HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/04/2000 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Ma y 4, 2000 7:00 P.I. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Acting Chairman Mooney, Commissioners Floyd, H rl n, Kaiser, and Parker. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Chairman Rife and Commissioner Warren. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Council Member Mal n y. STAFF PRESENT: Director o f Development Services Callaway, City Planner Kee, Senior Planner Iunzl, Staff Assistants Jimmrn, And erson, and Hitchcock., Assistant City Engineer Mayo, Graduate Engineers Tondre and Thompson, Transportation Planner Hard, Development Coordinator Ruiz, Secretary Kelly, Customer Service Representative M ssarra, and Assistant City Attorney Ladd. AGENDA ITEM N. 1: Hear visitors Gale Touchstone, P.O. Box 10747 College Station; a resident of Pebble Creel, asked about future development around the Pebble Creep Subdivision. Senior Planner Iunzl explained that this is not a posted item but she briefly told Mr. Touchstone that Staff is aware f site plans for some o f the r zoned sites, but was not aware of any plans for the non - residential zoned tracts. ohowi g items were approved common consent, AGENDA ITEM N. : Consent Agenda. Agenda Item No. 2.1: Approved the minutes from the Workshop M ting held on April 20, 2000 Agenda Item No. 2.2: Approved the minutes from the Regular Meeting held on April 20, 2000. Agenda Item No. 2.3: Approved the Final Plat for Edelweiss Estates Phase 14 (16.634 acres) located west of Phase 15B and northwest of Phase 12. The property is located adjacent to and immediately east of Wellborn Road and south of Fraternity Row. (00 -73) P&ZMinutes Altayw 4, 2000 Page I of Agenda Item No. 2.4: Approved the Final Plat for Edelweiss Estate Phase 16 (14.752 acres) located west of Phase 12 and south of Phase 14. The property is located adjacent to and immediately east of Wellborn Road and north of Edelweiss Business Center Block 5. (00 -72) REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM NO. : Public hearing and consideration of a Conditional Use Permit, use and site plan, for the University Lutheran Chapel located at 315 College Main, which is t the southwest corner of the intersection of College Main and Louise. - 1 Staff Planner Jimmerson presented the staff report and stated that the subject property is zoned NG -1, Historic N rthgate, and shown on the Land Use Plan as a redevelopment Area. The N rthgate Redevelopment Plan Guidelines do allow for churches to be located anywhere in Irthgate. This site is not listed in the Northgate Historic Resources Survey. The applicant proposed to expand the existing 180 square foot facility with a 1 770 square foot multi - purpose space, to be used for worship, fellowship and large church dinners, etc. To accommodate the existing parting overflow onto the adjacent streets, as well as, any potential increase due to the expansion the church is also proposing to add a parking lot to their site. Parking requirements in N rthgate are determined by the N rthgate Review Board (NR B). NRB determined that the 34 spaces that the applicant has proposed are adequate. The subject property is bordered on the south entirely by the new City parting garage, on the west , across Second street will be the Traditions dorm parting garage, on the north, across Louis is existing residential — primarily rental, and to the east across College Main 1s another church property. Ms. Jimmerson pointed out that Section 14 of the Zoning Ordinance authorizes the existence of conditional uses. The Commission may permit a conditional use subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, when after public notice and hearing the Commission finds that: (Staff comments are in italics) 1. "The proposed use meets all the minimum standards established in the ordinance for the type of use proposed." Staff conducted a technical review and found general compliance with development regulations with the exception of the items listed below in the staff recommendation. 2. "That the proposed use meets the purpose and intent of the ordinance and is in harmony with the development policies and goals and objectives as embodied in the Comprehensive Plan for Development of the City." The request is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. "That the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, welfare, and safety o f the surrounding neighborhood or its occupants, nor be substantially or permanently injurious to neighboring property." The public bearing is an opportunity for the Commission o measure the potential impact on surrounding land uses. The Commission may impose additional reasonable restrictions o r conditions to carry out the spirit and intent of the ordinance and to mitigate adverse effects of the proposed use. These requirements may include, but are not limited t, increase open space, lading and parting requirements, additional landscaping, and additional improvements such as curbing, sidewalk and screening." Unless the public bearing brings to light any new information indicating potential negative impacts, Staff recommends approval with StaffReview Comments. P&ZMinutes may 4, 2000 Page 2 of Ms. Jimmerson said that the majority of staff review comments are technical and should be easy for the applicant to address. There is a staff review comment that indicates that a sidewalk needs to be installed on College Main since it is shown on the sidewalk master plan. Staff is looking into the possibility that the City has a project in the works that would include installation of a sidewalk along this section of College Main, in the near future. If it is determined that the City does not have such plans, a sidewalk will need to be installed by the church before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the building. The applicant indicated to staff that they thought that the City would install the sidewalk when the underground electrical lines were installed for the parking garage. Ms. Jimmerson has tried to confirm this with the responsible department, but has not received an answer. Acting Chairman Moony opened the public hearing. Pastor Larry Krueger, representing the University Lutheran Chapel, said that he has no problem installing the sidewalk if the City does not have such plans. The concern he has is that the electrical poles will be removed when the sidewalk is installed. Acting Chairman Moony closed the public hearing. Commissioner Floyd moved to approve the Conditional Use Permit with the condition that the sidewalk is installed when the utility poles are removed. Commissioner Parker asked Staff to comment whether or not they desired to ait until the poles are removed. Ms. Jimmerson said that they desire to have the sidewalk in any event. She said that there are different options for the installation of sidewalks. Commissioner Floyd amended his motion to approve the request with the condition that a sidewalk is installed prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. Commissioner Hrin seconded the motion, which passed unopposed -. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Public hearing and consideration of a rezoning for the Texas C ntr id Inch, approximately 46.46 acres located at 200 Greens Prairie Id, from -1 General Commercial to R-113 Single Family Residential. -64 Senior Planner Kuenzel presented the staff report and stated that the applicant is requesting this rezoning in order to prepare the property for development as a single family neighborhood. The property had originally been planned for additional commercial development on the Master Development Plan. The Rand Use Plan shoves the area as love density single family at a maximum density of 2 dwelling units per acre. T he propo rezoning would ally roughly t 4 dwelling units per acre. The down-zoning., while technically not in compliance with the Rand Use Plan, is considered a more compatible zoning district with the existing R- zoned Pebble Creek neighborhood that is abutting the property to the south. The orientation of the site in relation to the abutting property to the south would leave the subdivision isolated and disconnected from the remainder o f the Pebble Creep neighborhood. The d evelopment pattern and relationship of the site to the surrounding neighborhood seems to facilitate more of a commercial development. Development of a residential area should only be accommodated if access issues are satisfied. If the subject site had originally been planned for residential zoning, the Master Development Plan should have shun street connections to the rest of the Pebble Creep residential area. At the very least, pedestrian connections should have been made to facilitate access between the parrs and school site. Staff has requested the applicant to provide pedestrian connections for the future P&ZMinutes may 4, 2000 Page 3 of residents o f the subdivision back to the parrs and school sites in Pebble C reek and to address these concerns with the pending Preliminary Plat. Further analysis of the rezoning, however, indicated that these issues are related to not only platting but also the zoning process. If these issues cannot be adequately addressed, then the zoning should remain commercial In o rder to avoid future pr Staff also identified a potential problem regarding a single access drive into the subdivision. The City has for some time attempted to avoid subdivisions where residents would not have an alternate escape route should an emergency close the one street connecting it to the larger street system. while the City has existing subdivision with only one access street, these areas are viewed as potential problems in an emergency situation. In addition the City should avoid approval of subdivisions that will result in congestion as their residents attempt to leave the areas, especially where left turn movements back up traffic on the single entrance street. The concerns regarding access should be addressed with a revision to the Pebble Creep blaster Plan, but any changes in zoning should occur pursuant to a revised plan. rezoning at this time would be premature and piece -meal. Staff recommended tabling the rezoning s that the applicant has the opportunity to work with staff to address emergency access, vehicular access, and pedestrian bike access. Commissioner Kaiser asked for staff' recommendati for access onto greens Prairie Road. Transportation Planner said that at this point it would alright to allow single access from this neighborhood onto Greens Prairie Road, although in the future it may be pose problems with safety for neighborhood residents trying to get on Greens Prairie Toad when the it is extended to Highway 30. In the future, Lakeway Drive will be signalized since it will be extended across Greens Prairie Road, which may be a safer way for the residents to access Greens Prairie Road. Commissioner Floyd asked if there was any discussion between Staff and the applicant about the possibility of a planned development district. Ms. Kuenzel said that staff has discussed their concerns with the applicant, but no alternate zoning districts were discussed. She said that the Commission can direct the applicant to return with a PDD Planned Development District. Commissioner Kaiser asked if there would be a connection with Spearman Drive into this property. Ms. Kuenzel said that this could be an alternative. Acting Chairman piney opened the public hearing. Mr. Joe Schultz, Texe n, representing the applicant, stated that the current proposal is with a single access point, but they are wrung with the surrounding property owners for the possibility o another roadway into the subdivision. Per discussion with Staff, it was said that the applicant would place their entrance 1500 feet from the Pebble Hills entrance. He feels that it will be a while before the access becomes a problem. They will construct a sidewalk along Greens Prairie Road to allow access to the parr. He said that some adjacent homeowners have expressed their support o f this development. Acting Chairman Mooney asked if Mr. Schultz was familiar with the Planned Development District zonings. Mr. Schultz said that he was not familiar with this. Commissioner Kaiser asked if they were considering access onto Lakeway. Mr. Schultz said that this had not been ruled out, but they do not own the property up to Lakeway. Mr. Gale T west ne, Pebble Creep resident, said that he was in favor of this request since it is residential, hweer, he in now in opposition t it since there is tally about the access being through Pebble C reek. P&ZMinutes may 4, 2000 Page 4 of Mr. Jinn Keblinger., Pebble Creep Homeowners Association President, said that he was opposed to the development because of the access issue through Pebble Creel. He also does not want i a.11 access to the part. Craig Browne, Co-Developer of the project, landed the mmi i n r copies of petitions turned in to the applicant. He informed the Commission that they sent letters to the same list that the City used, and asked whether they wanted commercial zoning or -1 . He said that the property can remain commercial and be sold, but the proposed residential seemed to be the highest and best use. He said that they are not interested in P, the property will stay either stay commercial o change to r Commissioner Kaiser asked for comment from Mr. Browne regarding staff's recommendation to table this item. Mr. Browne felt that most issues can be addressed, although he has concern with addressing the access issues in conjunction with the future of Green's Prairie Fad. The proposed plan allows for a lesser density than allowed. Sefa Koseoglu, 801 Hook Court, would rather have residential as opposed to commercial. He said that the plans for the property make it difficult to decide if this is the right type of development. He felt this proposal lacked pertinent information regarding access. Manuel Martin-Rodriguez, 4601 Pro Court, also felt that there was not enough information. He is concerned with added traffic and safety of the residents residing in Pebble Creel. Acting Chairman Mooney closed the public hearing. Commissioner Kaiser asked if staff knew of how many streets would access to Greens Prairie as a long range plan. Mr. Hard said that the Lai way extension, Pebble Creep extension, and the Pebble Hills residential street are the only on the plans. Commissioner H rl n moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request. Commissioner Floyd seconded the motion, which passed -0 unopposed. AGENDA ITEM NO. : Public hearing and consideration of a Conditional Use Permit, site plan only, for the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority located at 1502 Athens Drive. -7 Staff Planner Anderson presented the staff report and stated that the subject property is located on the corner of Athens Drive and University Gals Boulevard and is within the Greek Village Subdivision. The property is zoned -, which allows sorority and fraternity houses as conditional uses. The subject property is surrounded on all sides, except to the east, by sorority and fraternity homes. The property to the east, across University Gals Boulevard, is zoned C -3 Planned Commercial and is currently developed as a day care facility. On July , 1 , the Planning & Zoning Commission granted a conditional use permit for the existing sorority house site and use. The applicant now wishes to male renovations to the structure totaling 4,035 square feet, with the most major addition consisting of increasing the size of the current meeting room from 706 square feet to 1265 square feet. The off - street parting requirement for sorority houses is determined by the size of the meeting room and by the number of persons living in the house. The applicant is proposing to remove most of the l andscaping on the east side of the property that 1s adjacent to University Dabs Boulevard in order to meet this increased off - street parking requirement. The proposed additions will increase the structure by approximately 2 P&ZMinutes may 4, 2000 Page 5 of percent. Due to the magnitude of the renovations, including an increase in the amount of off - street parting, the site plan must come back before the Planning & Zoning Commission for approval. Ms. Anderson pointed out that Section 14 of the Zoning Ordinance authorizes the existence of conditional uses. the Commission may permit a conditional use subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, when after public notice and hearing the Commission finds that: (Staff commends are in italics) 1. "The proposed use meets all the minimum standards established in the ordinance for the type of use proposed." Staff conducted a technical review and found general compliance with development regulations with the exception of the items listed in the staff comments. The applicant is short one parking space. A parking space will need to be added or 30 square feet of the proposed meeting will need to be removed. 2. "That the proposed use meets the purposed and intent of the ordinance and is in harmony with the development policies and goals and objectives as embodied in the Comprehensive Plan for the Development of the City. The request is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. "That the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, welfare, and safety of the surrounding neighborhood or its occupants, not be substantially or permanently injurious to neighboring property." The public bearing i's an opportunity for the Commission to measure the potential impact on surrounding land uses. The Commission may impose additional reasonable restrictions or conditions to carry out the spirit and intent of the ordinance and to mitigate adverse effects of the proposed use. The requirements may include, but are limited to., increased open space, loading and parking requirements, additional landscaping, and additional improvements such as curbing, sidewalks and screening." Unless the public bearing brings to light any new information indicating potential negative impacts, Staff ecom e ds approval with Staff 'Review Comments #2 (in file). Commissioner Kaiser asked if staff addressed the issue of the loss of greenspace. Ms. Anderson said that the applicant has exceeded the required landscape points. Ms. Anderson reminded the Commission that the Commission may require additional landscaping is desired. Acting Chairman Moony opened the public hearing. Ms. Carolyn Hoyle, 8409 White Rose Court, (the applicant), explained that the big oak tree needed to be removed because it only has approximately 4 years of life left (per the Forestry Service). There will be additional landscaping added to soften the look. There are at least four large trees along Athens Court. The existing sprinkler system will be adjusted to accommodate the additional landscaping. Acting Chairman Mooney closed the public hearing. Commissioner Parker moved to approve the conditional use permit site plan, with staff recommendations. Commissioner Hrin seconded the motion, which passed unopposed -. P&ZMinutes may 4, 2000 Page 6 of AGENDA ITEM NO. : Consideration of a site plan for a drive -thru restaurant located in the Wolf Pen Creek Development Corridor. The proposed site is on Harvey Road, on a pad site in the Office Max parking lot. (00-68 Senior Planner Iuenzel presented the staff report and stated that this item is the final step in the site plan approval process as required of all wolf Pen Creep projects. The applicant is proposing to construct a 3.,862 square foot Italian restaurant with a drive -thru in the southwest corner of the Office Max parking lot on Harvey Toad. The pad site has remained undeveloped since the construction of Office Max. It is the only pad site available in the parting lot, and has high visibility to public rights-of-way. Fazoli's Restaurant is proposed to be located at the corner of Harvey Road and George Bush Drive. All site plans within the wolf Pen Creep Development Corridor are subject to review by the Design Review Board IR. In compliance with the City's land use and development codes, and guided by the wolf Pen Creep Corridor Study and Master Plan, the DRB evaluates site plans based on the appearance of the development. The DRB reviewed this item on May 3 and recommended approval with the following conditions: 1. Change the color of the lights and roof to green instead of the proposed red. 2. Realign the drive, eliminating parking spaces and concrete, and add additional landscaping and designate four parting spaces as employee parting, and place a "pedestrian crossing" sign where the walkway and driveway meeting, and place a break in the pavement types in that area. 3. Add additional landscaping on either side of the drive -thru and exit. The applicant has agreed to the changes. Rabon Metcalf, Municipal Development Group., was present to address the item. He said that this restaurant is not considered "fast food ", but is actually between casual dining and fast food, and is referred to as ""quick service ". The facility would seat around 140 people. Only around 3 — 35% of their business is "fast food ". The original pad site was around 15, 000 square feet, but this restaurant will only be 3,862 square feet, which will increase the greenspace. They have added a variety to their landscaping and it has been turned in for staff review and consideration. Commissioner Floyd moved to approve the site plan with IRB recommendations. Commissioner Horlen seconded the motion, which passed unopposed -. AGENDA ITEM NOS. 7: Consideration of a Preliminary Plat of approximately 15.162 acres for the Jefferson Commons at College Station Subdivisi0n located at 819 -903 I renek Tap Road. 00- 70 Staff Planner Anderson presented the staff' report and stated the subject tract is currently unplatted. plat is not being submitted for future d evelopment of an apartment comple The property is shown on the Rand Use Plan as Single Family Residential Medium Density, however, the tract was recently rezoned to R-5 Apartment Medium Density on March 9., 2000 based on higher density residential development patterns in the area. The proposed lot meets the zoning requirements. The parkland dedication requirement will be accomplished through fees in lieu of land dedication/development. The fee will be calculated based on the number of dwelling units proposed. The subject property is located adjacent to the forthcoming Dartmouth Drive extension. The extension is currently under design and construction is scheduled to begin in June 2000 with an estimated completion date of January 200 1. Dartmouth Drive is classified as a minor arterial on the Thoroughfare Plan, the same as Harvey Road P&ZMinutes may 4, 2000 Page 7 of and Holleman Drive. Krenek Tap Road is classified as a minor collector. Due to the minor collector classification of Krenek Tap, any proposed development will need to take primary access from the higher designated Dartmouth extension. Staff recommended approval of the preliminary plat. Commissioner Hrin moved to approve the preliminary plat. Commissioner Floyd seconded the motion, which passed unopposed -0. AGENDA ITEM NO. : Update to the Commission of any new Minor or Amending Plats approved by Staff. There were none to report. AGENDA ITEM N . : Discussion of future agenda items. None. AGENDA ITEM N. 1: Adjourn. Commissioner Floyd moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Kaiser seconded the motion, which passed unopposed -. APPROVED: ATTEST: Chairman, Wayne Rife Staff Assistant, Debra Charanza P&ZMinutes may 4, 2000 Page 8 of