HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/03/2003 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1101 Texas Avenue July 3, 2003 001111001 Chairman Floyd called the meeting to order at : 10 p.m. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Floyd, White, Williams, Hall, McMath and Shafer. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Phil Trapani. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: John Happ. STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners Hitchcock and Prhazsla, Planning Intern Harrell, Assistant City Engineer McCully and Graduate Engineer Cotter, Assistant City Attorney Imil, Director of Development Services Tmplln, City Planner I, Development Review Manager Ruiz, Transportation Planner Fgl, Senior Plann Battle, Economic Development Director Futz, Action Center Representative Kelly and Staff Assistant Hazlett. Chairman Floyd called the meeting to order at : 10 p.m. AGENDA ITEM N. 1: Hear Citizens No one spore. AGENDA ITEM N. : Public Comment for the Record. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Public Comment on the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). Larry Haskins, 1700 George Bush Drive, spore regarding nightclubs as a permitted use in Northgat . Jessica Jimm rs n, 3211 Westwood Main, stated that there are property owners in Northgate that would lire to move forward with their projects and encouraged the Commission to facilitate this with the requested changes and approval of the Northgate Redevelopment Plan that will be presented later this evening. AGENDA ITEM N. : Consent Agenda 4.1 Approved by consent the Minutes for the Regul Meeting held on May 15, 2003. 4.2 Approved by consent the Minutes for the Regular Meeting held on June 5, 2003. P&Z Minutes July 3, 2003 Page 1 of 4.3. Approved by consent a Final Plat for the Edelweiss Business Center, Lot 9 Block 1 consisting of 1.63 acres located at 12965 FM 2154. (03 -65) 4.4. Approved by consent a Final Plat for Spring Meadows Subdivision Phase II consisting of 95 lots on 32 acres generally located at 308 Greens Prairie Road. (03 -120) 4.5 Approved by consent a Final Plat for the Fedora Subdivision consisting of a single 1.129 -acre lot located at 12925 FM 2154. (03 -131) 4.6 Approved by consent a Final Plat for the Castlegate Subdivision Section 11 consisting of 43 Single Family Residential Lots on 12.1 acres located off Victoria Avenue, west of its intersection with Future State Highway 40. (03 -125) 4.7 Approved by consent the Final Plat for Fox Hollow consisting of 21ots on 6.588 acres of land located at the intersection of Ball Circle and Pipeline Road in the City's ETJ. (03 -126) 4.8 Approved by consent a Final Plat for Gateway Phase 2 consisting of 1 lot on 12.3 acres generally located at 1401 Earl Rudder Freeway. (03 -129) 4.9 Approved by consent a Vacating and Final Plat for Lot 1, Block 1 and a Final Plat for Lot 2, Block 1 of the Gateway Park Subdivision consisting of 2 lots on 11.5 acres generally located at 1401 Earl Rudder Freeway South and Associates Drive. (03 -127) P e Aar Aglenda AGENDA ITEM NO. : Consideration, discussion and possible action of request(s) for absence from meetings. Assistant City Attorney Nemcik indicated that it is not necessary to approve the absences since the meeting was cancelled due to the lack of a. quorum. AGENDA ITEM NO. : Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Public hearing, discussion and possible action on a Rezoning to amend the concept plan and other elements of the PDD-B for the Benjamin Knox Gallery, being Lot 1A, Bloch D of the College Heights Subdivision, 0.48 acres located on the northwest corner of University Drive and MacArthur Street. -142) Staff Planner Prochazka presented the Staff Report. Ms. Prochazka explained that the applicant is requesting to modify the height and side street setback requirements of the original PDD -B in order to build a third building toward the rear of the lot, which is already built as the Benjamin Knox Gallery. She added that Staff recommends approval of the request. Ms. Prochazka reported that the area is shown on the Land Use Plan for redevelopment. She added that the changes from the original PDD -B include closing a cross access between the property and adding an additional building and railcar to the already developed site. Also, a small portion of the subject property abuts an alley that is adjacent to single family developed property that is zoned AP, Administrative P&Z Minutes July 3, 2003 Page 2 of Professional. The Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) contains some residential protection standards that include a height limit for non - residential buildings that neighbor single family uses. In this case, the new building is proposed to be two stories and would not meet this requirement. Therefore, one of the modifications being asked for is a modification to the height requirement. The maximum height proposed is 36 feet. The applicant is also asking for a modification to the side street setback requirement for a railcar that will be used as a small restaurant or ice cream shop. Chairman Floyd asked clarification regarding the height limit, the zoning of the surrounding properties, and parking and access to the site. Ms. Pr chazl a pointed out that the UDO allows a maximum of 11 feet and that the surrounding properties ill be developed as P, dministratie Prfessinal, including these that are currently residential sites. She added that another is already a two-story apartment building and would not be affected. She explained that parting and access remains unchanged to the site. In regards to the setback modification, Ms. Prochazl a stated that the railcar would extend into the normal setback at an unknown amount since the exact size of the railcar is unknown at this time. However, the applicant will attempt to beep it out of the side setback and added that it would be out of the visibility triangle o f a normal P tract. Commissioner White asked if sidewalks were being planned for the site. Ms. Pr chazl a reported that a capital project including sidewalks is planned for the area. Chairman Floyd reiterated that the request has to do with the internal nature of the property and would not impact the neighbors other than the height, and with Staff having spoken with the neighbors prior to the meeting, it's apparent that there are no objections to the modifications. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. Jesse M ntel ng , 810 Vine, Bryan, Texas, is the adjacent property owner. He stated that he has n o objection to the modifications of the subject property but asked if the modifications would impact his property in any way. Development Services Director Templin explained that the request before the Commission was to modify the already approved PDD with the addition of a third building and a railcar. He stated that the modifications would not affect Mr. Montelongo's property or have a negative impact on parking for either businesses. The only impact would be on the adjoining access alley that can be amicably worked out between the two property owners. Benjamin Knox, , 11 1 James Parkway, and the applicant, reiterated the importance of his proposed project and what he hopes to accomplish. His goal is to create a destination place by bringing back the College Station Train Depot with a railcar and locomotive. He stated that Phase 2 is a necessity and by adding building C to the back for a workroom and warehouse to accommodate his national and future growth and to beep his College Station Headquarters intact in College Station. Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner McMath motioned to approve the rezoning. Commissioner White seconded the motion. The motion carried -. FOIE: Floyd, Hall, McMath, Williams, Shafer and White. AGAINST: Done. ABSENT: Trapani P&Z Minutes July 3, 2003 Page 3 of AGENDA ITEM NO. : Public hearing, discussion and possible action on Variance Request to Section 18 of the Subdivision Regulations concerning minimum lot width and a Ieplt for the F.S. Ipchinli' Subdivision consisting of 5 lots on 1.66 acres generally looted at 1603 Park Place. -112) Staff Planner Hitchcock presented the Staff Deport. In her opening remarks., s, Ms. Hitchcock stated that the plat meets all of the technical requirements except for the lot width, for which the applicant is requesting a 10-foot variance. She explained that a variance to Section 18 of the Subdivision Regulations must be granted in order to approve the plat. Additionally, Staff determined the applicable block according the Section 18 to be the lots on both sides of Park Place from the subject property eastward to 1713 Park Place. Ms. Hitchcock added that the Land Use Plan shows the area as High - density Residential. Commissioner Floyd clarified that the property is in the Overlay District. Development Manager Ruiz explained that initially an overlay was placed on two of the City's historic districts. However, since that did not prove to be successful, the City opted for a citywide subdivision amendment that would affect other areas and is a contextual setback. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. The applicant, Glen Hudson, 2111 Mapelwood Court, stated that what he is proposing is compatible with the existing homes in the area. He added that approximately half of the existing homes have frontage o f -feet or less. After Commissioner Shafer expressed some concerns about building in the floodplain, Mr. Hudson assured the Commission that this would not occur. Commissioner white clarified that the lots in question are 1 603 and 1605. Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner Hall motioned to approve the variance request. Commissioner McMath seconded the motion. Commissioner White expressed concern regarding neighborhood integrity. Chairman Floyd stated that he views it as consistent with the current neighborhood trend. Commissioner Shafer concurred but expressed the significance of the historic nature of the neighborhood. For each requirement as defined in Section 5 Variances, the Commission unanimously found that each requirement was met and therefore the variance request was approved by a vote of -. FOR: Flo Hall, McMath, Williams, Shafer and White. AGAINST: Done. ABSENT: Trapani Commissioner white motioned to approve the plat and was seconded by Commissioner McMath. The motion carried -. FOR: Floyd, Hall, McMath, Williams, Shafer and White. AGAINST: Done. ABSENT: Trapani AGENDA ITEM NO. : Public hearing, discussion and possible action on a Replat for University Park Phase II, Lot 3B, Bloch V consisting of 4 lots on 5 acres generally located at 903 University Drive Last. 0 -144) P&Z Minutes July 3, 2003 Page 4 of Graduate Civil Engineer Cotter presented the Staff Deport. Ms. Cotter stated that approval was the recommendation of the Staff. She reported that the applicant desires to subdivide this commercial tract into 4 lots that will tale access from University Drive via the platted access easement, adding that utilities are to be extended to accommodate the subdivision. Ms. Cotter pointed out that since the adoption of the Unified Development ordinance, the zoning classification changed from C-B to C -1. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. Since no one came forward to spear, Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner Williams motioned to approve the replat. The motion was seconded by Commissioner McMath and carried by a vote of 6-0. FOR: Floyd, Hall, McMath, Williams., Shafer and White. AGAINST: Done. ABSENT: Trapani AGENDA ITEM loo. 10: Public hearing, discussion and possible action on an Amendment to the City of College Station's Comprehensive Plan for the area between wellborn Road (to the west) and Peach Creep (to the east) in the Extra - Territorial Jurisdiction. -132) Transportation Planner Fogle presented the Staff Deport. Due to changing conditions and physical restraints in the area between Peach Creep and FM 2154, further investigation is necessary and possible revisions t o the adopted plan are merited. The changing conditions involve the Bentwood residential development on FM 1 4, which was platted prior to the adoption of the T -fare plan. The developer would lire to male significant changes to roadway configurations and the residential lot layout by incorporating a collector street on their site. In order to accomplish this, the property must be reel atted in order to conform to the Thoroughfare Plan that was recently adopted on April 10, 2003. Secondly, the northern parcel, owned by JIBE Development Limited has a natural gas line running along the north and east property lines where the thoroughfares were planned. Constructing the roadways within the parcel is problematic due to a number of lakes and difficult terrain. Mr. Fogle pointed out and briefly explained the proposed changes and stated that City staff believes these changes improve upon the previously adopted thoroughfare plan and will satisfy the anticipated needs of the area. Mr. Fogle reported that having notified and met with the property owners, no negative feedback was received regarding the proposed amendment. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner Shafer motioned to approve the amendment and was seconded by Commissioner McMath. The motion carried -. FOR: Flo Hall, McMath, Williams Shafer and White. AGAINST: Done. ABSENT: Trapani P&Z Minutes July 3, 2003 Page 5 of AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: Public hearing, discussion and possible action on final input regarding the Draft Northgate Redevelopment elopment Impl mentation Plan. Economic Development Director Foutz requested comments from the Commission regarding last month's presentation regarding the market search by Mr. Bellomy from Land Design Studios along with other consultants and a development firm. She reiterated that the purpose of the market search was to identify barriers to development for the Northgate area and to also develop strategies to overcome the barriers once they are identified. She explained that the City Council requested more information after their presentation on June 24 regarding proposed ordinance changes and market feasibility. Some discussion ensued regarding the number o prospects for various areas in Northgate as well as the ley points on issues of concern along with ideas and recommendations. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. Since no one spore, Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner Shafer motioned to adopt the Draft Northgate Redevelopment Implementation Flan. Commissioner White seconded the motion. Following additional comments from the Commission, Chairman Floyd called the question. The motion to adopt the plan carried by a vote of 4 -. FOR: Shafer, White, McMath and Williams. AGAINST: Floyd and Hall ABSENT: Trapani AGENDA A IT M NO. 12: Consideration, discussion and possible action on a Master Preliminar Plat for the Shenandoah Subdivision Phases 8 and 9 consisting of 113 lots on 146 acres generally located at 4000 Alexandria Avenue. 0 -138) Assistant City Engineer Brett McCully pre sented the Staff Report. Mr. McCully stated that the 6.4 acre parr has been approved by the Parrs Board as a joint use facility for detention and parr use. He added that Staff recommends approval of the plat as submitted with the addition of a sidewalk along Dayton Court to accommodate access to the parr. In addition, a 4 -foot sidewalk is required, as stated in the Subdivision Regulations, Section -M.1. Currently, negotiations involving the developer and various City departments to allow the developer to male improvements in the parr as part of their project in order to interconnect trails, etc. in the parr. Two separate requirements are addressed in the Staff Report. One, is a connection from a street bet two lots into the park. The other requirement is specifically for a sidewalk to be added to Dayton Court, alongside the cul -de -sac from Decatur to the bulb. Mr. McCully added that the connection at Salem Court is a drainage /utility easement. In order to access the parr, these residents would walk to Alexander and around the corner to the parr. The requirement stipulates a width for the easement and sidewalk, but no criteria as to here they are used or placed. City Planner Kee explained that additional access points are at the Commission's discretion. Mr. McCully reiterated that sidewalks s are not required on cul -de -sacs and the PIKE (Public Drainage Easement) does not allow public access. Further discussion ensued. P&Z Minutes July 3, 2003 Page 6 of Development Services Director Tmplin stated that the Parts Board is interested in having adequate access but are not specific about the locations, as there is no precedence for such. Commissioner Floyd suggested that Staff ask the Parrs Board to look into this and male a recommendation regarding guidance on the number o access wa to parrs according to the number of houses served by the parr. Commissioner Shafer concurred and stated that greater sidewalk widths should be considered also. Commissioner White suggested that Staff refer to the Parrs Board for input and comments. Commissioner Shafer motioned to approve, adding that additional sidewalks be added on Elfin Court and Salem Court due to the destination of the parr. Commissioner Hall concurred. Mr. McCully explained that there is some discussion about dedicating the property to the City, meeting the Parks Board requirements, but working on an agreement to allow the developer to come back into what is now a City Park and provide amenities and improvements that would be maintained by the City. Development Services Director stated that the Subdivision Regulations are not discretionary and that the requirements for access are 10' casement with 4 ft sidewalk h r required. He pointed out Section -M.1 of the Subdivision Regulations. Mr. McCully pointed out that Article 8 of the UDO includes considerations regarding sidewalks s on all cul- de-sacs. He added that the principals applied to this plat tonight have been applied in the past. Commissioner White seconded motion. Commissioner Floyd clarified that the motion and second is to accept the recommendations o f Staff and have the Parrs Board to meet with them to sort these details out. Commissioner Shafer withdrew his motion. Commissioner White withdrew his second. Commissioner White motioned to approve the plat as submitted with Staff comments. Commissioner Shafer seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0. FOR: Floyd, Hall, McMath, Williams, Shafer and White. AGAINST: Done. ABSENT: Trapani AGENDA ITEM NO. 13: Discussion of future agenda items. The Commission requested the following as future agenda items: • UDO Issues regarding accessibility and standards of City parks • Conditional Use Permits in Northgate • Sidewalks and cul -de -sacs • Changes made in a development between the preliminary and final plat stage AGENDA ITEM NO. 14: Adjourn. Commissioner White motioned to adjourn. Commissioner McMath seconded the motion, which carried 6-0. The meeting adjourned. P&Z Minutes July 3, 2003 Page 7 of FOIE: Floyd, Hall, McMath, Williams, Shafer and White. AGAINST: Done. ABSENT: Trapani ATTEST: Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett APPROVED: C hairman., Scott Shafer P&Z Minutes July 3, 2003 Page 8 of