts into R -1 Single Family lots. She pointed out the access points for the proposed development. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Steve Arden, 311 Cecelia Loop, spore favorably of the proposed project. Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing since no one else spoke. Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the Rezoning. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reynolds and carried by a vote of -0. FAR: Shafer., White., Davis, Reynolds, Hall and Williams. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Trapani 8. Public hearing, discussion and possible action on an Amendment to the City of College Station's Comprehensive Flan, more specifically, the Thoroughfare Flan. (03-267) Transportation Planner Fogle presented this item to the Commission. In his opening statement, Mr. Fogle stated that the purpose o f the amendment is to reflect current conditions and correct mistakes that occur during the thoroughfare plan amendment process. He added that the six changes are not considered material changes and displayed diagrams to better explain them. Area T1: The existing interchanges on FM 60 at SH 47 and Turley Creep Road are not currently shown. The change would show these interchanges. P&Z Minutes November 20, 2003 Page 3 of 4 Area T2: The roadways on the A&M Campus will be h n as they impact planning adjacent to the campus. Area T3: The proposed interchange associated with SH 40 at FM 2818 was not removed when the section of SH 40 between Graham Road and FM 2818 was removed as past of recent comprehensive plan amendment adopted for the area. Move the thoroughfare transition along FM 2818 to Wellborn I ad since SH 40 was removed. Area T4: Remove the remaining SH 40 section and its associated interchage at Rock Prairie Road. Area T5: Shove the extension of Alexandria. Avenue to intersect with Decatur Drive as it is shun on the current thoroughfare plan. Discussion followed regarding TxDGT's design criteria in regards to street interesections at off- ramps. Al mentioned was possibly extending Colgate and closing the drive to WPC Bowl. Mr. Fogle explained that the closure cannot be forced and that this would be a TxDGT issue. He added that doing so would impact the adjacent properties. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Since no one spoke, Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner White motioned to approve the amendment. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion, which carried by a unanimous vote of -. FOR: Shafer,, White,, Williams, Reynolds, Hall and Davis. AGAINST: None. ABSENT Trapnai. . Discussion and possible action n future agenda items — in Plan g and Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. None. 1. Adjourn. Commissioner Williams motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion, which carried by a unanimous vote of -. FOR: Shafer,, White,, Davis, Reynolds, Hall and Williams. AGAINST: None. ABSENT: Trapani APPROVED: ATTEST: Chairman, Scott Shafer Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett P&Z Minutes November 20, 2003 Page 4 of 4