HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/20/2001 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES WORKSHOP Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS City Hall Training Room September 20, 2001 6:30 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Floyd, Williams, Kaiser, and Trapani. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioners Hawthorne, Happ, and McMath. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Development Services Director Callaway, Senior Planners Battle and Kuenzel, Development Review Manager Ruiz, Assistant Development Review Manager George, Staff Planners Jimmerson and Hitchcock, Assistant City Engineer Mayo, Graduate Engineer Thompson, Assistant City Attorney Nemcik, Transportation Planner Fogle, and Development Services Secretary Macik. Chairman Floyd called the meeting to order at 6:20 p.m. 1. Discussion of Thoroughfare Plan and Street Construction Issues. Senior Planner Kuenzel distributed informational material, an updated Thoroughfare Plan, and a flow chart created by the Transportation Planner Fogle. She explained that the Thoroughfare Plan is a major component of the Comprehensive Plan. While referring to the map, she pointed out that it includes only major streets, which are the collectors or arterials and that exact locations are not planned until there is a need, due to the possibility of changes. Mr. Fogle explained the functional classifications and primary functions of the different types of streets and their dimensions, which are listed in the Subdivision Regulations. ➢ Expressways and Freeways ➢ Major Arterials ➢ Minor Arterials ➢ Major Collectors Minor Collector Local Streets He added that the right of way width would be an additional 20'. He pointed out that mobility and access are competing and that as good planning should involve moving from high access P &Z Workshop Minutes September 20, 2001 Page 1 of 3 local streets to very restricted access on freeways. Access is regulated through the Driveway Ordinance. Commissioner Floyd requested staff to provide visuals and check lists for reference for cases coming before the Commission. Ms. Kuenzel explained that the developers build the large portion of the streets /roads through the platting process. The exact location of the street/road is determined through this process. The timing of the street/road is development driven and within the confines of the plat and are subject to the Commission's approval, which is the final step, unless there is an appeal. Because the developer is 100% responsible for creating the need that demands a local street/road, he is therefore 100 % responsible for the cost of the street/road. They do however, have to be in compliance with the Thoroughfare Plan. A general policy for the City is to have connectivity of the smaller streets /roads. The Thoroughfare Plan shows where and how large the street/road needs to be. Development Services Director Callaway interjected that oversized participation can be requested and an analysis must be submitted showing the difference in need to meet the need of the development as well as the difference in cost. Mr. Fogle stated that the CIP (Capital Improvement Project) answers the need of regional issues, such as the continuance and /or connectivity of an unfinished street/road between developments. There is a committee that prioritizes these projects. Mr. Callaway stated that the new UDO will make the Commission responsible for creating a CIP five -year plan. Mr. Fogle pointed out some of the current Capital Improvement Projects: ➢ Dartmouth - extend to Krenek Tap ➢ George Bush Drive East (2 Phases) (1) Widen Kyle from Texas Avenue to Harvey Road (2) Build new road between Harvey and Holleman Graham Road - Widen between Schaffer and Wellborn Road Commissioner Kaiser asked about property being developed in the ETJ. Ms. Kuenzel stated that situations which involves carving a portion of property out of a larger piece of property and rationalizing their need and the need for a street/road, the City may consider purchasing the street/road property or encourage the property owners not to build in that area. Assistant City Manager Nemcik pointed out that currently the County has primary platting authority in the ETJ. With the new legislation, we have until April 1 to meet an agreement with the County as to who will have primary jurisdiction in the ETJ. Currently, the County's standards apply. Ms. Nemcik added that the City of College Station does not maintain streets /roads in the ETJ. Assistant City Engineer Mayo stated that generally there would be a 100' right of way. Commissioner Floyd asked who was involved in conducting the negotiations with the County Regarding primary jurisdiction in the ETJ. Mr. Callaway explained that this is happening on two levels, with the City Staff and County Staff and the Government Relations Committee with the two City Councils and the County Commission. He said that staff will identify the issues, but the resolution will be through the two Councils and the County Commission. Mr. Callaway stated that our City's Commission and Council would want to be the plat approving authority P &Z Workshop Minutes September 20, 2001 Page 2 of 3 and that the County Staff has been receptive to that but want County standards to apply since they are not equipped to maintain urban standards. Mr. Fogle continued with his report by stating that in regards to state roads, TXDOT is the authority that prioritizes the projects. He added that the City has input into the projects through the Bryan /College Station Metro Planning Organization, through lobbying efforts, or through a tax increase for roadway designs. He listed some upcoming project: ➢ University Drive between State Highway 6 and FM158 ➢ Texas Avenue Widening from George Bush Drive to FM2818 ➢ New State Highway 40 Project ➢ State Highway and Baron Road Interchange Project 2. Discussion of Unified Development Code and Associated Issues. Mr. Callaway reminded the Commission of the Joint Workshop on October 5, 1 -5 p.m. An update /briefing is being planned for the newly appointed Commissioners. 3. Discussion of Agenda Items. Chairman Floyd pointed out that Regular Agenda Item No. 3.2 and 3.3 have been moved to the Regular Agenda and that Regular Agenda Item No. 6 has been withdrawn. Natalie Ruiz explained that Regular Agenda Item No. 10 is not scheduled for a public hearing. However, the applicant will be present at the meeting tonight and would like to know if he should speak during the Hear Visitors portion of the meeting or during the scheduled agenda time for the item. Chairman Floyd stated that the applicant will be allowed to speak during the time the item is scheduled. 4. Subcommittee Reports. a. Wolf Pen Creek Oversight - No report. Two Commissioners will need to be re- appointed to this committee. b. Neighborhood Plan - No report. C. Small Area Plan - No report. Chairman Floyd asked Staff to look again at the make -up of these committees. He encouraged the Commissioners to inform Staff of any that they may have a particular interest in. 5. Minor and Amending Plats Approved by Staff. None. 6. Future Agenda Items. None. Adjourn. Commissioner Williams motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Kaiser seconded the motion. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: ATTEST: Chairman, Rick Floyd P &Z Workshop Minutes September 20, 2001 Page 3 of 3 Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett P &Z Workshop Minutes September 20, 2001 Page 4 of 3