HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/07/2003 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionAGENDA Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1101 Texas Avenue August 7, 2003 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Shafer, white, Williams, Hall, Reynolds, Davis and Trapani. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None. None. None. Development Services Director T mplin, City Planner Kee., Assistant Development Manager George, Senior Planner Battle, Planners Fletcher, Reeves, Prhazla and Hitchcock., Assistant City Engineer McCully, Graduate Civil Engineers Thompson and Cotter, Assistant City Attorney Nemclk., Adhoc Member harl s Thomas, Action Center Representative Kelly and Staff Assistant Hazlett. AGENDA ITEM N. : Public Comment for the Record None. AGENDA ITEM N. : Public Comment on the Unified Development Ordinance LTD. None. AGENDA ITEM N. : Consent Agenda 4.1 Approved by consent the Minutes from the July 17, 2003 Regular Meeting. P&Z Minutes August 7, 2003 Page 1 of 4.2 Approved by consent a Final Plat for Shenandoah, Phase 9, consisting of 60 lots on 14.8 acres, generally located at the south end o Decatur Drive. (03-160 4.3 Approved by consent a Final Plat for the Westfield Addition, Phase 3-B, consisting of 4 lots on 0.63 acres., generally located at Meadow View Drive and Graham Road. (03-165 Iular Agenda AGENDA ITEM NO. : Consideration, discussion and possible action on request(s) for absence from meetings. None. AGENDA ITEM N. : Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Public hearing, discussion and possible action on a Variance Request and Iplat for Deer Farb Subdivision, Dots 20A and 2013, consisting of 3 lots on 10.01 acres. The property has frontage on Deer Farb Road, west of its intersection with State Highway 6, in the City's ETJ. (03-143) This item was moved to Item Igo. 8 on the agenda. Graduate Civil Engineer Cotter presented the Staff Report. She explained that the applicant is proposing to subdivide the property and that Staff recommends approval as submitted. She added that prior approval of the variance is first required before the replat can be approved. Ms. Cotter clarified the division of the land and the designated right-of-way. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Because no one came forward to spear on this item, Chairman Shafer then closed the public hearing. Commissioner White motioned to approve the variance request and Commissioner Trapani seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 7-0. Commission White motioned to approve the rplat. Commissioner Reynolds seconded the motion. The motion carried, unopposed, 7-0. FOR: Shafer., Davis White, Hall, Williams, Trapani and Reynolds. AGAINST: Done. AGENDA ITEM N. : Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning for Grnsrld Phase III, generally located near the southeast corner of University Drive and the Earl Rudder Freeway, from C-2 Commercial Industrial and I -1 Single Family Residential to C -1 General Commercial and A-0 Agricultural Open. 03 -1 This item was moved to Item Igo. 9 on the agenda. P&Z Minutes August 7, 2003 Page 2 of Staff Planner Hitchcock presented the Staff Report. Ms. Hitchcock stated that the request is for approximately 3 acres of land located at the southeast corner of University Drive and the Earl Rudder Fray to be developed as a hotel with a restaurant on Lot 1. Lot 2 is shown on the Land Use Plan as Park. Since the applicant is requesting the A-0 zoning district for Lot 2, it is in compliance with the Land Use Plan. Ms. Hitchcock added that Staff recommends approval of the rezoning. She explained that the proposed uses were formerly allowed in C -2 zoning districts, but are not permitted under the Unified Development Ordinances (UDO). The would, however, be allowed in a -1 zoning district, adding that the C -1 zoning district is in conformance with the Land Use Plan which shoves the property as Regional Retail. These are described in the Comprehensive Plan as areas that permit regional -scale development of tax - generating developments. Commissioner Trapani clarified that the property owner is requesting to rezone the land to the original zoning prior to the adoption of the UDO. Commissioner White asked if the traffic issues were considered. Ms. Hitchcock explained that since there is no access to Lot 2 and it is being downzoned, this would make it very difficult to develop. She added that the front property has an access easement and that traffic issues would be addressed at the time of platting. She pointed out that the applicant would be utilizing the existing driveway of the adjacent Nissan dealership rather than creating another curb cut. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Art Hu hs, Madison Construction, confirmed that Phase 1 would be the development of the hotel and Phase 2 of the restaurant. Chairman Shafer commended the plan to leave the greenspace on Lot 2. The commissioners concurred. Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner Williams motioned to approve the rezoning. Commissioner Trapani seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0. FOR: Shafer, Williams, Trapani, Hall, Davis, Reynolds, and White. AGAINST: Done. AGENDA ITEM NO. : Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on an Amendment to the UDO regarding the City's Driveway Access Location and Design Policy. -172) This item was presented as Agenda Item Igo. 10. Assistant City Engineer McCully presented the Staff report. His opening remark pointed out the current regulations, explaining that single family residential driveway access is only allowed on local /minor streets. In regards to corner lots, Mr. McCully stated that driveway ay access 1s required to be taken from the lesser street. However, recent market changes have made side access to greater streets more desirable. For this reason, a review of the regulations is necessary. Mr. McCully discussed the safety origins o f the current requirements, using a diagram, and pointed out the suggested replacement for this requirement. He stated that a side - access driveway ay for corner residential lots would be subject to setback requirements. P&Z Minutes August 7, 2003 Page 3 of Commissioner White asked if other cities have adopted the same type of resolution to the problem. Mr. McCully explained that many areas have no restrictions on residential lots but have more restrictions on commercial lots. He added that a large number of cities use site distant application. Commissioner Davis asked for clarification regarding side access. Chairman Shafer expressed concern regarding blind spots if fences were erected on the front area of a corner lot. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. Since no one spore, Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. Commissioner Davis motioned to approve the amendment to the UDO. Commissioner White seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous vote of 7-0. FOR: Shafer., Davis White, Hall, Williams, Trapani and Reynolds. AGAINST: Done. AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on Rand Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Flan relating to possible adoption of Impact Fees for the Steeplechase[Wellborn Road Sanitary Sewer Impact Fee Area. - -187) This item was moved forward on the agenda and heard as Agenda Item No. 7. Assistant City Engineer McCully presented the Staff Report. He reported on the background process of the Impact Fee, adding that the purpose is to recuperate the significant investment made by the City. He reminded the Commission that it is the advisory committee for the City Council in regards to impact fees. Mr. McCully discussed Land Use Assumptions. He explained that the current Land Use Plan is used when looking at capital improvement and the fee calculation. He discussed the collection process and stated that it is updated every 3 to 5 years. He added that the recalculation can sometimes provide refunds. Mr. McCully pointed out the four current impact fee areas and the uses expected for the proposed area, which has been updated through a small area study. Mr. McCully summarized the sewer impact fee area as being $322.07 per living unit as the maximum amount. Commercial amounts are based on meter size. The time line for the project concludes with the possible adoption by the City Council on September 11, 2003. Commissioner Davis asked if the proposed new State Highway 40 would connect to the subj ect area. Mr. McCully explained that it originally was a connection but added that the plan has been revised and the report adjusted. Chairman Shafer opened the public hearing. No one made any public comments. Chairman Shafer closed the public hearing. Charles Thomas, Adhoc member, motioned to approve the report and to recommend to the City Council the Impact Fee Report as presented. Commissioner Trapani seconded the motion. The motion carried 0. FOR: Shafer, Trapani, White, Hall, Reynolds, Davis, Williams and Adhoc Member Charles Thomas. AGAINST: Done. P&Z Minutes August 7, 2003 Page 4 of AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: Discussion and possible action on future agenda items — A Planning and Zoning Member m inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Done were mentioned. AGENDA ITEM NO. 12: Adjourn. Commissioner Williams motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Trapani seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0. The meeting adjourned. FOR: Shafer., Davis whit, Hall, William. Trapani and Reynolds. AGAINST: Done. APPROVED: ATTEST: Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett Chairman, Scott Shafer P&Z Minutes August 7, 2003 Page 5 of