HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/02/2002 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS May 2, 2002 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Floyd, Happ, Hawthorne, Kaiser, Trapani, and Williams. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner McMath. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners Hitchcock and Reeves, Graduate Engineer Thompson, City Attorney Cargill, Director of Development Services Templin, Senior Planner Battle, Neighborhood Planner Elrod, Assistant Development Review Manager George, Traffic Engineer Picah, Transportation Planner Fogle, Action Center Representative Steptoe, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Hear visitors Public Comment for the Record Consent Agenda The following items were approved by common consent. 3.1 Approved the Minutes from the Regular Meeting held on April 4, 2002. 3.2 Removed the Final Plat for Brentwood 3R 1 & 2, which consists of two lots on 4.96 acres located at 2401 Texas Avenue South. (02 -61) P &ZMinutes May 2, 2002 Page I of REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consider request(s) for absence from meetings. Commissioner McMath was absent. His absence request was submitted after packets were mailed. The Commission will take action upon his request at the next Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting on May 16, 2002. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM NO 3.2: Discussion, consideration, and possible action on a Final Plat for Brentwood 3R 1 & 2 which consists of two lots on 4.96 acres located at 2401 Texas Avenue South. (02 -61) Graduate Engineer Thompson explained the difference the process, and the impact of a vacating plat and a re -plat at the request of Commissioner Kaiser. Commissioner Kaiser motioned for approval of the Final Plat. Commissioner Trapani seconded the motion. The motion carried 6 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6 : Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan for St. Mary's Catholic Church Parking Area consisting of 3.185 acres and located at 300 Nagle Street. (02 -58) Chairman Floyd declared abstention from this item. Staff Planner Reeves presented the staff report. She stated that the church is proposing to improve 3.185 acres of the Mud Lot for a parking lot for church facility parking and a paid public parking lot. The proposed improvements will bring the parking lot into full compliance. She added that the recommendation for approval is with the condition that the landscape plan meets minimum standards and that the proposed sign will match the existing sign that the church currently has. Ms. Reeves pointed out that since this is an expansion of a church, a Conditional Use Permit is required. The subject property and surrounding area are shown on the Land Use Plan as redevelopment. Three access points are proposed and have already been approved. Commissioner Happ opened the public hearing. Glen Schroeder, St. Mary's representative, stated that the church will work with staff to reach full compliance with the City's requirements, including the construction of the sidewalk, the preservation of the trees, and the sign installation. Commissioner Happ closed the public hearing. Commissioner Kaiser motioned for approval with the Project Review Committee and Staff recommendations. Commissioner Trapani seconded the motion. The motion carried 5 -0 -1 with Chairman Floyd abstaining. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Discussion, consideration, and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for Lick Creek Subdivision consisting of one lot on 4.02 acres located at 4102 State Highway 6 South. (02 -36) P &Z Minutes May 2, 2002 Page 2 of 4 Graduate Engineer Thompson presented the Staff Report. Mr. Thompson reported that this item is recommended for approval as submitted. He explained that this is a preliminary plat for the entire parent track but that a Final Plat will be submitted only for the 4 -acre tract called Phase 1. He added that access issues to this site from State Highway 6 will be worked out when a Site Plan is submitted in accordance with the Driveway Ordinance. In addition, the applicant is looking at dedicating the Greenway. Commissioner Kaiser asked Mr. Thompson to point out the access points along the frontage road. He expressed concern for public safety reasons. Chairman Floyd pointed out that the last opportunity to talk about access issues for this tract is at this preliminary plat stage. He questioned the purview of the Commission's authority /latitude in regards to the access issue. City Attorney Cargill stated that the Commission does not have the same authority for a plat issue that they have for a zoning case. He explained that the access issue, in regards to plats, is administrative in nature. He stated that the Driveway Ordinance drives the process for access issues with plats. Commissioner Happ motioned to approve and was seconded by Commissioner Williams. The motion carried 5 -1 with Commissioner Kaiser voting in opposition, stating safety issues as the reason for his vote. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Discussion, consideration, and possible action on a Final Plat for Lick Creek Subdivision consisting of one lot on 4.02 acres located at 4102 State Highway 6 South. (02 -69) No discussion. Commissioner Williams motioned for approval. Commissioner Trapani seconded the motion. The motion carried 5 -1 with Commissioner Kaiser voting in opposition, stating safety issues as the reason for his vote. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Discussion, consideration, and possible action on a Site Plan for a temporary parking lot for Continental Auto Sales located at 1005 Earl Rudder Freeway. (02 -70) Molly Hitchcock, Staff Planner, began the Staff Report by stating that she is recommending denial of the Site Plan. She stated that the property and those around it are zoned C -2 Commercial Industrial. The site originally developed as the Greensworld Golf Course and received an approved site plan in 1990. At that time only phase 1 of the plan was completed. Because site plans do not expire, the site plan for this property is still valid. Continental Auto Sales opened in Jan 2002 in the former Greensworld location and began parking cars for display on the grass in front of the building. On the site plan, this area is shown as a 23 -space parking lot designated as phase 2. Because the Zoning Ordinance requires that commercial properties provide parking and automobile display on approved surfaces, the City asked that the vehicles be removed from the grass. Since the cars were not moved in the three -week grace period given, the City had to go into code enforcement. P &ZMinutes May 2, 2002 Page 3 of The Zoning Ordinance gives the Commission the authority to permit temporary parking lots. However, the intent of the Ordinance is for unexpected overflow parking needs and not for new businesses to not meet the requirement of providing parking for employees and display and patrons. Commissioner Williams motioned for denial. Commissioner Kaiser seconded the motion. The surface of the temporary parking lot was discussed. Ms. Hitchcock reported that the materials to be used for the temporary parking lot have been approved by the engineer. Conditions for temporary parking lots were discussed. Ms. Hitchcock referred to the Parking Ordinance 9.2d. The difficulty with enforcement for a previous case for another automobile business requesting a temporary parking lot was discussed. She stated that the Commission's approval of this request would set a precedence for the City of College Station. Chairman Floyd called the question. The motion to deny failed 0 -6. Ms. Hitchcock further explained and discussed the setting of a precedence if the Commission chooses to approve the request. Commissioner Hawthorne motioned to approve the temporary parking lot for the area shown as Phase 2, with May 2, 2003 as the end of the permit date. Commissioner Kaiser seconded the motion. The motion carried 6 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Discussion of future agenda items. None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: Adjourn. Commissioner Happ motioned to adjourn and was seconded by Commissioner Trapani . The motion carried 6 -0 and the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: Chairman, Rick Floyd Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett P &Z Minutes May 2, 2002 Page 4 of 4