HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/22/1999 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionMINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission WORKSHOP CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEAS Apri122, 1999 6:00 P,M. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Massey, Commissioners Garner, Parker, Rife, Mooney, and Maloney. COM1bIISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Kaiser. STAFF PRESENT; City Planner Kee, Development Coordinator Ruiz, 'Transportation Planner Hard, Staff° Assistant Charanza, Staff Planner Jimmerson, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, and Assistant City Attorney DeCluitt, AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Discussion of strategic issues. • The Commissioners reviewed Strategic Issues from past years. Below is the list of suggestions they felt needed to be considered as FY 1999-2000 Strategic Issues (some would be carried over from 1998®99 issues, others are new). • Wolf Pen Creek Drainage (#1 on FY 98/99 issues) -expand existing issue to continue emphasis on implementation of WPC Master Plan; including infrastructure, bank stabilization, and land uses. • Northgate Revitalization and Development (#4 in FY 98/99) ®the Commission felt this issue needed to be revisited to determine future development. • Comprehensive Plan Implementation (#12 in FY 98/99) -the Commission felt the implementation of the Comp Plan needed to be "refined". • Regionalism (# 16 in FY 98/99). • FM 2818 Corridor Overlay Study. • Map Floodplain in new areas of development (Spring, Lick, and Alum Creeks), • Update existing FEMA base maps. • • Traffic Management I~Torth/South Routes (#8 in 98/99) 1'&Z Workshop Minutes Apri! 22, 1999 t'age 1 of 2 a Historical Overlay - to avoid replatting historic home lots into smaller lots. • The Commission discussed #9 Streamline Development Process. They felt that the quality of service is being lost due to the emphasis on streamlining speed, and lack of inspection stafl° They felt that overall staffing and resources should be looked at. ® Implications of the Railroad relocation plan for College Station. ~ Implications of electric deregulation for College Station. ® Examination of our Zoning Ordinance and development regulations for negative impacts on neighborhood protection (i.e. cement batching plants in neighborhoods. , ~.a Implications of increasing zoning notification requirements for land use changes to a distance of~l0~ feet., Identify growth areas in College Station for special studies; i.e. areas east of town bounded by University Drive, Harvey Road, and FM 158 and in the triangle area north of the airport where major development is likely to occur. ~ .Examine current drainage policies and practices to minimize massive concrete drainage gays, ® Develop a regional greenways system to incorporate Brazos County and City of Bryan involvement.. • ® Consider an environmental protection overlay zone approach to protect unique natural and environmental resources and amenities in the City. • Examine the landscape ordinance and incorporate xeroscaping concepts. ® Develop a drought contingency plan. ® Subrrut ICTEA proposals for bikeway underpasses at Highway 6 and Wolf Pen Creek (1~ priority), Bee Creek (2"d priority), and Spring Creek (3`~ priority). AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Adjourn. The workshop meeting was adjourned. ATTEST; , taff Assistant, Debra Charanza P&Z Workshop Minutes April 22, 1999 PQge 2 0~''~