HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/06/2000 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission (2)10A 11 ►1I11d �" Planning and Zoning Commission WORKSHOP CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS July 6, 2000 Muawffll COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Mooney, Commissioners Floyd, H rl n, Harris, Happ, and Williams. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner warren. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Council Members Massy and Hazen. STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planner Iunl, Staff Planners Jimmrsn, Laauw , and Hitchcock, Assistant City Engineer Mayo, Assistant City Attorney N m it , Director of Development Services Callaway, Development Services Coordinator Ruiz, City Plann I, and Staff Assistant Hazlett. AGENDA ITEM NOD. 1: Discussion of items n Regular Agenda. None. AGENDA ITEM N. : Subcommittee Reports . wolf Pen Creel: Oversight City Planner Kee reminded Chairman Mooney that the Oversight Committee has open positions that were recently vacated by P&Z members whose two -year appointments ended. She also said that schedules need to be discussed. Chairman Mooney agreed that a discussion was warranted regarding both appointments and schedules. He also said that a committee report would be made at the next P &Z Workshop meeting on July 20, 2000 after the next Oversight Committee Meeting which is scheduled for July 10, 2000. b. Special Area Study- Highway 30/60 Area Jim Callaway, Director, Development Services, stated that there was no report at this time. H said that the committee has two open positions. Mr. Callaway also reported that he does not anticipate the need for any more committee meetings but rather the committee wrung and meeting readily with the commission. P&Z Workshop Minutes July 6, 2000 Page I o AGENDA ITEM NO. . Discussion of future Workshop Agenda items. Commissioner Floyd questioned the process and protocol of an applicant's case after having been presented before the Commission for recommendation to the City Council. He believes the case should be presented to the City Council as the recommendation of the Commission being the voting and deciding body rather than presenting the recommendation as that of both the Commission and the Staff. Commissioner Horlen agreed and added that he also believes that the recommendation to City Council should go forth as a decision by the Commission as a whole rather than specifying the exact vote accounting. Chairman Mooney a l d if items are required to be reported to the City Council through the media and he asked if it was required to report specifically the position of each Commissioner's vote. Jane Kee, City Planner, said that the Staff would place this topic on a future agenda for discussion. Commissioner Floyd expressed concern regarding instances when a Planning and Zoning Commissioner would approach the City Council on issues already discussed and passed by the Commission. He believed that to do so in a capacity other than that as the Planning and Zoning Commission Liaison to the City Council is problematic. Commissioner H rl n said he uld like a workshop discussion on the appropriate use of P '. H expressed a need for guidance on hove P's should be implemented, given the varying situations and cases previously brought before the Commission. Commissioner Floyd agreed and said that procedural steps would be helpful in establishing guidance and the required materials for a PDD request, both for the Commission as well as the applicant. Additionally, Commissioner Floyd expressed concern and requested a discussion regarding the dates, times, and the frequency of the various committee meetings. Chairman Mooney asked City Planner Kee about the City Center Committee. Ms. Kee explained that the City Center Committee was a committee appointed by City Council appointed and charged with locating a future location for a town center complex. She reported that the committee recently met with an architect and now would like to meet with three members of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Parks and Recreation Board for further direction on July 26, 2000 from 2 -4 p.m. Chairman Mooney asked for volunteers from the Commissioners and will report to Ms. Kee the members that will attend the City Center Committee Meeting. AGENDA ITEM NO. Adjourn. APPROVED: ATTEST: Chairman, Karl Mooney Staff Assistant, Susan Hazlett P&Z Workshop Minutes July 6, 2000 Page 2 of