HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/02/2001 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (2)MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS August 2, 2001 8:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Floyd, Mooney, Happ, Harris, Trapani, McMath, and Williams. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Council Member Hazen. STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners 7immerson and Hitchcock„ Assistant City Engineer Mayo, Graduate Engineer Thompson, Transportation Planner Fogle, Assistant City Attorney Nemcik, Neighborhood Services Senior Planner Battle, City Planner Kee, Development Review Manager Ruiz, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. Chairman Mooney called the meeting to order at 8:02 p.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: None. Hear visitors Public Comment for the Record AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Consent Agenda The following items were approved by common consent. 3.1 Removed the Final Plat for Shenandoah Phase 7 -A, consisting of 62 single - family lots on 16 acres. (01 -139) 3.2 Approved the Final Plat for Shenandoah Phase 7 -B, consisting of 31 single - family lots on 10 acres. (01 -140) P &ZMinutes August 2, 2001 Page I ©f4 3.3 Approved the Final Plat for Edelweiss Business Center, Lots 4 -6, Block 4, consisting of 3 general commercial lots on 5.52 acres. (01 -142) 3.4 Approved the Final Plat for the Castlegate Subdivision, Section 2, Phase 2, located northwest of Greens Prairie Road and Southeast of proposed State Highway 40. (01- 154) 3.5 Approved the Final Plat for the Alam Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, consisting of 1.75 acres located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Greens Prairie Road and State Highway 6. (01 -155) REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consider request(s) for absence from meetings. - None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Commission Action. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.1: Discussion and possible action on a Final Plat for Shenandoah Phase 7 -A, consisting of 62 single family lots on 16 acres. (01 -139) Graduate Engineer Thompson presented the Staff Report. Mr. Thompson explained that connectivity for pedestrians between Phase 7 -A and 7 -13 was discussed during the Preliminary Plat stage. It was decided that a walkway will connect these two subdivisions by going south from 7 -A through the park and to the west into 7 -B. Chairman Mooney clarified that the City's Ordinance allows for the connectivity requirement in this situation. Mr. Thompson stated that these requirements are found in Section 8 -J. Mike McClure, Engineer, clarified that the access easement is what is needed for the subdivision. He indicated that this is acceptable. Commissioner Floyd motioned to approve with a condition that a pedestrian easement be provided to connect 7 -A to 7 -B. Commissioner Harris seconded the motion. The motion carried 7 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6 : Discussion, consideration, and possible action on Site changes for Fazoli's restaurant located at 400 Harvey Road in the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor. (01 -133) Staff Planner Hitchcock presented the staff report. She stated that Staff and the Design Review Board (DRB) recommend approval of the revised site plan including the signage. The site plan for this property was originally approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission (P &Z) with Staff and DRB recommendations and conditions in May 2000. Construction began in March 2001. In the course of site inspections Staff discovered that multiple changes had been made to the site. Staff cannot issue a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) for a site if it does not comply with the approved plan. In an effort to work with the applicant, the City granted a 60 -day Temporary CO to allow for the applicant to obtain the necessary approvals. The Temporary CO expires Monday, August 6, 2001. The changes made to the site include a 2 -foot sidewalk added along the drive - through area. The exit of the drive - through was expanded from 12 feet to 22 feet in width, a sidewalk was added to the southern service door to the drive - through, and there was a change to the proposed brick paved area to a concrete paving treatment. Also there was a request by the applicant to spell out Fazoli's in greenery on one of the P &Z Minutes August 2, 2001 Page 2 of 4 berms across the front of the property. All of these changes meet development codes and the intent of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Development Plan. In addition to the changes proposed to the site, the applicant is also requesting approval of the sign face to be added to the freestanding sign shared with Office Max. The existing sign has a vacant section to be used by whomever occupied that pad site. While researching the minutes from the previous DRB and P &Z meetings, it was discovered that although the discussion had taken place regarding the signage, approval had not been granted. The sign face proposed would match the color and style existing on the building. The DRB met on June 13, 2001 to review the revisions and the sign. They recommended approval of the changes to the site and accepted the sign proposal. Commissioner Floyd asked which Commissioners were on the DRB. Ms. Jimmerson stated Commissioners Horlen and Warren with a vote of 6 -0 in favor. Commissioner Floyd clarified that the site plan is in compliance with the Land Use Plan, Development Codes, Wolf Pen Creek Corridor Study and Master Development Plan with no exceptions. Ms. Jimmerson stated that this is correct and that all of the changes would have been considered minor and approved by Staff had it not been for the overlay in this special district. Commissioner Trapani asked the applicant if he consulted Staff prior to making the changes to the site. Bob Davis, applicant, stated that he did when the changes to the two islands were made. He stated that he was unaware of the 180 feet requirement for an island in the ordinance. He also stated that he asked Staff for permission to widen the driveway and to do the other changes. He reported that the DRB reviewed all the changes and unanimously approved them all. Mr. Davis also pointed out that he was required to place 4500 points of landscaping but has actually put in over 30,000 points and an additional sixteen 30- gallon trees to create a barrier which was requested by the DRB during their first meeting. Commissioner Happ motioned to approve, including the freestanding sign. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried 7 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Possible consideration to remove a Conditional Use Permit request from the table concerning the BY -007 Wireless Telecommunication Transmission Tower located at 2321 -A Texas Avenue South (01 -122). The Commission tabled this item on July 19, 2001. Commissioner Floyd motioned to remove this item from the table. Commissioner McMath seconded the motion. The motion carried 7 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Discussion and possible action on a Conditional Use Permit for the BY -007 Wireless Telecommunication Transmission Tower located at 2321 -A Texas Avenue South. (01 -122) Commissioner Happ motioned to approve. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. Commissioner Floyd expressed concern about the aesthetics of the base of the tower, the developing surrounding property, and the area that abuts the residential. He stated that he would like additional landscaping at the discretion of Staffs approval, to be a condition to the granting of the Conditional Use Permit. He added that the space allowed for the landscaping by the placement of the fence be looked at by Staff. He also expressed concern regarding the top and the 130 -foot height of the tower and felt that this should also be a condition to the approval of the permit. He proposed these concerns as amendments to the motion. Commissioners Happ and Williams concurred. P &ZMinutes August 2, 2001 Page 3 of 4 Commissioner Happ asked if other locations were explored and if the cables will be exposed or placed inside the tower pole. Senior Planner Battle stated that the ordinance requires that alternative locations be sought out and to report such findings to Staff, who then uses this information in determining their recommendations to the Commission. Shaun St. John, American Towers, stated that when co- location occurs the next two carriers' cables would be placed internally. However, if more carriers co- locate on this same tower, which is doubtful, given the height and location, the structure may not be able to accommodate those cables internally. He indicated that American Towers accepts the conditions placed on the Conditional Use Permit. Commissioner McMath asked why the City would not approve the use of the water tower for the installation of this equipment. Senior Planner Battle said that the Public Utility Department is not interested in allowing access. It is less ideal for the carrier and there are access issues as well as liability issues. There is also some concern about communication conflicts. Mr. St. John interjected that the water tower in question is outside of the search range. He added that their application does meet all of the City's ordinance requirements and that they have gone beyond those requirements to make the facility as aesthetically pleasing as possible. Chairman Mooney added a third amendment to the motion; that co- location would be limited to the capacity of the tower to house cables internally. Commissioners Happ and Williams concurred. Chairman Mooney called the question. The amended motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit with added conditions regarding landscape, height, and co- location capacity carried 7 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Discussion of future agenda items. Commissioner Floyd stated that the issue regarding towers being placed on existing public facilities should be addressed by the City Council rather than Staff. AGENDA ITEM NO. 10 Adjourn. Commissioner Harris motioned to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Commissioner Williams. The motion carried 7 -0. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M. APPROVED: Chairman, Rick Floyd ATTEST: Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett P &ZMinutes August 2, 2001 Page 4 of 4