HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/15/2002 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS August 15, 2002 5:30 P.M. PRESENT: Commissioners Floyd, McMath, Trapani, Williams, White, Shafer, and Hall. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: None. Council Member Mears. Assistant City Manager Brown, Assistant City Attorney Robinson, Economic & Community Development Director Foutz, Economic Development Analyst Wood, Staff Planners Flanery and Fletcher, Director of Development Services Templin, Senior Planner Battle, Development Review Manager Ruiz, Assistant Development Review Manager George, Planning Intern Butler, Action Center Representative Steptoe, Graduate Engineer Thompson, Assistant City Engineer McCully, Development Services Secretary Macik, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. Chairman Floyd called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Hear Visitors. None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public Comment for the Record. Benito Flores Meath, 901 Val Verde Drive, commented on the roadways in regards to the Indian Lakes Subdivision Final Plat on the consent agenda. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Consent Agenda. 3.1 Approved the Minutes for the Workshop Meeting held on April 18, 2002. 3.2 Approved the Minutes for the Workshop Meeting held on May 2, 2002. 3.3 Approved the Minutes for the Workshop Meeting held on May 16, 2002. P &Z Minutes August 15, 2002 Page 1 o£6 3.4 Approved the Minutes for the Workshop Meeting held on June 6, 2002. 3.5 Approved the Final Plat for Paloma Creek Estates, consisting of 4 acreage lots on 10 acres located at 10049 White Creek Road in the City's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. (02 -139) 3.6 Approved the Final Plat for Indian Lakes Subdivision, Phase I, consisting of 134 lots on 540 acres in the City's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. (02 -125) 3.7 Approved the Final Plat for the Castlegate Subdivision, Section 10, consisting of 62 lots on 15 acres and located at 4490 Castlegate Drive. (02 -153) 3.8 Moved to the Regular Agenda the Preliminary Plat for the Callaway House Parking Subdivision consisting of 1.376 acres located along Marion Pugh Drive. (02 -157) 3.9 Moved to the Regular Agenda the Proposed Alternative Paving Standard for the Open Air Display Area of playground equipment (sales) to be located on a lease space on the Earl Rudder Freeway frontage road between Birmingham and Graham Roads. (02 -154) Regular Agenda. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consider request(s) for absence from meeting(s). None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.8: Consideration and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for the Callaway House Parking Subdivision consisting of 1.376 acres located along Marion Pugh Drive. (02 -157) Graduate Engineer Thompson presented the Staff Report. He explained that the pedestrian access can be discussed with the developers and return comments on the Site Plan if the Commission so desires. Commissioner Shafer motioned for approval of the amended Preliminary Plat that will consist of a note being added to the plat stating that a pedestrian crosswalk will be designed for the site. Commissioner White seconded the motion. The motion carried 7- 0. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.9: Discussion and possible action on a Proposed Alternative Paving Standard for the Open Air Display Area of playground equipment (sales) to be located on a lease space on the Earl Rudder Freeway frontage road between Birmingham and Graham Roads. (02 -154) Development Review Manager Ruiz stated that the applicant has agreed to accept a condition placed on the approval limiting the spaces to only 5. Regarding the possibility P &Z Minutes August 15, 2002 Page 2 of 6 of using this alternative- paving standard in other areas of city, Ms. Ruiz stated that it is preferred over concrete, citing a safety issue for children as the basis of this decision. Development Services Director Templin stated that the Commission would not be obligated to approve the same standards in another case. The Commission's decision is based on this particular case, location, and purpose, unlike a variance, which runs with the property. Commissioner Trapani motioned for approval with the Staff Comments limiting the spaces to only 5. Commissioner White seconded the motion. The motion carried 7 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Replat for the Gateway Subdivision, consisting of 5 lots on 41 acres located at 1513 University Drive. (02 -137) Graduate Engineer Thompson presented the Staff Report. He ,stated that the applicant is subdividing the property into 5 commercial lots. The amended plat included a water line easement going to their lot. The applicant has submitted a permit to fill this area and take all but Lot 9 out of the Special Flood Hazard Area. He added that on -site detention is proposed for the site. Chairman Floyd asked about the access on to the bypass. Development Review Manager stated that access for the entire site was looked at. The determination was made that all three of the access points comply with the driveway ordinance. A traffic impact analysis is required by TxDOT to justify the three driveways before TxDOT will issue a permit for those drives. Commissioner Trapani asked how the ingress /egress is being handled and if the possibility of having fewer access points is possible. Ms. Ruiz pointed out the three access points on the bypass, including a de- acceleration and acceleration lane for the primary access on State Highway 6. Brett McCully, Assistant City Engineer, stated that the concerns are valid but the driveway spacing meet the city's ordinances. Until the analysis is completed, the access points could be as few as one or as many as three. He added that with the traffic being only one direction and the spacing of the development on the lots will eliminates much of the complications of the movements. Commissioner Williams asked if there was a plan for the Gateway area. Mr. McCully stated that some conceptual plans have been created and the idea is to tie the access points to the plats by easement. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. Benito Flores Meath, 901 Val Verde Drive, expressed concern regarding the traffic issue. Coy Armstrong, Engineer representing the developer, stated that the analysis is currently underway and may or may not warrant or justify three driveways along State Highway 6. He also pointed out a potential traffic light at one of the access points. He explained that having only one driveway on University Drive where traffic is entering and exiting the site along with the numerous other sites along University Drive would actually be more of a problem. He P &Z Minutes August 15, 2002 Page 3 of 6 pointed out that the main driveway, in the center of the development, entering the large parking area for Home Depot, serves the entire property and provides the circulation. Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. Chairman Floyd asked what the Commission's options are regarding this replat. Assistant City Attorney Robinson stated that the Commission's decision is based on the same standard as with platting. She explained that if the plat meets all the requirements, then it is the ministerial duty of the Commission to approve the plat. Commissioner White motioned for approval. Commission McMath seconded the motion. Development Services Director Templin stated that the state is not obligated to approve any number of driveways on the bypass because the Commission has approved it and neither Staff nor the Commission has TxDOT's duties within their purview. It is Staffs perspective that this replat has met the requirements for both the Subdivision Regulations and the Zoning Ordinance. Chairman Floyd called the question. The motion carried 6 -0 -1, with Chairman Floyd abstaining. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Replat for One Lincoln Place consisting of 2 lots on 2.88 acres located at 4010 University Drive East. (02 -141) Graduate Engineer Thompson presented the Staff Report. He stated that the applicant is seeking to subdivide a front property along University Drive creating two lots. He stated that the replat is in compliance with the Subdivision Regulations and the Zoning Ordinance. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner Williams motioned for approval and was seconded by Commissioner Trapani. The motion carried 7 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a rezoning for the Cross Street Warehouse Apartments located in the 400 block of College Main, Lots 1, 2, and 3 of block 4 of the W.C. Boyett Addition, and in the 400 block of Tauber, Lots 14, 15, and 16, of Block 4 of the W.C. Boyett Addition, from NG -3, Residential Northgate, to NG -1, Historic Northgate. (02 -127) Staff Planner Flanery presented the Staff Report. She stated that the applicant is requesting the rezoning to allow for the construction of a project that will contain residential and commercial uses. She added that Staff recommends approval of the rezoning. Ms. Flanery explained that the property is on the border between the NG -3 and NG -1 zoning boundary and currently has four duplex dwellings on it that will be removed to allow for the new construction. Additionally, with the encouragement of the Economic Development Department, Ms. Flanery reported that the applicant has proposed a mixed used development with retail uses and residential uses in the same building. The requested NG -1 Zoning District allows for high density residential as well as pedestrian oriented businesses in the same development. The NG -3 Zoning District does not. Ms. Flanery pointed out that the stated purpose of the NG -1, Historic Northgate, zoning district is for pedestrian- oriented infill development that is compatible with the character of the P &Z Minutes August 15, 2002 Page 4 of 6 Northgate area. She continued by stating that the Land Use Plan shows the subject property as an area for redevelopment and that the rezoning request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan redevelopment goals for the area. In closing, Ms. Flanery explained that the Northgate Redevelopment Plan shows this property as redeveloping for multifamily and that the rezoning includes residential units as well as retail uses. She added that the process to rewrite the Northgate Redevelopment plan has been initiated by the City because of changing conditions in the area. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. Kim Foutz, Economic and Community Development Director stated that City Staff originally contacted the landowners regarding the redevelopment of the property for mixed use. She cited the Strategic Plan, The Northgate Redevelopment Plan, and the Economic Development Plan as the basis for pursuing the mixed use, the new urbanism traditional neighborhood concept. Chairman Floyd expressed concern about the possibility of alcoholic beverage establishments in the area. The proximity of one of the churches precludes that possibility. He also asked clarification regarding the historic relevancy of the buildings and the facade requirements. Ms. Flanery explained that the site plan and parking determinations, as well as materials and signage, will have to be approved by the Project Review Committee prior to the site plan approval. Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve the rezoning. Commissioner Shafer seconded the motion. The motion carried 7 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Public hearing, discussion and possible action on a Rezoning for 1.06 acres for the W.M. Klunkert, Inc. located at 4090 Raymond Stotzer Parkway from A -O, Agricultural Open, to M -1, Planned Industrial. (02 -151) Staff Planner Flanery presented the Staff Report. Ms. Flanery explained that the applicant is requesting a rezoning for the existing Klunkert Office Building to allow for possible expansion in the future and also to install a,sign. She stated that Staff recommends approval of the rezoning. Ms. Flanery pointed out that The Land Use Plan reflects this property and the surrounding area as future light industrial /research and development, making the rezoning request to be in compliance with The Land Use Plan. When the property was annexed in 1995, a service station existed on the property and was permitted to continue in operation. The existing building has been remodeled into an office and also replaced an existing nonconforming parking lot. Further, the M -1 zoning allows the Staff to see facade and layout proposals to ensure harmony with the existing site. Matt Klunkert, the applicant and property owner, reiterated his desire to improve his property value and it's full use through a zoned use rather than the current legal non - conforming use that has been allowed. Ed Baliff, representing Mr. Klunkert, stated that the M -1 rezoning request is in compliance with the Comprehensive Development Plan as well as Section 5, of the Zoning Ordinance, Newly Annexed Territory. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. P &Z Minutes August 15, 2002 Page 5 0£6 Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner McMath motioned for approval. Commissioner Trapani seconded the motion. The motion carried 7 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning for Edelweiss Gartens located Northeast of Wellborn Road and Southeast of Graham Road, from R &D, Research & Development and Light Industry, and R -1, Single Family Residential, to R -2, Duplex Residential. (02 -152) Senior Planner Battle presented the Staff Report. Mr. Battle stated that Staff recommends approval of the rezoning with proposed buffers. He explained that this item came before the Commission on July 1, 2002 and received a unanimous recommendation for approval. However, on July 11, 2002, the City Council voted to send this item back to the Commission for further consideration regarding the buffer that would be required between the duplex development and the existing industrial properties along Graham Road. Mr. Battle reported that the applicant has submitted a proposal for additional buffers, a 6' wooden fence, which is required by ordinance, and an additional 40' planted buffer area, 20' feet on each side, to address the City Council's concerns. Additionally, any undeveloped industrial property will also have a buffer requirement when they are developed. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. Steve Arden, 311 Cecilia Loop, reiterated the information given by Staff and added that the proposed 40' vegetative screen exceeds the present ordinance. Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve. Commissioner Shafer seconded the motion. The motion carried 7 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: Discussion of future agenda items. None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 12: Adjourn. Commissioner Williams motioned to adjourn and was seconded by Commissioner Trapani. The motion carried 7 -0. The meeting adjourned. APPROVED: Chairman, Rick Floyd ATTEST: Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett P &Z Minutes August 15, 2002 Page 6 of 6