HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/20/2000 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS January 2, 2000 7:00 P.I. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Rife, Commissioners Floyd, Hrlen, Warren, Parker, and Mooney. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioners Kaiser. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Council Members Hazen and Maloney. STAFF PRESENT: Senior Planner McCully, Staff' Assistant C haranza, City Planner I ee, Assistant Development Coordinator George, Assistant City Engineer Mayo, Graduate Engineer T ndre, Staff Planner Jimmers n, Staff' Planner Anderson, and Assistant City Attorney Ladd. AGENDA ITEM N. 1: Hear Visitors There was no one present wanting to address the Commission. Thejohowing items were approved by common consent, AGENDA ITEM N. 2: Consent Agenda. Agenda Item No. 2.1: Consideration of minutes from the Regular Meeting held on January 6, 2000. Commissioner ,Floyd removed this item from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Agenda Item No. 2.2: Consideration of a Final Plat for Cat Hollow Phases 2 and 3, consisting of 11.54 acres, located across Glenhaven from the existing Cat Hollow Subdivision. (99 -263) Commissioner ,Floyd removed this item from the Consent Agenda for discussion. REGULAR AGENDA AGENDA ITEM NOD. 2.1: Consideration of minutes from the Regular Meeting held on Januar 2000. Commissioner Floyd asked for Agenda Item N. 11 of the January 6, 2000 minutes to clarify that the southern boundary of "Area " of the moratorium be Dominik Drive. P&ZMinutes January 20, 2000 Page I of Commissioner Mooney moved to approve the minutes with the change as pointed out by Commissioner Floyd. Commissioner Floyd seconded the motion, which passed unopposed -. AGENDA ITEM N. .: Consideration of Final Plat for Cat Hollow Phases and , consisting of 11.54 acres, located across Glenhaven from the existing Oat Hollow Subdivision. ( 99-263) Commissioner Floyd removed this item because of his concerns with the streets not aligning with the existing streets across Glenhaen. He also was concerned with the number of access points allowed in this strip. Chairman Fife said that Mr. Flo d's concern was valid. Commissioner Floyd moved to approve the final plat as submitted, and with his concerns noted. Commissioner Horlen seconded the motion, which passed unopposed 6-0. AGENDA ITEM NOS. : Public hearing and consideration of a rezoning of approximately 20.58 acres located at the northeast corner of Harvey Mitchell Parkway and Luther Street west from I -1 Single Family to PDD -H Planned Development District — Housing. -133) Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report and explained that the request was to allow the applicant to begin preparing the properly for development as an apartment complex. She pointed out that the subject property is located adjacent to the R -5 zoned Melrose development, a portion of which is developed as the Melrose Apartment complex, but with the remaining tracts currently vacant where they directly adjoin the subject property. The associated development plan, which will become tied to the zoning on this property, limits the density to 16 dwelling units per acre (for a total unit count of 320 units) and a total building height of 3 stories. There is a vacant six -acre tract located immediately to the south of the subject property that is zoned R -1. It currently abuts existing R -5 properly along much of its boundary and is in an area where no single - family development exists. It is therefore unlikely that the tract will develop as single family. Harvey Mitchell is classified as a freeway /expressway on the Thoroughfare Plan, the same classification as Highways 6, 40, and 47. Access to these roadways should be limited to controlled entrance points. The development plan as submitted does not show access to Harvey Mitchell. The plan does show one access drive to Luther, which is currently substandard and does not have the capacity to support the increased impact of the additional density. If the applicant were not amenable to improving Luther to tie it from the planned improvements in front of Melrose to Harvey Mitchell, Staff would not be in a position to recommend approval of this request at this time. However, the applicant has agreed to address Luther in such a manner that it will allow the increased traffic of this development to travel east along Luther toward Jones - Butler and Marion Pugh and west along Luther toward Harvey Mitchell. Parkland will most likely occur via fees in lieu of dedication and development. Staff recommended approval of the PDD -H request with two conditions: 1. That the development plan becomes part of the zoning ordinance, and 2. That there be no access to Luther until it 1s upgraded to major collector standards connecting the portion of Luther that already meets major collector standards with Harvey Mitchell. Commissioner Mooney asked if the intersection would be signalized in the future. Ms. McCully said that during past discussions with the City's Transportation Planners, the probable location of a signal would be at the intersection of Holleman and Harvey Mitchell. P&ZMinutes January 20, 2000 Page 2 of Commissioner warren asked if the one access point on Luther would be adequate for this size of development. Ms. McCully explained that the applicant was made aware o f this during the planning process and they seemed to not have a problem. Commissioner Mooney asked if the Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.) could be held until Luther is upgraded to required standards. Ms. McCully said that this the rezoning is conditioned with this, then the C.O. would be withheld until Luther Street meets the requirements. Chairman Life opened the public hearing. Mr. Paul Johnston, 2045 Highway 360 Suite 250 Grandview, Texas, was present to represent the applicant and the owners. He said that they were in agreement with all of Staff recommendations. H stated that they were in the process of working with Staff regarding any issues that were unresolved at this time. Chairman Life closed the public hearing. Commissioner Mooney moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request with staff recommendations. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion, which passed unppsd - . Commissioner warren was pleased to see that access to Harvey Mitchell was limited for developments. AGENDA ITEM NO. : Consideration of an appeal of the sidewalk condition placed on Christian Science Society's Conditional Use Permit; located at 201 Boyett. Previously considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission on December 16, 1999. -726) Staff Planner Jimmrsn presented the staff' report and reminded the Commission that the Conditional Use Permit was granted on December 16, 1 999, which allowed the expansion of the existing church facility. The approval was conditional upon the applicant addressing all staff comments. All staff' comments have been addressed with the exception of the sidewalk requirement. The applicant is questioning whether or not the Commission specifically desired the installation of the portion of a sidewalk that would extend a proposed sidewalk across the entire Patricia frontage. This project was subject to review not only as a conditional use penult but also a project in N rthgat . The project was submitted and initially reviewed by staff. Staff comments were then forwarded to the NRB. ICI generally only discusses those comments and issues over which they have discretion, unless there are questions regarding staff' comments. In this case the NRB forwarded a recommendation to the Commission to approve the site plan. Unless otherwise noted it is assumed that the NRB supports staff comments. After an NRB meeting, an applicant is usually required to submit a revised plan. If all comments have not been addressed, staff can either forward the plan to the Commission and recommend denial or recommend approval with conditions, which is what was done in this case. The Commission approved the use permit with staff comments, which included the sidewalk condition. She explained that the sidewalk comment was originally made by staff because of the relatively heavy pedestrian nature of the area and was made under the authority granted by Section 10, Site Plan Review Requirements, of the Zoning Ordinance. Subsection 10.2.B states that, "In order to be approved, a site plan must provide for: Assured pedestrian safety, which may include the provision of sidewalks along the perimeter of the property meeting the specifications for same as outlined in the Subdivision Regulations relative to width and placement." Ms. Jimm rs n pointed out that the Planning & Zoning Commission has heard requests for sidewalk variances for site plans and conditional use permits, P&ZMinutes January 20, 2000 Page 3 of although none have been granted to date. Th Staff requested that the sidewalk condition be upheld. Ms. Deborah Fry, representative of Christian Science Society, approached the Commission and asked that the sidewalk requirement be removed from the site plan for the following reasons: Maintaining the maximum amount of "green space" on the property has been a central concept since the inception of the project. In the current design, the side of the building facing Patricia includes a landscaped garden area with a meandering, naturally shaped pathway, and retains all of the existing "green space" on the property. This is one of the few remaining "green spaces in the Northgate area and they wanted to retain as much of it as possible. An additional sidewalk along Patricia would further reduce the limited "green space" remaining in the neighborhood, and necessitate reducing or eliminating the planned naturally shaped garden and pathway. • The Northgate Review Board seemed very receptive to their plans to retain the maximum amount of green space and create a natural garden. The NRB did not mention or suggest to the applicant (during their meeting) that an additional sidewalk would be desired at Patricia Street. They were concerned that the sidewalk, so close to the front of the building, would compromise privacy of the church sanctuary during services. • There 1s an existing sidewalk along the south side of Patricia Street to accommodate pedestrian traffic. Commissioner Moony moved to uphold the sidewalk condition placed on the Conditional Use Permit. Commissioner Warren seconded the motion. The Commissioners told the applicant that when the Commission approves items, it is their intent that all of the staff comments and conditions are included, unless otherwise said. Commissioner Warren said that safety for the pedestrians was the main issue with the sidewalk, although she was in favor of saving greenspace. Chairman Rife said that this should be looped at from a "global perspective ". His concern was with inconsistent sidewalks (starting and stopping in the middle of property). Chairman Rife called for the vote, and the motion to uphold the sidewalk condition passed unopposed - o. AGENDA ITEM NO. : Public hearing and consideration of a Conditional Use Permit, for a nightclub, Poets Billiards and gill, to be located at 1637 South Texas Avenue (Culpepper Plaza Shopping Center). -732) P&ZMinutes January 20, 2000 Page 4 of Staff Planner Anderson presented the staff report and explained that the proposed location for nightclub would be in a 9,900 square foot lease space in the Culpepper Shopping Center. The shopping center is zoned C -1 General Commercial. Nightclubs are permitted in C -1 districts with the Planning & Zoning Commission' s approval of a conditional use permit. The applicant proposed to open a billiards hall and grill in the lease space once occupied by Hastings. The Culpepper Plaza shopping center is home to various restaurants and retail establishments. A billiards hall and grill falls within the definition of a night club listed in the Zoning Ordinance stating "A commercial establishment including, but not limited to bars, coffee houses or similar establishments where a dance floor, music, games o other entertainment is provided and where the serving of food is not the principal business... " She told the Commission that there were a few phone calls from tenants in the shopping center that were concerned with parking. But she assured the Commission that there was adequate parking for this use. She pointed out that unless the public hearing brings to light any new information indicating potential negative impacts, Staff recommended approval o f the site plan and use request. Chairman Fife opened the public hearing. Mr. Jim Hudson, owner of Aggieland Depot, said that there currently is a parking problem in front of his store, which would is located next to the proposed site. He stressed that there is not adequate parting to handle this type of use. Mr. Mike Edwards (applicant), 5846 Flynn Parkway, Corpus Christi, explained that the plan is to use the rear entrance for the facility. He explained that the majority of his business would be done in the evenings (after 8:00 p.m.), only 25% of his business would be in the daytime, which would aide in any parking constraints that may happen while other businesses are in operation. He said that he had visited the site during the day and did not see any existing parking problems and did not feel that this business would contribute to the daytime congestion, if any. He said that there is good lighting in the rear of the building, which would allow for use of a rear entry and parking area. Mr. Ferran I all an, 401 Harvey Road, explained that he is the owner o f Kensington Place apartment, which somehow gets the runvr parting. He asked if restrictions could be placed on the billiards hall to protect the surrounding properties such as this apartment complex. The Commission asked Staff how the parking was calculated. Ms. Anderson explained that the parking is calculated based on the square footage of the building, which by these calculations, the proposed business meets the requirements. Chairman Fife closed the public hearing. Commissioner Mooney moved to approve the Use Permit with the following conditions: - well - lighted rear patron access and parting; and - Limit the activities to billiards, food and drink. Commissioner warren seconded the motion, which passed unopposed -. AGENDA ITEM NO. : Update to the Commission of any new Minor or Amending Plats approved by Staff. City Planner Kee told the Commission that 2 minor plats were approved at the Staff level. These include Chimney Hill Townhomes, which involved relocation of lot lines; and Nantucket (E.T.J. plat ). P&ZMinutes January 20, 2000 Page 5 of AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Discussion of future agenda items. There was not discussion of future agenda items. AGENDA ITEM NO. : Adjourn. Commissioner Farber moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Commissioner Mooney seconded the motion, which passed unopposed 5-0. APPROVED: ATTEST: Chairman, Wayne Rife Staff Assistant, Debra Charanza P&ZMinutes January 20, 2000 Page 6 of