HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/05/2001 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS April 5, 2001 7 :30 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Mooney, Harris, Warren, Floyd, and Williams. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioners Happ and Horlen. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Council Member Maloney. STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Manager Glenn Brown, Economic Development Director Kim Foutz, Development Services Director Callaway, City Planner Kee, Senior Planner Kuenzel, Assistant Development Review Manager George, Staff Planners Jimmerson, Hitchcock, and Reeves, Assistant City Engineer Mayo, Graduate Engineer Thompson, Assistant City Attorney Nemcik, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. Chairman Mooney called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Hear Visitors. None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Public Comment for the Record. None. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Consent Agenda. The following items were approved by common consent. 3.1 Approved Minutes from the Workshop Meeting held on March 1, 2001. 3.2 Approved Minutes from the Regular Meeting held on March 1, 2001. 3.3 Approved a Final Plat for Veteran's Park and Athletic Complex consisting of one lot on 150 acres and located at 3101 Harvey Road. (01 -40) 3.4 Approved an Amended Final Plat for University Park Section II Subdivision Block T, Lot 15 consisting of two AP Administrative Professional and R4 ApartmentLow Density lots on 3.219 acres located at 1101 University Drive East. (01 -60) P &ZMinutes Apnl5, 2001 Page I of 3.5 Approved a Final Plat for Stone Forest Subdivision, Phase I, Re- submittal consisting of 24.38 acres off Greens Prairie Road. (01 -64) 3.6 Approved a Final Plat for Estates of Royder Ridge Phase I located at the intersection of Royder Road and Greens Prairie Trail in the City's ETJ and consisting of 7.8 acres, 7 lots out of 37 lots on approximately 45.55 acres. (01 -65) 3.7 Approved a Final Plat for the Estates at River Run Phase III consisting of 214.71 acres in the ETJ. (01 -66) 3.8 Moved the discussion and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for Bouga Falaya consisting of 8 lots on 10.5 acres in the City's ETJ. (01 -67) 3.9 Approved a Final Plat for Ladewig- Winters Subdivision consisting of approximately 3.49 acres in the ETJ. (01 -68) 3.10 Approved a Final Plat for Horse Haven Estates consisting of 12.75 acres and located on the northbound frontage road of Earl Rudder Freeway between Raintree Drive and Harvey Road. (01 -69) 3.11 Approved a Final Plat for the Luepnita Subdivision located in Emerald Forest at Stonebrook Drive and Rock Prairie Road. (01 -70) Regular Agenda AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.8: Discussion and possible action on a Preliminary Plat for Bouga Falaya consisting of 8 lots on 10.5 acres in the City's ETJ. (01 -67) Staff Planner Jimmerson informed the Commission that the County is requiring an additional right -of- way along Greens Prairie Road that will affect lots 1 and 8. Therefore, Staff recommends approval as submitted with the condition that the County's requirements are met and they do not affect the requirements of the City. The applicant was present and concurred with the Staff. Commissioner Harris motioned for approval that was seconded by Commissioner Floyd. The motion passed 5 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Consider request(s) for absence from meeting. The absence requests were approved 4 -0 -1. Commissioner Floyd abstained. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Public hearing, discussion, and possible action on a Conditional Use Permit for a parking lot for the Covenant Family Church located at 4010 Harvey Road. (01 -55) Planner Jimmerson presented the staff report. She stated that Staff recommends approval of this proposal, and is recommending that the previously constructed parking be granted a Conditional Use Permit with the following condition: • The property owner must mitigate increased runoff from the property by detaining stormwater to pre- development conditions. Ms. Jimmerson stated that the applicant is requesting permission to build a parking lot on the subject property to provide additional parking for the Covenant Family Church which is located adjacent to the subject property, but outside of the City limits. She explained that the Zoning Ordinance allows parking lots in all zoning districts with approval of a Conditional Use Permit by the Commissioner the same as it does for churches. Existing parking surrounds the subject property for the Church to the P &Z Minutes Apnl 5, 2001 Page 2 of 4 cask the Church facilities to the south outside the city limits, Marcy Lane to the west and Harvey Road to the north. Ms. Jimmerson pointed out that the subject property was annexed into the City Limits in 19 80. In August of 1999, some parking improvements were proposed and constructed by the Church. At the time those plans were submitted, staff understood it to be a proposal to improve an already existing parking lot. As an improvement of an existing structure the plan would not require a conditional use permit, therefore staff took action to approve the site plan through our usual procedures. At the end of the process it was discovered that this was a new parking lot, not an improvement of an existing lot. Again, Ms. Jimmerson explained that the proposal and staffs recommendation for approval at this time is to legitimize the previously constructed lot and to gain permission to construct additional parking with the condition that the drainage for the new parking lot meets the draining ordinance. Michael Parks, 3503 Oak Hollow, Bryan, stated that this is a continuation of a previously approved site plan and proposing to add additional parking. The details are before you and have submitted engineering drawings and staff has those in their possession and we agree to meet any of the City's requirements. Chairman Mooney opened the public hearing. John Vilas, 15 Ranchero Drive, expressed concerns regarding the drainage issue. He stated that following the first parking lot project, there appeared to be no provision for retention or detention of water. He asked the Commission to look at the potential of a drainage problem because there seems to be no detention in this new plan either. Secondly, because a portion of the church is located in the Harvey Hillside Subdivision, is required to submit to the Architectural Control Committee a plan. We have not seen the plan for this set of improvements and therefore have not had the opportunity to comment on concerns in regard to traffic, drainage, and other things that this committee considers and discusses, not only for Harvey Hillside Residents but also for other residents down - stream. Please consider the drainage and traffic when approving this plan. Chairman Mooney clarified with Staff that the Commission is taking action on the original parking lot and the new addition. He asked if there were detail storm water conditions being imposed on both of these parking lots or on one or the other, or does the water from the old lot drain into the new. Ms. Jimmerson explained that when the first parking lot was approved, Staff had one interpretation of the drainage ordinance, and that being that it was not applied in the ETJ. At that time, the church proposed to deal with the drainage on their property. Staff has since changed their interpretation and believes that the drainage ordinance can be enforced in the ETJ. The question remains whether we can retroactively change the determination made on the original parking lot. Chairman Mooney stated that there may be no need to retroactively deal with the original lot. Perhaps the design of the original lot actually will impact the total runoff. Chairman Mooney asked the project engineer if the water from the original lot will flow over or through the same system of collection that the new lot is using. The engineer stated that the new lot will drain into the same drains that the original lot drains into. Chairman Mooney stated that by imposing the City's drainage ordinance will actually impact the water coming from both lots. The engineer stated that his understanding is that what was built in 1999 is considered as existing conditions. The church will be responsible for the new conditions that are being created now. Commissioner Warren stated that they would need to detain the increase in runoff that would be created from the new lot. The engineer agreed and stated that they would be responsible to retard the P &ZMinutes Apnl5, 2001 Page 3 of increase in runoff from the lot that is going to be built. The design will be submitted for approval before it can be completed. Commissioner Floyd clarified that Staff is requiring two separate actions. Ms. Jimmerson stated that the area notified encompassed both lots. Assistant City Attorney Nemcik stated that the Commission should make two actions on this item. Stacey King, 4004 Capstone Drive, stated that the church is going to provide detention for the new parking lot and the church is willing to do what is necessary to the existing parking if there are some additional restrictions on that. Danny Green, 5695 Enchanted Oaks, stated that the original parking lot and the new proposed lots will all drain into the same drainage. We knew that detention would be necessary and there should be some improved conditions during heavy rains downstream based on runoff from our property. We also had a full drainage report done in 1999 by a civil engineer that did not indicate that there was anything necessary at that time. But at present, we are willing to do whatever is necessary. Chairman Mooney closed the public hearing. Commissioner Floyd withdrew his previous motion and made a new motion to approve a Conditional Use Permit for the existing parking lot subject to it meeting the City's drainage requirements. Commissioner Warren seconded the motion. The motion passed 5 -0. Commissioner Floyd motioned to approve a Conditional Use Permit for the newly proposed parking lot subject to Staffs recommendation for the property owner must mitigate increase runoff and meet the City's drainage requirements. Commissioner Harris seconded the motion. The motion passed 5 -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Discussion of future agenda items. Commissioner Floyd asked that the memorandum on the Code Revision Recommendations by the Historic Preservation Committee received from Senior Planner Battle be placed on the next available workshop agenda. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Adjourn. Commissioner Harris motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. The motioned passed 5 -0. The meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m. APPROVED: Chairman, Karl Mooney ATTEST: Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett P &ZMinutes Apnl5, 2001 Page 4 of