HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/19/2001 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS July 19, 2001 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Mooney, Floyd, Happ, Harris, Williams, and McMath. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Trapani. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Council Member Massey. STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Brown, Staff Planner Hitchcock, Assistant City Engineer Mayo, Graduate Engineer Thompson, Assistant City Attorney Nemcik, Director of Development Services Callaway, Senior Planner Kuenzel, Development Review Manager Ruiz, Transportation Planner Fogle, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. Chairman Mooney called the meeting to order at 7:13 P.M AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Hear visitors None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public Comment for the Record None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Consent Agenda The following items were approved by common consent. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 P &ZMinutes Approved the Minutes from the Workshop Meeting held on April 19, 2001. Approved the Minutes from the Workshop Meeting held on May 3, 2001. Approved the Minutes from the Workshop Meeting held on May 17, 2001. Approved the Minutes from the Workshop Meeting held on June 7, 2001. July 19, 2001 Page 1 of 10 3.5 Approved the Minutes from the Regular Meeting held on June 7, 2001. 3.6 Approved the Minutes from the Workshop Meeting held on June 21, 2001. 3.7 Approved the Minutes from the Regular Meeting held on June 21, 2001. 3.8 Approved the Minutes from the Workshop Meeting held on July 5, 2001. 3.9 Approved the Minutes from the Regular Meeting held on July 5, 2001. 3.10 Removed the Final Plat for Sun Meadows Phase 2 consisting of 96 R -1 Single Family Residential lots on 24 acres located at 901 Graham Road. (01 -121) 3.11 Removed the Preliminary Plat for Cooper's Subdivision consisting of two 2.5 acres lots. (01 -145) REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consider request(s) for absence from meetings. Commissioner Happ motioned to approve the absence request. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried 6 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission action. Commissioner Floyd motioned to move Regular Agenda Item No. 10 forward to be presented prior to Items No. 3.10 and 3.11 that were removed from the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Happ seconded the motion. The motion carried 6 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 10 : Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Conditional Use Permit, Use only, for the first United Methodist church located at 1125 Wellborn Road consisting of approximately 5.5 acres. (01 -147) Staff Planner Hitchcock presented the staff report. The subject property is located on Wellborn between Holleman and Southwest Parkway. The church would like to relocate to the subject property where they will have typical church services, meetings, and such. They hope to provide a computer lab and a food pantry in the future. The Land Use Plan designates the area as Single Family Residential, High Density. The property is currently undeveloped and zoned R -1. There is developed R -1 to the south and R -2 duplexes to the cast. The property to the north is zoned C -2 and is the location of CC Creations. There is not a site plan at this time. The church is seeking approval of the use before beginning the site plan process. If approved, the Commission will evaluate the site plan at a future meeting. The First United Methodist Church has been a part of the community for 56 years. Their building on Texas was sold and torn down for the development of the Wolf Pen Plaza Shopping Center. Since that time, church members have been meeting in the Lincoln Center and searching for new land. They have come before the Commission twice before and granted Conditional Use Permit in October of 1999 in the Edelweiss Business Center, but the site did not work out for them. Last year, their request for a Conditional Use Permit for land off of Highway 6 and Rock Prairie Road was tabled because of access issues. Unless the public hearing bring to light any new information indicating potential negative impacts, Staff recommends approval with Staff Review Comments. P &ZMinutes July 19, 2001 Page 2 of 10 Clarence Thomas, 2103 Chase Circle, Bryan, stated that services and church business will be conducted approximately 5 to 6 days a week. We hope to have a computer lab for young students and others that are not computer literate, a food pantry to provide for the needs of the less fortunate, and tax preparation assistance for the elderly. We believe the church will improve the surrounding area. Commissioner Floyd asked the size of the congregation. Mr. Thomas said there are approximately 125 members and that the facility will be approximately 6,500 to 8,000 square feet. Commissioner Floyd asked clarification regarding parking requirements for a facility this size. Senior Planner Kuenzel stated that there was adequate land area. Commissioner Happ asked the applicant if there were any access problems associated with the property and Wellborn Road. The applicant stated that there are none. Chairman Mooney opened the public hearing. Chairman Mooney closed the public hearing. Commissioner Floyd motioned to approve. Commissioner Harris seconded the motion. The motion passed 6 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.10: Discussion and possible action on a Final Plat for Sun Meadows Phase 2 consisting of 96 R -1 Single Family Residential lots on 24 acres located at 901 Graham Road. (01 -121) This item was removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion during the Regular Agenda. Graduate Engineer Thompson presented the staff report. He stated that Staff worked closely with the developers during this phase since a number of requirements were placed on the property during the rezoning and stated that the construction documents are available for review and that all the buffer requirements have been met. Commissioner Floyd asked clarification regarding the conditions placed on the plat. Mr. Thompson stated that all of the conditions and zoning requirements have been met. Chairman Mooney asked if there were multiple access points to the property. Mr. Thompson stated that there is a landscaped emergency access strictly for emergency vehicles entering the subdivision or for the evacuation of the residents. He added that both sides have laid -down curbs. Mr. Joe Gattis, 413 Walton, Ash & Brown Engineering, stated that an emergency access has been created at Hibiscus Loop, Astor, and Hasselt. The access is 12' wide, reinforced concrete that is winding to conceal the visibility of it from the neighborhood. There are laid -down curbs on both sides to try to restrict traffic flow but will easily accommodate smaller vehicles and emergency vehicles such as an ambulance or fire truck. The bike path has been extended and they have included a landscape buffer between Edelweiss and Sun Meadows. Chairman Mooney opened the item for public comment. No one came forward with any further comments. Commissioner Floyd motioned for approval. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. Commissioner Floyd verified with Staff that the six prior conditions as well as the additional four conditions, the zoning requirements, all construction documents with the required infrastructure, the P &Z Minutes July 19, 2001 Page 3 of 10 off site easements for utility connections, and the bike path have all been met. Mr. Thompson stated thatthey had. Chairman Mooney clarified that the motion should include the staff comments and called the question. The motion carried 6 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.11: Discussion and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for Cooper's Subdivision consisting of two, 2.5 acre lots. (01 -145) This item was removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion during the Regular Agenda. Graduate Engineer Thompson presented the Staff Report stating that the two lots are almost identical with frontage along Highway 6. He pointed out that Assistant City Engineer Mayo corrected the amount of the Impact Fee as being $550 rather than $500, as stated in the written report. Chairman Mooney asked where the access exists for this property. Mr. Thompson stated that the driveway ordinance calls this feeder road an arterial and therefore regulates the driveways at being a minimum of every 275'. This property actually has more than 350' of frontage and according to the ordinance, may take separate access. Chairman Mooney asked if the overpass, which is planned for Barron Road, will impact these properties. Mr. Thompson said that since Barron Road is further down from the last of these two lots an exit ramp would not impact them. Chairman Mooney likened the area to that of Highway 30 and State Highway 6 and others, and expressed concern about the future exit ramp at Barron Road, a narrowing of the frontage road there, and the access points of these two tracts. Commissioner Happ interjected that an entrance ramp would be the ramp nearer the property rather than an exit ramp and that there is also an intersection with a stop sign that will also help to slow the traffic. Veronica Morgan, Mitchell and Morgan Engineering, 511 University Drive East, stated that she has spoken with TXDOT about this plat and the Barron Road overpass and any right-of-way implication that it may have on these lots. She indicated that they pursued discussion with TXDOT with regard to the overpass and what type of space requirements that would be needed. Ms. Morgan also stated that they over -laid the Raintree overpass intersection configuration identically to this location to see how far the ramps would come out and what kind of space requirements were needed and whether it was going to affect the two lots that are part of this plat. She said they found that it did not affect these two lots with any type of right -of -way acquisition that might be required in the future. However, Ms. Morgan stated that it does affect the lot south of this plat. With regard to access issues, the driveway and TXDOT ordinance controls the access points. Until TXDOT gets into the design of that there is no way to tell what those grades may look like. She believes that the access points will be at the most northerly portion of the lots, but could not say this for sure until she sees some type of design on that from TXDOT since we do not know what the grades will be. Commissioner Floyd asked Ms. Morgan if TXDOT had any limitations on how close to the Highway 6 entrance the existing driveway is. Ms. Morgan stated that the existing driveway is not the proposed property entrance. Chairman Mooney asked how many lanes are on the frontage road that will allow traffic to continue north while the other lane continues to enter Highway 6 and how many will run in front of the subject property. Ms. Morgan stated that she remembers it to be two lanes, but until TXDOT completes their design for this area, the number is not definite. Chairman Mooney opened this item for public comment. There was none. Commissioner Happ motioned to approve. Commissioner Harris seconded the motion. P &ZMinutes July 19, 2001 Page 4 of 10 Commissioner Floyd verified that the Commission could not be more restrictive than the driveway ordinance. Assistant City Attorney Nemcik stated that this was correct. Addressing Commissioner Floyd's concern over the number of entrances along the frontage road, Senior Planner Kuenzel stated that this particular lot will not require a variance due to the amount of frontage that is involved with these two lots. Chairman Mooney called the question. The motion carried 6 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Conditional Use Permit for the BY -007 Wireless Telecommunication Transmission Tower located at 2321 -A Texas Avenue South. (01 -122) Staff Planner Hitchcock presented the staff report. She explained that the proposed 130 -ft. tower is off of Texas Avenue behind Discount Tire and unless the public hearing brings to light new information, she stated that Staff recommends approval of the site and the use with Staff Comments #3. The Land Use Plan shows this area to be Retail Regional and the property is currently zoned and surrounded by C -1 General Commercial. Additionally, the land is platted as part of the Herman F. Krenek Subdivision. To protect the City's natural beauty and skyline and prevent the proliferation of towers, Ms. Hitchcock stated that the Zoning Ordinance has a separation requirement for towers of this size and that the proposed tower meets the separation requirement for WTFs, setback from the right -of- way, setback from residential structures, and setback from an R -2 Duplexes zoning district as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. She added that the new tower would be large enough for the co- location of other antennas. The area behind the tower will be fenced and screened from the right -of -way with landscaping. She pointed out the undeveloped tract that is zoned as C -1 and the residential area, which is 275 feet away from the proposed site. Commissioner Happ asked how many towers the City has. Ms. Hitchcock estimated seven or eight Shaun St. John, American Tower Corporation, shared general information about the company. He stated that his company provides the infrastructure needed by the telecommunication companies to deploy their network. He added that they also provide high -speed internet and multiple phone lines service. Mr. St. John reported that there are currently approximately 10 sites in the B /CS area that are in the first phase of their project and that three of these sites require new structures, which will be co- locatable. The subject site will be a 130 -ft monopole, surrounded by a wooden fence with landscaping in the front entrance. It meets all of the ordinance requirements for a WTF. Chairman Mooney asked about the alternatives for a tower -like structure. Mr. St. John indicated that the aesthetic issue may be approached in two ways. The first, being a stealth tower which is disguised as a flagpole or tree. However, this is not a good solution for a multi -user facility. A stealth facility may have multi-users but not as many and the coverage is usually not as good since the antennas are housed in a sleeve. Chairman Mooney asked if American Tower builds stealth towers and if the radius of signal strength weakens with each cell phone user. Mr. St. John stated American Towers does build stealth towers and that the signal strength does weaken with each user added because each tower has a limited capacity for users. Commissioner Happ asked clarification about the proposed tower having only one tenant. Mr. St. John explained that AT &T was the anchor tenant for this tower and that the tower is designed as a multi -user facility. Commissioner Happ asked how many users could be placed on this tower at the present height proposed. Mr. St. John stated possibly 3, 4, or 5. Commissioner Happ asked Mr. St. John if he could provide a drawing that would show the maximum number of tenants on it and the worst that it can look as opposed to the picture that has been presented depicting the tower in the best case scenario. Commissioner Happ expressed concern about the P &Z Minutes July 19, 2001 Page 5 of 10 aesthetics of the tower with it being so near to Texas Avenue. He also asked if there were other location options that have been or could be considered. Mr. St. John stated that they approached the City about attaching their equipment to the water tower. The City was not interested in doing so. Mr. St. John continued by explaining that the search area where the service is needed did not have any other tall structures that would be made available to them. Therefore, the proposed site is the only location that would accommodate the tower and provide the needed service. Commissioner Happ asked if the City gains any revenue from this tower. The Staff stated no. Chairman Mooney opened the public hearing. The following spoke in favor of the tower: Burt Hermann, 2401 Rudder Freeway. Benito Flores- Meath, 901 Val Verde Drive. The following spoke in opposition of the tower. Sherry Ellison, 2705 Brookway Drive. Chairman Mooney closed the public hearing. Commissioner Harris asked clarification on the reason the tower will only be 130 feet in height rather than 150 feet. Mr. St. John stated the City's Ordinance regulates the height of the tower which is three times the height of the tower away from the center line of a major thoroughfare. Commissioner McMath asked what the maximum coverage distance from a tower to a home. Mr. St. John explained that it varies with the carrier since there are different frequencies, but it is approximately one -half a mile. Commissioner Floyd motioned to table the issue. Commissioner Happ seconded the motion. The motion carried 6 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on an Ordinance Amendment to create a District PDD, Planned Development District. (01 -134) Senior Planner Kuenzel presented the Staff Report. This item actually contains 4 sub - items, the actual ordinance recreating a pdd district, an amendment to the Subdivision Regulations to tie platting to the pdd plans, an ordinance validating the 3 pdd's that were approved earlier this year, and a policy statement that clarifies how the ordinance is to be used in the future. The Commission received copies of these at the last meeting. Nothing has changed in what is being presented for consideration tonight except for a few minor housekeeping items. Staff conducted an administrative review in spring of this year and discussed how it had been applied over the past 3 years it was in effect. That paper was submitted to Council and copies went out later to the Commission. In that paper Staff made several recommendations: - Clarify submittal requirements through UDC process - Two -step process 1. Conceptual through CC 2. Specific through Staff - Mitigation of incompatible use impacts - Policy P &Z Minutes July 19, 2001 Page 6 of 10 Proposed ordinance accomplishes following: - Allows creative approaches to development - Reduces application requirements to general depictions only - Leaves technical, specific review to Staff Subdivision Amendment - Simply ties the platting requirements back to coordinate with the concept plan. Validation ordinance covers the three cases that were inadvertently approved after January of this year. PDD Policy - Intent to avoid overuse - Adoption of mitigation of use impacts - Multiple site applications (not single sites) - Clear that it's to further innovative design (checklist of positive community contributions) - Infill areas, or to gain flexibility (true mixed use) Commissioner Happ asked clarification regarding the three actions since January where PDD's were created. Ms. Kuenzel explained that these three cases were already in process at the time the current ordinance expired. These three were approved after the expiration date and the validation ordinance extends the date and therefore validates the three PDD's that were passed. Chairman Mooney pointed out an error in the draft ordinances. Ms. Kuenzel stated that these errors would be corrected. Commissioner Harris, referring to Exhibit A, asked Ms. Kuenzel when PDD's are used. Ms. Kuenzel stated that they are typically used when there is a mixed -use development that is being requested. The mixed -use classification on a land use plan does not clearly show whether it is a mix of apartments and offices or research and laboratories or single family with offices. The mixed -use classification is very flexible and it ties a flexible approach to that land use. Commissioner Happ asked if there is a way to eliminate a PDD and establish a document to describe a mixture of uses that would be compatible in an area. Ms. Kuenzel stated that in the many of the City's special area plans, there is clarification with specific language on what is meant by mixed -use but it is not a standard zoning approach. In a mixed - use there is transition and since it is a new concept you encourage crossing of zonings but should have firmer controls. The PDD allows that. Commissioner Happ expressed concern about a property becoming a PDD and the future of any other development on the property. Ms. Kuenzel explained that Staff wants the PDD to be the exception. Commissioner Harris stated that there were several PDD's brought before the Commission within the past year. Ms. Kuenzel explained that according to the ordinance and policy at this time, those same cases if presented now would not be PDD. Chairman Mooney opened the public hearing. Burt Herman, 2401 Earl Rudder Freeway spoke in favor of the ordinance amendment. Chairman Mooney closed the public hearing. Commissioner Williams motioned to approve. Commissioner Floyd seconded the motion. The motion carried 6 -0. P &ZMinutes July 19, 2001 Page 7 of 10 AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Discussion and possible action on a Master Preliminary Plat for Shenandoah Phase 7 through 14, consisting of 216 single family lots on an 88 -acre tract. (01 -148) Graduate Engineer Thompson presented the Staff Report. Mr. Thompson opened by stating that Staff recommends approval with Staff comments. He explained that the Shenandoah Subdivision, Phases 7 through 10 is located off Barron Road and across from Alexandria Subdivision. He added that Phase 6 is complete and that a Master Preliminary Plat for Shenandoah Phases 6 - 10 was approved in 1998 but has now expired. Mr. Thompson stated that the Applicant submitted a Final Plat Application for Phase 7A and 7B. However, the application was not accepted due to the fact that a current Preliminary Plat was not on record. Mr. Thompson continued by stating that because the Plat had expired, Staff wished to take the opportunity to look at connectivity in the area. He pointed out that the subject tract abuts the Crowley tract and that Alexandria is no longer being extended through and will dead -end in Shenandoah. The City is asking the Developer to extend a residential street to the northeast adjacent tract which will transect the park, but it has not been decided which of the streets will be extended. The City asked the Developer to oversize the sewer line from Shenandoah to the Spring Creek Trunk Line. The Developer had obtained a sewer casement and was installing an 8" line for the project when a 12" line was requested to better serve the area. The City also asked the developer to extend sewer to the adjacent tract to the southwest and Mr. Thompson pointed out that the extension is shown on the plat on Lexington Lane. Parkland dedication was discussed with the original plat and the Developer has dedicated an 8 -acre portion of the area to date. Any further plats will require the remaining land to be dedicated. This park will connect to the Greenspace in the Crowley addition. In closing, Mr. Thompson stated that because the Developer is assessing the idea of acquiring other property in the area, the street layout may change on the Master Preliminary Plat for Phases 8 - 10. Mr. Thompson added that the connectivity location depends on the creek that runs through the area. Commissioner Floyd asked what the purpose of a preliminary plat was. Mr. Thompson explained that the preliminary plat addresses all of the transportation and utility issues, assuring all the lots meet the requirements, street lay -outs, sizes, and other major issues. After a preliminary plat is approved a final plat along with construction documents and drainage reports used to put in the infrastructure follow it. Commissioner Floyd asked what the P &Z were approving since it is not known what the east or west access is going to be and whether it will affect the layout of the area. Mr. Thompson explained that with the approval of this preliminary plat Phases 7A and 7B can go forward. This approval also means that the configuration for Shenandoah 7 -10 is good as it is designed with the exception of one street access which the City Planner asked the developer to do. No lots have been affected by this change. Additionally, the Parks Board has agreed to the access through the area. Assistant City Engineer Mayo stated that Southern Plantation is shown on the Thoroughfare Plan as going west and connecting to Victoria. Victoria will go south, past Baron Road and curve back into the new SH40. From Southern Plantation north you have the cast/west connectivity. It is only the area below Southern Plantation that is not addressed in our current Comprehensive Plan. Looking to the east, Decatur will go south into the Crowley development. Mike McClure, Engineer, stated that he and the applicant enthusiastically support connectivity in the area and are anxious to work closely with the Parks Board in the development of the 8 -acre tract of parkland that has been dedicated. Commissioner Floyd motioned to approve. Commissioner Happ seconded the motion. The motion carried 6 -0. P &ZMinutes July 19, 2001 Page 8 of 10 AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a rezoning for the 2.497 -acre tract out of the Robert Stevenson Survey League A -54 located at 4121 State Highway 6 South. (01 -146) Staff Planner Hitchcock presented the Staff Report. The subject property is located on the east bypass, south of the recently platted Harley Subdivision. She ,stated that Staff recommends approval of the rezoning from A -P Administrative Professional and C -3 Planned Commercial to C -1 General Commercial. Ms. Hitchcock added that it is surrounded by undeveloped C -3 and land that has been in an A -O Agricultural Open holding pattern since annexation. If granted the C -1 designation, the property may develop as a number of things, including offices and hotels to retail stores and filling stations. The applicant hopes to have a restaurant at this location. The Land Use Plan shows the area to be Regional Retail. As such, C -1 zoning would be appropriate. In 1994 the subject tract was rezoned from the A -O holding pattern to A -P and C -3. The latest rezoning in the area was the Harley property which became C -1 in 1998. Commissioner Harris asked if an overpass is planned for this area in the future. Ms. Hitchcock explained that the overpass would be south of the property. Commissioner Williams asked if the traffic would remain two -way on the frontage road. Ms. Hitchcock stated that the traffic would eventually become one -way. Veronica Morgan, Mitchell and Morgan Engineers stated that the C -1 zoning request is in keeping with the Harley Subdivision rezoning and complies with the Land Use Plan. She stated that the owner wants to attract a restaurant to develop on this property. Chairman Mooney opened the public hearing. Chairman Mooney closed the public hearing. Commissioner Harris motioned for approval. Commissioner McMath seconded the motion. Commissioner Floyd expressed concern about the C -1 zoning and how broad the classifications are and the number of activities that could be placed at this site, which includes all of the uses already, allowed in an A -P or C -3 zoning district. Chairman Mooney added that a full service restaurant would require a C -I zoning district. Commissioner Happ, referring to the Thoroughfare Plan, stated that there is going to be a collector street and /or possible overpass behind the subject property. Chairman Mooney said that according to the Comprehensive Plan the subject property is deemed to be retail regional. Chairman Mooney called the question. The motion passed 6 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 10: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Conditional Use Permit, Use only, for the First United Methodist Church located at 1125 Wellborn Road consisting of approximately 5.5 acres. (01 -147) This item was moved and presented to the Commission as Agenda Item No. 6 AGENDA ITEM NO. 11: Discussion of future agenda items. Commissioner Happ requested a workshop item regarding a preliminary plat and how it affects the Comprehensive Plan and the Thoroughfare Plan. Commissioner Floyd added that more visuals to assist the Commission in their decision making would be helpful. P &Z Minutes July 19, 2001 Page 9 of 10 AGENDA ITEM NO. 12: Adjourn. Commissioner Happ motioned to adjourn the meeting that was seconded by Commissioner Williams. The motion carried 6 -0. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. APPROVED: Chairman, Karl Mooney ATTEST: Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett P &Z Minutes July 19, 2001 Page 10 of 10