HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/05/2003 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (2)MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1101 Texas Avenue June 5, 2003 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Floyd, McMath, Trapani, Shafer and White. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Williams and Hall. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Massey. STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Brown, City Planner Kee, Staff Planners Hitchcock., Prohazla and Fletcher, Planning Intern Harrell, Assistant City Engineer McCully, Graduate Civil Engineers Th and Cotter, Assistant City Attorney Imil, Director of Development Services T mplin, Development Review Manager Ruiz, Assistant Development Review Manager George, Action Center Representative Kelly, Senior Planner Battle, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. 1. Hear Citizens. None. 2. Public Comment for the Record. None. 3. Public Comment on the Unified Development Ordinance (LED . None. 4. Consent Agenda. 4.1 Approved the Final Plat for Graham Corner Plaza consisting of 6 commercial lots on 10.73 acres located off State Highway 6 and Graham Road. (03 -84). P &Z minutes June 5, 2003 Page I of 4.2. Withdrawn from the agenda by the applicant was the Final Plat for West University Addition consisting of 4 lots totaling 36.888 acres of land located on Raymond Stotzer Parkway in the City's ETJ. (03 -113) 4.3. Approved the Final Plat for Lots 7 and 8, Block 2 of the Edelweiss Business Center located on Wellborn Road (FM 2154) south of Rock Prairie Road and north of Mortier Drive. (03 -115 4.4 Approved the Final Plat for the Castlegate Subdivision Section 13 consisting of 20 Single Family Residential lots on 6.238 acres located east of the intersection of Victoria Avenue and Castlegate Drive. (03 -118) 4.5 Approved the Final Plat for Buchanan Estates consisting of 2 lots on 11 acres located at 2201/2221 Emerald Parkway. (03 -89) ReLflAar Agenda 5 . Consideration, discussion and possible action of request(s) for absence from meetings. Commis White motioned to approve the absences from the meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Trapani and carried -. FOIE: Floyd, Trapani, White, McMath and Shafer. AGAINST: None. 6. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. None. 7. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Conditional Use Permit for nightclub at the existing Texadelphia Sandwiches located at 201 College Man. 3 -100) Staff Planner Prchazla presented the Staff Deport stating that Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit. She explained that the applicant is proposing to add entertainment - oriented uses, such as live and recorded indoor music, pool tables, domino tables and dartboards to the existing restaurant. Ms. Pr chazl a added that the sale of alcoholic beverages would be according to City ordinances. She reported that the current location meets all distance requirements for alcoholic beverage service and the restaurant has a valid alcohol permit. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. Mile Gentry, 1515 Emerald Plaza, representing the applicant, spore in favor o f the Conditional Use Permit. Jessica Jimmerson, a private planning consultant, also spoke in favor of the Conditional Use Permit. She pointed out that the restaurant first opened in 1999 and that the applicant is asking for an adjustment to the allowable uses at this site in order to explore uses to make changes for the viability of the property. Ms. Jimmerson added that the use is in compliance with the City's P &Z minutes June 5, 2003 Page 2 of regulations and ordinances. Calling attention to a letter submitted by the Northgate District Association, Ms. Jimm rs n pointed out that there has been no response from any of the churches in the area., and that the letter has received unanimous support by the 20 members of the association that were in attendance of the meeting. Commissioner Trapani asked if the food portion of the restaurant was going to be maintained. Ms. Jimm rs n stated that it has not yet been determined, but remains as an option. The applicant is exploring possibilities for the site at this time. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. Sergio Herrera, 413 Nimitz, General M anager o f Texadelphia and president of the Northgate District Association, spore in favor of the Conditional Use Permit. He stated that the live music and other avenues of entertainment would add positively to their restaurant and the Northgate environment. Some discussion regarding the parting situation for the area ensued. Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner Shafer motioned to approve the Conditional Use Permit and was seconded by Commis Trapani. The motion carried 5-0. FOIE: Floyd, Trapani, White, McMath and Shafer. AGAINST: None. 8. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Flat for the Ford's Acres consisting f 1 lot on 17.56 acres located off State Highway 6 and North Forest Parkway. ( 0 3-111) Graduate Civil Engineer Cotter presented the Staff Deport. Ms. Cotter reported that the Land Use Plan shoves this area to be Mixed Use. However, the current zoning of the property is R- Single Family Residential, and -, A gri c ultural Open. She added that the plat meets all zoning and subdivision requirements and also those of th newly ly adopted UDO that tales effect June 1 , 2003. Ms. Cotter closed by stating that Staff recommends approval o f the Preliminary Plat. Commissioner White motioned to approve and was seconded by Commissioner McMath. The motion carried 5-0. FOR: Floyd, Trapani, White, McMath and Shafer. AGAINST: None. 9. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Preliminary Flat for Edelweiss Gartns consisting of 346 lots on 86 acres located at 3850 Victoria Avenue. 3 -114) Graduate Civil Engineer Thompson presented the Staff Report. Mr. Thompson explained that the lot configuration meets minimum R-3 standards and that R -1 standards are allowed in R- districts. He briefly discussed the maintenance of the right-of-way. Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve the Preliminary Plat. Commissioner Shafer seconded the motion. The motion carried -. P &Z minutes June 5, 2003 Page 3 of FOIE: Floyd, Trapani, White, McMath and Shafer. AGAINST: None. . 10. Discussion of future agenda items. Ton. 11. Adjourn. Commissioner White motioned to adjourn and was seconded b y Commissioner Shafer. The motion carried 5-0. FOIE: Floyd, Trapani, White, McMath and Shafer. AGAINST: None. . LIN t1olki D1 7 4 0 0 DM 9 Chairman, Rick Floyd Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett P &Z Minutes June 5, 2003 Page 4 of 4