HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/02/2001 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (3)MINUTES WORKSHOP Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS City Hall Training Room August 2, 2001 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Mooney, Harris, Happ, McMath, Floyd, Williams, and Trapani. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Council Member Hazen. STAFF PRESENT: Development Services Director Callaway, City Planner Kee, Development Review Manager Ruiz, Staff Planners Jimmerson and Hitchcock, Senior Planner Battle, Transportation Planner Fogle, Assistant City Engineer Mayo, Graduate Engineer Thompson, Assistant City Attorney Nemcik, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. Chairman Mooney called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Discussion of Unified Development Code and Associated Issues. Development Services Director Callaway announced that he plans to attend the August 9, 2001 City Council Workshop to relay to the City Council the concerns and suggestions that the Commission expressed with respect to having another all day joint workshop session prior to the release of the public draft. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Discussion of Telecommunication Towers. Chairman Mooney, as a matter of record, commended Burt Herman for contacting the owners of the two towers on his property. A condition to remove the original, smaller tower was placed on the Conditional Use Permit that approved the building of a second, larger tower. The original smaller tower has been taken down and removed. P &Z Workshop Minutes August2, 2001 Page 1 of 4 Commissioner Trapani expressed concern the information provided by the City's legal department does not leave much room for those in opposition of telecommunication facilities. Assistant City Attorney Nemcik stated that the FCC has preempted our ability to regulate most of the things that relate to telecommunication towers. However, she explained that the Commission does have some authority to foster co- location, regulate location, screening, noise, light and all the things that encompasses zoning. She added that the reasons for denial must be in writing and must be based on tangible criteria, which includes aesthetics, such as setbacks, fencing and additional screening, explaining that there are things that can be done to mitigate the adverse aesthetic impact that one of these facilities creates. The federal government is going to promote and foster wireless telecommunication facilities. She continued by stating that the commission will have to decide if taller and less facilities are more desirable than more, shorter towers. Commissioner Floyd asked if a variance was required would the Commission have the authority to approve that. Senior Planner Battle stated that the Commission does not have the authority to grant variances. He pointed out the importance of the Commission communicating to the City Council what is wanted for the city. Assistant City Attorney Nemcik reminded the Commission that this item was tabled after the public hearing during the last meeting on July 19, 2001. Therefore, there will not be a public hearing on this item during the following regular meeting. However, Ms. Nemcik informed the Commission that they can require information from the applicant. Senior Planner Battle stated that the ordinance will have to adapt as the technology and laws that the Commission does not control changes. In closing, Mr. Battle closed by stating that the ordinance discourages proximity to residential areas. Commissioner Happ expressed concern over the major impact on infrastructure the city has to provide for these facilities should be researched. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Presentation and Discussion of Council Vision Statements and Implementation Plans Vision #4 - Cultural Arts and Recreational Opportunities Strategy #8 - Communication between the City Council, Parks Board, and Planning and Zoning Commission Development Services Director Callaway stated that this relates to the implementation plan found under the heading of the City Council's fourth vision statement. It relates to the Cultural Arts and Recreational Opportunities, Strategy #8, "To improve parks planning we will increase communication between the CC, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, and the Planning and Zoning Commission." In summary, "Identify and coordinate key areas of interest for those two appointed boards and set goals accordingly." This implementation plan is being managed by the Parks and Recreation Department, but it very clearly involves Development Services and the Planning and Zoning Commission. A Joint Workshop meeting with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is scheduled to occur in September. The idea for presenting this to the Commission tonight and at the next workshop is to prepare the Commission for this workshop. Mr. Callaway continued by stating that there are currently no policies that speak directly to issues raised by this plan regarding the coordination and communication between these two boards and the City Council. He added that both boards have a number of goals and objectives. The Planning and Zoning Commission's are expressed in the Comprehensive Plan and again in the Land P &Z Workshop Minutes August2, 2001 Page 2 of 4 Use Plan. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board's goals and objectives are a more detailed plan that takes what is in the City's Comprehensive Plan a step further in terms of the level of detail, covering a broader range of parks related issues. What this strategy is about is to facilitate better the communication between the two boards with the purpose being to improve parks planning. He pointed out that the Commission does not have a lot to do with parks planning and the placement of parks and stated that Staff wants them to be thinking about this and to be prepared to discuss these types of issues at the joint workshop meeting in September. Better communication should be thought about in respect to the development procedures. Each board understands their respective roles, but do not fully understand each other's roles. Additionally, Mr. Callaway stated that he wasn't sure whether the Parks Board understands their full authority in working with developers or with the role of the Planning and Zoning Commission. This item will be placed on the next workshop agenda. Commissioner Floyd stated that community parks has been a topic of discussion for the Commissioners and suggested that they communicate to the City Council the areas that have been targeted for such parks. Chairman Mooney added that the amount of property that is dedicated should also show how much is developable and note the amount that the city is capable of maintaining for the maximum use and enjoyment of the community. He suggested that a new development should be required to make a certain amount of park dedication along with the next developer with adjacent property in order to create a larger park in an area. Commissioner Happ asked if an explanation and overview of the different types of parks can be part of the September Parks Board and P &Z Joint Workshop. Mr. Callaway stated that this will be addressed either at the joint meeting or at a prior workshop meeting. Council Member Hazen stated that the Parks Board has a book available that will also help to answer these questions. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Discussion of agenda items. Chairman Mooney pointed out that the public meeting for the wireless telecommunication tower has previously been heard. Therefore, no further comments will be allowed when this item is addressed during the following regular meeting. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Subcommittee reports. a. Wolf Pen Creek Oversight - No report b. Neighborhood Plan - No report C. Small Area Plan - City Planner Kee reported that this committee will meet tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Minor and amending plats approved by Staff. None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Future agenda items. Commissioner Floyd would like further discussion regarding the visions of the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission. P &Z Workshop Minutes August2, 2001 Page 3 of 4 AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Adjourn. Commissioner Happ motioned to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Commissioner Trapani. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: Chairman, Rick Floyd Staff Assistant Susan Hazlett P &Z Workshop Minutes August, 2001 Page 4 of 4