HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/17/1999 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and honing Commission CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, T:E~AS ~~~'~ June 179 1.999 7:00 P~M. ~~_ COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Rife, Commissioners Mooney, Parker, and Floyd, COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: COtTNCIL. MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioners Kaiser, Horlen, and Warxeno Council Members Silvia and Hazen. STAFF PRESENT: Development Coordinator Ruiz, Senior Planner McCully, Transportation Planner Hard, Staff Planner Anderson, Graduate Engineer Tondre, Stafl Planner Jimmerson, Director of Development Services Callaway, CityPlanner Kee, Assistant City Engineer Morgan and Planning Intern Siebert. • AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Hear Visitors. Benito Flores-Meath, 901 Val Verde, approached the Commission expressing his concerns with 303 Boyett Street as well as Fitzwilly's as these locations should be reviewed and approved by the standards expressed in the Historic Resource Survey (see attachments). AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Public hearing and consideration of a rezoning of 4.133 acres from R-1 to PDD-Townhouse in the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Hollennan and Welsh Avenue. (99-112). Senior Planner McCully presented the staff report, She explained that the request is to prepare the subject property for development as a high density single family use. The tract has frontage both on Holleman and Welsh and wraps around the two lots located at the intersection of these two streets, The Land Use Plan shows the tract as high density single family at a density of 7-9 dwelling uni*.s per acre; and the proposal is in compliance, showing townhomes at a density of 6.7 units per acreo The requested zoning of PDD-H requires submittal of a development plan that would be tied to the ordinance that rezones the property. The proposed development plan is for 28 townhomes on individually platted lots. The proposed parking exceeds the typical townhome requirement of 2 spaces per unit by increasing the ration to 3.5 spaces per unit. This parking standard also exceeds the City's minimum parking requirement for apartments, which is 3 spaces per unit for two and three bedroom units. The applicant submitted a request for R-4 Apartments/Low density for the subject property on May 6 of this yearn • Several property owners in the area spoke in opposition to the rezoning due to concerns that the full build-out under R-4 could potentially alter the character of the area and have a negative impact on traffic and parking in the area. The Commission recommended denial without prejudice, which waived. P&ZMlnutes June 17, 1999 Page 1 of 1 ~ the 1~0-day waiting period for resubmittal of a rezoning on the same piece of property:. The Commission advised the applicant to return with a PDD request so that a more specific development plan would be tied to the rezoning and thus ensure that the applicant's proposal would be built. The applicant agreed and withdrew his request before it would have gone on to City Council. Staff recommended approval with the development plan and specifications as attachments to the rezoning ordinance, Chairman Rife opened the public hearing. Blake Cathey, applicant, offered to answer any questions regarding the request. He explained that after the Commission denied the request, they looked at one curb cut on Welsh; but, felt the proposed layout was the best for the property. Ms. Norma Miller, 504 Guernsey, expressed her concern with the traffic volumes and speed in the area, she said that with additional rental property the traffic volumes would increase. She felt the property values of existing historic homes in the area would be decreased with townhome development. She was afraid the applicant would change his mind in the future. Mr. Benito Flores-Meath, 901 Val Verde, said that he had the same concerns as with the first request for R-4. EIe felt the PDD classification would be a way for citizens and the Commissions to control the development. He felt the limit of the number of unrelated persons living in a unit be more strict (possibly no more than three rather than the existing four). He recommended that the development have a restriction to only allow owner occupants and avoid renter occupantse He also had concern with the driveway placement. • Chairman Rife closed the public hearing. Commissioner Parker moved to recommend approval of the rezoning request with the development plan and specifications as attachments to the rezoning ordinance. Commissioner Floyd seconded the motion. Commissioner Mooney asked staff if the Commission had the authority to restrict the number of people residing in a household and if they can restrict renters and only allow owner occupants in the development. Senior Planner McCully explained that from previous discussions with the city's Legal Department, any conditions should be physical and not operational, Commissioner Parker supports the request because the developer has attempted to address the concerns expressed by surrounding property owners. He felt the traffic impacts and density are less than the existing zoning (R-1). He felt this proposal was reasonable. Commissioner Mooney asked if there would be a Homeowners Association. Mr. Cathey said that there would be a homeowner's association for the maintenance of the common grounds. Chairman Rife explained that the development plan would be tied to the request and would assure exactly what would be built. He felt this was a good step-down approach and the development would tie in with the existing single family and commercial in the area, He realized that traffic was still a concern, however the proposal has less dwelling units than the existing Rml zoning would allow, Comrrussioner Floyd also supported this request because it is in compliance with the Land iJse Plan and he felt the applicant had mitigated the negative impacts of the development. P&Z Minutes June 17, 1999 Page 2 of I3 .airman Rife called for the vote, and the motion to recommend approval of the request passed 4~0, AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Public hearing and consideration of a Conditional iJse Permit for the Brazos School for Inquiry and Creativity at Post Oak Mall, 1500 Harvey Road. (99®712) This item was removed from the agenda prior to the meeting. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Reconsideration of a variance request associated with the Final Plat of Sinquefield/Ray Cowart Subdivision, totaling 9.12 acres located off of Peach Creek Cut-Off Road. (99-216) Assistant City Engineer Morgan presented the staff report. She explained that the property is located in the City's Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ), north of Peach Creek Road and south of the Texas World Speedway. The Land Use Plan shows the area as Single Family Low Density Residential with a density range of 'h to 2 dwelling units per acre, which is the lowest density shown on the plan. The proposed subdivision is in compliance with the plan. She explained that the existing road along the private access easement is not in compliance with the Subdivision Regulation requirements. The applicant is asking for a variance to the road standards for this private access road, based on its prior existence, The maintenance of the road currently is not the responsibility of the County, nor will it be the responsibility of the City if in the future the area is annexed, since it is a private road. Ms. Morgan explained that the item came before the Commission at their June 3 meeting at which time the Commission approved the plat but denied the variance request to the roadway standard, She said that since the applicant was not present at the June 3`~ meeting, he is asking for reconsideration to the • variance request. The subject property is a replat of Tract Al and A2 of the Ray Cowart Subdivision that was platted in December, 1971; at which time, a 50 foot private road easement was dedicated in the same location as shown on the proposed plat. She said that in discussions with the County, this original plat was done prior to the current County Subdivision Ordinance. It is through this ordinance that the County imposes their roadway standards. Because this private access was platted in 1971, it was not. required to meet standards. The county's policy is that if the access was approved prior to ordinance regulations they will allow further subdivision without upgrading the facility. If it is a new subdivision. which is platting the access, the county requires the access, regardless of if it is private or publics to meet their pavement standards. Staff recommended approval with the variance to the road standards for the following reasons: 1 ~ This variance does not impose any maintenance liability or responsibility on the County nor on the City if the area is ever annexed. 2e The County has approved the plat without imposing any further requirement to upgrade the roadway facility. 3. The applicant originally owned Tract A1, which was subdivided into a 5,1 acre tract and an 11,05 acre tract and was done so with the understanding that a plat was not required. The current request is to subdivide the 11.05 acre remainder into Lot 1 and Lot 2 with only 161.38 feet of frontage on the unnamed roadway. Because subdivisions occurred prior to this most recent request, staff (per the city polity to include the parent tract) requested that the Whitford and Valdez pieces be included • in the plat. These adjacent property owners agreed to be included with the condition that it did not cost them anything. If these owners had refused to sign, staff would have directed the owners to proceed with a plat of only Lots 1 and 2. P&Z Minutes June 17, 1999 .Page 3 of 13 4. The applicant has requested participation by adjacent property owners in the cost of the roadway and those property owners do not desire to participate. 5. Upgrading the access through the Sinquefeld area (Lot 1 and 2) does not make sense given that • there is approximately 1000 linear feet from their property line to Peach Creek Road, hence an unimproved section between the two improved roadways. Chairman Rife opened the floor to anyone wanting to address the item, Mro Gary Sinquefield, 2405 Peach Creek (applicant), told the Conunission that 1" of the road base has been installed to improve the road. He explained that he does not own the property from Peach Creek to his home and cannot afford to improve the entire street. Seeing no one else wanting to address the Conuzussion, Chairman Rife called for a motion, Commissioner Parker moved to grant the variance for the entire length with stafFs recommendations as stated earlier. Commissioner Mooney seconded the motion, Commissioner Floyd was concerned that the road was grandfathered 30 years ago. Comrrussioner Mooney said that if more homes were added to the area, there will be problems with emergency access. Chairman Rife felt this request was piecemeal, although he also felt the rrunimum requirements were established for a reason. • Chairman Rife called for the vote, and the motion to grant the variance for the entire length failed 1-3y Commissioner Parker voted for the motion. Commissioner Floyd moved to grant the variance with the condition that the right-of way is dedicated (10' on this side of the roadway), in lieu of improving the roadway. Commissioner Mooney seconded the motion, which passed 3-1; Commissioner Parker voted against the motion, AGENDA ITEM NO. S: Presentation of future agenda items. Senior Planner Battle explained that staff has been working on a new neighborhood services and planning program that would provide a framework for the City and neighborhoods to work together to address issues. Staff has had meetings with the citizen Neighborhoods Task Force to develop -goals and make recommendations about the services t1~at this program can offer. He said that the City hopes to demonstrate that the City and neighborhoods can work together to identify issues, solve problems and improve the quality of life in the community. In 1998, the City Council placed Neighborhood Policy on its list of strategic issues and expressed a desire to better address neighborhood issues, Staff recommended that a neighborhood services program be researched, developed and implemented, A planner position was filled in February 1999 to begin researching and developing a neighborhood services program. Input for the creation of a neighborhood services program in College Station came from the citizen Neighborhoods Task Force which developed most of the goals and program recommendations. Students from the Eisenhower Leadership Development Program at Texas A&M undertook a semester-long project to research neighborhood planning programs and make recommendations for a program in College Station. The purpose of the program is to make College Station neighborhoods a better place to live, learn, work and play. This would be done by developing P&Z Minutes June 17, 1999 Page 4 of 13 community partnerships and facilitating actions for positive change within the city. A three phase approach has been developed to organize neighborhood participation and begin solving local problems. Phase I -Building Partnerships: The Neighborhoods Task Force placed heavy emphasis on improving communication, coordinating city services and increasing citizen participation, This phase is aimed at building partnerships with neighborhoods by helping neighborhoods groups organize and by increasing communication with the city. Phase II ~ Finding Solutions: After building partnerships and establishing lines of communication, a small-area planning program can then be implemented to work with neighborhoods to solve unique local problems. In a small-area planning process, residents are given the opportunity to take an active role in identifying issues, setting priorities and goals, finding solutions and taking action in their own neighborhood. The information gathered through this process can be used by all city departments to assess needs and evaluate services. Additional research and resident input will be needed to develop the details of this program. Phase III -Taking Action: "Chrough small-area planning, solutions will be found and action plans established. For this program to be credible, it is essential that the city commit to helping neighborhoods implement the solutions to their problems. Research of other programs and input from the Neighborhoods Task Force strongly recommends that resources be committed to implementation and that neighborhoods be allowed to participate in resource allocation for solving neighborhood problems, The establishment of the Neighborhood Service Program through these phases will involve citizens in making our neighborhoods better places to live, learn, work and play, It will provide a mechanism for . addressing neighborhood issues, act as a conduit for communication and aid in the delivery of city services. It is estimated that it will take 2-3 years to implement all three phases and complete the first small-area plan. Funding for the first phase is being requested through the current budget process. Resources for the remaining two phases will not be requested until FY 00-01. Commissioners Parker and Mooney both liked seeing increased citizen involvement and communucation issues being addressed. Chairman .Rife felt this program would be very beneficial and helpful with Commission decisions by getting more community involvement. Commissioner Mooney moved to endorse the three phase program as presented with a major emphasis on implementation. Commissioner Parker seconded the motion, which passed unopposed 4-0. Agenda Item No. 6: Discussion of future agenda items. Commissioner Mooney wanted to discuss sign regulations and Wolf Pen Creek.. Commissioner Floyd wanted to know about compliance and enforcement. There will be a workshop meeting beginning at 5:30 p.m. on July 1, 1999 and July 15, 1999 dinner will be provided. P&Z Minutes June 17, 1999 Page S of 1.3 AGENDA ITEM NO. 12: Adjourn. . Commissioner Parker moved to adjourn the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commissi®n, C®mmissioner Mooney seconded the motion, which passed unopp®serl (4~0) f i APPROVED: ,~ : ~ ~;%~,~ / ~ A ST: "-)ti Gil ~f l~°v ~:i`1~~"<< Staff Assistant, Debra Charanza • • ayne PdcZ1l~IirauPes June 17, 1999 Page ~ ~f 1.~ i• i• r~ This is the list of Medium and High Priority Buildings listed in the Northgate f{istoric Resources Survey, dated 1995. Name Address Date Priority Descriptinrt/History.. Commandant's 303 Boyett 1930 Medium -Residential -.Parsonage for Baptist House Church /Previously located at 202 College Main. - -100 13o~ctt 1902 y~1cdiuni R. ,idential - Campus I loupe, Queen Anne I - 303 Cherr~~ 1940 [ligh Student project through Ernest Langford, Architecture Professor, Modem Cafe I~~rr~~! ~~I~1 101 Churn, 1917 I IiRh l~:rnest l_.an~ford; Students ('its' I call Lacey's ~C Perfect 104 College-Main 1930 Medium Retail "pan Soft~~~arc I ~.~han~c 105-10- ~ ~~ile~~e 1935 ~lcdium Retail i & Nc~rth~~~ue Ilarbrr Main flollicks ] 06 College'~Main 1931 Medium Retail Lead L~~,..~; 108 Col:, c Main 19?~ '.tedium Retail j Sarge's 109 C©Il<ge Main 1935 ,viedium Retail Maroonr~l 110 C~>Ile~~e Main 195 Medium Retail I Aggie Cleaners 1 ] 1 College 1v)iain 1933 Medium ~ Ketail Disc Go Round 1 13 Coll<<ae Main 1935 High 2°`~ door -location of I'` College Station City Council Meeting in 19;8, Retail /Office /Photo Studio Old I ~` Haptist 202 College Main 1930 Mediurn Sanctuary originally owned Eay 1 ~` E3aptist Church; several additions and expansionshave beenmade; one of the tu~tchurches in College Station Old A&M Church 300-302 College 1935 lii~~h l~rnest Langford. ~:cw ~ngiand of Christ Main Pilgrin_i Meeting: Ilouse. Old President'srr 416 College Main 1910 Medium .Campus House; previously located on Home Campus, moved to NG in 1950's - 3 i 8 1'' Street 191 I f~ledium Previously located on campus, moved to NG in 1950'x, Queen Anne - 415 Tauber 1915 Medium Campus House, previously locatedon Campus, moved toNG in 1~}50's Old ABM ~_ ~n~h~~ ~~ 217 University 19,0 High ~fhcatcr Theater ~ Ftzwilly's 303 Universit}~ ]930 Medium .Historically used as faculty housing LoupoC ~~5 ! ini~~cr,it~. 19~~ (-li~h Retail - OI(icc Campus Photo / 401-405 University. 1925 High Retail / Office ', Quantum Cow, Steve ~ - 'New A&M United 4l ; '_.'uiversity 1951 ^.ledium Gothic church Methodist Church Texas Aggie Credit 501 University 1950 Medium Originally used as a bankin1949; j Union restaurant use. Rehabed in 1994 for l use as bank Cycle Spectrum 505 University 1930 Medium Retail °&7. Minutes Jtme 17 , 1999 Page 7 0! 1~ NORTHGATE HIS'TORIC ~2E~Oi1~CES A Comprehensive Survey -1ll~IIarch, 1995 City of College Station College Station, Teas Reference Guide P&Z Minutes Jtme 17, 1999 Pepe 8 of 11 U TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES IlVVENTORY FORM *" COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FORM ~ r~ C: County: Brazos _~Site #:25 USGS Quad # City/Rural: College Station ~~.. ,-_.. _..-____-------- Date: Factual Esil'930'~ Additions: Name: Fitzwilly's _ Architect/Btrilder: _ _ ~---"-~------ - Address: 303 University Contractor: ~----"-------- Otivner. _ ------®~~_--- ---------___ Historic Use: Apartments _ Legal Desc.: Lt 12, Blk 1 Bovett Subdiv_isio_n Present Use: Restaurant bar ~"~ -- -- Property Type: Commercial _ Subtype: Stylistic Influence: _ Integrity of: ~ location ~ design ^ setting ^ materials ^ workmanship ^ association ^ feelin _ History. of Property: Historically used as_f;tcttlty housing g Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: Charlie Droddy ~~ _"~___..."__._____ _-__-__Date surveyed: 2-18-95 Photo Data: Ro1UFrame 16, 4:36A _through RolUFrame Slides 3 ~ ~ _..~ Designations: NR RTHL NABS Local --- _6~ Priori ~ediiliri= DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING: Location: _X_original loeation -moved (specify date) S_building faces M/S/E/W) Storks: 2_spcctfy d (1,1 1/2,2,ctc) Corutrvction: °Cramc _solid brick (specify color) _X solid stone (specify color) _ specify other Plan: ,open Plan Ezterlor Walt: ,stone (specify type) X_stucco synthetic siding _rcd bride -buff brick -P°IYob+o~tic brick ,wood siding -terra cotta ornamentation -party wall corutrudion --specify othtt Ground Door, -Spxify a oC bays sytnmctrically arranged _X_asymmetrically arranged P&Z Nlinutes cast iron pilutcrs hood moldings ° _X_display windows lin(cls aluminum sash _ -single-door rntry voussoirs -wood sash -double-door rntry X aluminum suh -recessed central rntry (specify q of doors) -metal casemrn[ windows _slauway door (Groot) (specify li t conFi ~ guratioti) -traruom (specify visible or covered) ~_ specify other canopy: ~ Parapet: wood --(sPM~' N of pares) metal rod supported vcorbelled brickwork - chain supported dtco2tivc brickwork ° - wall braced metal letters _-brick letters specify othtt Rear Elevation: ~~ressed-metal corrtice X on alley -painted detailing _ -loading dock _- -dateartd name (specify) _X loading door Roof: ° _ _X_windows _X hipped roof specify other _ gable roof C)ppcr ^oor. flat roof - specify N of bays - (specify materials) _syrrvnetrically arranged _X_asymrnctrirallyesrranged chimneys of flues ~^ windows: 20_spccify a -----~~SP~fY other Other. patio on backside -scgrtxtally ardxd --~- iround-arched -'- Jtme 17, 1999 Page 9 of I~ NOI2TI1(yATE HI5"I"ORiC 1ZE~OiJCE~ A Comprehensive Survey 1VIarch,199 City of College Station College Station, Texas Reference Guide P&Z Min~xtes JLme 17 , 1999 Page ~ ~.o o~ i~ r :~, . . p 4 • TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION TEXAS HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY FORM *" RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FORM ~ County: Brazos Site #:49 USGS Quad # City/Rural: College Station Date: Factual l'~~~`> Additions: i~lame: Commandant's House °---- _- Archi tect/B trilder: Address: 303 Boyett Contractor. --y~-""~-- O~mer: Historic Use: Residential -Parsonage for Bapti_st_Church =_ Legal Desc.: Lot 21, Bik 12, I3oyett Subdivision Present Use: Residential ~~---~~-~ Property Type: Residential Suut}~: Stylistic Influence: ~ `v Integrity of: ^ location ~ design ^ setting ^ materials ^ workmanshi ~ ~^-- Histo of Pro P association ^ feeling ry petty: Previously located at 202 College Main as a Parsonage for the previous First Baptisi Church Areas of Significance (include justification): Bibliography (include oral histories): Surveyor: C. Hatch $ K. Bauch _ Date surveyed: 2-18-45 ~~-s-~~~®®®~~~_~ Photo Data: RolUFrame 1:27, 4:2-3 tluough RolUFrame Slides 4 Designations: NR RTHL _ NABS Local - ~_ Priori Medium DESCRIPTIONS: Location: -- original location campus) -moved (specify date) _E_building faces (N/S/F/1~ Stories: _ l -specify a (1,1 1 R.2,etc,) CORStrUCYlon: X 6arrx -solid brick (spe~jy color) -solid stortc (specify color) spcctfy other Plan: _Lplan -modified Lplan -center passage plan (sPcc~y ~ of roorrtt deep) ~2-room plan _T-plan -- _bunga~~.a plan -shotgun plan -asyTiNKtrical plan ~___spccify other Foundation hta4rials: _X~icr-and-beam _rionc ~bnck ---~_~Y other Eztcrior Wall Surface: -_wcathcrboard siding -drop siding _stucco „rionc P&Z Minutes board/batten siding fieldstone vrnccr -brick (spccily color) -wood shingle X_synthctic siding ~X asbesias siding -other Porches: _2_spccify k of hays _E_spxify N/S/FJW elevation _X shed roof ~hippcd roof ,~g~ble roof X_iruct _turned-wood posts -square Posts chamfu,cd wood posts brick picas -box columns X clzssical txlumres (specify) _X Boric _ _tapued box supports --- -full-height on piers -fabricated metal Asquarcd-wood balustcn fumed-wood balusters -jig-sawn brackets _Jtg-sawn porch frieze -turned-work fri¢c spcnfy other Windows: _X_wood sash -aluminum sash _X_double-hung cascmrn[ -fixed -decorative screenwork (specify light configuration) ~Y other Dootz/Entria: singlydoor prirrsary entrance -double-door primary catrartcx _X_2 primary rntrartccs _wi th trartsorn -with sidelights specify other Cable End Treatment: _X_samc as wall surface _stucco -wood shingle -wood siding _decorative bargehoards _ _windous X vrnts - - specify other Root type: X_gablc _~PP~ _flaUwith parapet -gambrel -dormers: (specify ~ --gable -h PPS Shed sPc«fy othctx Roof Materials: -wood shingles June 17r 1999 _X composition shingles, asph.rlt _iile -box eaves ®cxposcd raRcr axis Jig-sawn bracken stick brae*et4 _____sP~fy other cltlrttr,cys: 'specify number -interior (specsfy Placement) -exterior (spxify placYm<Tt) -brick 'stone .with corbelled caps stuccoed -__ __'pccify oth.-c t7utbulldlnts: (specify d and type) ._g~Bc -barn 2 shed Landscape Featum: ~sidcwalks _tcrracang _X_drivcs,dirt ~WCIi or crstcrTi ~gsrdcns specify other Page 11 o f J c.i- ~, r .. 1 7 -' S ~ s ~_ '~: tsii~f ~i.. ^F~.:.`~..~1 ~~~~.,~ . 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CONDITIONAL USES PERMITTED: The following conditional uses shall be allowed in addition to any use allowed under section 8.12 provided the Commission determines them to be compatible with the eneral character of~ the particular area within which they are proposed. to be loca~ed and provided these uses do not adversely affect or limit uses of ad,acent or near>jy property: (1) Apartment Hotel (2) Fraternity or sorority houses and fraternity or sorority rrteeting places (3) Group Housing (4) Night Clubs d. REVIEW PROCESS: (1) The review process for this section for proposals involving constniction, site development, redevelopment, rehabilitation or bfacade work in the NG-1 Subdistrict is the same as that established in Section 7.24C herein abo~~. (2) Proposals involving solely rehabilitation or facade work shall require approval by the review subcommittee of the Northgate Revitalization d NR oar B), as established in Section 7.24C.1 herein above. Such proposals must be in compliance with Section 7.24E.1.e. herein below re ardi h g ng t e treatment of historic structures. APPEAL: Appeals from decisions of the NRB shall be to the Planning Zoning Commission. The appeal procedures are the same as those est i bl 7 24C hed a n . is herein above. e. HISTORIC STRUCTURES: z Structures~rovec 50 es~in a e ~- . structures in the No~rthgate HigtoricaResources Survey o gha~e~bee~ni deteprmined to be eligible for inclusion on the National R i eg ster of Historic Places shall be treated using methods and materials in accordance with the Secretary of the Intenor's Standards for Rehabilit ti a on, as outlined in Attachment A. f. AREA RE UIREMENTS: As required b Chappter 3 Building the City of~ollege Station Code of-Ordinances. Refer'to Table°A~egulations of ~~ g, PARKING REQUIREMENTS: Off-street parking shall be as required by the NRB/PRC in accordance to parking and traffic i mpact study data. h. BICYCLE PARKING: Projects involving site development or redevelopment require the installation of bicycle parking spaces, For commercial busi mini f mum o nesses a 2 bic cle parking spaces per business plus 1 additional space for each 1000 square ~eet of floor ar b ea a ove 2,000 square feet shall be required. _ For apartments or residential condominiums, a minimum of 1 bicycle space per - dwelling unit shall be re uired I q . n no case shall more than 20 bicycle parking spaces per business or apartment building be required. i. LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS: A landscape plan s all be required for all proposals involving site development or redevelopment, and shall be reviewed b th y e NRB/PRC in accordance with the following standards: (1) I-andsca e/streetscape improvements shall be required along at least 1/3 of the leng~h of a property s frontage onto public streets I~ , oorwa widths and driveways shall be excluded from frontage calculations. Live plant material must be included where feasible in each proposal. P&Z 1"llnutes June 17, 1999 Page 13 of 13 zongng Ordinance Papa 7 - 44 n U 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. • 24. 2S. ~~ ~Cannin~ ~' Zoning Commission Guest ~eBister Date ~„ ~ ~l~ 2. v,JAc~ t ,n 1.,. /' i S K 3. ~ ~, ~~ ~.ac l e /~ ~. ~o~ s ~ ~ pe cea -~ S. v~ Q 6. UsrtL~ ~JUk -e-- s n ~l~frfress ~~, ~~~- V~~~ lr~ o ~ % ~ ~~ ~~ God ~ ~ s -- S Q !" 33 ~ 3 1~Ycy-ti 3 d ~ S . ~ ~QS~ ~~~;~~