HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/16/2002 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS May 16, 2002 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Floyd, Hawthorne, Kaiser, McMath, and Williams. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Trapani. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Council Member Maloney. STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planner Hitchcock, Assistant City Attorney Robinson, Director of Development Services Templin, City Planner Kee, Senior Planner Battle, Development Review Manager Ruiz, Traffic Engineer Picah, Senior ED Analyst Wood, Action Center Representative Steptoe, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Hear visitors None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public Comment for the Record None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Consent Agenda The following items were approved by common consent. 3.1 Approved the Minutes from the Workshop Meeting held on March 21, 2002. 3.2 Removed the consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for Gardens of Castlegate consisting of 30 lots on 9.226 acres located off of Castlegate Drive, east of the future intersection with Victoria. (02 -75) P &Z Minutes May 16, 2002 Page 1 of 6 REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consider request(s) for absence from meetings. Commissioner Kaiser motioned to approve the absence request. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried 5 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.2: Consideration, discussion, and possible action on a Final Plat for Gardens of Castlegate consisting of 30 lots on 9.226 acres located off of Castlegate Drive, east of the future intersection with Victoria. (02 -75) Commissioner Floyd abstained. Commissioner McMath motioned to approve. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried 4 -0-1 with Commissioner Floyd abstaining. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6 : Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for the area bound by Wellborn Road (FM 2154), Harvey Mitchell Parkway South, the Old I &GN Railroad (Marion Pugh Extension) and North Graham Road. This area is generally located at the southwest corner of Harvey Mitchell Parkway South and Wellborn Road (FM 2154). (02 -73) Commissioner Hawthorne abstained from this item. Senior Planner Battle presented the Staff Report. He pointed out that the need for accurate and current land use assumptions for these projects initiated a review of the Land Use and Thoroughfare Plans for this area. This proposed amendment was initiated to ensure that updated plans were in place to support upcoming impact fee and annexation projects. Mr. Battle explained that the resulting recommendations are a refinement of the existing plan. He added that this area is currently in the City's ETJ (Extraterritorial Jurisdiction) and is adjacent to the city limits. Mr. Battle stated that this summer the City will be developing impact fee lines to supply water and sewer utilities to this area. The area is also included in the proposed annexation program. He explained the purposes for updating the Land Use and Thoroughfare Plans. This amendment will also implement numbers 2, 6, and 8 of the City Council Vision Statements and Strategies. Mr. Battle also explained the changes to the Land Use and Thoroughfare Plans that are being recommended. He stated that these changes will accommodate evolving conditions in the area. Existing and proposed Land Use Calculations were pointed out and discussed. The main issue from property owners in the area was directed toward the proposed new State Highway 40. Other questions were presented in regards to utility extensions. Chairman Floyd asked why a small area plan was not implemented for this area. Mr. Battle stated that the size and the nature of the plan for the area did not give reason enough to initiate such a plan. Development Services Director Templin explained that Staff is operating with the most recent information from TxDOT for this area. Dale Picah, City Traffic Engineer added that TxDOT's plan for this corridor for the next 20 -30 years has been planned since mid 1990. TxDOT is following that plan. Mr. Templin interjected that this area is one of six areas where an impact fee line study is being conducted. He also stated that there is no indication from City Council at this time that any of these six areas will be annexed. However, State law has changed since the city's last annexation process. These changes would require the city to provide infrastructure within 30 months of annexation. Therefore, an impact fee line study was conducted for the six areas in the event of future annexation. P &Z Minutes May 16, 2002 Page 2 of 6 Commissioner Kaiser asked what the implications are of this annexation in regards to sewer lines. Mr. Templin explained that there is a topographic change. Beyond the IG &N right of way proximity, there would be difficulty in serving any of the area to the west of that without a number of pump stations and devices. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. The following spoke in opposition to the amendment: Jay Goss, 306 Lee Avenue Ann Hays, 11862 Old Wellborn Road Bob Strawn, 3072 North Graham Road Edzel Jones, 131 Ridgewalk Keersa Hopkins, 11720 Old Wellborn Road Randall Pratt, 3100 Haupt Road Hartzell Elkins, property owner, Cain & Wellborn Road Brian Kotrla, 12900 Old Wellborn Road Chad Bohne, TxDOT, reiterated the information earlier given by Dale Picah as being correct. He added that TxDOT is currently pursuing State Highway 40. Right of ways are being acquired and TxDOT is developing plans construction to begin in a year or two from the Greens Prairie Road intersection at State Highway 6 over to Wellborn Road, just south of Graham Road. Another roadway that will move traffic from a north/south manner is intended to take the place of Wellborn Road in the event that Wellborn Road is not able to handle the capacity. Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner Kaiser motioned to table the item. Commissioner McMath seconded the motion. Chairman Floyd stated that the Commission would have preferred a different planning process for this project. He stated that it is important that the citizens are not surprised by actions taken by the city, particularly where property values will be affected. He stressed that more discussion is needed. Chairman Floyd called the question. The motion carried 4 -0 -1, with Commissioner Hawthorne abstaining. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on an Amendment to the City of College Station's Comprehensive Plan for Whites Creek Road. (02 -88) Development Services Director Templin presented the Staff Report. Mr. Templin prefaced his comments by stating that Thoroughfare Plans are traditionally conceptual plans and that the exact alignments for thoroughfares are generally settled at time of platting. In working with the legal department and other departments within the city, Staff has tried to narrow the possible alignments of thoroughfares. Whites Creek Road is a proposed minor collector that is located southwest of the TAMU campus between FM 60 and Hopes Creek Road. Staff has identified two primary issues that will make it difficult to construct the proposed Whites Creek Road thoroughfare. To construct the proposed thoroughfare as currently aligned on the Plan, three creeks would have to be bridged, one of which actually coincides with the proposed alignment for approximately five hundred feet. This alignment P &Z Minutes May 16, 2002 Page 3 of 6 along the creek involves many issues including flooding and soil erosion. He added that realigning the thoroughfare to the west to avoid University property proved to be unfeasible due to Whites Creek and it's tributaries, Brazos River floodplain and existing developments. The second issue involves the necessary crossing of TAMU property. However, this option is not acceptable to TAMU because of flooding issues, construction and maintenance costs, and erosion and drainage problems. In addition to this, security concerns are also an issue .since the thoroughfare would provide a secondary access to Easterwood Airport and the TAMU wastewater treatment plant. In closing, Mr. Templin stated that Staff recommends the thoroughfare plan be amended to realign or eliminate the proposed Whites Creek Road minor collector. Mr. Templin indicated, at the Commission's request, that the preference would be to eliminate the proposed Whites Creek Road minor collector. He pointed out that the filing of a plat is what prompted the investigation of this area and the need of the realignment or elimination of the minor collector. Chairman Floyd abstained from this item. Commissioner Hawthorne opened the public hearing. Commissioner Hawthorne closed the public hearing. Commissioner Williams motioned to amend the Thoroughfare Plan by removing the Whites Creek Road. Commissioner Kaiser seconded the motion. The motion carried 4 -0 -1, with Chairman Floyd abstaining. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a rezoning from R- 1, Single Family Residential, PDD -B, Planned Development District - Business, and R &D, Research & Development and Light Industry to C -1, General Commercial for the Wal -Mart Super Center located at 2400 Harvey Mitchell Parkway. (02 -76) City Planner Kee presented the Staff Report. Ms. Kee stated that Staff recommends denial of the rezoning. The request involves 34.323 acres located generally on the south side of Harvey Mitchell Parkway at the intersection of State Highway 6. The current R -1 zoning was placed on the property upon annexation as an interim designation assignment. Ms. Kee cited three reasons for her recommendation for denial. (1) Land Use Plan Ms. Kee read the definition of Mixed Use as defined in the Comprehensive Plan. She stated that in her opinion, the 34 acres for C -1, General Commercial, for a stand -alone big box development does not meet the definition. (2) Impact/Pressure for Future Rezoning in the Area Ms. Kee pointed out the existing zoning districts in the area. She explained that the approval of this rezoning request would place great pressure to rezone the remaining tracts to some commercial classification. (3) Other Areas for Large Retail Users With the recent adoption of the Rock Prairie /Greens Prairie Plan by the City Council that amended the Comprehensive Plan, Ms. Kee explained that there is an area of some 70 acres at the intersection of Rock Prairie and State Highway 6 for regional retail uses. Additionally, there is also a 30 -acre tract of C -1 zoning recently approved near the intersection of Greens Prairie Road and State Highway 6. Both pieces of property would accommodate the type of P &Z Minutes May 16, 2002 Page 4 of 6 use proposed in this application and were specifically created to provide locations for large retail users. In closing, Ms. Kee stated that commercial zoning is a valid but different concept from the one reflected in the plan. She explained that the result would be a very different land use scenario that will not include residential development and probably preclude any mixed -use development. Ms. Kee added that if the Commission wishes to deviate from the Future Land Use Plan, they should deny this request. Also, a statement explaining that because the plan does not reflect the community's values, it should be changed. This should also accompany a recommendation for Staff to review the Land Use Plan in the larger area and make their recommendations for changes. Chairman Floyd asked Ms. Kee to identify a successful mixed -use area in our city and asked if R -1 was simply a holding zone for property in the area. Ms. Kee explained that there are no examples of successful mixed -use areas and that the R -1 zoning is an interim zoning designation until proper zoning districts could be assigned. Commissioner Hawthorne asked if the public or private sector should be the driving force behind the mixed -use areas? Ms. Kee stated that it should be a public /private partnership. She also explained the difference between a "mix of uses" and "mixed- use." Commissioner Kaiser asked when the Dartmouth extension will be linked or developed. Ms. Kee stated that the section that extends from Harvey Mitchell Parkway to Texas Avenue would be dedicated and built with this development before the Commission tonight. The City is currently looking at the next CIP (Community Improvement Project), and this extension could be on the next list, which has a 5 -year window. There is right of way for the portion north and design already for the portion from Harvey Mitchell, through the City Center, and back to Krenek Tap Road. Chairman Floyd asked Staff to explain the extensive buffer already in the area and if it would disappear with this development. Ms. Kee stated that the ordinance allows reclamation and this substantial buffer area could be lost. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. The following spoke in opposition of the rezoning: David Pfannstiel, 8710 Greenleaf Drive James Reynolds, 8703 Chippendale Kyle Barrington, 2112 Chippendale Anne Daleon, 4002 Woodcrest, Bryan Chara Ragland, 2200 Ferber Circle Ed Ziegler, 1707 Greenwood Drive Wayne Rife, 9255 Brookwater Circle Daniel Pfannstiel, 3200 Callie Circle Mark Burris, 2115 Chippendale John Jordin, 2339 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy. South Robert Schlechte, 5101 Leonard Road, Bryan David Borsak, 108 Mile Drive David Becker, 8709 Sandstone Drive George Weber, 1201 Haines Craig Hall, 1702 Amber Ridge 3 others whose names and address were indecipherable P &ZMinutes May 16, 2002 Page 5 of 6 One person spoke in favor of the rezoning. Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. The Commissioners briefly discussed their personal views on possible uses for the area. Commissioner McMath stated that he viewed this area as commercial, but not as an all C -1 district. Chairman Floyd mentioned possibly having condominiums and neighborhood businesses develop in the area. Commissioner Hawthorne stated that he wanted to see the current plan for the area to remain in place for the time being and give the area time to possibly develop out as is. Overall, the Commission was not prepared to change the Land Use Plan for the area at this time. Commissioner Williams motioned to deny the rezoning. Commissioner Kaiser seconded the motion. The motion carried 5 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Adjourn. Commissioner Williams motioned to adjourn the meeting that was seconded by Commissioner Warren. The motion carried 6 -0. The meeting adjourned. APPROVED: Chairman, Rick Floyd ATTEST: Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett P &Z Minutes May 16, 2002 Page 6 of 6