HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/07/2000 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS September 7, 2000 7:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Mooney, Floyd, Harris, Happ, Williams, Warren, and Horlen. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Council Members Maloney and Gardner. STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners Jimmerson, Laau e, and Hitchcock, Senior Staff Planner I uenzel, Assistant City Engineer Mayo, Graduate Engineer Thompson, Transportation Planner Hard, Assistant City Attorney Nemcil , Neighborhood Senior Planner Battle and Assistant Flanery, City Planner Kee, Development Services Assistant Coordinator George, Assistant City Manager Brown., Director Fout, Economic and Community Development, Senior ED Analyst Charles Wood, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. AGENDA ITEM No. 1: Hear visitors None. AGENDA ITEM No. : Consent Agenda The fohoig iterm were approved common consent, AlZenda Item No. .1: Approved the minutes from the Regular Meeting held on August 17, 2000. AlZenda Item No. 2.2: Removed the consideration of a Master Preliminary Plat for two C -1 General Commercial lots consisting of approximately 14.57 acres in the Harley Subdivision located at 4 101 State Highway 6. 00 -135) Agenda Item No. .: Removed the consideration of a Final Plat for the Great Dabs Subdivision Phase I, 76 .896 acres located in the City of College Station Extraterritorial Jurisdiction by Quail Run Estates to the north, property owned by M.S. Kavanaugh to the vest, Gandy Road to the south and property owned by David Borsak to the east. 00 -150) Agenda Item No. .4: Approved the Final Plat for 4.220 acres in Alexandria Phase 3-B located north and adjacent to Alexandria Phase -. 00 -144) P&ZMinutes September 7, 2000 Page I of 10 REGULAR AGENDA Aaenda Item No. 2.2: Consideration of a Master Preliminary Plat for two C -1 General Commercial lots consisting of approximately 1 . 7 acres in the Harley Subdivision located at 4101 State Highway 6. (00- 135) Graduate Engineer Thompson presented the staff report. The subject tracts are currently unplattd. The subdivision, as submitted, will consist of Bloch 1, Lots 1 and 2 and two reserve tracts. The subject property is located south of Rock la Prairie Toad on the east side of Hwy. 6 South, between the north and south forks of Lich Creep and across the highway from Eagle Drive. Mr. Thompson stated that a preliminary plat for this area was previously submitted and approved in 1998. However, the parties involved did not follow through with a final plat and therefore the approval expired. The subdivision is shown on the Land Use Plan as "Detail" and Lot 1 and 2 are currently zoned C -1 he said, while the tracts to the north are currently zoned A- o. The portion of the tract to the south, adjacent to the Lot 1, is zoned C-3 and the remainder zoned A -P. Mr. Thompson explained that the Thoroughfare Plan shows a Major Collector in this area connecting the Hwy. 6 access road with the extension of Lalway Drive. He pointed out that the actual site for the street has yet to be determined by either the property owners or City staff and is not specified on the master preliminary plat. Mr. Thompson said that Staff is recommending a note be placed on the plat to address this issue. He explained that an 18" water line runs along the front (west) of the property and that this water line is an Impact Fee water line with the fee being $5501 LUE. He also pointed out that the subdivision is in the process of extending the sewer to the north to accommodate the properties. The sewer, being an " line and not eligible for oversize participation, will become part of the City's infrastructure upon completion he said. Mr. Thompson also said that City staff has reviewed and approved the design for the sewer through Lot 1. In closing, Mr. Thompson said that Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat with one 1 condition; a note to be added to the plat as follows: "For information purposes, the City of College Station thoroughfare plan shows a collector street extending east -west, generally through the reserve tracts north of Lot 2." Referring to the note that is to be added to the plat, Commissioner Floyd asked if there was an entrance or curb cut into Lot 1. Transportation Planner Hard answered that he knows of no entry into Lot 1. Commissioner Horin asked how many driveways are allowed along this prop under the current ordinance. Transportation Planner Hard said that it was a function of the combined amount of linear feet of frontage of all of the lots on the master preliminary plat. He added that he hadn't calculated the exact number, but it would be however many could be placed at least 275 feet apart within plats total frontage. Commissioner warren wanted to know if there were any recommendations that he could suggest in regards to the curb cut situation, the potential for many more, and precedence being set. Mr. Hard explained that Lots 1, 2, and the larger reserve tract to the south have the necessary frontage to prop apply the driveway ordinance such that they are at a minimum of 275' apart. In looping at the reserve tracts to the north, Mr. Hard stated that a condition regarding shared access or a cross access easement could be placed. However, he said that one of those lots is already developed and the only opportunity to r the driveway situation would be in total redevelopment of the tract when that property came into plat for redevelopment. P&ZMinutes September 7, 2000 Page 2 of 10 Although this item is not scheduled as a public hearing, Chairman Mooney opened the meeting for guests to spear either in favor of or in opposition to the proposed plat. Seeing none, Chairman Mooney closed the public hearing. Commissioner Floyd motioned for denial without prejudice. Commissioner Warren seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed 7-0. Allenda Item No. 2.3: Consideration of a Final Flat for the Great Dabs Subdivision Phase I, 76.896 acres located in the City of College Station Extraterritorial Jurisdiction by Quail Run Estates to the north, property owned by M.S. Kavanaugh to the vest, Gandy Road to the south and property owned by David Borsak to the east. (00-150) City Engineer Mayo presented the staff report for the Final Plat for Phase One of Great Oaks Subdivision. He explained that the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the Master Preliminary Plat on July 6, 2000. Mr. Mayo stated that Phase One consists of 55 lots on approximately 77 acres with the total acreage of the development being approximately 225 acres. He said that the plat is in compliance with the Great Oaks Master Preliminary Plat which shows 62 lots. The Local Government Code prohibits the regulation by a city of land uses and densities within the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction Mr. Mayo said. He also said that the Land Use Plan for this area calls for rural density single family and that there are no thoroughfare or other comprehensive plan issues in this area. He pointed out that the Welborn Special Utility District will supply water for the subdivision and that all the lots will be served by on -site sewage disposal systems permitted by the Brazos County Health Department. Mr. Mayo also stated that Gandy Road, the minor arterial on the Thoroughfare Plan, requires no additional right -of -way. He pointed out that Gandy Road has recently been improved by the County from this site eastward to Welborn Road. He also said that the subsequent two phases will provide two access points through the existing Quail Run Subdivision to Quail Run Street and Walnut Drive and that County Street standards will be constructed throughout the subdivision. He explained that the Drainage Design is required to meet the City of College Station's Drainage Ordinance and Design Standards. He said that the drainage report submittal is undergoing review and approval at this time. This Subdivision is located in the upper reaches of Hopes Creek which is not mapped by FEMA. He explained that the initial analysis by the Developer's Engineer indicates the presents of a 100 -year flood plain adjacent to some of the creek channel. The Final Plat shows private drainage easements for those areas where a 100 -year floodplain is indicated. Brazos County requires a floodplain permit for all tracts prior to construction. Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat. Commissioner Floyd asked clarification regarding by many lots that are going to be have access onto Gandy Road, in Phase One and Phase Two. Mr. Mayo said that 55 lots were planned for Phase One and explained that as Phases Two and Three are developed there would be two access streets through the existing Quail Run Subdivision to Quail Run Street and Walnut Drive. Commissioner Floyd asked if there would be additional access onto Gandy Road prior to the development of Phase Tv. Steve Arden, the developer, stated that there would be multiple outlets in different directions for Phase Two of the subdivision. P&ZMinutes September 7, 2000 Page 3 of 10 Chairman Moony invited guests to spear either for or against this item even though it is not scheduled as a public hearing. Seeing none, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Floyd motioned for approval and seconded by Commissioner Horin. The motioned passed 7-0 unanimously. Aaenda Item No. : Pubic Hearing on the East Bypass Land Use Study. This agenda item was moved and heard as Agenda Item Igo. 5. Senior Planner Lee Battle presented the Land Use Study report. A complete report was provided to the members of the commission. He stated that this is an action plan with specific recommendations and that adoption of the plan by the City Council will be a direction to city staff to pursue the recommendations. Mr. Battle explained that the Redevelopment Plan outlines existing conditions of the area, a plan for r e d eve lo pment and strategies and goals for implementing the redevelopment. He stated that there are recommendations made in the redevelopment plan and that eight organizations were identified as being r for implementing the recommendations. Almost half of the recommendations are scheduled to be completed within eighteen months and approximately % of them before 2003. Of the 77, 33 fall into the operational maintenance category, meaning they can be addressed through existing programs or administratively; 7 are of a new study, program or process category; 20 of them relate to ordinance changes. Of those 20, the code consultants are reviewing 18 at this time. In closing, Mr. Battle stated that he would lire a recommendation from the commission to move forward to City Council. Commissioner Horlen asked Mr. Battle what were the options of the commission tonight. Mr. Battle explained that the item will go to the City Council on September 28 ffi to be considered for adoption by resolution. A recommendation from the commission to adopt the plan is needed tonight. Commissioner Floyd asked if the real estate industry and development community was involved in the process of this study. Mr. Battle stated that property owners were involved but to his knowledge it did not include members from the real estate or development industry. Commissioner Floyd asked, if after looking at the entire community and recognizing it as a community whose economy is based on that of 43,000 students, can staff comment to Council that this plan represents a reasonable mix for development opportunities for our community for that particular geographic area. Mr. Battle said that there are a variety of factors such as citizen input and the policies under the direction of Council that male a Land Use Plan viable. He pointed out that the Comprehensive Plan addresses this situation and through this plan and process, and because this area of the city is considered already somewhat viable, a very limited number of changes are being recommended. Commissioner Horl n, referring to Parr Land and Open Spaces, asked Mr. Battle how the future use, which 1s projected to be 23% of the entire area, is to be funded`? Mr. Battle stated that a majority of the land 1s in the flood plain and follows the Greenway Master Plan. There was discussion on needing more time to adequately review the materials before making a recommendation to City Council. Chairman Moony opened the public meeting. P&ZMinutes September 7, 2000 Page 4 of 10 Sherry Ellison, 705 Brookway Drive, addressed the commission as a member of the neighborhood planning team. She stated that this was a work in progress that would hopefully positively influence the east bypass area. She stated that she supported this plan presented tonight by Mr. Battle. Benito Flores- Meath, 901 Val Verde Drive said that he believed that this was the way we should be planning our neighborhoods and city. He stated that he was reminded of some recommendations made for the southside area that was made approximately 3 years ago that have never come to fruition. He encouraged the staff and the commission to follow through on the implementation of the recommendations through ordinance. Amy Tremblay, 2715 wilderness North, encouraged the commission to recommend the adoption of this plan to the City council. Burt Hermann, 2401 East Bypass, stated that his main objection to the plan was the terminology 'prohibited usesIl in the plan and suggested that there be a more specific explanation of what developments are going to be allowed in the area. He said that he believes this would eliminate repetitive public hearings of the same development issues. Chairman Mooney closed the public hearing. Commissioner warren motioned to recommend the plan to Council. Commissioner Happ said that he wanted more time to re the information. The remaining commissioners indicated the same concern. Commissioner warren motioned to place this item on the next Manning and Zoning Commission Workshop and Regular ar Meeting Agendas, September 21, 2000, which was seconded by Commissioner Happ. Chairman Mooney called the question. The motioned passed unopposed, 7-0. Aaenda Item No. 4: Public hearing and consideration of a rezoning from A-0 Agricultural Open to R-1 Single Family residential for a remaining portion of the Sun "Park" Meadows Subdivision, consisting of 11.4524 acres located at 901 Graham Road. -132) This item was moved and heard as Agenda Item Igo. 3. Staff Planner Laauwe presented the staff' report. Ms. Laauwe reported that this property is part of the recently approved 60 acre Master Development Plan for Sun Meadows Subdivision that is located east of Schaffer Road and north of Graham. She pointed out that this 11 -acre piece is the only portion of the development plan that is still zoned -G. She pointed out that in April 1996, the abutting 17.28 acres to the west was rezoned to I -1, Single Family, while the 33 acres to the south was rezoned to I -2, Duplex Residential in June of 1996. She explained that the three combined pieces now mare up the proposed Sun Meadows Subdivision. Ms. Laauwe said that the proposed property is shown on the land use plan as Single Family Residential — Medium Density, which is associated with a density of 3-6 dwelling units per acre and explained that this property comprises parts of Blocks 9, 1 , and 11 as shown on the master development plan. She also pointed out that the plan indicates that 39 dwelling units will be built on this section of the subdivision for a density of 3.4 dwelling units per acre and this proposed build -out complies with the land use plan she said. As indicated on the Thoroughfare Plan, Ms. Laauwe said that Arnold Road is reflected as a minor collector, but in its existing condition the road would not have the capacity to serve the proposed P&ZMinutes September 7, 2000 Page 5 of 10 subdivision unless upgraded as reflected in the recently approved Master Development Plan. She stated that the staff' is recommending that the upgrade of Arnold Road to collector status be a condition of the rezoning. Ms. Laau added that the City currently has one IP project near this site, hi h is the graham Load upgrade. Pending the completion of right-of-way acquisition, Ms. Laauwe said that Public Works anticipates beginning construction of the roadway early next year. The Parrs Board considered the parkland dedication for this property on May 9, 2000 and recommends a parkland fee in lieu of land dedication for the subject property she said. The Board also recommended that pedestrian/bike access not be restricted along the north side of the subdivision from the residential area to Southwood Athletic Parr. In closing, Ms. Laauwe stated that the property is not currently platted and if the rezoning is approved, the piece will be platted as part of a proposed Sun Meadows Subdivision. Staff recommends approval of the rezoning w ith the condition that Arnold Load be constructed to minor collector standards. Commissioner Floyd asked Ms. Laauwe what was meant by the Parrs Board recommendation that pedestrian/bike access not be restricted along the north side of the subdivision from the residential area to Southwood Athletic Part. Senior Planner Iunzl explained that the concern involved future lot layouts. She said that the Parrs Board wanted to ensure there would be access to Southwood Athletic Park along the northside of the subdivision as the development was being constructed. Chairman Moony wanted to know if there was going to be adequate width on Arnold Load to support a bile lane, which would be a continuation of the bile trail. He expressed concern for the traffic. Transportation Planner Hard stated that the intent of the rezoning was not to allow the bike trail /lane to continue onto Arnold Road. The intent is to emend the bike path/trail onto College Station Independent School District (CSID) property and on to City property to easily and safely access both the school and the City Park. Chairman Moony opened the public hearing. The developer, Mr. Hartzell Elkins, encouraged the commission to approve the rezoning. Commissioner Horlen asked Mr. Elkins if he was in agreement with the City's condition to upgrade Arnold Road to a minor collector. Mr. Elkins stated that he was in agreement with this condition. Chairman Moony closed the public hearing. Commissioner Warren motioned for approval with the condition that Arnold Load be upgraded to a minor collector. Commissioner Harris seconded the motion. Commissioner Happ asked when the upgrade to Arnold Load would tale place. Transportation Planner Hard explained that the upgrade would come when the final phase 1s platted. Commissioner Horin asked for clarification regarding the rezoning for the subdivision with the condition of the upgrade to Arnold Road. Assistant City Attorney Nemcik explained that if the upgrade is not completed, the R -1 rezoning would revert back to the original A -O rezoning. P&ZMinutes September 7, 2000 Page 6 of 10 Chairman Moony called the question. The motion carried -0. Aaenda Item No. Consideration of Master t r Pr liminar Plat for Castlegate Subdivision consisting of 338.26 acres located north of Greens Prairie Road and vest of the future State Highway 40. (00-136) This item was moved and heard as Agenda Item Igo. 4. Staff Planner Jimm rson presented the staff report. Ms. J1mm rson stated that this proposal 1s in compliance with the Land Use Plan and the Master Preliminary Plat is in compliance with the previously approved Master Development Plan as well as the Thoroughfare Plan with the exception of the collector street. The decision to remove that street was made with the PIT rezoning. She stated that the Parrs Board has accepted the land dedication as proposed and the developer will be required to return to the Parrs Board to have the design specifications approved. Ms. Jimm rson pointed out that there is a condition on approximately 15 lots along the creep with an "A" designation because they do not meet the subdivision r e gul ations as developable lots. She said, however, that in similar situations, the Commission has approved variances to the subdivision regulations. Ms. Jimm rson also pointed out that these 15 lots contain the flood plain and that the adjacent lots can not have homes built on them without flood insurance. She said that staff would lire a note on the plat stating that these particular lots are not developable lots. The City's Master Utility Plans call for a 24 -in water line to run parallel to the future Highway 40. An offsite improvement of over 5000 feet of 4 -in waterline will be addressed at the final plat stage. In addition to the offsite waterline, Ms. Jimm rson stated that an ofTsite regional detention facility is also being proposed to manage the site's drainage but that fall construction drawings are not required until the final plat. However, Ms. Jimm rson said that the details for the location of the waterline and the easement, as well as the detention facility are necessary to meet the master preliminary platting requirements. Staff recommends approval of the master preliminary plat with the notation that this is a variance to the Thoroughfare Plan which was considered at the rezoning stage of the development. Ms. Jimm rson said there should also be a variance to the subdivision regulations for the lots that are not developable and the note be added to the plat. Chairman Moony asked Ms. Jimm rson if Victoria was going to be an access street to State Highway 40 or if it would pass over or under the highway. Ms. Jimm rson said that there would be access to 40 but does not believe it has been determined whether there will be a connection between the pro posed Victoria street and the Victoria street on the other side of the highway. She stated that there will be another connection farther south of the Victoria entrance to the highway. Chairman Moony asked if the speed limit on State Highway 40 was going to be o mph and expressed his concern about entering the highway from the subdivision with vehicles traveling at this speed. Ms. Jimmrson said that the speed limit was going to be 70 mph. Transportation Planner Hard explained that this was discussed at length a few years ago with the approval of the Crowley Master Plan. It was determined that there would have to b , at a minimum, a signal light intersection and that it was a deliberate decision not to directly connect -up Victoria street in order to eliminate a fill crossover. Chairman Mooney asked if at the time of the completion of State Highway 40 if there would be an immediate installation of a light at the intersection or if that would come at a later time. Mr. Hard explained that typically the lights are installed at a later time as determined by the State Highway Department. P&ZMinutes September 7, 2000 Page 7 of 10 Chairman Mooney expressed concern about traffic at a stop then entering the highway with 70 mph vehicles. Commissioner Happ asked if there is an alternative to this plan. Mr. Hard explained that the State Highway Department will not construct an entrance ramp unless there are statistics to warrant such an expense. He pointed out that there is a minor and major collector road that extends out to Welborn Road and that once the development is completed, there will be two rear access roads to Welborn Fad. Therefore, State Highway 40 would not be the only means in and out of the area. Chairman Mooney asked if a turn lane could be considered for southbound traffic tarring into the subdivision. Mr. Hard said he believed that this would be a reasonable request to male of the State Highway Department. Although this item is not scheduled as a public hearing, Chairman Mooney opened the meeting for guests to spear either in favor of or in opposition to the proposed plat. Chairman Mooney closed the public hearing. Commissioner Harris motioned to approve with the condition as requested by staff, that the note regarding the lots that are not developable be added to the plat. Commissioner Hrlen seconded the motion. Chairman Mooney asked staff to express to the State Highway Department the traffic concerns that were discussed. Commissioner Floyd expressed concern about the lack of additional access points In and out of the development onto Greens Prairie for emergency purposes such as evacuation and access for emergency vehicles. He pointed out that it is a safety issue, a disservice, and a major issue. Ms. Jimmers n pointed out that on page 6 of 7 of the blaster Preliminary Plat that there is an emergency access easement. The developer, Mr. Wallace Phillips, addressed the lack of additional access for sections 2 and 3 of the development. He explained that there is an existing cattle guard and gravel driveway which is indicated on page 6 of 7 of the Master Preliminary Plat as the secondary emergency access, and explained that it meets the standards to support emergency vehicles. He also explained that there are mountable curbs, a 38' wide collector, and on each side, a green belt as well as a ' wide right of way that would deter congestion. Commissioner Floyd asked Mr. Phillips if a temporary access to the north could be provided during the development. Mr. Phillips explained that they became landlocked ed between the Highway 40 easement and other property owners' land. Until the development furthers, this is not feasible for another 2-4 years. Chairman Mooney called the question. The motion passed 5 -2. (Chairman Mooney and Commissioner Floyd voted in opposition.) Agenda Item No. : Protocol discussion and possible action concerning staff reporting to City Council. Commissioner Floyd expressed concern regarding the way in which the decisions made by the commission during a Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting are presented to the members of City Council. He questioned why the presentation is done in such a way that the decisions made by the commission are not P&ZMinutes September 7, 2000 Page 8 of 10 reported as such. He explained that staff', as well as developers, etc. are re- presenting the case to City Council as though the commission did not discuss or male a decision on the item. He believes that the case should be presented to City Council in the form of the decision made by the Planning and Zoning Commission and not as though there was no discussion, research, or vote. Commissioner Horlen agreed and said that he was concerned about different arguments being presented to the City Council than what was presented to the commission. He noted a number of times that the case arguments were actually reserved for Council and that the commission is not being presented with the same information on the same issues. He questioned the need for the decision of the commission on issues if the staff recommendations have the same amount of influence. He asked if there were ways to streamline the process to yield consistent results to similar requests. He stated that he was in complete agreement with Commissioner Floyd. Commissioner Warren explained that many times there may be a number of people who were not initially involved or informed of the issue as it was being presented to the Commission that may become an interested party some time prior to the presentation to City Council. She said that would explain some of the differentiation of the presentations and the reason that the issues are presented again along with additional information and new arguments. Commissioner Happ added that he witnessed a member of City Council stating at a recent City Council meeting as when being presented with issues of a particular item, that the commission made an informed and sound judgement and the need to reexamine the materials and information was not necessary. He said that this gave credence to the Commissioners. Commissioner Warren reiterated the goal of the code modifications and hove this will help to better streamline the process. Commissioner Floyd reiterated his concern in the way the process proceeds once the staff presents the case and the public input is received and a voting decision by the Commission is made. He stressed that it was at this point of the process when the Commission has made a voting decision on an issue, that it is presented to Council and should be presented as one statement and one view, being that of the Commission. If Council has further questions, it is their prerogative to ask those. Chairman Mooney said that he believes that it should be sufficient enough for Council to hear a presentation of the basic facts that brought the Commission to their decision and should end there. Commissioner Harris asked if there was something the Commission could do tonight to address this and instigate a remedy to satisfy the concerns expressed. Commissioner Floyd reiterated that the Commission is the recommending body. He motioned for the Commission to direct the Commission Chair to request to be placed upon the new City Council Agenda to express the concerns of the Commission on this issue. Commissioner Horlen seconded the motion. Commissioner Warren said that once the staff' mares their presentation to the Commission and issues are raised, staff' then reviews the new issues and mares a more in -depth presentation to Council as they have gained more information themselves. She said she believes this bind of situation will become diminished once the City Code has been revamped. She also pointed out that there is a Council member liaison present at each Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting that returns to the City Council to represent the issues addressed at the Planning and Zoning Commission fleeting. P&ZMinutes September 7, 2000 Page 9 of 10 Chairman Mooney called the question. The motion passed 5 -2. (Commissioner Warren voted in opposition, and Chairman Mooney voted abstention.) Agenda Item No. 7: Discussion of future agenda. items. Commissioner Warren proposed that the tabled item, the consideration to place Section 8.2 Neighborhood Preservation Overlay, be brought back and placed on the Workshop shop Agenda so that the Commissioners are able to review other possible wa to handle infYill development in the southside and eastgate areas. Agenda Item No. : Adjourn. Commissioner Floyd motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Warren seconded the motion. The motion passed unopposed, -. The meeting was adjourned at 9.27 p.m. t1@11 D1 Ll 00DIF. Chairman, Karl Mooney Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett P&ZMinutes September 7, 2000 Page 10 of 1