HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/20/2003 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and zoning Commission CITY of COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1101 Texas Avenue March 20,2003 :oo P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Floyd, Williams, McMath, Shafer, Trapani and Hall COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner White. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mears and Maloney. STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Brown, Development Services Director Templin, City Planner Kee, Development Manager Ruiz, Assistant Development Manager George, Assistant City Engineer McCully, Civil Engineers Thompson and Cotter, Senior Planner Battle, Staff Planners Fletcher, Reeves and Flaner , Transportation Planner Fogle and Transportation Engineer Picah, Assistant City Attorney Nemcik, Economic Development Director Foutz, Planning Intern Harrell, Development Services Senior Customer Service Representative Rogers and Customer Service Representatives Stanley and Elmendorf, Action Center Representative Kelly, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. Chairman Floyd called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at - 00 P.M. AGENDA ITEM No. 1: Hear citizens. AGENDA ITEM No. : Public comment for the Record. AGENDA ITEM No. : Consent Agenda. .1 Approved the Minutes for the Joint Workshop Meeting held on March 6, 2003. 3.2 Approved the Minutes for the Workshop Meeting held on March 6, 2003. 3.3. Approved the Minutes for the Regular Meeting held on March 6, 2003. 3.4 Approved the Final Plat for the Pebble Creek Subdivision Phase 9B consisting of 60 residential lots on 3 acres looted at 1299 Foal Adelaide. (03-11) Regular Agenda. 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action of request(s) for absence from meetings. Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve the absence of Commissioner White. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. The motion was approved. 5. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda b Commission action. None. P&Z Minutes March 20, 2003 Page 1 of 9. Consideration, discussion and possible action on a Master Development Plan for Crescent Pointe, consisting of 192.64 acres and located between FM 90 and SH 3 across from Linda Larne. This item was previously tabled by the Commission on (larch 6, 2003. -44 Commissioner Trapani motioned to remove the item from table for consideration. The motion was seconded by Commissioner McMath. The motion carried 6 -0. FOR Floyd, Hall, McMath, Shafer, Williams, and Trapani. AGAINST: None. Development Services Director Templin reported having met with the developer and a committee of others to create the new plan that has been submitted for the Commission's approval. He explained that throughout the development of the project the plans would be reviewed by several beards and committees such as the Parks and Recreation Board and the Design Review Board. In this process a high degree of detail would be required such as the locations, relationship, and the connectivity of uses within the development that would then be reviewed by staff and presented to the Commission for aproval. Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve the Master Development Plan. Commissioner Shafer seconded the motion. The motion carried 6 -0. FOR Floyd, Shafer, Williams, Hall, McMath, and Trapani. AGAINST: None. 7. Consideration, discussion and possible action on a Site Plan for University Commons Phase II (Maintenance Facility, located at 2301 Eastmark Drive, in the Wolf Pen Creek zoning District. (03-35 Staff Planner Reeves presented the Staff Report. She recommended approval of the Site Plan, explaining that the Design Review Board approved the proposal in a unanimous decision during their meeting prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. She added that the Site Plan complies with the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan. Commissioner Shafer stated that he believes the proposed facility is compatible to the existing buildings. Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve the Site Plan, which was seconded by Commissioner Williams. . The motion carried -0. FOR Floyd, Shafer, Williams, Hall, McMath, and Trapani. AGAINST: None. 8. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning for the Brazos Malley Carpet outlet, Lot 9, Block 1 of the Rock Prairie West Business Park, located adjacent to old Wellborn Road, from -o Agricultural open to C-2 Commercial- Industrial. (03-58 Staff Planner Flanery presented the Staff Report. She stated that Staff recommends approval. Ms. Flaner also pointed out the surrounding zoning and developments and explained that the subject property was platted last year while it was in the City's ETJ, and has since become annexed into the City. The rezoning is in compliance with the Land Use Plan. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. Chuck Moreau, 1834 Harris Drive, spoke in favor of the rezoning. Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner Williams motioned to approve the rezoning. Commissioner Trapani seconded the motion. The motion carried 6 -0. FOR: Floyd, Shafer, Williams, Hall, McMath, and Trapani. AGAINST: None. 9. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning for The Glade located at 1 311 Southwest Parkway from -1 Single Family Residential to -1 A Single Family Residential. (03-45) P&Z Minutes (March 2, 2003 Page 2 of Development Manager Ruiz presented the Staff Report recommending approval of the rezoning. After pointing our the surrounding zonings and land uses, Ms. Ruiz stated that there were physical obstacles that will make high density impossible, or at the least, Very difficult. However, the rezoning is in compliance with the Land Use Plan. She cited four areas of concern: • Neighborhood integrity and quality • Increased traffic in proximity to the Elementary School and the existing congestion and parking problems • Offset intersection at Southwest Parkwa • Overbuilding of smaller residential developments Discussion regarding the options that would be available with the adoption of the new UDO, current density and hoer that would be affected, street alignment, parking and lot size. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. The following citizens spoke in opposition to the rezoning. They cited reasons of lot sizes and the intrusive and compromising affect the proposed rezoning and development would create for the neighborhood: David Perry, 1 712 Glade Ed Hadden, 1701 Glade Joy Scatt, 1722 Laura Lane Peter Gray, 1703 Glade Dwight Conway, 1909 Bee Creek Drive Andrew Harkins, 1911 Bee Creek Drive Kimberly Williams, 1714 Glade Chris Sn do r, 1807 Southwood The following spoke in favor of the rezoning. He stated that other options were discussed with Staff: Stewart Cling, 4101 Teas Avenue. Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner Trapani motioned to deny the rezoning. He suggested a Variance rather than rezoning property that has been zoned -1 for such a long time. Commissioner McMath stated that the negative impact of the increased density and traffic is a Viable reason to oppose the rezoning. In addition to that, Chairman Floyd stated that the rezoning fails the test of preserving the health, safety, and welfare of the neighborhood. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried 8 -0. FOR Floyd, Shafer, Williams, Hall, McMath, and Trapani. AGAINST ST P one. 10. Public hawing, discussion, and passible actin on a Conditional Use Permit - Use & Site for the United Methodist Church Education and Fellowship building located at 200 College Mann. (03-57) Chairman Floyd abstained from discussion and Voting in this matter. Commissioner Shafer will act as chair Staff Planner Flanery presented the Staff Report stating that Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit with Comments #2. She explained that the existing building will be razed and a new 2- stony building will be rebuilt for the same uses, adding that this proposal is in compliance with the Land Use Plan. Commissioner Shafer opened the public hearing. Veronica Morgan, Mitchell & Morgan, 511 University Drive East., Suitet. 204 spoke in favor of the Conditional Use Permit. Commissioner Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner Trapani motioned for approval and was seconded by Commissioner McMath. The motion carried 5 -1. FOR Shafer, Williams, Hall, McMath, and Trapani. P&Z Minutes March 20, 2003 Page 3 of ABSTAINED ED Floyd. AGAINST: lone. 11. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on an ordinance and a resolution amending the City of College Station's mprehen ive Plan for the area generally bound by the proposed State Highway 40, State Highway South, FM 2154, and Peach Creek. - Staff Planner Fletcher presented the South College Station Thoroughfare Plan Update proposals. The City Council's Strategic Plan has identified various aspects of hoer the Comprehensive Plan should be updated. One of this gear's points of emphasis has been to focus on areas that are in critical need of Thoroughfare Plan Updates. He reported that Staff has been developing proposals for this update with direction from the Planning and Zoning Subcommittee, residents, and property owners in the study area. Mr. Fletcher reviewed the goals and objections and the various public input opportunities used to develop the plan. He also touched on some of the existing conditions and trends, pointing to the future transportation needs in the study area. He stated that the primary goal is to create and maintain a balanced transportation system for various modes of transportation. The proposed Thoroughfare Plan improves connectivity, mobility, and access while preserving neighborhood integrity. Transportation Planner Fogle presented planning considerations for the development of the proposed Thoroughfare Plan. He stated that roadways, spacing, traffic volume, land use considerations, trip generations, and physical barriers were considered in the planning. He added that the plan is created with a 20 -gear window for implementation. He added that as conditions change in the area there is opportunity to reprise the plan. He pointed out the changes to the existing plan and the major concerns discussed during the meetings with the property owners. Mr. Fogle stated that Staff is confident with the proposed plan and recommends its approval, but added that some revisions were made to the plan as a result of these meetings in order to address the concerns of the property o wners. Development Services Director Templin stated that none of the property in the area has been condemned in order to make any of the proposed roadways. Mr. Fogle stated that neighboring subdivisions were contacted, including the Home Owners' Associations. Chairman Floyd opened public hearing. The following citizens spoke in opposition to the proposed plan citing issues of concern: Bill Harris, 1207 Mariners Core Integrity of the community Roads not designed for the heavier usage that will accompany the proposed plan Gerald Atmar, 4590 Barnstable Harbor Recommends priority given to developing Arrington Road Hard Hells, 1415 Harpers Ferrer Placement of roads Should recognize the behavior of people in the subject area Access to the area from those living without Adjacency traffic patterns Penner Holmes, 4707 Scrimshaw Lane Neighborhood Integrity • Proposal contradicts objective • tats of personal 12 Hour Traffic Studer At maximum build -out, additional traffic would present a hazard Karen Weir, 4599 Sandpiper Core Moire the east collector Priority of undeveloped areas over developed areas Patricia Chulupsk, 1403 Harpers Ferrer Existing neighborhoods should be preserved P&Z Minutes March 2, 2003 Page 4 of Buffering of neighborhood from future expansions approaching the established residential area Reduction of use intensity of nearby developments in regards to their subdivision Protect, preserve, and enhance existing neighborhood by minimizing intrusive and incompatible land uses and density Encroachment by putting a road in the heart of the subdivision • Property value regarding safety? Mike Fabins 4587 Cricket Pass Traffic speed Neighborhood integrity Chris Kling, 1511 Wayfarer farer Lane Traffic funneling from an undeveloped area into an existing residential neighborhoods Streets are adequate, do not need street planning for existing neighborhoods Focus should be on access to Arrington and Greens Don Bugh, 4575 Sandpiper Core Intersections and traffic congestion at Greens Prairie, Highway 6 and the additionally increased traffic from Highway o = recipe for very congested intersection Neighborhood integrity will be destroyed Maurer Dennis, 1410 Harpers Ferrer • Rural subdivision with high pedestrian usage Kathleen Gose Equestrian rural subdivision • Integrity at stake Children on horseback at risk No sidewalks available Roads are built to counter standards Breeches the trust of the stated land use goals Traffic is incompatible with the personality of the neighborhood Joe Holmes, 4707 Scrimshaw Lane • A collector by definition, collector used as arterial, design as such is necessary for the proper use • Offset intersections are not measured at over several thousand feet John Bryant, 1929 Arrington Right-of-Way Speed control /recommended speed bumps and stop signs Minimum lighting and mini warehouses are a concern Glenn Reirson, 16805 Calumet Drive Additional ingress into the subdivision which would create a public safety issue Public Safety i.e. increased vandalism and crime More penetration to private lake area which will increase insurance liability based on risk factors James Wallace, 16177 Woodlake Reiterated comments already made Matt Wagner, 16474 Riga Ridge Open space and rural value is critical Private Lake and habitat for wildlife Linda Huff, 16630 Woodlake Property turnover rate is quick because of the rural setting Maintain the neighborhood integrity Crime rate concerns P&Z Minutes March 2, 2003 Page 5 of Diane Oswald, 1 5889 Woodlake Preserve the rural lifestyle i.e. horses, farm animals and abundance of wildlife •� Maintain peace, quiet, and security Endangered way of life with plan as proposed Rejects being a new driveway for a developers new subdivision Marque Mathis, 1 6454 11oodlake Home would be affected by the newly proposed roadway Sara Jane Jordan, 16400 Woodlake • Driveway backing • No guarantee of development density Increase number of buses, possibly city buses in years to come Bike routes not necessary Natural vegetation and wildlife habitation Paul Leming 1615 Harpers Ferrer Economics • Safety Chris Noynaerk, 3620 Preakness George Rogers, 16630 F iva Fridge • Traffic channeling through 20 - gear old subdivision Janie Harris, 1207 Mariners Covet Terror Larson, 4610 Midsummer Lane Road width and thickness concerns Major cost issue to replace the roads Maintain integrity and lifestyle of residents Nona Wolf - Hager Additional roads will bring additional unwanted traffic • Additional road proposed will out through approximately 10 of her 35 acres and that of other homeowners in the area Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. There was a brief recess before reconvening at 9:55 p.m. Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve and was seconded by Commissioner McMath. Commissioner McMath explained that the Commission is charged with planning and zoning matters for the C ity's future. College Station is a growing City and growth is coming to people of rural areas. The matter of having two ingress and egress paints in developing neighborhoods has been a priority of the Commission for safety reasons. Commissioner Williams expressed concern regarding the existing roads and if there were plans to widen them and install side walks. She also asked why we were planning existing neighborhoods in the ETJ rather than planning roads in the undeveloped areas. Transportation Planner Fogle stated that the roadways do not meet C ity standards but that there is no intention to widen the road or install sidewalks. The proposed plan is to provide an additional ingress and egress for emergency evacuation, school and public service uses, and connectivity by providing more than one route to access different areas. Commissioner McMath added that the proposed plan is a planning document. He stated that it is critical to have some form of plan in place in order to estimate and modify over the gears as conditions change and P&Z Minutes March 20, 2003 Page 6 of development occurs. Some roadways on the plan may or may not come into play either in their current existence or as shown to be in the future on the plan. It is just practical to have a plan of some kind that you can work Frith. In closing, Commissioner McMath stated that in terms of the overall goal of the City, it is paramount that a plan be in place. Commissioner Shafer agreed that growth is occurring and that the Commission wants the best for the citizens of College Station. He asked clarification regarding the direct route to the back of the Nantucket subdivision. Mr. Fogle explained that the route is an alternative plan. He added that growth is going to happen with or without the approval of the Thoroughfare Plan. He pointed out that it is difficult to handle traffic control with the additional drives and that a direct route is safer than offset intersections. This would present problems that are already experienced at Southwest Parkway and Glade. Chairman Floyd, a strong proponent of providing for multiple ingress and ogress to neighborhoods, does not support the proposed plan citing the preexisting conditions in these two established neighborhoods. He proposed mooring some of the proposed through streets in order to protect the neighborhood integrity and lifestyles of the residents. Commissioner Trapani amended his motion to mare the offset entrance to Nantucket to the north or south and to desolve the additional entrance proposed to Woodlake and to cancel out the additional entrance at Harpers Fe rry. Commissioner McMath seconded the amendment to the motion. Mr. Fogle clarified for the Commission that TxDOT drives the interchange at the bypass area. Chairman Floyd called the question. The motion to approve as amended by the Commission carried -1. FOR : Floyd, Trapani, Williams, Shafer, and Hall. AGAINST McMath. 12. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action to consider a Land Use Plan Amendment for properties labeled Mixed-Use on the City's Land Use Plan. Chairman Floyd moored this item forward on the agenda and heard prior to Agenda Item No. 6. Lee Battle presented the staff report. He explained that the Mixed-Use study was initiated to analyze opportunities for mined -use development in College Station and determine if any changes to the City's policies or Land Use Plan are needed to help implement or encourage this development pattern. The study also developed a definition. The study identifies three opportunities for mined -use development that are likely to occur in the city: • Historic Mixed -use - primarily describes the forthgate area. • Single -use Conversions - the development or redesign of shopping centers and retail strip centers into mined -use developments that accommodate pedestrians, integrate compatible uses and transition into surrounding neighborhoods. • Master Planned Developments - new development on larger undeveloped tracts of land. Not all Master Planned Developments will be Mined -use, but they are all the best opportunity for mixed -use development on undeveloped land. Mr. Battle pointed out that it is net required to show a designation of any of the mixed -use development on the Land Use Plan in order to be implemented. Mr. Battle stated that Staff recommends that the City have a policy that allows for and encourages mixed -use development, but should net force it to occur in any specific location through the Land Use Plan. Additionally, Mr. Battle stated that the study recommends that a new land use category called Planned Development be added to the Land Use Plan. This is to be used where larger areas of land may develop with a mix, or collection of uses, but not necessarily a mined -use pattern. It emphasizes the need to master plan the area to ensure appropriate placement of different uses. P&Z Minutes March 20, 2003 Page 7 of In closing, Mr. Battle stated that this approach provides for mixed -use development should a developer or the market desire it without forcing it to occur where the market does not support it or where it may not be the only desirable land use pattern. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. Fain McDougle, 4150 Shadowbrook Circle, asked questions of Staff regarding properties affected by the proposed change and how R&D rezonings would be viewed by the Commission. Development Services Director Templin explained that an evaluation of the existing and proposed zonings could go before the Commission for a recommendation to the City Council. Chairman Floyd added that a compatible use would be looked upon favorably and stated that the Commission's recommendation is not absolutely bound by a map but rather by the state of evolution of the subject property. Sherry Ellison, 2705 Brook gray Drive expressed concerns regarding the most intense uses in a mined -use area. Don Jones, 804 Berry Creek, expressed two concerns: The area located adjacent to the north of F aintree was shown as single family. He requested that the office designation shorn on the corner of F aintree Drive and Highway be extended into the single - family area to the north. The existing floodway still provides a buffer between the commercial and office uses. The intersection of Harvey Mitchell and Wellborn Road. He was concerned that on the northeast corner, retail was only shorn on the frontage and not on the entire tract. Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner Shafer motioned to accept the Mixed -Use report and its concepts for College Station. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried by a Grote of -o. FOR Floyd, Shafer, Williams, Hall, McMath, and Trapani. AGAINST: done. Commissioner Shafer motioned to recommend that a new land use category called Planned Development be added to the Land Use Plan. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. The motioned carried -o. FOR Floyd, Shafer, Williams, Hall, McMath, and Trapani. AGAINST: None. 13. Discussion of future agenda items. None. 14. Adjourn. Commissioner Hall motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried - o. The meeting adjourned. APPROVED: Chairman, Fick Floyd ATTEST: Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett P&Z Minutes March 2, 2003 Page 8 of