HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/25/2000 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zonin Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS October 25, 2000 12:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Mooney, Floyd, Williams, and Warren. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioners Hrin, Happ, and Harris. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Council Member Mal n STAFF PRESENT: Staff Planners Jimm rs n, La.au , and Hitchcock, Senior Planner Iunl, Planner Intern Flanry, Assistant City Engineer Mayo, Graduate Engineer Thompson, Engineer Vnnhi, Assistant City Attorney Tell, Director of Development Services Callaway, City Planner Kee, Development Review Manager Ruiz, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. AGENDA ITEM N. 1: Hear visitors There were no visitors present wishing to ad dress the Commission. 2. Consent AlZend 2.1 Approved the minutes from the Workshop M ting held on October 5, 2000. 2.2 Approved the minutes from the Regular Meeting held o October 5, 2000. 2.3 Approved the re- submittal of a Final Plat for Edelweiss Estates Phase 14 consisting of 16.634 acres located west of Phase 15 -B, northwest of Phase 12, and adjacent to and immediately east of Welborn Road and south of Fraternity Row on FM2154. (00 -173) 2.4 Approved the re-submittal of a Final Plat for Edelweiss Estates Phase 16 consisting of 14.752 acres located west of Phase 12, south of Phase 1, adjacent to and immediately cast of Welborn Road and north of Edelweiss Business Center Bloch 5 o FM21 4. - 174 P&ZMinutes October 25, 2000 Page 1 of 5 2.5 Removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda for discussion the Final Plat for Alexandria Phase 4 -A consisting of 7.060 acres located at 1300 Baron Road, west of Phase 2 -B and Alexandria Avenue and north of Phase 3 -B. (00 -175) ReLflAar Agenda 2.5 Consideration of a Final Plat for Alexandria Phase 4-A consisting of 7.060 acres located at 1300 Baron Road, Est of Phase -B and Alexandria Avenue and north of Phase -. 00- 1 7 Commissioner Floyd expressed concerns regarding the single entry and eat planned for the development. Chairman Mooney concurred and encouraged an alternate plan for the development of the site. Commissioner warren suggested a larger scheme submittal of the development to be presented to the Commission for approval. By submitting a larger scheme plan for the development as suggested by Commissioner warren, Chairman Mooney explained that the access points could be developed prior to the other properties which would alleviate the potential for access problems in and out of the development. Jane Kee., City Planner said that the master plan has been approved as is. She explained that many of the problematic issues occurred prior to the current Commission. She stated that there was substantial opposition from the adjoining neighborhood when the master development plan was submitted which proposed the connection of the development to Cardinal Dane. This determined the decision made at that time that did not allow the connection to tale place. She assured the Commission that when future master development plans are submitted, Staff would review the phasing and circulation in order to avoid single entrance subdivisions. She stated that the Staff will tally with the Code Consultants about incorporating some regulations in the subdivision regulations to require a secondary means of ingress and egress once a certain number of lots are developed in an area. Commissioner Floyd motioned to approve. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-0. 3 . Consider request(s) for absence from meeting. Commissioner warren motioned to approve the three absence requests submitted. Commissioner Floyd seconded the motion. The motion carried 4 -0. 4. Consideration of a Plaster Development Flan for Horse Haven Estates, 118.37 acres east of Earl Rudder Freeway between Switch Station Road and the Raintree Subdivision. (00- 165) Staff Planner Hitchcock presented the Staff Report. Ms. Hitchcock stated that the new Master Development Plan shows the platted Lot 2 (now proposed as Tracts 2 and 3), and essentially maintains the same boundaries for Tract 1, but other tracts have been reconfigured. She P&ZMinutes October 25, 2000 Page 2 of 5 explained that a portion of the proposed Tract 6 is zoned I -1 Single Family Residential and the rest of the area encompassed by the plan is -o Agricultural open. Ms. Hitchcock pointed out that in the past, the applicant has sold off parts of the original tract without platting. In 1998, a Master Flan for Horse Haven Estates was developed so the driving range could be legally sold, reoriented, and developed on Lot 2 (25.07 acres). Ms. Hitchcock reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council passed the plan, and Lot 2 was final platted in 1998. Since that time, no further tracts have been platted and the plan has expired if no action is taken on a plan for a year, the plan automatically expires). She stated that portions of the subdivision are located within the 100 Year Floodplain, spifYially, portions of Tracts 1, 5, and 6. Ms. Hitchcock stated that the proposed zoning for Tracts I 12.19 acres) and 2 (13.66 acres), which have frontage on the Earl Rudder Freeway feeder road, is PDD-B Planned Development District - Business while all other tracts are pro posed R -1 Single Family Residential. She explained that the Land Use Plan shows this area to be Mixed Use while the Last Bypass Study shows the land along the frontage road to be Mixed Use and the interior lots to be Residential. Ms. Hitchcock said there are numerous existing City of College Station sewer lines running through the tracts on this Master Plan. She also stated that the developer is pro posing a minor collector and two urban residential streets at this time. She explained that Appomattox Court, a third urban residential street, will be built upon the City's request as per the Development Agreement dated March 12, 1998. In closing, Ms. Hitchcock stated that sidewalks will be required at the time of final platting as will parkland dedication with the residential tracts. Staff recommends approval of the final plat with the condition that the attached Staff Review Comments be addressed. Natalie Ruiz, Development Review Manager, stated that the East Bypass Planning Team met Monday night to tally about another proposed project in the area. The Planning Team saw the master development plan at that time. She indicated that there was mixed reaction to the plan. Tract 1 and development proposals for that piece were the main topic of that meeting. The Planning Team's main concern was that there not be a connection between this development and Appomattox all the way through that would increase traffic through windwood or Raintree Subdivisions. Chairman Moony asked where Horse Haven Lane begins. Staff Planner Hitchcock said that Horse Haven Lane begins from the feeder road. It is the collector road, which will be the first road, built and is described in notes on the master development plan. Commissioner Warren asked if there was only one entrance and if that entrance will cross a commercial piece of property into a residential piece. Ms. Hitchcock indicated that this was the plan at this time. Commissioner Floyd asked how many potential curb cuts will there be along the bypass and if there was a proposal for Tract 2 to have access onto the bypass as well? He also asked where the access for Tract 6 was planned. Ms. Hitchcock stated that at this time there was only one curb cut indicated, as shown and that being Horse Haven Lane. She stated that Tract 2 has access off Switch Station Road. Regarding the access of Tract 6, Ms. Hitchcock deferred to the applicant. Ms. Ruiz, after checking with the Assistant City Engineer Mayo, said that the driveway spacing is a minimum of 275' and will measure it out to confirm that. Referencing Tract 1, Ms. Ruiz P&ZMinutes October 25, 2000 Page 3 of 5 informed the Commission that there is not immediate access to the frontage road, but indicated that this will come before the Commission at another time as a PIT. Although this item is not scheduled as a public hearing, Chairman Mooney opened the meeting for anyone that would life to address the commission in favor or in opposition of the item. Greg Taggart, Municipal Development Group, while referring to Dote 6 on the plan, stated that the intent 1s to develop the entire road all the way to the cul -de -sac that terminates as Horse Haven Court. He indicated that the initial pro posal for this portion of the property was intended to be used as a commercial tract, sizing don to a typical residential street cross - section. He continued by saying that the curb cuts on Earl Rudder Freeway are allowed by ordinance and require specific spacing. He said that most of the development's access would be taken off of Horse Haven into Tract 1 or Tract 2, but any development would have to be done by preliminary plat. In so doing, Mr. Taggart stated that Staff would have the opportunity at that time to review any additional roadway access if developed as PID-D and would also have site plan approval authority as well. In closing, Mr. Taggart stated that Switch Station Road, while owned by City of College Station, is not open for use by the general public. Commissioner Floyd asked why Tract 1 includes all of Horse Haven Court. Mr. Taggart stated that this was to ensure that funds would be available for the development of the entire street as the development of Tract 1 is done. Commissioner Floyd expressed concern about the possibility of the remaining tracts being re- zoned into various zoning districts around the said tract, and the possible negative impact this will have on the entire area and development. Mr. Taggart said that the Tract 4 and Tract delineation is the desire of the property o and the d eveloper alike and susceptible to change. However, Mr. Taggart reiterated that this is merely a master plan. Commissioner Floyd asked if it 1s typical to use the designation as "future PIT -B" on a plan. City Planner Kee stated that the term is used because it is the intent of the developer for that area to be zoned as PIT -D in the future. Commissioner Floyd asked why is this designation is placed on the plat before it has been approved. Ms. Kee reiterated that this is a plan and not a plat and depicts proposed future uses. Commissioner Warren expressed concern regarding the oil well area and the cell tower. She pointed out that the area is proposed for future I -1 devel but states that this is an inconsistent placement in her opinion. The future proposed commercial tract should include the cell to to beep the area within the current zoning definition. After reviewing the plan, Assistant City Engineer Mayo added that there was space available south of the creek for one curb cut without encroaching on the floodplain. If the city decided to fill in some of the floodplain area, potentially two curb cuts could be placed. He clarified that only one curb cut was possible to the north of the creek with that being between Horse Haven Lane and Switch Station Road. Chairman Mooney clarified that the one curb cut at Horse Haven Lane would serve both the proposed commercial property and the residential development in Tract 1. Commissioner Warren motioned to deny. Commissioner Williams seconded the motion. P&ZMinutes October 25, 2000 Page 4 of 5 Commissioner Floyd said that the access to the entire property should be resolved now and a note added to the master plan. Commissioner warren added that the access issue as well as the fees and parkland dedication and drainage in the area present a problem that needs to be resolved. with all the work on Wolf Fen Creel, it is important to see that the area has a secure grnway connection into Wolf Pen Creep corridor. She expressed a responsibility as a Commission to be good stewards of the City's resources for residences and businesses. Commissioner Floyd added that the issues regarding parkland dedication and access are not addressed. Commissioner Williams asked if it was possible to make Switch Station Road a major collector or a public road up to the point of the switch station and having access up to that point for the city at the station. There was some discussion among the Commissioners on this possibility. Chairman Moony called the question. The motion to deny carried 4-0. 5 . Discussion of future agenda items. Chairman Moony reported that he will be making some committee appointments as indicated by Staff. He also said that a continuation of discussion regarding the protocol issues is also planned for future workshops. 6. Adjourn. Commissioner warren motioned to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Floyd seconded the motion. The motioned carried 4 -0. The meeting was adjourned. U U: IQ LTA D I 1]; LIN 00Dis. Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett Chairman, Karl M ooney P&ZMinutes October 25, 2000 Page 5 of 5