HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/06/2003 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1101 Texas Avenue February 6, 2003 P.M* COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Floyd, Hall, McMath, Shafer, White and Williams. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Trapani. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Garner, Malone STAFF PRESENT: Development Services Director Templin, City Planner Kee, Development Manag r Ruiz, Assistant Development Manag r George, Senior Pl anner Battle, Staff Plann Hitchcock, Flanry and Reeves, Transportation Planner Fgl, Assistant City Engineer McCully, graduate Civil Engineers Cotter and Thompson, Assistant City Attorney Nemcil , Action Center Representative Kelly, Development Services Secretary Maeil and Staff Assistant Hazlett. Chairman Floyd called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEM N. 1: Hear Citizens None. AGENDA ITEM N. 2 Public Comment for Record. Done. AGENDA ITEM N. 3 Consent Agenda 3.1 Approved the Minutes for the Workshop M ting held on December 12, 2002. 3.2 Approved the Minutes for the Regular Meeting held o December 12, 2002. 3.3 Approved the Minutes for the Workshop M ting held on January 16, 2003. P&Z Minutes February 6, 2003 Page 1 of 7 3 .4 Approved the Minutes for the Regular Meeting held on January 16, 2003. 3.5 Removed from the agenda the Preliminary Plat for Krenek Crossing (formerly Dartmouth Crossing), consisting of 71 lots on 7.41 acres located at 450 Southwest Parkway. (02 -186) 3.6 Moved to the regular agenda the consideration and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for Spring Creek Townhomes, (formerly Crowley Tract), consisting of 142 lots on 20.88 acres located at 4400 State Highway 6 South. (02 -224) 3.7. Approved the Preliminary Plat for Fedora Subdivision consisting of 1 lot on 1.13 acres located at 2892 North Graham Road. (02 -267) 3.8 Approved the Vacating and Final Plat for Eastmark Subdivision, (Arts Council), consisting of 1 lot on 1.36 acres located at 2200 -2212 Colgate. (03 -10) Regular Agenda 4. Consideration, discussion and possible action of request(s) for absence from meetings. Co mmissioner Trapani submitted a request for absence from the February 6, 2003 meeting. Commissioner Williams motioned to approve the absence request and was seconded by Commissioner white. The motion carried -. FOIE: Floyd, Hall, McMath, Shafer, white and Williams. AGAINST: Done. 5. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda b Commission action. 3.6 Consideration and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for Spring Creep Tonhme, (formerly Crowley Tract), consisting of 142 lots on 20.88 acres located at 4400 State Highway 6 South. -224) Graduate Civil Engineer Thompson presented the Staff Report, recommending approval with Staff Comments #3. He pointed out the City is requiring a utility easement of 20' per ordinance. He added that sidewalks will be required along streets and that no driveways will be allowed to connect to Decatur. In closing, Mr. Thompson stated that the plat complies with the approved PDD -H zoning and current city Subdivision Regulations. Access to the -acre part, which has been approved by the Parrs and Recreation Department, was briefly discussed. Wallis Philips, developer, indicated that the greenway is still in the planning stage and will include trail s. Commissioner Williams motioned to approve and was seconded by Commissioner Shafer. The motion carried -. FOR: Williams', Shafer, Floyd, Hall, McMath and White. AGAINST: Done P&Z Minutes February 6, 2003 Page 2 of 7 6 . Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Site Flan for the Arts Council of Brazos County consisting of new development at 2210 Colgate Drive in the Wolf Fen Creep zoning district. (03-09 Staff Planner Hitchcock presented the Staff Deport, stating that because the site plan complies with the Wolf Pen Creep Master Plan, Staff recommends approval with Staff Comments #2. She added that the plan also met with the approval of the Design Review Board II. Commissioner Williams motioned to approve the Site Plan. Commissioner Shafer seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0. FOR: Floyd, Hall, McMath, Shafer, whit and Williams. AGAINST: Done. 7. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning from -o Agricultural open to R-1 Single Family Residential and i -F Adrnl*-M*strative Administrative Professional for the Neeley Subdivision located along the south side of Graham Road east of Cypress Grove Intermediate School. - 07) Development Review Manager Ruiz presented the Staff Report. Ms. Ruiz stated that Staff recommends approval of the R -1 zoning but does not support the A -P zoning because of non- compliance to the City's Comprehensive Plan. She recommended that the entire tract be rezoned as R -1. The applicant, Tony Jones, presented the Commission with a proposal regarding buffering, parting, landscaping and ingress /egress to the site. Kelly Tmplin, Director of Development Services stated that Staff defers to the Comprehensive Plan when making planning decisions. He added that the proposed 7.187-acre tract to be rezoned to -P does not comply with the Land Use Plan and would result in a strip commercial pattern along Graham Road. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. There was some further discussion regarding parking, utility easements and lighting. Zoning policies were discussed and distinguished from that along the bypass. Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner McMath motioned to approve the Site Plan as requested by the applicant with a 10' casement. Commissioner White seconded the motion. There was some discussion regarding deviating from the Comprehensive Plan and the City's development policies. Chairman Floyd called the question. The motion to approve the rezoning proposed by the applicant with a 10 'casement failed 4-2. FOR: McMath and White AGAINST: Floyd, Hall, Shafer and Williams Commission Williams motioned to approve the rezoning as proposed by Staff. Commissioner Shafer seconded the motion. The motion carried -1. P&Z Minutes February 6, 2003 Page 3 of 7 FOR: Floyd, Shafer, Williams, White, and Hall AGAINST: ST: McMath 8. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning for Edelweiss Gartens, from R-2 Duplex residential with a 40 -foot buffer requirement to R-2 Duplex residential with a 25-foot buffer requirement for lots -1 of Bloch 1 of Edelweiss Gartens Phase 3 and Dots 1-12 of Bloch 9 Edelweiss Gartens Phase 4 located south of Graham road, east of F M2 1 , and west of Victoria. (03-06) Staff Planner Hitchcock presented the Staff Report. Ms. Hitchcock stated that Staff recommends denial of the request based on past City Council decisions requiring a 44' landscape buffer on the R -2 property. The applicant proposes to reduce the buffer to 25 feet. However, Council had concerns regarding the affect this would have on the adjacent residential lots in Edelweiss Phases 3 & 4. Ms. Hitchcock pointed out that if the buffer requirement were reduced to 25 feet the properties would need to be replatted. Kelly Templin, Director of Development Services, explained that under the now UDO the subject property Would be required to have a 15-foot buffer yard and a masonry wall. Discussion regarding the 40' buffer placed on the property by the City Council and the concerns expressed about the adjacent residential lots. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. Tony Jones, 3205 Earl Rudder Freeway South, stated that he purchased the subject lots prior to the requirement of the 40' buffer placed on the property by the City Council and that this requirement will not allow the construction of the planned duplexes. He pointed out that this is the only place in College Station that such a requirement is being required and that it exceeds all others throughout the City. Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner White motioned to deny the rezoning which was seconded by Commissioner Shafer. Further discussion ensued regarding the masonry wall, the industrial area, additional landscaping and screening. The fact that this requirement exceeds all others that are required anywhere else in the City was reiterated. It was said that City Council would make the decision on the 40' buffer requirement. Mr. Templin said that the emphasis is on the higher intensity usage. He added that the buffer would be along the entire length of the property adjacent to the industrial area. The motion to deny and the second Were withdrawn. Commissioner McMath motioned to approve the 25' buffer With a ' fence. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0. FOR: Floyd, Hall, McMath, Shafer, White and Williams. AGAINST: Done. 9. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on an Amendment to the City of College Station's Comprehensive Plan for the area bound by Barron road, State Highway 6 South and the proposed State Highway 4. 0 -4 P&Z Minutes February 6, 2003 Page 4 of 7 Transportation Planner Fogle presented the Staff Deport. Mr. Fogle explained that this is the first of two proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Staff proposes to amend the Thoroughfare Plan and the Land Use Plan in two primary areas, the first being the Crowley Tract and second, the Sabah Tract. On the Crowley Tract, Mr. Fogle stated that the proposed plan would adopt the thoroughfare alignments and land uses that have been approved as part of the Crowley Master Development Plan by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. The proposed land use plan provides for regional retail uses along the frontages of State Highways 6 and 40 near their interchange. There is a significant amount of greenways on the property that provides natural buffers between the various land uses. The Seaback Tract thoroughfare plan proposal would align Victoria Avenue across State Highway 40, which would eliminate a hazardous situation with cross traffic and a grade separation. Single family residential uses would be provided with the proposed land use plan. Joe attis, representing the Seaback Tract, expressed concerns with the proposed alignment of Helmsley. He stated that their intent was to follow the Comprehensive Plan by developing single family housing. He asked about options regarding a portion of the property that would become divided by the proposed alignment of Helmsley. Commissioner white motioned to table the item to give all the parties the opportunity for further discussion. Once a decision is made, the item would come before the Commission for possible action. Commissioner McMath seconded the motion. The motion carried -0. FOIE: Floyd, Hall, McMath, Shafer, white and Williams. AGAINST: Done. The Commission received word that the parties came to an agreement. Commissioner white motioned to remove the item from the table. Commissioner McMath seconded the motion. The Motion carried 6-0. FOIE: Floyd, Hall, McMath, Shafer, white and Williams. AGAINST: Done. Chairman Floyd re-opened the item for discussion. Mr. Fogle and Mr. Gattis reported that the proposed alignment with a 1000 -feet leeway is an agreeable solution. Commissioner Williams motioned to approve the amendment as presented by Staff and was seconded by Commissioner Shafer. The motion carried 6-0. FOIE: Floyd, Hall, McMath, Shafer, white and Williams. AGAINST: Done. 10. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on Amendments to the City of College Station's Comprehensive Plan for the area bound by wellborn Road, the IG&N right of-way and North Graham Toad. 3 -1 Staff Planner Battle presented the Staff Deport. He stated that the area is experiencing development pressures which are expected to increase as the utilities are extended into the area. with this in hind and the recent annexation of the area, Staff also expects rezoning requests for some properties also. P&Z Minutes February 6, 2003 Page 5 of 7 Mr. Battle pointed out that it is important that the Land Use Plan and the Thoroughfare Plan both be current in order to provide guidance for rezoning. This will ensure that future platting reflects future streets and infrastructure. Mr. Battle reported that the City 1s currently developing an impact fee study for the area to provide utilities and fulfill annexation requirements. This fee study depends on reliable land use assumptions to accurately size utilities and set fees. In May of 2002, Staff presented the Commission with an amendment for this area, but the item was tabled. Staff has since attempted to address the concerns expressed at that time and formed a subcommittee to review the plans and provide input for changes to the Land Use Plan and the Thoroughfare Plan that has been incorporated into the final proposal that would accommodate evolving conditions in the area. The proposed changes are as follows: + Remove State Highway 40 Freeway that is adjacent to the railroad. + Existing Old Wellborn Road should eventually be abandoned. + The section of Old Wellborn Road south of Rock Prairie Road to Graham Road be upgraded to a major collector as the area develops. + Remove the office uses at the corner of Graham and Old Wellborn. ♦ Remove single family residential adjacent to the railroad. ♦ Show commercial uses for the property at the intersection of Cain Road and Old Wellborn Road. ♦ Change the land use designation on the property at the corner of Harvey Mitchell and Wellborn Road from mixed use to light industrial. Property south and west of the future collector extension is changed to medium density single family. ♦ The proposed land use plan represents the addition of parkland. ♦ Cain Road is currently unclassified; the proposed plan shows it as a minor collector. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. The fulling citizens commented on the proposed amendment. Randal Pratt, 3 100 Haupt Road Edzl Jones, 3800 Durango Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. There was further discussion regarding the proposed new State Highway 40, the upgrading and expansion of Wellborn Road, land dedication and TxD T's position in the area. Some concern was expressed regarding a possible taping. Commissioner White motioned to table the item pending input from the City Council. Commissioner Shafer seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0. FOR: Floyd, Hall, McMath, Shafer, White and Williams. AGAINST: Done. 11. Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on the adoption of a new Unified Development Code. -231) Development Services Director Tmplin made a few initial comments prior to the public hearing. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. The following citizens made comments: P&Z Minutes February 6, 2003 Page 6 of 7 • Larry Haskins, 1700 George Bush Drive East, Suite #240 — Removal of p parking . permitted use in the Northgate District • James Giles 211 Bernburg Court - Concerns regarding the implementation of platting issues and procedures, i.e. detention ponds and fldp lain s • Richard Talbert, 8702 Chippendale - Remove certain uses in C -1, WPC setbacks and II appeals • Donald Jones, 804 Berry Creel - Multi- family as a conditional use in WPC Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. 12. Discussion of future agenda items. Done. 1. Adjourn. Commissioner White motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried -. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. FOIE: Floyd, Hall, McMath, Shafer, White and Williams. AGAINST: Done. APPROVED: Chairman, Rick Floyd ATTEST: Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett P&Z Minutes February 6, 2003 Page 7 of 7