HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/21/2000 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission WORKSHOP CITY OF COLLEGE STATION,, TEXAS January 21, 2000 12:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Fife, Commissioners Warren, Floyd, Horl n, Parker, and Mooney. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Kaiser. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: None. . STAFF PRESENT: City Planner Kee, Director of Development Services Callaway, Staff' Assistant Charanza, Transportation Planner Hard, Development Coordinator Ruiz, Neighborhood Planner Battle, Staff' Planner Jlmmrson, Planning Interns Dean and Askew, Assistant City Engineer Mayo, Graduate Engineer Tondr, Transportation Analyst Hester, and Staff Planner And erson. AGENDA ITEM No. 1: Discussion and prioritization of Comprehensive Plan Issues. Director of Development Services Callaway reminded the Commission that at the last workshop they asked for better definitions of their top 5 priorities (actually 6, but there was a tie for the second priority). He explained that item number 1 infill development), and number (ordinan to protect quality of life of older neighborhoods) be handled primarily through ordinance and amendments. He reminded the Commission that they considered to ordinances amendments recently that addrs the issues, and Council has seen and approved one, but the other one would be considered at the January 27 Council meeting. He said that since these ordinan w ould expire in August 15, 2000, there would be ample time for the necessary rzonings to tale place and to enforce the new restrictions. Staff will come to the Commission to discuss where the new r e gul ations would be established. This may come to the Commission in a public forum to allow public input. He handed the Commission a copy of the "Scope of Wort" section of a Request for Proposals ( RFP) to solicit professional services for the review of the development of codes to address the other items that were of concern during the joint workshop with the City Council, P &, and Zoning Board of Adjustments. The RFP elements are not completed but need to be completed by the end of January to meet the time frame desired. The suggested elements address some of the items that were concerns from P &Z (such as infill development in older residential neighborhoods). P&ZMinutes Workshop January 21, 2000 Page I of The Commission commented on item number "J" and was concerned with the lack of the ability to enforce landscape requirements (i.e. Johnny aria' " . They felt there should be more incentive to preserve existing trees. Mr. Callaway began discussing the priorities and concerns that the Commission ranked as high priorities. The Commission discussed alternatives to addressing the top five. They were reminded that at a previous worksh meeting, subcommittees w ere established to begin wo on a c o f the items. They decided to have the same subcommittee of Commissioners working on both special area studies. The Subcommittee will consist o Commissioners Warren, Parker., and Chairman Rife. The Subcommittee for the priority number 3 (Implementation of the Wolf Pen Creek master plan) will meet soon. This subcommittee consists of Commissioners Floyd, Horlen, and Mooney. It was suggested that the Parks Department and Public Works Department are involved in these discussions. AGENDA ITEM NO. : Adjourn. Commissioner Mooney moved to adjourn the workshop meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Horl en seconded the motion, which passed unopposed -0. APPROVED: ATTEST: Chairman, Wayne Fife Staff Assistant, Debra. C haranza P&ZMinutes Workshop January 21, 2000 Page 2 of