HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/29/2001 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (2)MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS November 29, 2001 7:30 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT COMMISSIONERS ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Hear visitors Commissioners Floyd, Happ, Hawthorne, Kaiser, McMath, Trapani, and Williams. None. None. Assistant City Manager and Interim Development Services Director Brown, Economic Development Director Fouta, Staff Planners Jimmerson, Hitchcock, and Reeves, Assistant City Engineer Mayo, Graduate Engineer Thompson, Assistant City Attorney Robinson, Senior Planner Kuenzel, Transportation Planner Fogle, Assistant Development Review Manager George, Action Center Representative Steptoe, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. Mike Luther, 614 Welsh, spoke in regards to the new UDO (Unified Development Ordinance) and related issues. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public Comment for the Record None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Consent Agenda The following items were approved by common consent. 3.1 3.2 The Minutes from the Workshop Meeting held on November 8, 2001 were not available for Commission review and action at this time. Approved the Minutes from the Regular Meeting held on November 8, 2001. P &Z Minutes November 29, 2001 Page l of 8 3.3 Moved to the Regular Agenda the Master Preliminary Plat for Duck Haven Subdivision, Phase 1, located on FM 2154, consisting of 122 Single Family Residential lots on 52.09 acres. (01 -205) 3.4 Moved to the Regular Agenda the Master Preliminary Plat for Bentwood Estates Subdivision, a 90 lot, 204 acres rural subdivision located in the City's ETJ adjacent to and east of Wellborn Road approximately 3.5 miles south of Wellborn. (01 -237) 3.5 Approved the Final Plat for Edelweiss Gartens, Phase 1, consisting of 63 lots on 15.24 acres located at3800 Victoria Avenue. (01 -152) REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consider request(s) for absence from meetings. None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. 3.3 Discussion and possible action on a Master Preliminary Plat for Duck Haven Subdivision, Phase 1, located on FM 2154, consisting of 122 Single Family Residential lots on 52.09 acres. (01 -205) Chairman Floyd expressed concern regarding access to this subdivision. Paul Clark, the applicant, stated that there is an emergency access in existence on the southern end of the development. Commissioner Happ motioned to approve and was seconded by Commissioner Trapani. The motion carried 7 -0. 3.4 Discussion and possible action on a Master Preliminary Plat for Bentwood Estates Subdivision, a 90 lot, 204 -acre rural subdivision located in the City's ETJ adjacent to and east of Wellborn Road approximately 3.5 miles south of Wellborn. (01 -237) Chairman Floyd expressed concern regarding access to the subdivision. Assistant City Manager Mayo clarified that no other access points are planned for this subdivision. Mr. Conlin, the applicant, stated that another entrance was not possible since the 300 -feet separation from Duck Haven Estates, located across the street, is not attainable and that the curve on Wellborn would cause the access to be below the required safety margins. What about emergencies? The adjacent property owner to connect road at end of MacGregro Lane when it it sdeveloed. Commissioner Williams motioned to approve and was seconded by Commissioner McMath. The motion carried 6 -0 with 1 abstention by Chairman Floyd. P &ZMinutes November 29, 2001 Page 2 of 8 AGENDA ITEM NO. 6 : Public hearing, discussion and possible action of a Rezoning from C- 3, Planned Commercial to C -2, Commercial - Industrial, for the Edelweiss Business Center, Lot 2, Block 1, consisting of 2.073 acres along Wellborn Road. (01 -245) Staff Planner Hitchcock presented the staff report. The subject property is part of the Edelweiss Estates Master Development Plan. Ms. Hitchcock stated that the applicant is requesting the rezoning in order to prepare the property for future development and is proposing to open a wholesale plumbing supply business. She recommended approval of the rezoning request. Ms. Hitchcock explained that the Edelweiss Master Plan is approximately 300 acre development, proposed by the developer to be largely single family with a mix of parkland, high density residential, planned industrial, and retail commercial. Buffer areas were to be provided between the single family and the industrial /commercial uses. She pointed out that in the past the commercial properties developed R &D buffers, but the new buffer ordinance is more restrictive than the R &D and will be applied to the property. Additionally, the Land Use Plan in the area was changed to reflect the Edelweiss Master Plan. Ms. Hitchcock reported that the ,subject tract is shown as retail regional, which is a regional scale, tax- generating development that generally depends on good access to thoroughfares with a large carrying capacity. Wellborn Road is a major arterial. She stated that her recommendation is based on the buffering provisions, the Land Use Plan, access to Wellborn Road, and the rezoning of an adjacent piece of land from C -3 to C -2. Currently, Ms. Hitchcock said that a C -3 tract may develop as any use allowed in an A -P district. The proposed C -2 zoning would allow more flexibility in uses. Commissioner Happ asked what the increase in the 1996 buffer requirement was. Ms. Hitchcock stated that the masonry /concrete wall requirement and some landscaping differences have been added. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. Mark Hanley, 10015 Pine Springs Drive, Conroe, TX, explained that his company is a supplier company with a location in Bryan, TX. The company plans to move the Bryan location to College Station, which is the subject property. The proposed 14,000 square foot facility will house plumbing products, inside and outside. A showroom and offices is also planned. With questions from the Commission, Mr. Hanley described items that would be stored outside as pipe valves, fittings, and fixtures. He stated that the maximum height of storage for pipe would be 9 feet. The hours of operation would be from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and Saturday a.m. only. Additionally, Mr. Hanley stated that the outside storage would be secured by fencing and that the lighting for the business would be limited in the building and the parking lots. The only heavy equipment that would be used would be a 4000 -1b capacity forklift. A semi or flatbed would deliver supplies. There would only be three company vehicle (2 -1 ton and 1 -2 ton) stored on the property. Steve Arden, 311 Cecilia Loop, Edelweiss Developer, spoke in favor of the rezoning request. He stated that the C -2 zone would follow more closely the new UDO zoning plan for the area. Speaking against the Rezoning request: Tracy Stratemann, 3734 Marielene Circle - presented letter from the HOA Donald Harmon, 3732 Marielene Cirle Amy Broussard, 232 Stuttgart Chris White, 230 Stuttgart Jonathan Pierson, 206 Stuttgart James Giles, 211 Bernburg Court Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. P &ZMinutes November 29, 2001 Page 3 of 8 Chairman Floyd clarified with Transportation Planner Fogle the location of the proposed new Highway 40 in respect to Wellborn Road and the future plans for Wellborn Road at that time. Commissioner Williams motioned to deny. Commissioner Kaiser seconded the motion. Commissioner McMath asked the distance of the buffer zone in relation to the subject property and the adjoining residential property. Planner Hitchcock stated that it would be 25 feet, to consist of plantings only. Commissioner McMath also clarified the required height of the fencing to be 6 feet minimum and 8 feet maximum. Commissioner Floyd clarified with Assistant City Attorney Robinson that a condition placed with the approval of this rezoning would remain with the property in the future, unless a new rezoning request was submitted and approved. Chairman Floyd called question. Motion to deny fails, 2 -5 with Commissioners Floyd, Hawthorne, Happ, McMath, and Trapani voting in opposition. Commissioner McMath motioned to approve with a limitation of 6 -feet height for outside ground storage and the buffering fence to 8 feet. After further discussion, Commissioner McMath modified the motion to allow Staff to determine the appropriate height barrier for the buffer fence. Commissioner Happ seconded the motion. The motion failed 3 -3 -1 with Commissioners Williams, Kaiser, and Hawthorn voting in opposition and Chairman Floyd abstaining. Commissioner Hawthorn motioned to approve. Commissioner McMath seconded the motion. The motion to approve carried 5 -2 with Commissioners Williams and Kaiser voting in opposition. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Public hearing and consideration of a Conditional Use Permit on a Final Plat for D.A. Smith Subdivision, located at 303 Lincoln Street, consisting of 6 lots on 1.323 acres. (01 -228) Graduate Engineer Thompson presented the Staff report. Mr. Thompson stated that Staff recommends approval of the final plat as submitted. He explained that the applicant is seeking to subdivide this previously undivided and undeveloped property into 6 separate lots in order to construct single - family homes. Mr. Thompson said that according to the existing R -1 zoning requirement, each lot must be a minimum of 5,000 square feet. However, each lot is approximately 9,000 square feet. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. The property owner, Shabeer Jaffar, spoke in favor of the item. Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner Happ motioned to approve. Commissioner McMath seconded the motion. The motion carried 7 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action of a Conditional Use Permit for the Seventh Day Adventist Church located at 1350 Earl Rudder Freeway South. (01- 180) This item was withdrawn from the agenda at the request of the applicant. P &ZMinutes November 29, 2001 Page 4 of 8 AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning from R -4, Apartment /Low Density to PDD -H, Planned Development District - Housing, for Canyon Creek Townhomes, located at 1267 Harvey Mitchell Parkway. (01 -236) Staff Planner Jimmerson presented the Staff Report. In her opening statement, Ms. Jimmerson stated that Staff recommends approval of the rezoning. She explained that the ,subject property was zoned R- 1 from annexation in 1970 until earlier this year when it was rezoned to R -4, Low Density Apartments. She added that several apartment complexes, duplex, and fourplex developments have been built within the area. Currently, the applicant is considering building a townhome development. Ms. Jimmerson pointed out that the PD District is the only available district that provides for the meritorious modifications of the regulations that allow for the applicant to develop the property as envisioned, which would allow the applicant to consolidate the available greenspace on the site into large landscaped areas and leave only minimal front and backyard spaces for each lot rather than the standard townhouse layout with small yards for each lot. In her closing remarks, Ms. Jimmerson clarified that the rezoning request has been evaluated based on compliance with the City's goals and objectives as outlined in the Comprehensive Plan including the Land Use Plan Thoroughfare Plan, etc., as well as on current conditions surrounding the property. Several rezonings in the area have occurred since the adoption of the Land Use Plan, actions by Council which constitute a change in the development policy for the area, including the recent rezoning of the subject property to R -4. So, while the proposed zoning is not in strict compliance with the Land Use Plan, it is in compliance with the development pattern of this area and with the recent Council actions. Additionally, by rezoning the property to PDD -H will reduce the possible density of the development. Ms. Jimmerson stated that Staff is prepared to exercise their full authority into the Driveway Ordinance and the Subdivision Regulations to ensure the .safety of the intersection into this development. Lastly, Ms. Jimmerson explained that the applicant is maintaining communications with the Greenways Manager regarding open areas and protection of natural vegetation. A Parkland Dedication fee is being considered in lieu of property. Chairman Floyd asked how many points of ingress and egress are in this development. Ms. Jimmerson stated that there is only one. Commissioner Kaiser asked if the applicant is locked into the site plan that has been presented. Ms. Jimmerson stated that some of the specifics could be locked into the plan, due to the new ordinance amendment. She explained that the Commission can make a condition to the rezoning to include the general appearance of the proposal and tie it to the concept plan that is being approved. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. Veronica Morgan, Mitchell & Morgan LLP stated that the applicant would like some flexibility with the townhome designation and the lot dimensions in order to consolidate greenspace in the area and to preserve the greenspace that is behind some of the units, which is part of the floodplain and greenways areas. She indicated that she has spoken with the Greenways Manager regarding the City's requisition of the area. Ms. Morgan continued by explaining that the interior roadway system and parking .spaces will be maintained by the Homeowners Association and that all standards, in terms of dimensional criteria seen in any apartment complex in College Station, will be met in this development, including street widths, driveways, and parking spaces. In closing, Ms. Morgan pointed out that the applicant is going to provide a large amount of landscaping. The applicant, Todd Sullivan, stated that the natural landscape would be the focus for this property, which is why the PD District is important. He explained that the current rendering is the plan for this development. P &ZMinutes November 29, 2001 Page 5 of 8 Chairman Floyd expressed concern regarding the lack of additional ingress /egress points. Mr. Sullivan explained that TXDOT consolidated the two entrances that were initially proposed into one entrance to alleviate the traffic confusion on FM 1267. He also pointed out that the complexes being built on either side of his development and the natural vegetation at the rear of his property all prevent him from being able to consider anything other than FM 1267 in the access plans for the property. Ms. Morgan explained that the only viable place that is available for a secondary access is a driveway of the adjacent apartment complex that extends toward the subject property. There are currently curbs on both sides of this driveway. However, Ms. Morgan suggested placing a mountable curb on their side of the driveway. This would allow tenants to exit the property in the event of an emergency. Commissioner Kaiser pointed out that the Commission was remiss in the platting process of the other developments regarding access, which then isolated this piece of property and caused the difficulties with access. Chairman Floyd closed the public hearing. Commissioner Trapani motioned to approve the rezoning. Commissioner Happ seconded the motion. The motion carried 7 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Rezoning from A -O, Agricultural -Open to PDD, Planned Development District for 75 acres in Westfield Village located on Barron Road at Victoria. (01 -246) Staff Planner Jimmerson presented the Staff Report. Ms. Jimmerson recommended approval of the rezoning with conditions that will be stated later in the presentation. She explained that the subject property was annexed in June 1995 and that it is surrounded on all sides by developing subdivisions. Additionally, Ms. Jimmerson pointed out that the concept plan for the project states that because this parcel of land is located between two school sites that it is ideally suited for a young family market that would provide affordable, entry -level family housing. A trail system, providing connectivity of this proposed neighborhood to the adjoining school parcels and adjacent neighborhoods as well as the proposed central neighborhood park is also envisioned. Ms. Jimmerson stated that the PD District is the only available district that provides for the meritorious modifications of the regulations that allow for the applicant to develop the property as such. She clarified that this rezoning request was based on compliance with the City's goals and objectives as outlined in the Comprehensive Plan, including the Land Use Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, etc., as well as on current conditions surrounding the property. Ms. Jimmerson stated that the uses proposed for the property are single family residential, parks, open space, greenways and trails and that all are in compliance with the Land Use Plan which shows the subject area as medium density single family residential. Ms. Jimmerson stated the conditions placed on this rezoning; (1) At the time of Preliminary Plat, the proposed phasing meets the requirements proposed in the UDO, which are that areas with more than 50 lots provided 2 access points to the existing street system and that those with more than 250 lots have a provision for a future third access point. (2) Prior to the beginning of site work, the recommendations of the Greenways Program Manager are followed. In closing, Ms. Jimmerson explained the developer's proposal to follow some of the ideas of clustering the homes together which will allow the residents and the City to benefit by gaining additional open - P &ZMinutes November 29, 2001 Page 6 of 8 space and trails. And finally, Mr. Jimmerson stated that the parkland dedication requirement for this property has been met and will be maintained by the Homeowners Association and that the developer discussed the plan with the greenway and parks staffs and submitted a plan for comment. Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. The following people spoke in favor of this rezoning: Randy French, Developer Jim Wendt, 82 North Misty Morning, The Woodlands Commissioner Happ asked the average square foot of the homes that are planned for this subdivision. Mr. French stated that the average size would range from 1200 to 1400 square feet. Robert Morgan, 2354 Barron Road asked what the buffer requirements are for this development along Victoria. The developer is proposing an additional greenspace with a trail that is wider than the general sidewalk standard. Other details have not been worked out at this time. The Victoria right of way may also include some additional greenspace and there will be a rear set -back as well. All of which is more than the normal requirements. Commissioner Kaiser asked if this rezoning is approved will the three access points also be part of this approval. Ms. Jimmerson stated that they would be. The second access would be required after the development of 50 lots. She explained that in the new PDD Ordinance, continued action should occur every 24 months. Commissioner Kaiser asked how Staff derived at the number of lots to be developed before requiring the additional access point. Ms. Jimmerson explained that a UDO subcommittee and the consultant gave this number as a guide. Commissioner Happ asked when Victoria would be developed. Ms. Jimmerson stated that it would need to built with this development, which will be reviewed at the Preliminary Plat phase. This would give us the second access point. No one spoke in opposition to the rezoning. Commissioner Happ closed the public hearing. Commissioner Williams motioned for approval with Staff recommendations as stated. Commissioner Hawthorne seconded the motion. The motion carried 6 -0. Chairman Floyd was absent from the meeting at the time of the vote. AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action of a Conditional Use Permit for the College Station Medical Center, located at 1604 Rock Prairie Road. (01 -234). Staff Planner Reeves presented the staff report, stating that Staff recommends approval of the expansion of phase II with conditions outlined in Staff Review Comments No. 2. She explained that the applicant is proposing to expand their parking lot area to accommodate the new medical office building that is proposed. Ms. Reeves pointed out that the subject property is shown on the Land Use Plan as Institutional. P &ZMinutes November 29, 2001 Page 7 of 8 Chairman Floyd opened the public hearing. Rabon Metcalf, the applicant, explained that the project brings all of the medical facilities together while allowing for the expansion of the current services of the hospital. He added that additional landscaping is planned also. In reference to the parking lot, Mr. Metcalf stated that the intent is to localize parking in order to facilitate a quick pedestrian path to the existing and the proposed medical office building. Chairman Floyd closed to public hearing. Commission Happ motioned to approve with conditions as stated by Staff. Commissioner Trapani seconded the motion. The motion carried 7 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 12: Discussion of future agenda items. None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Adjourn. Commissioner Happ motioned to adjourn the meeting that was seconded by Commissioner McMath. The motion carried 7 -0. The meeting adjourned. APPROVED: Chairman, Rick Floyd ATTEST: Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett P &ZMinutes November 29, 2001 Page 8 of 8